After a long time, Xu Fengnian finally came back to his senses.

"What?! You want to kill the king?!"

Xu Fengnian exclaimed.


Xu Xiao quickly put his finger to his mouth and glared at Xu Fengnian.

Xu Fengnian immediately covered his mouth with his hand and looked around cautiously.

Although he also knew that even if he shouted here, no one would hear him outside.

But this kind of thing still cannot be announced loudly.

"You really want this?"

Xu Fengnian asked again.

"of course."

"Otherwise, my Xu family will have no way to survive."

"His great achievements have already made him a thorn in Zhao Li's side."

"And this confrontation with King Ming's army is our opportunity."

Xu Xiao clenched his fists and spoke decisively.

"Aren't you afraid that Prince Ming will also see you as a thorn in his side?"

Xu Fengnian frowned and asked.

"It's not necessary."

"Because King Ming is strong enough."

"The vision of a strong man is not limited to one state."

"This China is too small after all."

Xu Xiao said lightly.


I beg you to order!six.

Chapter 139 The persecution of Han Diao Temple!Xu Xiao’s real goal! 30 Beiliang cavalry!Li Chungang!Green snake with two sleeves!

Song Dynasty.


It borders the Liyang Dynasty.

At this moment, the entire Zhending Mansion was shrouded in suspicion of war.

The ordinary people who could run had already run away, leaving only those who really couldn't run away, or who didn't want to abandon their homes.

Of course, many people think that with the strength of the Ming Dynasty, they will be able to easily defeat the Liyang Dynasty.

Ten miles away from Zhending Mansion.

30 Beiliang cavalry are stationed here.

"Shangzhu Kingdom, do we really want to fight against the Ming King's army?"

Xu Yanbing frowned and looked at Xu Xiao, King of Northern Liang.

He had fought against Lin Chen and knew that Lin Chen was very strong.

What's even more frightening is that Lin Chen is young and has unlimited potential.

I'm afraid there will be some progress during this time.

I heard that Dugu Can and Yu Fanghe, the two top masters of the Land God Realm, were no match for Lin Chen.

In the end, he died and surrendered.

Because of this, Xu Yanbing understood that even if all the powerful men in Beiliang swarmed up, they might not be able to defeat Lin Chen.

Perhaps, only with the prophetic action of King Wu Emperor can victory be possible.

"of course."

Xu Xiao nodded slightly.

Xu Yanbing sighed secretly and said nothing more.

He knew that Xu Xiao must have made some decision, otherwise it would not be like this.

Either way.

Anyway, his duty is to protect the Northern Liang King.

As for what Xu Xiao's plan was, he had no idea, and he didn't need to know.

Thinking of this, Xu Yanbing looked at Li Chungang on the other side.

I wonder how Li Chungang's cultivation is recovering?

At this moment, a soldier quickly entered the tent.

"Report to Shangzhu Kingdom, Master Han has arrived and is waiting outside the tent."

The soldier knelt on one knee and reported.

"Oh? Invite him in."

Xu Xiao said immediately.

After a while, a tall, thin man wearing a fur coat walked in.

This person is none other than Han Diao Si.

Han Diao Si has always stayed in the imperial city and rarely takes action.

But now, it appears here, which makes people think a lot.

"Master Han, you are finally here."

Xu Xiao was not surprised at all, but instead had a smile on his face.

He greeted Han Diao Si with a smile and greeted him.

Han Diao Si narrowed his eyes slightly and smiled at Xu Xiao.

The two are like old friends who haven't seen each other for many years.

Li Chungang couldn't help but frowned when he saw Han Diao Si coming in.

He walked out without saying a word.

Xu Fengnian thought for a while and followed Li Chungang out of the tent.

When Han Diao Si saw Li Chungang and Xu Fengnian leaving, he put away the smile on his face.

“I wonder what Shangzhu Kingdom’s plan is for this attack on King Ming’s army?”

Han Diao Si asked.

"It's difficult, it's really difficult."

Xu Xiao sighed and shook his head helplessly.

Han Diao Si didn't answer, just stared at Xu Xiao.

"Master Han doesn't know something. The capable people and strangers at my disposal have been exhausted, and they are no match for Ming Wang Lin Chen."

Xu Xiao deliberately acted very helpless.

He pointed to Xu Yanbing beside him.

"Come on, come on, tell Master Han about Wang Linchen's situation."

Xu Xiao ordered.


Xu Yanbing nodded and told all about the process of his fight with Lin Chen, as well as his current guesses about Lin Chen's cultivation.

After Han Diao Si heard this, he couldn't help but frown.

He knew that Lin Chen was very strong and very troublesome.


He didn't expect Lin Chen to be so strong.

The two strong men at the pinnacle of the Land God Realm couldn't defeat Lin Chen.

In this case, even if he takes action in person, he may not be Lin Chen's opponent.

but. . . . . .

"I'm afraid what Shangzhuguo said is not everything, right?"

Han Diao Si looked at Xu Xiao with a half-smile.

"Huh? Why did Mr. Han say this?"

Xu Xiao stared at Han Diao Si with dissatisfaction.

"Sword God Li Chungang hasn't made his move yet, so the outcome is uncertain. Isn't it?"

Han Diao Si raised his eyebrows and looked at Xu Xiao with interest.

Xu Xiao stared at Han Diao Temple for a long time.


"Then let the Sword God test Ming Wang Lin Chen's strength, and also let Master Han see if I lied."

Xu Xiao said coldly.

After saying that, he came to the desk, sat on a chair, grabbed the documents on the table and looked at them carefully, showing a busy look of dealing with military affairs.

Han Diao Si smiled slightly, turned and left.

As a result, only Xu Yanbing and Xu Xiao were left in the big tent.

"Shangzhu Kingdom, do you really want to ask Li Chungang to take action?"

Xu Yanbing couldn't help but ask.

Others may not know it, but he understands that Li Chungang has experienced ups and downs over the years. Even if he can restore his original cultivation level, his lifespan will not be long.

What's more, facing a powerful enemy like Ming Wang Lin Chen.

I'm afraid he will die after taking action.

"Let him take action. I have already negotiated with him."

Xu Xiao said without raising his head.

"Yes, Shangzhu Kingdom."

Xu Yanbing nodded.

. . . . . .

That night.

Xu Fengnian found Xu Xiao.

"You want him to die?"

"You clearly know that he is no match for King Ming, plus..."

Before Xu Fengnian could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Xu Xiao raising his hand.


"Of course I know this, and Li Chungang also knows it. But he is still willing to fight King Ming. Do you know why?"

Xu Xiao stared at Xu Fengnian and asked seriously.

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