As a great guardian, he surrendered to the star core. He did such wrong things but was praised as a hero.

After learning the truth from Bai Fu, Cocolia was actually a little afraid to face Bronya.

So at first she just wanted to secretly protect the child and Beloberg's development.

However, in order to persuade Bronya to return to Yaliluo No. [-] and take over the position of Great Guardian, she had to make this trip tonight!

Cocolia took a deep breath, tried to maintain a calm expression, and slowly turned around.

But when she saw the girl's face full of tears, her eyes still couldn't help but turn slightly red and became moist.

“Mother, it’s so good that you are still alive!!”

Bronya couldn't bear it any longer, rushed forward and hugged Cocolia hard, burying her head in her chest and sobbing.

"You've grown so big, why are you still so crying?"

Cocolia showed a rare kind and gentle face, and gently stroked the girl's hair down to her back.

"Mother, where have you been caught by the hands of disaster these days?"

"What on earth did that guy do to you again?!"

After venting for a while, Bronya slowly left Cocolia's mind and began to ask questions.

"Bronya, don't be disrespectful to that adult!"

Cocolia subconsciously reprimanded, but immediately began to regret it, feeling that she shouldn't be so harsh to Bronya.

Because this might be the last time she meets Bronya!

"Sorry, I won't tell you anything about the Hand of Disaster."

Cocolia stretched out her hands to wipe away the tears on Bronya's face, and her voice became gentle:

"You just need to know that that adult really saved my life."

"If he hadn't taken action, I would have been destroyed by the power of the star core very quickly."

Seeing Bronya opening her mouth to say something else, Cocolia didn't want to be soft-hearted, so she immediately interrupted her:

"Bronya, you have seen that I am doing well now, so it is time for you to go home."

"Neither the Fairy Boat nor the Star Dome Train is the place you should be!"

Chapter 83 Observation of the Black Tower, evil things are coming!

"Mother, please go back with me!"

A pleading look appeared on Bronya's face.

Although she felt Cocolia's determination, she still didn't want to give up.

Cocolia looked at the girl's face quietly and warned her sincerely:

"Bronya, you have grown up, I am sure you can shoulder the responsibility of the great guardian."

"If you still recognize me as your mother, then leave here immediately and don't let Xiluwa continue to make trouble, she will destroy Beloberg!"

"As for me--"

Speaking of this, Cocolia suddenly sighed:

"You have to remember that the Great Guardian Cocolia is dead."

"No matter how she died, she could not and would not return to that city or planet."

Bronya's face showed an unbearable color:

"Mother, Beloberg is the home that you have devoted your whole life to. Do you really have the heart to abandon us like this?"

"Belloberg still needs-"

"No, it doesn't need me anymore."

Cocolia interrupted the girl rudely, but a bright smile appeared on her face:

"Bronya, you are its hope! You are its future!"

"So, goodbye, my daughter..."

Cocolia smiled with tears as she bid her final farewell to Bronya.

And behind her, a dark portal also appeared.

Space-time jump engines are already very common in the galaxy.

In terms of single-target use, even Silver Wolf can open a portal to banish virtual pawns at will. It is of course impossible for Ms. Black Tower's skills to be unable to do this.

"No! Mother!"

Bronya finally found Cocolia, and of course she didn't want to say goodbye to her forever.

Just when she shouted and reached out to try to catch Cocolia, it was already too late.

His palm flew through the air, but in the end he caught nothing.

Cocolia's figure disappeared together with the portal.

Just like a broken soap bubble, there is no trace left.

Bronya was left kneeling on the ground helplessly, tears gradually moistening the silk material on her chest.

In fact, for Bronya, she was satisfied knowing that Cocolia was still alive and well.

As for whether to follow Cocolia's words, leave the Fairy Boat and return to Beloberg on the Starry Sky Train...

Bronya's brain was too confused and she couldn't make a decision for a while.

the other side.

In the laboratory of the Hyperion, Cocolia nodded gratefully to the Black Tower:

"Miss Heita, thank you for helping me see Bronya!"

"It's all what that guy Bai Fu ordered. If you want to thank him, just go and thank him."

Heita was concentrating on playing with the virtual keyboard in front of several combined light screens, and replied without raising his head.

Although Cocolia couldn't understand the string of symbols and numbers that appeared on it.

But in the middle of the screen, the process of transforming a demonic body into a normal human being was played.

-- almost in a matter of seconds.

"Miss Heita, have the results of the research been produced?"

Cocolia stepped forward and asked curiously.

