By the 20th century, Rune had actually become the most powerful country in the West. Under the impact of the ecumenical movement of the Holy Enlightenment, the Holy See finally recognized the status of the Holy Order.

Unlike Rune, who is relatively independent in religion, Grande, which is also a major Western country, believes in the traditional sect of the Holy Enlightenment Religion. Historically, Grande was one of the earliest areas to believe in the traditional sect of the Holy Enlightenment Religion, even in During the Western Church period before the establishment of the Holy See, around the 3rd century AD, a bishopric was established. Historically, several popes were even Grandites.

As for Holstein, it is also an area that traditionally believes in the Holy Enlightenment, but it is also the birthplace of the modern religious reform. There is a considerable number of people in the country who believe in the Holy Enlightenment. The population of the Kaijiao Orthodox sect is basically the same.

The emergence of Holy Enlightenment Protestantism originated from the religious reform in the West in the [-]th century. Its core idea is to "restore the original teachings of the Son of God Micah, emphasizing that people can understand directly through the "Holy Word" without going through the teachings of priests or even the Holy See. and interpret the will of the Holy Lord." Protestants even believe that the clergy of the Holy See, based on their own interests, failed to correctly convey the original intention of the Holy Son Micah, and deviated from the purity of religion.Therefore, they also call themselves "Original Orthodox", which means "the original correct meaning from the beginning of the Holy Enlightenment".

There is no doubt that the widespread spread of this trend of thought directly impacted the foundation of the Holy See. For a long time thereafter, a large-scale religious war took place in the West.In order to demonstrate its orthodox status, the Holy See in Bergopelli sometimes calls itself "Orthodox", which means "Orthodox Faith".

In fact, whether they are Holy Prayer, Original Orthodoxy or Orthodoxy, their essence is derived from the Holy Revelation, and they all recognize the status of His Majesty the Holy See of Bergopelli as the world leader of the Holy Revelation. The only difference lies in the first two The author only respects, but does not respect.

With the development of the Great Navigation, the discovery of the New World, the Renaissance, the Reformation and even the establishment of modern countries, the strength of religion has been far less than that of the Middle Ages. However, even so, in Western countries, the Holy Enlightenment Church, especially the Holy See of Bergopelli It still has considerable influence.

"Simon, what is written on it?" Cardinal Wells was standing under the archway at this time, looking up at the words above.

"Your Excellency, what this means is that this is the leader of Taoism in the world, a holy land, which is probably equivalent to our prophet's land." A young priest in black explained at the side.

"This is also the purpose of our coming here..." Bishop Wells squinted and looked at it for a while, then nodded and said to the priests on the side: "Eastern religions have some mysterious power and secrets. This is also What we want to know..."

Chapter 5: Searching for Immortals Four

He said it indifferently, but Bishop Wells's eyes were full of solemnity. As a senior member of the Holy See, he was naturally aware of certain "happening" situations.

In fact, so far this year, the number of officials and visiting delegations at all levels from Western countries visiting Belgoperi, the Land of the Prophet, has increased several times compared to previous years, including those from financial groups, nobles and even royal families from various countries. Donations and donations have also jumped up by more than one level on the basis of last year.This situation is definitely an unexpected surprise for the Holy See, whose political influence has been declining in recent years. It even makes people have the illusion that the Holy See is returning to its glory in the Middle Ages, and even many clergy of the Holy See I've been in a cheerful state of mind lately.

However, as a senior person close to the Pope, Cardinal Wells knew clearly that neither these delegations, visiting officials, nor donations were made on a whim.

These visitors, either openly or covertly, are inquiring about the Holy See's views on some "special events" that have occurred in various places recently.It has to be said that after watching some so-called "internal videos" that are prohibited from being disclosed to the public, even Wells must admit that these events do have supernatural implications, and it is impossible to simply apply a "scientific conclusion" mechanically. explained.

As a "servant of the Holy Lord", the Holy See is naturally happy to see such an incident occur.

