This is a stone structure carved with twisted patterns. This stone structure is buried deep in the soil. At this time, only a small part of it was uncovered by Chadwick.However, just this exposed part allowed Chadwick to tell at a glance that this was definitely an artificial sculpture.

Moreover, judging from the carved patterns, Chadwick could see some shadows of the indigenous civilizations of the New World from above.

remains!There is an ancient ruin buried under the rainforest here!

Chadwick quickly realized this. He quickly took out his mobile phone, switched to camera mode, and began to take pictures of the stone structure. With this discovery, no matter what was buried underneath, no matter what he could do this time Whether you can finally find the legendary golden city, as long as you go back and smoothly publish the news about the ruins, you will become famous overnight!

Come to think of it, Lord Itzko probably discovered the existence of ruins here...

After taking several photos, Chadwick continued to look for the marks left by Lord Itzko. After passing seven marks, a particularly huge banyan tree appeared in front of him. Its trunk was abnormally shaped. It was huge. The width of its plate-like roots alone was more than two meters, and its crown covered an area of ​​at least two hundred square meters. Chadwick looked around and saw that this was definitely the largest banyan tree in the area.

In the rainforest, banyan trees are not uncommon. This kind of plant with a large number of aerial roots can occupy a huge amount of land alone. However, such a large one is extremely rare.

After circling the huge banyan tree twice, Chadwick carefully searched for the main trunk of the tree. Finally, after a detailed search, he found the mark marked in the suicide note, a mark with As a master's student in the history department of St. Hurst College, Chadwick naturally knew about the swastika symbol engraved on the sharp weapon. This symbol has the meaning of good luck and eternity in some religious occasions.

This is it. Chadwick took a deep breath. Next, he wanted to find the mysterious cave in the suicide note.

He raised his hand, preparing to use the electronic compass to determine his direction.However, when he raised his hand, he unexpectedly discovered that the electronic compass on the watch had failed. Not only the compass, but also the satellite positioning system had also failed.

He quickly took out a small physical compass from his backpack, but saw that the magnetic needle in the center was circling crazily, unable to stop at all.

There may be something abnormal about the geomagnetic field here!Chadwick made a quick judgment and recalled that the last time he checked his position was nearly two hours ago, when everything was still normal...

However, having already arrived here, of course he could not be stumped by this small problem, so Chadwick put away the compass and began to look around carefully.

Soon, he noticed a particularly lush bush growing on the side about ten meters away from where he was standing.So he walked over with a machete in hand.

After using a machete to cut off some of the surrounding shrubs, Chadwick dragged the shrubs aside. Immediately afterwards, he felt a large gust of moist air blowing towards his face. His heart moved, and he hurriedly raised the knife to chop. After a few clicks, he used his hands to open up the remaining bushes, and suddenly a dark hole was revealed.

The entrance of the cave was about as tall as a person. If Chadwick walked forward, he would have to bury his head. There were two or three large webs formed by spiders at the entrance of the cave. When he saw that his web was destroyed, several spiders The fat and round tarantula hurriedly moved its fat butt covered with downy hair and fled at high speed.

Chadwick took out the flashlight from his backpack, stepped into the cave, and shone the surroundings with the flashlight. The road ahead was quite winding, and the road was winding downwards. Chadwick then walked forward, and with one hand Holding the flashlight, he took out his pistol with one hand, turned on the safety and held it in his hand in case of any eventuality.

After walking down the road ahead for about fifty meters, Chadwick found that the surrounding space was gradually opening up, the water vapor coming towards him became more and more obvious, and the sound of running water came from the front, obviously , there are underground rivers here.At this time, the surroundings were dark, and the common plants had disappeared, replaced by a fluorescent plant, somewhat similar to a long-stemmed fungus. Its fungi had blue fluorescence, which looked quite beautiful in the dark.

As Chadwick moved forward carefully, he did not forget to pick one of the fungi as a specimen and put it in a plastic bag to hide it. He judged that these strange plants were probably undiscovered species. , this can be left to be verified slowly after he goes out.

Continuing forward, geological structures similar to stalactites appeared around them, and some unknown insects crawled on the cave walls. At the same time, a stream-like underground river appeared on the ground, and gurgling water flowed into the distance.Chadwick took out his mobile phone and quickened his pace while taking pictures along the way.

After walking through a winding and twisted path, Chadwick suddenly realized that there seemed to be a person lying on the ground in front of him!In the dark, this obviously frightened him. Chadwick immediately instinctively took a defensive posture and raised his gun forward.

