The people were talking.

Only warriors can understand how powerful the two people in the sky are.

They could feel that the qi of Lin Chen and Gao Shulu were constantly fighting, each trying to overpower the other.

"King Ming is indeed powerful."

"Even so, he will definitely not be Gao Shulu's opponent."

"I really didn't expect that the royal family would unblock Gao Shulu."

"In order to defeat King Ming, the royal family will do whatever it takes."

"I just don't know if Gao Shulu will bite me back."

The warriors in the martial arts world were very emotional.

They could only look at the two people in the sky with envy, knowing that they would never be able to reach such a state in their lifetime.


It was worth it to see this amazing battle!


I beg you to order! .

Chapter 153: Confrontation between qi and machines!have equal shares!A battle back to nature!A fight between strong men is not something ordinary people can get close to!


Lin Chen and Gao Shulu stood opposite each other.

The battle between the two of them was over.

The result was far beyond Gao Shulu's expectation.

"You are strong."

Gao Shulu looked at Lin Chen with interest.

He did not expect that Lin Chen would be able to fight against his earthly immortal cultivation with his immortal cultivation.

In the battle between qi and machines, they were evenly matched.

It is enough to show that this Lin Chen is very strong.

At least, it was stronger than those powerful immortals and immortals he had encountered.

This made Gao Shulu interested.

He is not afraid of the enemy being strong, but he is afraid that the enemy will be too weak, which will make him lose interest.

"You're not weak either."

Lin Chen said lightly.

As expected of the big devil from 400 years ago, he is indeed very strong.

This also made Lin Chen realize that the strongest has its own strong hand. Even if he is now a immortal, he is not invincible.

Just in time, I can try my hand at this tall tree dew.

Lin Chen also wanted to know where his limit was.


In the military formation of Liyang Dynasty.

Zhao Li looked at the two people facing each other in mid-air and couldn't help but frown.

"What's going on? Why don't you fight?"

Zhao Li couldn't help but ask.

The ministers next to me looked at me and I looked at you, and they didn’t know how to answer.

After all, they were not the parties involved and did not know the behavior of Lin Chen and Gao Shulu, so naturally they did not understand the mystery.

Han Diao Si next to him made a rough guess.

"Return to your Majesty, the two of them should be having a battle of energy."

Han Diao Si explained.

"A confrontation on the air plane?"

Zhao Li still didn't understand.

Han Diao Si sorted out his thoughts for a while.

"It's like this. The great immortal master of heaven and man has been able to understand the law."

"The strength of one's own Qi reflects the strength of the law."

"If the Qi machine is weak, then the person is weak."

"Therefore, before taking action, there will be a Qi-Ji confrontation to make a preliminary judgment."

Han Diao Si explained carefully.

"I see."

Zhao Li suddenly understood and nodded.

He looked at Lin Chen and Gao Shulu in the sky, and suddenly had a bad premonition.

"Now they are motionless and no one is retreating. Doesn't that mean..."

"Lin Chen's Qi is not weaker than Gao Shulu?"

Zhao Li was suddenly worried.

After all, on the surface, neither Lin Chen nor Gao Shulu showed anything strange. They were both very calm, as if nothing happened.

"It's impossible."

"Gao Shulu's cultivation is extremely high, and he is definitely not comparable to Lin Chen, a kid with a yellow mouth."

"I think Lin Chen is trying to hold on."

"Maybe he had suffered serious internal injuries, but he just wanted to scare Gao Shulu, so he couldn't retreat."

Han Diao Si said very seriously.

"Makes sense, makes sense."

"Hahahahaha, today is Lin Chen's death day!"


Zhao Li said excitedly.


The military formation of King Ming.

"How is it? Can you tell who is strong and who is weak?"

Lan Xiaodie couldn't help but ask.

Yang Qinxin, Nangong Pushe and others shook their heads.

They couldn't tell the state of the two people in the sky at all.

Lan Xiaodie looked at Dugu Can subconsciously.

After all, in King Ming's military formation, only Dugu Can has the highest cultivation level and has reached the pinnacle of the Land God Realm.

"I can't see it either."

"But I feel that the master and Gao Shulu are equally matched."

Dugu Can smiled bitterly and shook his head.

When Yang Qinxin and others heard this, they nodded secretly.

This is similar to their guess.

From the looks of it, this battle will be a tough one.


In Tai'an City.

The people looked at the two people in the sky and were very confused.

"What are the two of them doing in the sky? Why don't they fight?"

"I feel like we're testing each other."

"Testing? Can you test just by staring at the other person?"

"This is called a collision of momentum. You, a woman, don't know anything about it."

The people were talking.

They only hope that Gao Shulu can show his power and defeat Lin Chen.

After all, in the eyes of the people of Liyang, Lin Chen was the intruder.


In the sky.

Lin Chen suddenly laughed.

"The people below are probably impatient to wait."

"Senior, how about you take action first?"

Lin Chen said with a smile.

The reason why he wanted Gao Shulu to take action first was because he wanted to know what Gao Shulu's background was.

Although he knew that Gao Shulu was the great devil 400 years ago, his cultivation was astonishing and made him cry ghosts and gods.


400 years have passed. I wonder how much skill Gao Shulu still has left?

In other words, has Gao Shulu made any progress in these 400 years?

"Oh? Aren't you afraid that after I take action, you won't have a chance to take action?"

Gao Shulu raised his eyebrows and looked at Lin Chen disdainfully.

"Just respect the old and love the young."

Lin Chen said slowly.

This is clearly saying that Gao Shulu is old.

This made Gao Shulu a little unhappy.

"In that case, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

After Gao Shulu finished speaking, he clapped his hands.

This is just a very casual palm. On the surface, it seems unremarkable, without any subtle moves.


This palm coincides with the principles of heaven and earth.

Pushing out with one palm, it was like the whole world was pressing down.

Lin Chen felt the power of this palm and nodded secretly.

As expected of the great devil from 400 years ago, he is indeed powerful.

However, if that's all it is, it's still not enough.


Lin Chen clenched his fist and punched out.

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