In fact, the Holy See has been intentionally or unintentionally sponsoring public opinion and media that spread or advocate "pseudoscience" and "mysticism" doctrines.They even concocted a large amount of baseless so-called evidence to prove that such things as "supernatural sightings", evidence of the existence of the Holy Lord, the theory of evolution cannot be justified, and creationism is the truth..." Copywriting such as this was spread in public opinion. So much so that some self-proclaimed For so-called "progressives" to openly question the Holy See is the biggest mastermind behind today's "anti-intellectualism." Of course, this is no longer the Middle Ages. For such remarks, the Holy See cannot arrest them and burn them at the stake. Pretend you didn't hear it.

Even so, the Holy See cannot prevent the fact that young people are generally moving away from religion, and everyone at the top and bottom is worried about this.Now that there is suddenly so much more "ammunition" to prove the "existence of the Holy Lord", everyone in the know is overjoyed.

However, despite the encouragement, a bigger problem emerged.Naturally, these visitors did not simply bring these videos for the Holy See to "appreciate".Their real demand is that they hope that the Holy See can reveal the secret files that have been sealed and further disclose to other countries the "secrets" that the Holy See has kept for thousands of years.

In particular, countries have shown unusual interest in the real explanations for these unusual events and how to deal with them.

As some special events occur in various places, it is obvious that many people, whether at the government level or through some private channels, believe that the Holy See must know something and even keep some secrets. This is what almost all visitors say Everything outside is hinting.

Of course, not only these visitors, but even Bishop Wells himself once suspected whether His Holiness the Pope was secretly hiding some secrets.After all, although he is a clergyman, Bishop Wells also had his youth. He was even the power forward of the school basketball team when he was in college. He has appeared in films such as "The Secret War of the Vampire" and "The Witcher". I have also watched fantasy films such as "The Witcher" and "The Witcher".If the Pope hadn't repeatedly assured him when he was summoned privately that there was absolutely no hidden secret, then he would still be dubious about it.

In addition, as a member of the highest-level cardinals of the Holy See, Bishop Wells is very clear that no matter how respectful or suspicious outsiders view him, he himself has absolutely no extraordinary abilities.If the Holy See really hides some kind of secret, and even the highest level person next to the Pope doesn't know about it, then it must be too well hidden!

Then, the greater possibility is that there really are no secrets in the Holy See.

However, for a loyal servant of the Lord, this result is obviously even worse. Bishop Wells would rather His Holiness had concealed certain secrets from himself, and would rather the Holy See secretly do what those street stall literature say , there are also things like "Exorcist", "Religious Knight" and so on.

In particular, after learning from some sources that Eastern religions seemed to have shown signs of possessing extraordinary power, senior officials in the Holy See could even describe this as "anxious."

As a last resort, the Pope and the cardinals' envoys have recently traveled frequently to various monasteries and churches that have fallen into disrepair, especially those groups of ascetics in remote areas.On the pretext of conveying the Pope's condolences and increasing repair subsidies, I also wanted to find out if there are any "strange people" among the religious groups under the Holy See...

During this period, the Pope himself and the cardinals of the College of Cardinals have mostly remained reclusive recently, avoiding visitors as much as possible except for necessary religious ceremonies.Of course, these senior executives all know that this situation will never last forever.

However, the news from the envoys sent so far is not optimistic...

Therefore, as an important part of this series of cultural exchange activities promoted by the official levels of the three countries of Runne, Grande, and Holstein, the Holy See will send a high-level participation team led by a cardinal archbishop. visiting delegation.

"It can be seen that these people are very pious towards their religion..." Bishop Wells looked at an elderly woman passing by and sighed softly.The old woman was muttering something in her mouth and walking towards the mountain with a respectful expression. While chanting, she was spinning a string of rosary beads in her hand. Except for looking at a few foreigners curiously when she passed them, she didn't pay much attention to them. .

"After all, this is the holy city of the Orientals. It is said that the family of this heavenly master has been passed down for nearly 2000 years. It is incredible..." A middle-aged man with brown hair in a suit said next to him. He was not a priest. , but a diplomat from Grande, participating in the visiting delegation as an attaché this time. Of course, it is unknown whether there is any other identity behind it.