Chapter 436 Underground Ruins

However, after a while, the man was still lying on the ground motionless. Chadwick was moved in his heart, so he slowed down and carefully went up to check.

When he got closer, he discovered that it turned out to be a skeleton. The muscles on the body had completely disappeared, leaving only a skeleton.

The clothes on this skeleton also look quite old, and it can be seen that it has been through for a long time.He was wearing long cotton socks that reached his calves, a pair of trousers whose color could no longer be seen, and his upper body was wearing a top that looked like a military uniform. It was full of filth. From the collar, you could see that there was a shirt underneath without a bow tie.

In addition, lying not far away was a dome-shaped adventure hat. The hat was grass green and seemed to be a product of the same era as the corpse on the ground.

Chadwick was not an expert in clothing, but he could tell that the skeleton in front of him must not be from this era. Judging from his clothing, especially the domed adventure hat, it was popular more than a hundred years ago...

While thinking about it, Chadwick suppressed his violently beating heart, pulled out the knife, and turned over the skeleton's body and clothes.See if you can gain more.

When he turned the skull over, he suddenly discovered that there was a thumb-sized round hole between his eyebrows, and at the same time, part of the skull on the back of the skull was missing.It can be judged from this that this should be the cause of death of this person. He was shot in the head.

Chadwick soon found a small satchel on the skeleton's waist and dug out some belongings, including a leather wallet.Chadwick opened his wallet and found some currency inside. He took it out and looked through it. It was Rune Pounds and some Toltec Crowns issued by the Toltec Dominion of the Kingdom of Gasol.

Chadwick then discovered that these Rune Pounds were indeed not the currency currently in circulation, but versions that had long since been discontinued.The same goes for Toltec Crown. Chadwick also has some of it now, but it is completely different from the ones in front of him.On the Toltec crown, there was the signature of the colonial governor. Chadwick carefully identified it and found that it should be "Barbero Sobrino".

Chadwick recalled it for a while, and finally took out a palm-sized handheld computer from his backpack. Before he came here, he stored a large amount of information in this computer in case of emergency. Due to the breakthrough in battery technology, This small computer can last for months.

After checking the information about the Toltec colony, he quickly found the information he was looking for. Barbero Sobrino was the governor of the Toltec Governorate about 180 years ago. Turk was not the autonomous domain it is today, but the Toltec Governorate directly under the jurisdiction of the Gasol royal family.

In addition, Chadwick also found a photo in his wallet. The photo was black and white. It showed an image of a smiling curly-haired woman, with a line of small words underneath that read "Dearest Paige."

Seeing this, Chadwick suddenly had a rather horrifying guess.At present, it seems that the time interval of this person's death is close to that of Lord Izko who left a suicide note.He believed that no one else should have seen Lord Izko's suicide note before, except himself, and during this period of time, no one else should have discovered it, otherwise the relevant news would have been circulated long ago.

There is a high probability that this person may have discovered this ruins together with Lord Izko at that time, and it is very likely that he was a member of Lord Izko's team.It is very possible that because of the subsequent discovery, perhaps because of some quarrel between them, or in order to keep the secret, in short, the Lord Itzko shot him to death here and finally walked out.And he died of illness again later, leaving only a suicide note to hide this secret to this day.

Is it to keep this place a secret?Chadwick suddenly had a new understanding of the dangers of the human heart...

With a complicated mentality, Chadwick continued to move forward. The road ahead became wider and wider. Soon, the front suddenly became clear. Almost at the moment when he could clearly see everything in front of him, Chadwick was stunned.Immediately afterwards, he raised his mobile phone, adjusted it to low-light mode, and began to take pictures of everything in front of him. He wanted to leave images. He believed that even if no treasure was found this time, the discovery in front of him would be enough to make him famous.

This is a huge and empty cave. Looking up, the highest point of the cave is at least tens of meters high. The cave walls are dotted with blue luminous plants. At a glance, they look like stars in the night sky.Based on Chadwick's visual inspection at this time, the size of this cave exceeded any stadium or even underground space he had ever seen before. In the darkness, Chadwick could not judge the size of this cave for the time being. true size.

However, among the shadows, he could clearly see that there were many architectural ruins scattered in this space.

He just used a flashlight to scan the space, and he could see a large number of collapsed buildings. These buildings were obviously not any modern style he knew, but more similar to the styles of ancient New World indigenous civilizations that had been discovered.

