"Who is it? Want to challenge the way of heaven?"

"Could it be Prince Ming Lin Chen?"

Wang Xianzhi narrowed his eyes slightly.

He didn't even notice that he had clenched his fists involuntarily.


Great Qin Dynasty.


In the secret room of the palace.

The ancestor of Great Qin gasped for air and looked in the direction of Tai'an City in disbelief.

"The power of heaven...such a strong power of heaven..."

"That man doesn't want his life?"

The Great Ancestor of Qin could not understand why the man who combined his body with Tao had to completely release all the power of Heaven.

After all, after becoming a puppet of Heaven, the power of Heaven is one's own life.

As long as the power of Heaven is not extinguished, the puppets of Heaven will last forever.

But now, that Heavenly Dao puppet is using his own life to inspire the attack.

Why do this?


In Xianyang City.

Somewhere in a restaurant.

Yin Zhong sat by the window, looked in the direction of Tai'an City, and sneered.


He hummed softly, did not continue to pay attention, and continued to eat food and drink.


Snow Moon City.


With an explosion, Li Changsheng flew into the sky and looked in the direction of Tai'an City.

Two figures soon flew out of the city, it was Baili Dongjun and Sikong Changfeng.

When the two saw Li Changsheng, they were stunned for a moment and hurriedly bowed and saluted.



The two said in unison.

Li Changsheng waved his hand and said nothing.

At this moment, most of his attention was on the direction of Tai'an City.

Only he knows what happened over there.

Although Baili Dongjun and Sikong Changfeng vaguely felt that something was wrong in Tai'an City, they did not know the specific situation.

The two looked at each other and could only wait quietly.

They didn't know why their master, whom they hadn't seen for many years, was so serious.

In other words, they have never seen Master's face so solemn.

What the hell happened over there?


Outside Tai'an City.

Li Hanyi looked up at the situation in the sky, his face turned pale.

She could feel that the energy ball in Gao Shulu's hand was very terrifying. She could not resist even a trace of electric current caused by the energy ball.

Can Lin Chen really take on such a terrifying move?


Will Lin Chen die?

Li Hanyi was inexplicably worried.


The military formation of King Ming.

Yang Qinxin, Nangong Pushe, Lan Xiaodie and others prayed secretly in their hearts.

They could feel that Gao Shulu's move must be very terrifying, and all they could do was pray.

Next to the dragon chariot.

Dugu Can clenched his fists and stared at the sky.

He had mixed feelings in his heart.

He hoped that Lin Chen could win, but felt that this was impossible.

Although Lin Chen didn't know how to be immune to the dissolving properties of the power of heaven.


The power of heaven is more terrifying than just melting.

It's very powerful in its own right.

Otherwise, how can Heaven govern all things?


In the sky.

Gao Shulu looked at Lin Chen in the distance.

"Aren't you prepared? Can't you take my strongest blow seriously?"

Gao Shulu roared angrily.

On the surface he was very angry, but in fact he was secretly reminding Lin Chen.


Lin Chen nodded slightly.

He stretched out his hand and shook it downwards.


A knife light flashed.

The full moon scimitar appeared in Lin Chen's hand.

This was Dugu Can's sword, but it was later taken away by Lin Chen and given to him for use.

Now, the Full Moon Scimitar came into Lin Chen's hands again.

Just because Lin Chen needed a knife.

No matter what the material of the knife is, even if it is a wooden knife, it doesn't matter.

All he needs is a knife.

"You finally used a weapon!"

Gao Shulu's breathing became rapid.

At this moment, he felt that the energy ball in his hand had almost reached its limit.

And he also poured all the power of heaven into it.

This move has the power to destroy heaven and earth!

"I have a method called Tianwen Nine Blades."

"But I thought nine swords were too much, so I condensed them into one sword."

"This sword can cut through the heavens."

Lin Chen said lightly.



Gao Shulu roared and suddenly pushed out the energy ball in his hand.

The energy ball locked onto Lin Chen instantly and flew out.

It didn't seem to be very fast, even giving Lin Chen time to dodge.


Lin Chen couldn't dodge or evade.

Because the surrounding space completely imprisoned Lin Chen, forcing him to take the blow.

And Lin Chen had no intention of escaping.

He clenched the full moon scimitar in his hand and slashed down.

A simple knife hit the energy ball.

Time and space seemed to have stopped.

Everyone can see the full moon scimitar hitting the energy ball.

This scene was frozen for a moment.

Even if it's just a moment, it's enough to be unforgettable for everyone.


boom! ! ! !

A scorching light burst out, instantly turning the world into a vast expanse of white.

Even if everyone tried to open their eyes and forced themselves to look directly into the bright light, they could not see anything.

They could only see a white light.

Within the eyes, it was all white, without any other trace of color.

Everything in the sky and on the earth is white.

boom! ! ! !

A terrifying wave of air swept over, stirring the world.

Even if King Ming's army retreated far enough, they would still be overturned by the air wave.

The soldiers of King Ming's army could only hold on to whatever they could on the ground to prevent them from flying into the air.

Dugu Can released his protective energy in time to protect the dragon chariot.

Otherwise, the dragon chariot would be overturned by this wave of energy.

Because Tai'an City was close, the city wall collapsed directly under the action of the air wave, crushing the Liyang Dynasty warriors hiding below.

Only the more alert warriors ran out and escaped.

Not only that, the air waves also destroyed many buildings in the city.

After a while.

Heaven and earth returned to peace.

Tai'an City has been reduced to ruins, and the people who were lucky enough to survive raised their heads and looked at the sky.

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