He never expected that Lin Chen would be able to break through on the spot and break through to a great level.

This is completely a qualitative leap.

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to step into this situation so quickly."

"To thank you, I will let you die under my strongest move."

Lin Chen smiled slightly.

"Turning the sky!"

Lin Chen reached out and pressed down.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathered together to form a giant seal.

The giant seal shone with golden light, instantly opening up the surrounding dark clouds.

boom! ! !

The cage formed by the dark clouds was instantly shattered, air waves rolled, and rays of light shone.

Zhao Huangchao couldn't help but sigh when he saw all this.

"Heaven wants to destroy me, Liyang! Heaven wants to destroy me, Liyang!"

Zhao Huangchao said with emotion.

At the same time, the giant golden seal suddenly came down, beating Zhao Huangchao to pieces.

This scene was seen by the soldiers of King Ming's army below.

"King Ming is victorious!"

"King Ming is victorious!"

"King Ming is victorious!"

King Ming's army shouted three times, and their momentum soared into the sky.

Lin Chen turned around and returned to the dragon chariot.

"Keep going."

Lin Chen ordered.

As Lin Chen's order was passed on, King Ming's army continued to advance.

At this time, Dugu Can had climbed out of the pit.

Although he was injured, it was not serious.

When he returned to the dragon chariot and rode on the horse, he realized that Lin Chen's aura was different.

When facing Lin Chen before, Dugu Can also felt like he was standing tall on a mountain.


Lin Chen now awes him even more.

It was a breath that transcended mortals.

"My lord, are you already in the state of immortality?"

Dugucan asked cautiously.


Lin Chen responded.

Although Dugu Can had some guesses in his mind, he was still shocked.

It’s really a heavenly being with great immortality!

Even the reincarnation of Emperor Zhenwu cannot achieve the immortality of such a young heavenly being, right?


I beg you to order!six.

Chapter 144 Emperor Liyang Zhao Li was so scared that he peed!Da Qin worships Yin Zhong!The Tong family!The whereabouts of Dragon Magic!

Liyang Dynasty.

Yangzhou City.

This is the south of the Liyang Dynasty.

It was originally supposed to be a major barrier against the Ming King's army.

However, after witnessing the battle in which Prince Ming Lin Chen killed Zhao Huangchao, the soldiers in Yangzhou City had lost confidence.

How can he fight against such a strong person?

Therefore, when the Ming Dynasty's army arrived at Yangzhou City, the city gates were wide open and the generals guarding the city had already fled.

Lin Chen led the Ming Dynasty army to successfully enter the city.

After entering the city, Lin Chen continued moving forward in no hurry.

Because there is a sect near Yangzhou City called Longhu Mountain.

This Longhu Mountain protects the destiny of the Liyang Dynasty and is the strongest sect in the Liyang Dynasty.

What concerned Lin Chen even more was the thousand-year-old salamander in the bottomless pool.

Once you encounter it, you can't let it go.

Lin Chen asked Ming Wang's army to wait in the city, and he took Yang Qinxin, Nangong Pushe, Lan Xiaodie and other girls to Longhu Mountain.


Liyang Dynasty.

Tai'an City.

Royal Palace.

"What did you say?!"

"Can you say that again!"

Zhao Li's eyes widened and he looked at the minister kneeling in front of him in horror.

"Your Majesty, Zhao Huangchao from Longhu Mountain was defeated by Lin Chen and is dead."

"Yangzhou City was lost."

Minister Cheng repeated it carefully.

After Zhao Li heard this, he slumped down in his chair.

He never expected that things would turn out like this.

One of the trump cards of the Liyang Dynasty, Zhao Huangchao, was killed like this?

how so……

Do you really want to invite that person out?

The issue is……

For a moment, Zhao Li didn't know what to do.

"Your Majesty, how should we deal with King Ming's army next?"

The minister hesitated for a moment and finally asked.

"I... don't know either."

Zhao Li smiled bitterly.

"That's all, you go down first and let me think about it carefully."

Zhao Li waved his hand and signaled the other party to leave.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The minister bowed and left.

Zhao Li was the only one left in the entire imperial study.

Zhao Li held his head in his hands and thought about countermeasures.

He didn't expect that King Ming's army would be so strong.

In this way, even if the Liyang Dynasty uses all its cards, it may not be able to resist the Ming King's army.


There are also the Qin Dynasty and the Beili Dynasty!

"I, Liyang, cannot bear such a loss."

Zhao Li narrowed his eyes slightly, already having a calculation in his heart.


Great Qin Dynasty.


in the palace.

Qin Shihuang was having a very pleasant conversation with Yin Zhongyan.

After all, Yin Zhong wanted to use the power of the Qin Dynasty to search for the Tong family.

Just then, a guard came in!:,[-].

"Your Majesty, King Lin Chen of the Ming Dynasty killed Zhao Huangchao and captured Yangzhou City. The Liyang Dynasty was retreating steadily."

The guard knelt on the ground and said respectfully.

"Oh, I see."

Qin Shihuang nodded slightly, and then waved his hand to signal the guards to go out.

Seeing this situation, Yin Zhong couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

He knew that this was definitely no ordinary report.

After all, everyone in the world knows what happened in the Liyang Dynasty.

The reason why the guard chose this time to come in to report was clearly because he wanted to hear it.

After thinking about the key, Yin Zhong smiled slightly.

"It seems that this Lin Chen still has two brushes."

Yin Zhong said with a smile.

"Oh? Yin Gongfeng has met Prince Ming Lin Chen?"

Qin Shihuang looked at Yin Zhong with interest.


Yin Zhong shook his head.

"However, I know something about Zhao Huangchao."

Yin Zhong added.

Qin Shihuang blinked.

"Appreciate further details."

Qin Shihuang said with a smile.

Yin Zhong didn't speak in a hurry.

He picked up the tea cup in front of him and took a sip.

"Zhao Huangchao lives in seclusion at Longhu Mountain in Liyang, and he has a half-step to the realm of immortality."

"Since Ming Wang Lin Chen was able to kill Zhao Huangchao, I think he must have entered the realm of immortality."

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