At the core of these buildings, you can vaguely see a huge pyramid-shaped building. At a glance, you can tell that this is probably the core area of ​​​​this building.

There is no doubt that if there are no accidents, this should be the largest archaeological discovery in recent years.At this moment, Chadwick felt that all these days of hard work had paid off, and an excited smile appeared on his face.

Of course, if he returns now, the discovery itself will definitely bring Chadwick considerable gains and even fame.However, Chadwick decided to move on without hesitation. He was already here, how could he return like this.

Because it was not clear before that he would enter the underground, Chadwick did not carry any equipment related to underground exploration, so Chadwick's current method is to enter on foot.At the same time, he never put down the pistol in his hand.



This ruins was quiet, and there was obviously no trace of human life during this period.However, when Chadwick entered the ruins, he discovered that the buildings in these ruins were very delicately built and decorated with a large number of abstract reliefs. Although these ruins had experienced an unknown period of time, among them Many of them have collapsed, but you can still see the difficulty of their original construction.Almost all buildings are made of stone cut from a single piece. These huge stones are more than one meter in length. Simply transporting them in the rainforest is an incredible project.

Chapter 437 The Scream on the Pyramid

In addition, there are a large number of stone pillars carved with complex patterns and some huge sculptures in this ruins. The themes of the sculptures are mostly abstract figures or certain animals. Because the sculptures are so abstract, it is difficult to find Dweck even accurately determined their species.

Then, Chadwick soon discovered that these sculptures were not entirely made of stone, but were inlaid with a large amount of gold and even gems.

For example, Chadwick picked several gemstones to decorate the eyes on several abstract human face sculptures. In addition, there are several "animal teeth" and "feathers" that are obviously made of gold. Chadwick felt a little regretful about the decorations. He was alone at this time and could not take away too many things. Therefore, after excitedly taking out a few of the most beautiful gems and gold products, he , he realized this problem and stopped increasing his burden.

Along the way, Chadwick did not find that there were too many daily necessities for living in the house. On the contrary, it was filled with a large number of totems and decorations that may have religious significance. Coupled with the pyramid located in the middle of the ruins, this This gave Chadwick some speculation, guessing that this might be a sacrificial place for some civilization on this land in ancient times.

"The Lost City of Gold, Tizosak..." Chadwick naturally knew about this legend that had been circulating among the indigenous people, and he collected as much information as possible before coming here.

However, there is too little information about this legend. After all, the New World aborigines did not develop a complete writing system. Regarding their history, except for some murals carved on the rock walls, it was only passed down orally rather than through word of mouth. History is more like myths and legends.

The legend about the golden city of Tizosac is a legend spread among some indigenous Toltec tribes. It was later mentioned by the explorer Diego Carlos of the Kingdom of Gasol in his work "New World Expedition". Special description.In local legends, Tizosak is a city founded by gods. The people there have powers beyond mortals. At the same time, they also have enemies. In the legend, they have been fighting against the evil god "Holyuchik". "Combat...

The legend about this golden city once attracted a considerable number of Western explorers. These people were attracted by "gold", but they never found anything. On the contrary, they were attacked by natives due to diseases during the expedition. There were quite a few people who disappeared or died due to other dangers, so the heat gradually subsided.

Regarding this indigenous legend, Chadwick, like most Western scholars, originally did not believe it at all and only regarded it as part of some primitive belief.However, now it seems that it may not all be a legend...

Maybe the so-called ancient civilization really existed, but for some unknown reason, the prosperous ancient cities were left behind in history...

Chadwick looked at the carvings around him and made a judgment in his mind. The level of craftsmanship of these carvings was obviously much better than that of the aboriginal people who could not even cast bronzes and were still using stone tools when the Western colonists arrived. Yi Chi, no wonder they are regarded as descendants of gods by the indigenous people...

As he walked towards the core area of ​​the ruins, he kept taking pictures of some surrounding buildings or sculptures that caught his attention, hoping to collect as much first-hand information about this ruins as possible.

In this dark underground environment, walking alone through this ruins that have been abandoned for countless years, Chadwick's heart is filled with a mixture of depression, fear and excitement, which are constantly growing, as if there is a voice in his heart. Advising him to go back.However, thinking of the wealth and fame that was already close at hand, the huge temptation dispelled the potential fear.

Now that you've found this place, let's go further and see if you can gain more!Chadwick kept encouraging himself...