Bishop Wells did not answer. He glanced at the plaque above his head again and thought of the heavenly master he was about to visit. His family heritage could be traced back to the time of the Holy Son Micah, even 800 years earlier than the emergence of the City of the Prophet. Around him, he felt a little faint in his heart.

Chapter 5: Looking for Immortals Five


Under the service of his disciples, the contemporary Celestial Master Zhang Sicheng was arranging the "Celestial Immortal Cave Clothes" he had just put on in front of a floor-to-ceiling mirror.This is a purple Taoist priest's robe, with double breasts, calf length, sleeveless and long sleeves.There are various auspicious Taoist patterns embroidered with gold and silver threads, such as sun, moon, stars, eight trigrams, pagodas, dragons and phoenixes, cranes, unicorns, etc.This kind of clothing is extremely complicated to make and wear. Zhang Sicheng still kept this piece as a gift from the emperor and would only wear it on important occasions.

After putting on the complicated clothes, the disciple took care of the jade crown on Zhang Sicheng's head, carefully taking care of it, and finally inserted it into a jade hairpin decorated with a crane.Then a disciple brought him a chair and clothes and sat down on him. Then he got some cosmetics and simply touched up his makeup.

These days, due to overthinking, poor rest, and some basic diseases due to his age, Zhang Sicheng's mental state does not seem to be good, and he looks much older than last year. Therefore, when meeting important foreign guests, I have to touch up my makeup.

Looking at the old figure in the mirror, he gradually became more solemn and energetic. Zhang Sicheng's mind was not on the busy disciples in front of him, but on the visiting delegation from Belgoperi.

Prior to this, Zhang Sicheng had already been accurately informed that the upcoming visiting group would be led by a cardinal archbishop of the Holy See from the Land of the Prophets. Such a high-profile visiting group made it difficult for those who originally planned to only have disciples to come forward to receive them. Zhang Sicheng had to come forward to receive him in person.

He had already received news that the Cardinal of Wells who was visiting this time, as a member of the Cardinals, had a very high status in the Holy See.

The so-called "cardinal" is etymologically derived from the Gurungbad language, which means "hub" or "door hinge".The Church considers a diocese’s cathedral—the location where the bishop is stationed—to be the center or “hub” of the diocese.The cardinals named after this, also known as the Pope's Council, are established according to the Code of Canon Law promulgated in the 19th century and are selected and appointed by the Pope.According to the Code, the special group they formed, the "College of Cardinals", has the right to elect the Pope in accordance with the law and assist the Pope in handling more important matters collectively or individually.

Because they often wear red hats and red robes, cardinals are often called cardinals. In theory, even the pope himself is selected from cardinals.These big figures have leadership authority over various ministries of the Holy See and important dioceses around the world. All important religious decisions and discussions must be made by the cardinal.

Thinking of the "secret files" that were true or false about the Holy See that he had recently asked his disciples to carefully collect, Zhang Sicheng couldn't help but feel a little more suspicious.As the largest religion in the West that has lasted for thousands of years, the various legends and anecdotes surrounding the Holy See are undoubtedly extremely complicated. Even since modern times, various novels, film and television dramas have also focused on these rumors. Recreation has resulted in a large number of fantasy works.

However, groundless rumors may not be unreasonable. Although he does not know how true the descriptions of the Holy See are in these rumors, which may be true or false, but when Zhang Sicheng thought about it, even if only [-]% of them were true, then at least it would be true. It means that the Holy See is like those icebergs floating on the sea, with extremely huge and unknown power under the water...

Maybe the Cardinal Archbishop of Wells himself has some unpredictable power...

However, what is the purpose of such a senior member of the Holy See leading a team here and requesting to meet him?Zhang Sicheng would not believe that the other party was just for "Eastern and Western cultural exchanges" as stated on the surface.

In fact, not only did he think so, but even some official officials had more or less given hints before, hoping that the Heavenly Master would pay attention and deal with it.

It was not that Zhang Sicheng had not come into contact with priests from the Holy Enlightenment Sect before, but it was true that he had never had any high-level officials at the level of a cardinal. Thinking that the other party might have some "special means", he couldn't help but feel guilty.

