"When Grandmaster Fu stepped into the Central Plains, was he worried about King Ming?"

The sword god looked at Fu Cailin and asked.

"Sword God Mingjian is here for this very reason!"

Fu Cailin nodded. "Goguryeo is located on the coast. My whole life, I have traveled here and there for the well-being of the people in my hometown. Therefore, I am worried that King Ming will take action against my hometown in the future, so I came here to learn more about it!"

"It's normal for Grandmaster Fu to be worried. However, as far as I know, King Ming has never done anything wrong to the people. He has made three agreements to reduce taxes. In the future, he will definitely be a good emperor!"

"Furthermore, I have heard that King Ming once suffered the pain of exile and was determined to create a peaceful and prosperous age so that the people can live a peaceful life!"

Sword God Wuming slowly spoke and continued. "Senior Fu, it's better to be like Tian Dao! This way, it's better!"

"Imitate Lingnan?"

Hearing Sword God Wuming's words, Fu Cailin's heart suddenly moved.

to be frank.

It's not that he hasn't thought about this problem.

He still has to observe and understand a thing or two.

Since Sword God Wuming said this, it shows that King Ming is indeed a person worthy of trust.

"Thank you Sword God for your suggestion. I will learn more about it before making a decision!"

Fu Cailin cupped his fists at the sword god Wuming and said.


The sword god nodded.


Win the island.

Stationed in Beijing.

The large and continuous hall here is clearly the imperial city of Yingdao.

A young man with a handsome appearance and a strong aura, wearing a brocade robe, sat on a high seat.

Below, there are nearly a hundred civil and military ministers, kneeling and sitting on both sides.

"My dear friends, our people have lived on this island for a long time. No matter the customs, customs, materials, or specialties, they are not as good as those in the Central Plains!"

"I have decided to lead my troops into the Central Plains and seize a place more suitable for our subjects to live in!"

Lianchengzhi looked at the civil and military officials and Chunhua said something.

There was a deep sparkle in his eyes.

After killing Emperor Akitake, he finally secured the throne and killed Matsumoto Gang. The throne gradually became more stable. Therefore, he decided to lead his troops into the Central Plains, obtain a piece of land in the Yuan Dynasty, and establish himself as the king!

Any place in the interior would be better than winning the island!

"The emperor is wise!"

"I firmly support the emperor!"

"Long live the Emperor!"


Many ministers agreed!

"very good!"

"We will lead 3 elite troops and head to the Central Plains on a selected day!"

Liancheng is very proud.

"Your Majesty, the Great Demon God Xiao Jingtian sent someone here with a letter!"

At this moment, a guard in black walked in quickly, knelt on the ground, and presented a letter.


"A shocking laugh?"

After hearing the guard's words, Lian Chengzhi's eyes showed a thoughtful look and he said in a deep voice. "Send it up!"

The palace supervisor had already checked the letter and submitted it to the Emperor Lianchengzhi.

"Cooperate to promote the great catastrophe!"

"Push back the secret scroll! Forge the Ruthless Sword! Bloodbath the Divine Continent and snatch a place where the people of Ying Island can thrive safely!"

After reading the letter, Lianchengzhi's eyes lit up!

In the letterhead.

Laughing and shocking description.

This great catastrophe will have a shape like half a moon.Caused by the Ying Island with the sun as its emblem, and this Ying Island is Japan, which is eyeing the Central Plains!As long as Japan's power rises like the rising sun, China will be in catastrophe and thousands of innocent creatures will be massacred.

By the time.

As Japan's power increases, as the emperor, wouldn't it be possible for him to easily ascend to the throne of the Central Plains emperor?

Thinking of this, Lian Chengzhi was filled with anticipation and said in a deep voice. "Come here, please give me a shocking laugh!"


Win the island.

Stationed in Beijing.

The apse of the palace.

A young man wearing a brocade robe and a tall, muscular middle-aged man stood beside the pavilion.

"Your Majesty, in the current Divine Continent, Ming King Lin Chen has successively captured the Yuan, Sui, Han, and Song dynasties. I heard that he is currently attacking the Jin Dynasty!"