As time passed, Chadwick was getting closer and closer to the central area of ​​the ruins. At this time, he could already see clearly that there was an amazing and huge pyramid standing there.

"This is simply a miracle..." Chadwick raised his phone in wonder and took continuous photos in low-light mode.

This huge pyramid, based solely on Chadwick's visual inspection, is definitely over 50 meters tall.For an ancient ruin deep in the rainforest, this size is simply incredible.

Its base is square. When you get closer, you can find that this is not a sloping pyramid structure, but is composed of square stone platforms layer by layer, each layer smaller than the layer below. There are nine floors from top to bottom.The top floor is a huge platform with a temple-like building on it.

These stone platforms extend four wide steps in the four directions of east, south, west and north. Along these steps, you can reach the top of the pyramid.

After walking through a large circular stone pillar in front of the pyramid, Chadwick successfully arrived at the bottom of the pyramid. Until here, he did not encounter any expected danger.

This also gave him a break from the anxiety in his heart, but his desire to explore became even stronger.

Walking to the bottom of the pyramid, I feel the magnificence of this ancient building even more. The square stone platform at the base extends to both sides, and I don't know how many hundreds of meters long it is.The tower is carved with complex patterns, like a huge and exquisite handicraft.

Chadwick judged that in ancient times, such a huge pyramid would most likely have been used as a temple or altar.No matter which one it is, there is a high probability of finding valuable cultural relics in this kind of building.

Chadwick calmed down, stepped on the steps of the pyramid, and started to climb up the steps. The steps were very long, and going up the steps from the bottom to the top was quite a physically demanding task, especially in Chadwick. Gram was still carrying his hiking backpack.

About a third of the way up, Chadwick was out of breath. He stopped and reached out to wipe the sweat from his forehead.At this moment, Chadwick suddenly heard something sound coming from his ears...

He looked around subconsciously, but found nothing.Thinking it was just an illusion, he shook his head carelessly and continued climbing...

However, as he gradually climbed up, the sound in his ears became clearer and clearer. It seemed that thousands of people were shouting and shouting in the distance, and it seemed that countless people were singing ancient songs in the distance. Nothing, echoed in Chadwick's ears...

Chapter 438 Summoning

I turned around again and looked around. It was pitch black, but I still didn't find anything.Surprised and doubtful, Chadwick had no choice but to continue climbing.

Maybe... it's just an illusion... Chadwick secretly muttered in his heart.

However, as he continued to move upward, the sound that he thought was an illusion showed no sign of stopping. The shouts and shouts, accompanied by the songs, were distant and ancient, and gradually, there seemed to be a faint sound of drums. Echoing to the beat of the song...

Chadwick looked back many times to check, but every time he looked back, he was still greeted by the dark surroundings. This dark and quiet ruins seemed to have not changed at all.

A frightening chill rushed from the soles of his feet to the top of his head. Chadwick felt that his back was instantly soaked with sweat. He was sure that he had really heard it and was not an illusion. However, at this moment, he could not find it. Go to where the sound came from.

Could it be that the ghosts of the indigenous people are causing trouble here? ! !

Chadwick suddenly realized that he was faced with a dilemma. Should he continue to move upward, or should he retreat?

Chadwick looked up and saw that this place was not far from the top of the pyramid. Visually, it was only a few dozen steps away. It was a pity to reach this place and go down.

He reached out and pulled out a holy talisman with an abstract crown pattern from his neck, brought it to his mouth and kissed it, then gritted his teeth and decided to go to the top to take a look.

Not long after, Chadwick stepped onto the platform at the top of the pyramid. Strangely enough, the moment he stepped onto the platform for the last time, all the drums, all the noises, shouts, and songs in his ears came together. Stopped abruptly.

This even made Chadwick feel a little uncomfortable, and he subconsciously looked back to observe, but still found nothing.

At this time, he could clearly see the scene on the top platform of the pyramid. On the top of the platform stood a square stone palace, about ten meters high, completely constructed of huge square stones. Even after a long time, he could see It still looks neat and beautiful.

The surface of the stone hall is carved with a large number of patterns, and right in front of him is the entrance to the stone hall. The entrance is wide and there are two huge stone pillars standing on the left and right sides.These two stone pillars are more than ten meters high. There are no traces of splicing on the surface. It is not known how the indigenous people were able to carry such a large stone structure up with their manufacturing capabilities.