Don't let the Tianshi Mansion lose face... Zhang Sicheng's face did not change at all, but he secretly thought in his heart.Subconsciously, he thought of the disciples who had been sent out. Over the past few days, they had visited most of the area near Danding Mountain, but so far there had been no good news.As I thought about it, I couldn't help but sigh secretly in my heart, but my face became a little heavier.




"this way please……"

A middle-aged Taoist priest who looked to be in his early fifties was leading the way with a smile. This was Yu Zeqing, the eldest disciple of the old Celestial Master who came to receive him. The old Celestial Master was of high status and naturally could not greet him in person, so he led the way on his behalf. Bishop Wells and his party.

"Please...please..." Bishop Wells also had a smile on his face at this time, making gestures of invitation repeatedly, with a humble and polite attitude, which actually made Yu Zeqing quite fond of him.

Before coming here, Bishop Wells had also learned a lot about Eastern etiquette. He had already made up his mind to lower his profile and build a good relationship with the mysterious Heavenly Master...

"This is the Xuan Tan Hall..." Yu Zeqing paused from time to time to explain the scenery of the Tianshi Mansion to everyone who came to visit and exchange. There are many scenic spots to talk about here. It is obviously not the first time that Yu Zeqing has done this. This kind of introduction was filled with all kinds of allusions, and a group of foreigners listened very seriously and kept nodding.

"What it says here is that this is the source of all magic..." In front of a huge stone tablet engraved with "All magic returns to its origin", the young priest acting as a translator introduced it to Bishop Wells.

Upon hearing this, Bishop Wells couldn't help but widen his eyes, and carefully looked up and down this ancient-looking stone tablet.I don’t know if it was due to some psychological suggestion, but Bishop Wells always felt that there seemed to be a layer of mysterious power surrounding the stone tablet.

So, he glanced back vaguely, and the other accompanying priest behind him first looked around. Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, he hurriedly raised his phone and pointed it at the stone monument and dimmed the camera button many times.



"Ahead is the Dazhen Mansion, please come this way..."

"Please..." Bishop Wells responded with a smile. The group of people were walking along a trail full of green plants towards a tall and wide building facing north and south.

Chapter 5: Looking for Immortals Six

This building has red walls and green tiles, and is paved with gold and copper.A gold plaque with "Dazhen Mansion" hanging on the main entrance.On the red wall on the east side of the palace gate is a black marble plaque inscribed with "National Key Palaces and Temples Protected Unit"; on the pillars of the mansion's porch there are couplets holding pillars: "The Immortal Visitor in Qilin Palace, the Prime Minister's Home in Danding Mountain".

"What it says here is that the owner here has power comparable to the gods, and at the same time has a distinguished status..." The priest in charge of the translation stared at the couplet for a while before translating it to Bishop Wells.

Bishop Wells was secretly frightened when he heard this, comparing himself to God, how arrogant this is... Oh, no... it's self-confidence...

The middle door of the mansion was now wide open, and two rows of disciples were standing on both sides of the door holding Fuchen, apparently to welcome the people who came to visit.

When they saw a group of people approaching, some disciples went in early to report. So, just when the group was about to arrive at the gate of the mansion, a group of people came out from the gate of the mansion, all dressed in cyan or red Taoist priest robes.

This is because several veterans of Tianshi Mansion are highly qualified and come forward to receive guests on behalf of Tianshi.After a while of greetings at the door, everyone headed inside the mansion.

Then he walked inward through several courtyards and came to a traditional oriental building with a plaque of "Huxian Hall" on it. He saw an old man in a gorgeous purple Taoist priest's robe slowly walking out of the hall surrounded by several disciples. Step out.

The old man had an air of dignity and a smile on his face. Bishop Wells recognized him at a glance as the old Heavenly Master.

An increasingly sincere smile instantly appeared on his originally smiling face, and Bishop Wells quickly came forward to greet him...

"Your Excellency Cardinal Wells, this is the true protector of the country, the saint, the saint, the Taoist and the virtuous man." Yu Zeqing immediately stepped forward and introduced to Bishop Wells.