"I guess it won't take long to win!"

"After he wins all the big dynasties, will Japan be our next step?"

"So, we must strike first, seize the initiative, and occupy most of the Central Plains of the Great Yuan Dynasty as a place for our people to thrive!"

"As far as I know, our success rate is extremely high, because, as stated in the secret scroll, as long as we promote the Qianqiu Tribulation, we can succeed!"

"Before promoting the Qianqiu Catastrophe, we need to sacrifice a sword! It's called the Ruthless Sword!"

"As long as this sword is successful, it will be extremely powerful, and we can go to the Central Plains and kill everyone!"

The middle-aged man with bulging muscles spoke slowly.

This person.

It was the Great Demon God who laughed so hard!

In order to refine the ruthless sword, he entered the Central Plains.

Xiao Jingtian first chose to cooperate with Lianchengzhi, obtain his support resources, and refine the ruthless sword. When the time comes, relying on the power of the ruthless sword, he will go to the Central Plains, kill Ming Wang Lin Chen, and control the world!

"Okay, don't worry, I will fully support you in refining the Ruthless Sword!"

Hearing this, Liancheng Zhi had a thoughtful look in his eyes.

As the emperor.

Of course Lianchengzhi knew a lot about the many masters on Ying Island.

He knows the weakness of this great devil with a shocking smile.

This person.

He is the king of the night!

On the night of the full moon, the power is abundant, but during the day, the power leaks out and transforms into an ordinary farmer Zhang Wu. Therefore, when Lian Chengzhi heard that Xiao Jingtian came to ask for cooperation in refining the ruthless sword, he already had a plan in mind!

Although he looks very handsome on the outside, in fact, he is very wealthy on the inside.

"Okay, then we've settled for that!"

"I hope you and I will have a pleasant cooperation!"

Xiao Jingtian looked at Lian Chengzhi, bowed and clasped his fists. ?


Please order further.

Chapter 133 Dugu Can and Yu Fanghe help Da Jin!The peach blossom sword god Deng Tai'a guards the Tianmen with one man and one sword!Fu Cailin’s decision

Great Jin.

imperial capital.

Tianyan Imperial City.

"Your Majesty, Emperor Ye was defeated by King Ming and has joined King Ming's army."

A minister stood up and spoke with a heavy tone.

When Emperor Tianjing heard this, he slumped down on the dragon chair.

He never expected that a strong man from the Land God Realm of Jin Dynasty would be defeated by King Ming.

What made him vomit blood even more was that Ye Di also joined the Ming King's army.


"I listened to your suggestion~ and invited strong men from the world."

"Not only did he fail to kill Lin Chen, but he was also taken under Lin Chen's command!"

"Trash! It's all trash!"

Emperor Tianjing was furious.

The emperor's anger was as powerful as thunder.

No one in the entire court dared to speak, not even to take a deep breath.

Emperor Tianjing took a deep breath and suppressed the rage in his heart.

He knew that getting angry at this time would not help.

The most important thing is how to defeat the Ming King's army, or in other words, how to kill the Ming King Lin Chen.


Loud laughter came from outside the hall, like rolling thunder, shaking people's hearts.

Everyone subconsciously turned their heads and looked outside the hall.

A black figure flew from outside and landed in the center of the hall.

This man was wearing a black and red robe, with a machete hanging on his waist. He was thin, but gave people a sinister feeling.


The guards around him shouted and rushed over immediately, surrounding the opponent.

The ministers also subconsciously moved out of the way for fear of getting hurt.

Only one middle-aged scribe did not move at all.

"Your Majesty, this is Dugu Can, the ancestor of the Demon Sect."

The middle-aged scribe said loudly.

When Emperor Tianjing heard this, he suppressed the fear in his heart.

He looked at Dugu Can carefully.

On the surface, there's nothing special about it.

"What can the ancestor of the Demon Sect do? The Night Emperor, who is as famous as him, has failed. Can he kill Lin Chen?"

Emperor Tianjing frowned.

He was a little worried that the other party would be taken under Lin Chen's command again and strengthen the Ming King's army for no reason.

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