On the wall of Tianyan Imperial City.

Emperor Tianjing was so frightened that his whole body trembled.

He never expected that Dugu Can's knife would be blocked by Lin Chen without any damage.

Even if he was wearing loose robes, he couldn't hide his tremors.

"Your Majesty, be steady, be steady."

A minister nearby reminded him in a low voice.

Emperor Tianjing also understood that he was not showing fear, otherwise it would definitely affect the momentum of all the soldiers.

The issue is……

How could he not be afraid?

"Is there no way to defeat Lin Chen?"

Emperor Tianjing looked at the minister beside him.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured. It was just Dugu Can Tuoda who wanted to be the first to perform meritorious deeds and fell into King Ming's trick."

"Yu Fanghe is mature and steady. If he acts steadily and steadily, he will definitely be able to entangle Prince Ming."

"Then Dugu Can sees the right moment and takes action."

"Combining the power of these two powerful men, we can definitely defeat Ming Wang Lin Chen."

The minister said firmly.

After hearing this, Emperor Tianjing's heart slowly dropped.

That's good, that's good.


In front of the Ming King's army.

Lin Chen looked at Yu Fanghe who came forward and couldn't help but laugh.

"Are you trying to hold me back to buy time for Dugu Can?"

Lin Chen asked with a smile.

Yu Fanghe was slightly shocked when his thoughts were revealed.

However, he understood that even if his purpose was exposed, there would be no other way out.

"I'm Yu Fanghe, the innate Wuji sect, and I'm here to learn from King Ming's brilliant moves."

As Yu Fanghe spoke, he bowed his hands to Lin Chen.


Lin Chen also returned the favor.

Of course he would not lose his etiquette.

Yu Fanghe did not give in because he knew that he was weaker than Lin Chen.

Because of this, he must take action first and seize the opportunity.

"Innate infinite true energy!"

Yu Fanghe pointed out the sword with one finger.


A burst of energy flew out, condensed into a white bolt, and shot towards Lin Chen.

This energy is by no means ordinary, but innate and infinite true energy, extremely sharp.

Even a foot thick piece of meteorite can be easily penetrated.

Facing Yu Fanghe's innate vitality, Lin Chen did not evade, not even raising his hand.

Lin Chen started practicing his skills.

"Golden Dragon Gang Qi Mask!"

A translucent golden aura enveloped Lin Chen.

The Innate Infinite True Qi pierced the Golden Dragon Gang Qi shield, and it just made a crisp, metallic impact sound.


The golden dragon's aura shield remained motionless, not even causing the slightest ripple.

Yu Fanghe narrowed his eyes slightly and pointed out one after another with both hands.

Streams of innate infinite true energy flew out, like sharp arrows, and shot towards Lin Chen.

Dang Dang Dang Dang!

Countless innate Wuji Qi collided with the Golden Dragon Gang Qi shield, but still could not break through the defense.

Under this overwhelming zhenqi attack, the golden dragon's aura shield shook a little.

However, the shaking amplitude of the Golden Dragon Gang Qi Mask is very small and can be completely ignored.

After a while, Yu Fanghe stopped and took a breath.

He knew that even if he exhausted all the energy in his body, he would not be able to shake Lin Chen's aura shield.

Ming Wang Lin Chen is really too strong.

There is only one way to defeat Lin Chen.

That was to gather the strength of him and Dugu Can and launch attacks at the same time, so as to have a chance to defeat Lin Chen.

Now, Dugu Can should have finished adjusting his breath.

Thinking of this, Yu Fanghe turned to look at Dugu Can behind him.


I beg you to order! .

Chapter 138 Despicable Dugu Can!The Jin Dynasty was destroyed!Da Qin and Li Yang sent troops at the same time!Northern Liang King Xu Xiao’s plan!

The moment Yu Fanghe turned around, Dugu Can was already behind him.


Yu Fanghe was stunned for a moment, quite surprised.

He didn't understand why Dugu~Can was so close to him.

Just when he was about to ask, Dugu Can used his hand as a knife and stabbed Yu Fanghe in the lower back.

Yu Fanghe never expected that Dugu Can would do this.

He widened his eyes and looked at Dugu Can in disbelief.


Yu Fanghe just uttered one word, then he vomited blood and died.

Even if he died, he still couldn't figure out why Dugu Can was like this.

Dugu Can glanced at Yu Fanghe coldly, and then looked at Lin Chen with a smile on his face.

"Please also ask King Ming to spare my life. I am willing to look upon King Ming with his horse's head."

As Dugu Can spoke, he knelt down and prostrated on the ground.

This scene stunned everyone.

The military formation of King Ming.

Sima Yi narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Dugu Can in the distance, not knowing what he was thinking.

"This Dugu Can is indeed the ancestor of the Demon Sect, with a majestic appearance."

Cao Cao was quite emotional.

"They are just people who are greedy for life and afraid of death."

Guo Jia snorted lightly, his tone full of disdain.

He understands success and defeat.


Like Dugu Can, at first he acted like the biggest person in the world, but now he acts like a groveling person.

Guo Jia looked down upon him very much.

Yang Qinxin, Nangong Pushe, Lan Xiaodie and others secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

There were joyful smiles on their faces.

When he looked at Lin Chen, the admiration in his eyes became even stronger.

This is the man they entrusted to their lives.

. . . . . .

On the wall of Tianyan Imperial City.

Emperor Tianjing was so angry that he was shaking all over.

He never imagined that he would pay such a high price, make various promises, and even donate the ambergris treasured by the Jin Dynasty.


Dugu Can still rebelled and surrendered to the enemy.

God damn it!

how so!

The minister next to him was stunned.

He suddenly thought that he was helping Dugu Can speak just now, wasn't that right? . . . . .

Thinking of this, the minister subconsciously stepped back.

However, as soon as he took a step back, he was discovered by Emperor Tianjing.

"Come here! Drag him down and chop him!"

Emperor Tianjing gave the order directly.

The guards on the left and right immediately took action, carried the minister and left.

"Your Majesty, spare your life! Your Majesty, spare your life!"

The minister cried, but to no avail.

The other ministers were trembling, fearing the wrath of Emperor Tianjing.

after all.

As long as the Jin Dynasty was not truly destroyed, Emperor Tianjing would still be the emperor.

unless. . . . . .

thought here.

Some ministers were thoughtful.

They looked around, trying to find like-minded companions.

Emperor Tianjing didn't notice this.

At this moment, he was staring at Lin Chen in the distance.

Without Lin Chen, none of this would have happened.


what is this?

How could an unknown boy suddenly rise up and swallow up all the major dynasties?

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