Zhang Sicheng had an indifferent smile on his face at this time. As the theoretical No. 1 of Xuanmen, what kind of attitude should he have to face a red archbishop from the Holy See? This needs to be carefully considered, so as not to lose face of Xuanmen. , and should not give people an overly arrogant attitude. It is not easy to handle this period.

Fortunately, Wells was very polite and didn't mean to show off at all. For both parties, the first meeting seemed to go smoothly.

After a brief conversation between the two parties, Zhang Sicheng made an invitation gesture and led the guests towards the entrance.



In the main hall of Huxian Hall, Zhang Sicheng and Bishop Wells were seated on the left and right, and several other important attendants, together with some senior officials from the Tianshi Mansion, were sitting on the left and right opposite each other, while the rest were relatively less important. The entourage was taken to another guest house to serve tea.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty the Great Immortal, I only represent," Lord Wells said with a smile on his face. His tone paused briefly, as if he was brewing for a moment, and then continued: "Your Majesty, Bishop Severus, Micah Representative, Successor of the King of Disciples, High Priest, Patriarch of the West, Archbishop of Lombard, Archbishop and Metropolitan of Severus, Head of the State of Bergopelli and Servant of the Servants of the Holy Lord... Your Majesty, His Majesty Clement III, would like to extend my most sincere respect and greetings to you."

"Thank you. Your Majesty the Pope is very considerate. Please also convey my respect and greetings to His Majesty Clement III. Shengqiujiao and Xuanmen are both great religions with a long history and have a pivotal position in the world. There are many believers, and I hope that our two religions can maintain communication and enhance understanding and friendship."

Just when Zhang Sicheng and Bishop Wells began to have some conversations about cooperation and exchanges between the two religions in culture and charity, not far away from the two of them, an illusory shadow was floating there.

It was a translucent skeleton with a strange appearance. The upper body resembled a cat and a dog, the eyes were shining with a dark light, the body was stooped, the arms and claws were somewhat like a lizard, and the lower body was like a snake, with a coiled tail.

This was a "mole cricket". At this time, it was just floating there quietly, and neither Zhang Sicheng nor Bishop Wells, nor even everyone in the Huxian Hall, could detect its existence.




After trekking on the mountain road for more than 5 hours, Guan Zeping finally understood what it means to "watch the mountain and run to death".Even though it was still March, it had even snowed in the Danding Mountain area a few days ago, and the climate was cold. However, Guan Zeping was still sweating profusely, breathing heavily, and kept wiping his forehead with paper towels. .Around him, all the disciples were panting.

The mountain roads here are really difficult to walk. Since the location of Zhebifeng is not a traditional tourist area, almost no tourists come here. And because the roads are difficult to navigate, even the surrounding residents, except for some mountain runners, Outside, few people come here.

For this reason, when Guan Pingze and others stopped at Huangjia Village at the foot of the mountain, the villagers all told them that "the road is not easy to walk on."

When the mountain road reaches this point, there are no traces of repairs and maintenance anymore. It is just a simple dirt road carved in the mountains. This is the so-called "the road becomes a road when people walk on it".However, because there are not many people walking here, the dirt roads are also covered with plants. Fortunately, there has been no rain or snow in the past two days, otherwise it would be more difficult to walk on the muddy roads.

But even so, it is still very dangerous to walk on such a mountain road. Several people are holding bamboo sticks in their hands. These bamboo sticks were cut down in the mountains just now. It is said to "snake the snake in the grass" to avoid stepping on the snake and getting a bite from it.The iron tips and bamboo leaves in Danding Mountain are extremely dangerous poisons.

Along the way, we encountered plants blocking the mountain path from time to time. At this time, the disciples even needed to use machetes to cut branches to pass, which increasingly consumed everyone's physical strength.

To be honest, Guan Zeping already regretted it at this time. If he had known that the mountain road was so difficult, he would have returned to Huangjiacun first, found a place with good signal, called his teacher, and sent the news back first.

