You know, even in Beili, when he entered the palace, he walked directly in without any obstruction.

What's more, this is not Beili.

"How can we find Prince Ming Lin Chen if we don't go in directly?"

Baili Dongjun blinked, a little confused.

Li Hanyi was speechless.

She felt that the senior brother must have been drunk and stupid, so he would ask such a question.

You can't force your way in. Of course, you need to find someone to report it.

Li Hanyi could only come to the palace gate. 0

"Li Hanyi from Xueyue City, Beili Dynasty, requests to see King Ming."

Li Hanyi said politely to the soldiers of King Ming's Army in front of him.

The soldiers of the Ming King's Army were a little confused when they saw Li Hanyi wearing a mask.

But he still nodded.

"Hold on."

After saying that, the soldier from the Ming King's Army went in to pass the message.

As the news was passed layer by layer, it finally reached Lin Chen's ears.

"Li Hanyi?"

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows, with a rather playful expression on his face.

Yang Qinxin, Nangong Pushe, Lan Xiaodie and others next to them saw something on Lin Chen's expression and immediately realized something.

"Master, do you know this Li Hanyi?"

Lan Xiaodie asked curiously.

Yang Qinxin and Nangong Pushe also looked at Lin Chen doubtfully.

After all, they had never been to Beili, and they didn't know the specific meaning of the words "Xueyue City Li Hanyi".

"Let her in."

Lin Chen did not answer, but looked at Dugu Can and ordered.


Dugucan took the order and left.

He naturally knows what Li Hanyi in Xueyue City represents.

Otherwise, with so many people coming to see Lin Chen, how could it be that only Li Hanyi's name could reach Lin Chen?

on the main hall.

Li Hanyi and Baili Dongjun waited here for half an hour.

Baili Dongjun was a little impatient.

"Why hasn't King Ming come yet?"

Baili Dongjun turned the wine gourd in his hand over and tried to pour the wine from it.

It's just that the gourd of wine has been drunk long ago and cannot be poured out at all.

"Senior brother, be safe and don't be impatient."

Li Hanyi was quite helpless.

When Baili Dongjun saw what Li Hanyi said, he could only wait patiently.

After a while, Lin Chen came over with Yang Qinxin, Nangong Pushe, Lan Xiaodie and others.

When Li Hanyi saw Lin Chen appear, he immediately raised his hands and saluted.

"Li Hanyi of Xueyue City of Beili Dynasty has met King Ming."

Li Hanyi spoke slowly.

But she still wore a bronze mask and her voice was very deep.

On the surface, she is also dressed as a man, and her true appearance cannot be seen at all.

Seeing Li Hanyi being so respectful, Baili Dongjun could only bow his hand.

Lin Chen looked at Li Hanyi with great interest.

"I didn't expect the second city lord of Xueyue City to come here."

"It's just that it doesn't seem polite that you came to see me wearing a mask, right?"

Lin Chen said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, Yang Qinxin, Nangong Pushe, Lan Xiaodie and others immediately realized something.

The other party is still wearing a mask!

That can only mean that it is either because it is too ugly or because it is too beautiful.

And now that Lin Chen took the initiative to ask the other party to take off the mask, it only meant that the other party's appearance was definitely worth seeing.

Baili Dongjun was quite unhappy when he heard this.

"Prince Ming, is your request too much?"

"My junior sister is free to wear a mask. Why should she take off the mask?"

Baili Dongjun said rather unhappily.

Lin Chen said nothing and looked at Li Hanyi calmly.

He had long noticed that Li Hanyi was following him, and naturally knew that the other party had seen his power.

Therefore, as long as he opens his mouth, Li Hanyi will never refuse.

I dare not refuse.

Li Hanyi hesitated for a moment, then finally raised his hand and slowly took off the mask.

That beautiful face immediately appeared in everyone's sight.

The eight characters "Shame on the Flower and Close the Moon" and "Shen Yu Luoyan" are absolutely suitable for Li Hanyi.

Even Yang Qinxin, Nangong Pushe, Lan Xiaodie and others couldn't help but admire secretly.

There are such peerless beauties in the world! .

Chapter 160 Xueyue Sword Immortal has an unparalleled appearance!Li Hanyi’s decision!Nangong Pushe is jealous!The blue bird comes for help!

After Lin Chen saw Li Hanyi's true appearance, he nodded secretly.

"They say that Xue Yue Sword Immortal's swordsmanship is unparalleled, but I think her appearance is also unparalleled."

Lin Chen said with a smile.

When Li Hanyi heard this, his cheeks turned red instantly.

She also knew that her appearance was praised by many people, especially before she became a sword fairy.

At that time, I was pestered by too many people, so I had to wear a mask to hide my eyes from others.

Later, when she succeeded in her cultivation and became the Snow Moon Sword Immortal, those praising voices disappeared.

It's not that she is no longer beautiful, but that no one dares to be frivolous.

Therefore, now that Li Hanyi heard Lin Chen's words, he blushed unconsciously.

Although Baili Dongjun didn't understand the personal relationship between his children, he also understood that Li Hanyi was not disgusted, but shy.

Could it be that……

Baili Dongjun felt something was wrong.

He coughed lightly.

"King Ming, we came here to discuss something."

Baili Dongjun spoke directly.

"Go ahead."

Lin Chen said lightly.

Of course he knew this, otherwise, how could these two people travel all the way from Xueyue City to Tai'an City?

"Master ordered me to come and invite King Ming to go to Beili."

Baili Dongjun said seriously.


Lin Chen raised his eyebrows and looked at Baili Dongjun with interest.

Invite him to Beili?

Why is this?


Lin Chen would ask.

"This...I don't know either."

"I just got the master's order, so I came here to tell King Ming."

"I don't know what it is specifically."

Baili Dongjun answered honestly.

He really didn't know this, rather than hiding it.

Lin Chen couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Yang Qinxin next to him frowned.

"Sir, there seems to be something wrong here."

Yang Qinxin reminded.

"I don't think so either."

"I invited the young master there without even a single reason. There may be a trap."

Nangong Pushe agreed.

Lan Xiaodie also nodded in agreement.

In their opinion, Li Changsheng's invitation was definitely fishy. Otherwise, why would he invite Lin Chen to Beili?

Baili Dongjun was speechless after hearing what Yang Qinxin and others said.

He knew that the master was aboveboard and could never lay any traps.

However, even if he said this, the other party would not believe it.

It's better to wait quietly for Lin Chen's decision.

For Baili Dongjun, no matter what decision Lin Chen made, he didn't care.

Anyway, he came here to deliver a message.

Lin Chen thought for a moment and quickly made up his mind.

In his opinion, he would definitely go to the Beili Dynasty.

Originally, they thought of taking down the Qin Dynasty first, and finally the Beili Dynasty.

But now, Li Changsheng actually invited him to go to Beili. Isn't this tantamount to telling him to capture Beili first?

"Go back and tell Li Changsheng that I will come over."

"It's just that when I went there, it wasn't just a few people who went there, but a large army pressing down on the border."

Lin Chen said with a smile.

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