As long as there is hope in his heart, Zhao Li's thoughts become active.

"There is also the Qin Dynasty."

"We cannot let the Great Qin Dynasty just sit back and enjoy its success. We must let them help."

Zhao Li was filled with resentment.

The two dynasties agreed to attack the Ming army at the same time.

As a result, the Qin Dynasty was fishing.

How could he bear it.


I beg you to order! .

Chapter 148 The number one sage Chu Nan Gong!Thanks Guanying!The power of the golden dragon!Nangong Pushe’s wish!

Great Qin Dynasty.

Xianyang City.

Royal Palace.

"So, the Liyang Dynasty~ can't stop Lin Chen?"

Qin Shihuang frowned.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Zhao Gao, who was kneeling on the ground, nodded.

Originally, he thought that the Liyang Dynasty could temporarily block Lin Chen, and then both sides would consume each other's strength.

Unexpectedly, the battle turned out to be one-sided.

The Liyang Dynasty was no match for Ming King Lin Chen.

"Do you think I should agree to Zhao Li's request?"

Qin Shihuang looked at Zhao Gao and asked.

"Your Majesty has a far-sighted vision, and I dare not speak nonsense."

Zhao Gao said hurriedly.

He was afraid that he would say the wrong thing and make Qin Shihuang unhappy.

"You irresponsible loser."

Qin Shihuang rolled his eyes and cursed with a smile.

He wasn't angry, it was just a casual question.

As for the Liyang Dynasty’s request for help. . . . . .

"Okay, let Chu Nan Gong go."

Qin Shihuang ordered.

Zhao Gao couldn't help being stunned when he heard this.

He raised his head and looked at Qin Shihuang doubtfully.

Let Duke Nan of Chu go?

Even if Chu Nan Gong has the realm of immortality, he may not be able to face Lin Chen.

What's more, what Chu Nan Gong is good at is not killing enemies, but strategy.

Qin Shihuang asked Nan Gong of Chu to go to the Liyang Dynasty to help. Doesn't this mean he was asking him to die?

Or is there a deeper meaning to this?

Zhao Gao became more and more confused.

"What's the matter with you?"

Qin Shihuang couldn't help but frown when he saw Zhao Gao frozen in place and not moving.

"I'm going to deliver the order now."

After Zhao Gao finished speaking, he took the order and left.

. . . . . .

Xianyang City.

Enter Li Si's house.

"His Majesty asked you to go to the Liyang Dynasty to help. I always feel that there is some danger here."

Li Si frowned.

Opposite him sat an old man with white hair and beard.

The old man was Chu Nan Gong.

Duke Nan of Chu was originally the most sage in Chu State, but in the end he took refuge with Li Si and became Li Si's disciple.

If it weren't for his advanced cultivation, he would have been assassinated by the remnants of the Chu Kingdom.

"It means that Your Majesty still can't trust me."

Chu Nan Gong touched his beard and said calmly.

"I hope Nangong won't complain. Your Majesty is so careful."

"However, I think His Majesty's will is just to ask Nangong to go and appease Zhao Li, not really to ask Nangong to deal with Lin Chen."

Li Si said very seriously.

"I have my own sense of proportion."

Chu Nan Gong smiled slightly, stood up and left.

Li Si looked at Chu Nan Gong's back and couldn't help but sigh.

. . . . . .

Liyang Dynasty.


This is the last pass before Tai'an City.

Although the Ming King's army fought hundreds of battles along the way, it still took more than a month to get here from Yangzhou City.

As long as you pass Dantong Pass, you have half-stepped into Tai'an City.

"Lord, the Dantong Pass is in front of us. Do we need to attack this place in one go?"

A general knelt beside the dragon chariot and asked.

Lin Chen understood that Dantong Pass must be heavily guarded.

More importantly, there are high mountains on both sides of Dantong Pass, which are difficult for ordinary soldiers to climb.

If you want to attack, you can only attack the city wall from the front.

The siege was the most brutal.

Even if the Ming Dynasty army is powerful, they are not sure of winning here.

Originally, facing the Dantong Pass, it only took a quarter of an hour for the golden dragon Xiao Jin to break through the city wall.

However, who knows if the Liyang Dynasty has any trump cards or back-ups?

Besides, neither the Qin Dynasty nor the Beili Dynasty has officially taken action. Who knows whether these two dynasties are planning something?

Due to various considerations, Lin Chen did not let Xiao Jin take action.

"Stay here and take a rest."

Lin Chen ordered.

"Yes, my lord."

The general took the order and left.

. . . . . .


city ​​wall.

Two old men stood on the city wall.

An old man's beard and hair were all white, and he was very old.

The other old man only had a few white beards and hair. He looked energetic, calm and confident, with the aura of a high-ranking person.

These two people were Chu Nan Gong of the Qin Dynasty and Xie Guanying of the Liyang Dynasty.

"What does the Confucian sage think of the momentum of King Ming's army?"

Chu Nan Gong looked deeply at Xie Guanying.

"An army that has fought hundreds of battles and is as powerful as a rainbow is truly terrifying."

Xie Guanying answered.

"So does the Confucian sage have a way to defeat the enemy?"

Chu Nan Gong asked with a smile.

"Since you asked that, you naturally have an idea."

"If you have anything to say, just say it directly, no need to beat around the bush."

Xie Guanying said angrily.

As a Confucian sage, he originally sat peacefully in Tai'an City.

Unexpectedly, after Duke Nan of Chu came to Tai'an City, the first thing he did was to ask Zhao Li to order him to come out of the mountain.

This clearly meant that he was deliberately trying to harm him.

This made Xie Guanying very angry.

Chu Nan Gong smiled slightly.

"Since the Confucian sage said so, I will speak out."

"I heard that Wang Linchen is a man of temperament and has many women around him."

"One of the women is the only daughter of a Confucian sage. Is this possible?"

Chu Nan Gong asked with a smile.

Xie Guanying couldn't help but frown.

He cursed secretly in his heart, but he also understood that there was no need to lie at this time, and he could not lie.

Since the other party dares to say it, he must have investigated it clearly and is fully confident.


"There is a woman beside Lin Chen named Nangong Pushe, who is my only daughter."

"It's just that she abandoned the bright and turned to the dark, and she was kicked out of the house by me a long time ago."

Xie Guanying answered directly.

Chu Nanggong narrowed his eyes slightly, his heart full of disdain.

What a waste of light and darkness.

It was obvious that Xie Guanying, an old thief, deliberately devoured his daughter's luck in order to advance to immortality and become a Confucian sage.

As a result, his wife was killed and his daughter turned against him.

Now he says it so grandly.

He is worthy of being a Confucian sage, and his sharp tongue is extraordinary.

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