Chadwick raised his camera, took a few simple photos, and then strode towards the entrance of the stone palace impatiently.When he came to the stone hall, standing in front of the tall doorway, Chadwick looked up at the carvings above his head. At this time, he could clearly see that there were huge carvings above the huge stone hall porch. The carving was quite abstract, but Chadwick could still understand that it was probably describing a scene of a hero fighting some monsters.After just a few glances, he walked towards the stone palace.

Inside the stone hall was an open square hall, empty and quiet. Chadwick shone a flashlight around and saw some abstract patterns and murals painted on the surrounding walls. In addition, there were a stick every few meters. Thick pillars, these pillars can be hugged by several people. At the bottom of the pillars, there are abstract and weird stone animal heads sticking out.

Between the pillars, there are round stone braziers. These braziers are arranged around the hall, about every few meters. Each one is larger than the washbasin in an ordinary family. At this time, It's bleak.

Chadwick used the light of the flashlight to carefully observe his surroundings, hoping to find something.In addition to some strange-looking sculptures in the hall, Chadwick also discovered that in a corner of the hall, there seemed to be a person lying? !

He walked over carefully, and by the light of the flashlight, he quickly saw clearly the "person" lying down. It was clearly a silver skeleton.

Chadwick stepped forward and examined the skeleton carefully under the light of his flashlight.

I don’t know how long this skeleton has been here. In short, visual inspection shows that it is much older than the skeleton he found before. Not only has all the body tissues been rotted away, but even the clothes on it have been weathered and there is not much left. .

What is surprising is that this skeleton is really silver, and it looks like it is made of silver.Chadwick initially thought it was a handicraft. After all, human bones do not exist in silver. However, he soon discovered that his idea was wrong. The skeleton in front of him was most likely left by a real human. Down.

However, this skeleton was incomplete. The entire right arm and most of the right half of the ribs were missing, and there were many signs of fragmentation in other parts of the body. Perhaps, this was the reason why this person died...

Chadwick found a beetle-style pendant hanging from the neck of the skeleton. The pendant looked quite exquisite, so he took it off and looked through it carefully, but found nothing unusual. , so he stuffed it into his pocket.

After carefully taking several photos of the skeleton, Chadwick thought for a while, took out a plastic bag from his backpack, then removed one of the skeleton's phalanges and placed it in the plastic bag, and then put the plastic bag Put it back in the backpack.

He felt that he could try to test the bone samples after returning, and maybe he would find something different.

After observing the skeleton for a while, he turned his attention to the walls around the hall. There were some murals painted in the form of reliefs on the walls. In Chadwick's opinion, the abstract carvings of these murals even had a bit of absurdity. There is a strong flavor of Western postmodern painting, which is too unfriendly to people who do not understand the religion and culture of that civilization.

While thinking this, Chadwick walked forward as the flashlight light moved forward.However, not long after, his steps suddenly stopped. At this moment, the flashlight in his hand was shining directly on a huge and extremely complicated circular relief.

This is a huge disc-shaped relief with a diameter of two to three meters.The relief is like the dial of a watch, with many patterns with different meanings nested in layers. These patterns are arranged layer by layer in circles, and at the core of the disc is a complex abstract pattern with unknown meaning.

Chadwick's eyes were immediately attracted by this pattern.In that circular pattern, there seemed to be some inexplicable power calling him...

If there is a second person present at this time, you will find that at this moment, Chadwick is in a state of sleepwalking, subconsciously walking towards the circular pattern, one step, two steps... until Come closer...

Chapter 439 Chimera

Then, he stretched out his hand and pressed it on the pattern...

At this moment, the cold feeling in his hand made Chadwick wake up. Before he could react, what happened to him just now?Why did you reach out and touch this pattern?

Chadwick was frightened and subconsciously wanted to withdraw his palm. However, the next moment, he saw that the place where Chadwick's palm was pressed suddenly emitted light. At the same time, his palm was tightly Attracted to this pattern.Then he saw the light spread all the way up Chadwick's palm, and soon spread to Chadwick's whole body. At this time, in the darkness, Chadwick's whole body was shining with a soft light, the same Also emitting light was the huge circular pattern in front of Chadwick.

As the light turned on, Chadwick felt an inexplicable heat flowing into his body from all directions. Immediately afterwards, his body began to heat up, getting hotter and hotter. Gradually, he felt that he I felt dizzy one after another, and the blood all over my body seemed to be boiling...

He felt like a fish caught in a steamer. He tried to pull his hand back several times, but his palm seemed to be stuck to the pattern, and it would not move no matter how hard he tried.

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