She already knew that Bai Fu hired two mercenary girls to capture demons everywhere in Xianzhou and come back for experiments.

"That's right. Although the number of experimental subjects is seriously insufficient, we can barely draw some conclusions."

Heita dangled his two little white legs and replied casually:

"These guys turn back to normal people and then receive abundant blessings again. They will not fall into the devil's shadow immediately."

"At least in the few hours so far, I haven't noticed anything unusual."

Cocolia's expression suddenly became solemn:

"If the people who return to the world will immediately fall into the devil's shadow when exposed to the blessing of abundance, a lot of trouble can be avoided."

"But the current result is the worst situation that Lord Bai Fu expected!"

"This means that the corruption of the people who return to the dust, and the conflict between the corrupted people and the immortal boat people will be inevitable."

Heita curled his lips, still with that cold expression:

"With the pervert Bai Fu here, the people of Xianzhou can't do anything..."

The red dot in the corner of his field of vision suddenly flashed, causing Heita to suddenly stop speaking, and his eyes instantly became serious.

Noticing the abnormality in the girl's face, Cocolia subconsciously said:

"Miss Heita, what happened?"

Black Tower did not answer immediately, and the fingers of his hands played wildly like phantoms. The data interface of the demon body was cut away directly, turning into a three-dimensional structure diagram of the fairy boat route and nearby galaxies.

Among the densely packed countless light spots and models, there are a few faint red fluctuations.

Heita's face suddenly fell, and he felt that his experimental process was about to be interrupted again:

"The fertile tribes a few galaxies away have some strange movements. Although it is not clear what the purpose is, a large-scale troop dispatch can be observed."

"There may be big trouble here in Xianzhou!"

the next day.

When Bai Fu was woken up in Tingyun's boudoir and learned the news from Heita, he was completely confused.

"Black Tower, are you sure that the Fengharu Tribe also wants to get involved in this muddy water???"

This is wrong, this is not in the plot at all!

Bai Fu shouted crazily in his heart.

No matter how many things he did in Xianzhou, it shouldn't affect the strategy of the Fengrao camp, right?

This kind of sudden war that is not within 'destiny' is very strange no matter how you think about it!

The three-dimensional projection black tower waved its hands gently, showing a galaxy map on a large cosmic scale.

Among them, the large fertile tribes marked with red dots are gradually approaching the immortal boat on their transition trajectory!

"I wasn't sure last night, but now it's clear."

"The people of Fertility from multiple galaxies and different races are acting together. You don't need to think about it. There must be a big guy behind the scenes - most likely the Envoy of Fertility!"

Facing the invading Fengfei tribe, even Black Tower sounded very serious:

"The Lord of Extermination and the King of Medicine are causing trouble inside, and there are the Envoys of Fenghuo and the Evil Tribe leading the invasion outside. Bai Fu, what are you going to do?"

Bai Fu lowered his head and thought deeply for a while, then asked:

"Black Tower, does Xianzhou know about this?"

"Of course, the Immortal Boat Alliance's detection capabilities are no worse than mine. We are probably already discussing countermeasures now."

Bai Fu nodded: "How is the supply situation of the Hyperion?"

Heita waved his hand and called up a few lines of data and explained lightly:

"The survival supplies are filled to 99%, which is enough to last for many years, but the research equipment and environment are still far behind."

"I have never studied the body of the Star God before. It will take at least several months or even years to transform the Hyperion into the best environment I want before I can start the analysis experiment of the Ember Marrow."

"Otherwise, even a trace of the divine power would be enough to destroy us and this fairy boat."

Bai Fu was convinced of this and made a decision directly:

"The things on the Hyperion are too sensitive and must not be exposed!"

"You should immediately take the bodies of Kiana and Mei and leave the fairy boat to find the things I want."

"You must not come back until this war is over or you get my order."

As for Silver Wolf, because she is a star core hunter temporarily living on the Hyperion and not an employee, Bai Fu has no right to decide her stay.

So it was not mentioned at this time.

Chapter 84 The mission of Jingliu

The invasion of Xianzhou by the Fengsheng tribe has happened countless times in history.

Tribes like the Bu Li Ren, Wing Makers, Shirou and other evil tribes all once had the ability to destroy the entire Immortal Boat Alliance.

——It’s just that due to the fierce fighting of the Xianzhou ancestors, they were all defeated one by one.

There is no need to say more about the victory or defeat.

There is a little bit of Bai Fu, but he remembers clearly that those tyrannical and fertile tribes all used their clan's strength to invade the fairy boat.

Even if there are affiliated forces, their numbers and combat power are far behind those of the main race.

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