At this time, Gao Shulu seemed to be speaking from heaven.

His voice rolled out like thunder.

Not only did it reach the ears of King Ming’s army below and everyone in Tai’an City, but it also spread far away.

It didn't gradually dissipate until it was thousands of miles away.

This is the power of heaven!

. . . . . .

Emperor Wu City.

Wang Xianzhi frowned and looked in the direction of Tai'an City.

"He actually aligned with the way of heaven, huh, lackey."

Wang Xianzhi's face was gloomy.

He guarded Emperor Wu's City for decades just to prevent immortals from descending to earth and disturbing the mortal world.

But now, there are actually mortal warriors who have combined their bodies with Tao in order to gain greater power and become puppets of Heaven's Dao.

In Wang Xianzhi's view, this kind of person is a traitor to mankind and a lackey of heaven.

. . . . . .

On an unnamed island.

A man wearing linen clothes frowned and looked in the direction of Tai'an City.

"So stupid."

"It's a pity, a pity."

The man sighed, feeling helpless.

. . . . . .

Snow Moon City.

In an ordinary house in the city.

An old man suddenly turned over from the bed and sat up, his face serious.

If Baili Dongjun, Li Hanyi, Sikong Changfeng and others were here, they would definitely address the old man as master.

This old man is Li Changsheng.

Li Changsheng looked in the direction of Tai'an City and sighed.

"I wonder which old friend couldn't bear the loneliness and decided to follow the Tao?"

"This it Zhao Xuansu? Or Gao Shulu? Or..."

Li Changsheng shook his head, quite helpless.

no way.

Now the entire Beili area is blocked, and the news is blocked.

He had no idea what was going on outside. He could only guess from the aftermath of the battle between the strong men that King Ming's army was still fighting in the north and south.

but. . . . . .

"The Ming Dynasty's army has invaded the Liyang Dynasty so quickly. I don't know how the battle is going?"

"Isn't Hanyi just having fun again?"

Li Changsheng thought for a while, and finally could only continue to sleep.

. . . . . .

Great Qin Dynasty.

Xianyang Palace.

in the secret room.

The ancestor of Great Qin suddenly opened his eyes and looked in the direction of Tai'an City.

"Is this... the breath of heaven?"

"Someone has been favored by heaven? Who is it?"

The eyes of Great Qin Ancestor showed deep envy.

He knew that as long as his body conformed to the Tao, he could live as long as heaven and earth, enjoy infinite longevity, and become the Tao of Heaven and walk in the mortal world.

This is very useless to other strong men, because they don't want to lose their freedom and their warrior heart.


The ancestor of the Great Qin did not have much time left, and he would rather be imprisoned in the way of heaven forever than die.

Unfortunately, not everyone is willing to absorb the way of heaven.

Only the truly supreme masters will be given the opportunity by Heaven.

. . . . . .

Strong men from all over the world sensed something and looked in the direction of Tai'an City.

. . . . . .

Liyang Dynasty.

Tai'an City.

Zhao Li looked at the tall tree dew in the sky and was greatly surprised.

"Did you see it? Did you see it?"

"This is the strongest person in our Liyang Dynasty! Gao Shulu!"

"Lin Chen, you are dead, your death day has come!"


Zhao Li burst into laughter.

Although he didn't know what Gao Shulu's current state was.


He knew that Gao Shulu was now stronger and could definitely kill Lin Chen.

At that time, he will be able to possess everything Lin Chen has and completely control Shenzhou!

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, His Majesty."

Han Diao Temple next to him was also quite excited.

. . . . . .

In the sky.

Gao Shulu glanced at Zhao Li and Han Diao Si below, and then looked at Lin Chen.

"In order for you to have no worries, I will crush the two ants below to death first."


Gao Shulu spoke slowly.

"up to you."

Lin Chen said lightly.

He didn't care much about Zhao Li and Han Diao Temple.

In Lin Chen's view, the Liyang Dynasty was just a small stone in his unification of the Divine Continent.

Gao Shulu nodded, he had made a decision.

. . . . . .

In front of Taian City.

After Zhao Li heard Gao Shulu's words, he couldn't help being stunned.

"Gao Shulu! Are you crazy?!"

"Do you know that it was me who released you? It was me who made it possible for you to no longer suffer the pain of imprisonment."

"Instead of thanking me, you actually want to kill me?"

"Gao Shulu, you are really..."

Zhao Li roared angrily.

Unfortunately, before he could finish speaking, a thunderbolt struck down.


Accompanied by lightning and thunder, Zhao Li was scorched from the outside to the inside.


Zhao Li's charred body fell straight down and was smashed into pieces on the ground.

Han Diao Si next to him was suddenly startled.

He never expected that it would be like this, that Gao Shulu would actually attack Zhao Li.

This is totally the devil’s style!


Han Diao Si was stunned. Only then did he realize that Gao Shulu was a great devil.


Isn't this normal?

Thinking of this, Han Diao Si smiled bitterly.

"In this world, strength is indeed the foundation. Without strength, you can only be at the mercy of others..."

Before Han Diao Si could finish speaking, another thunderbolt fell.


Han Diao Temple also turned into charred pieces and scattered on the ground.

Han Diao Temple, which frightened the enemy, ended up like this.

The Liyang Dynasty ministers on the city wall looked at each other, and at the same time they were worried that Gao Shulu would kill them all.

Their worries are unnecessary.

After all, in Gao Shulu's view, Zhao Li and Han Diao Si were two ants, so these ministers were not even ants.

. . . . . .

In the sky.

"Now, can we start?"

Gao Shulu looked at Lin Chen with expectation.

"bring it on."

Lin Chen took a deep breath and nodded.

At the same time, he focused all 30 energy and blood points on the immortal divine body and the innate boundless energy.

Soon, all 30 energy and blood points were used up.

The immortal divine body and innate boundless energy have also reached perfection.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the Immortal Divine Body and being promoted to the Supreme Holy Body of God-level low-level skills!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the innate Wuji Gang Qi and being promoted to the god-level low-grade Chaos Gang Qi!"

Lin Chen felt that the power in his body was getting stronger and stronger.

Not only that, his lifespan was also increased by 500 years!

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