But now there is no village, no shop, and no mobile phone signal. If we just turn around and go down the mountain, then the previous mountain road will be in vain. I am somewhat unwilling to accept it. Seeing that it seems that the destination is not far away, I just bite the bullet again. Bar……

According to the information they got from asking some old people in Huangjia Village before, turning around the hillside in front is the secluded place of the "old god".It is said that there is a huge ancient pine that is hundreds of years old. It is very eye-catching. The foot of the pine is the hermitage of the "old god".Because it is too remote, some people went there to collect medicine in the village a few years ago. Over the years, more young people in the village have gone down to work in the mountains. Most of the villagers are left-behind elderly people, and few people usually go there...

Chapter 5: Seeking Immortals Seven

After struggling to dig out the mountain road that was almost blocked by wildly growing shrubs, Guan Zeping and his party finally walked onto a slope. The terrain here gradually became gentle. After turning a corner, a small flat area appeared on the side. In the field, some vegetables are planted in part of the field. The varieties are probably some leafy vegetables and beans. The quantity is not large, and a large area of ​​land is still barren.

Perhaps because the weather is still cold, the fields have not yet been sown, and only sporadic weeds are sprouting in the fields.

This area is located in a mountainous area, and the temperature is lower than that in other areas. Since it is difficult to divert water from the mountains, most farmers of this generation grow crops such as corn, which usually do not start sowing until April or May.

Having a field means that there are people living in it. Guan Zeping is not the kind of person who doesn't distinguish between grains and grains. After a rough estimate, he understands that such a field area should be able to support the daily needs of one or two people. There should not be many people who want to come here. .

Continuing forward, he soon saw the legendary ancient pine in the distance. It was an extremely thick ancient pine, roughly as thick as several people's arms.Guan Zeping didn't do much research on plants, so he couldn't tell the species of this pine tree. From a distance of hundreds of meters, he could see it standing out like a flock of chickens, which was very conspicuous in the forest.

Seeing that the destination was approaching, the group immediately quickened their pace. As the leader, Guan Zeping, started to adjust his clothes subconsciously as he walked, he began to feel uneasy...

After walking for another few dozen meters, the scene ahead became clear. Guan Zeping's eyes at this time were not on the pine tree, but focused on a stone cave not far from the pine tree.

At this time, it can be seen clearly that not far away from the ancient pine is the mountain wall with rugged rocks. If there are rock climbing enthusiasts present, they will definitely feel that this is a good rock climbing site.What Guan Zeping noticed was that there was a natural semi-open cave on the mountain wall. This cave extended into the mountain wall for about a hundred meters and was tens of meters wide. This made the light in the cave not very bright. dark.

The bottom of this semi-open cave is flat, forming a natural and spacious activity space similar to a threshing floor. Even on rainy days, rainwater cannot enter the cave.

As Guan Pingze and his party continued to approach, they had already seen a wooden house built inside the cave. The wooden house was built inside the cave. One wall even directly used the stone wall of the cave. The craftsmanship was very crude, and it was obvious that it was not Built by professionals.

Outside the wooden house, Guan Pingze also noticed that incense was burning on the stone wall on the other side of the cave. Looking from a distance, he could see a simple shrine carved on the stone wall, which seemed to be enshrining something, but it was far away. , can’t see the details clearly.

In addition, there are also some objects with a sense of life hanging on the cave, such as coir raincoats, bamboo hats, dustpans and even some dried and skewered corn, mushrooms, medicinal materials, etc.

A boy with two horn buns was sweeping the ground in front of the wooden house with a bamboo broom in both hands. He was very short and looked to be only about seven or eight years old. He didn't even have the broom in his hand. Gao, wearing a rather shabby-looking Taoist priest's robe that must have been modified into a small one, with a serious expression on his face, like a little adult.

Guan Zeping and his party soon arrived at the cave. After looking around for a while, Guan Zeping put a warm smile on his face and walked towards the boy.

When the boy saw a stranger coming here, he stopped what he was doing and looked at the group of people curiously.

"Fu Sheng Boundless Heavenly Lord, this junior brother is so polite!" Guan Zeping bowed his hand.

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