"We are the last line of defense for the people and we must not retreat!"

Xu Fengnian gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice.

"Do we need to continue to hold on with 3000 people?"

The general was crying when he spoke.

"Keep watch for another ten days. After ten days..."

Xu Fengnian gritted his teeth and said.

However, before he could finish speaking, a loud noise interrupted his words.

"Xu Fengnian! Come out and die!"

The sound spread throughout Zhenbeiguan.

All heard.

Strong, definitely strong!

Xu Fengnian also didn't expect that Beimang could no longer bear it so quickly and directly dispatched strong men for the final decisive battle.

Can't we wait another ten days?

Xu Fengnian sighed, feeling helpless.

The general also realized something.

He got up hastily.


The general stopped in front of Xu Fengnian, not wanting Xu Fengnian to fight.

Being able to spread the sound throughout Zhenbeiguan shows that the other party has extremely high cultivation level and is probably a powerful person with great immortality.

And Xu Fengnian has just entered the land of fairyland.

Even the reincarnation of Emperor Zhenwu cannot cross a large realm to kill the enemy.

"Get out of the way, this is my fight."

Xu Fengnian said lightly.


The general still wanted to persuade.

Xu Fengnian took action directly and struck the general on the neck with his sword, knocking him unconscious.

"Take him down to heal. If I lose, the remaining Snow Dragon Riders can retreat and retreat to Lingzhou City."

Xu Fengnian ordered the soldiers next to him.

After saying that, he flew up and came into the air.

At this moment.

A burly man dressed as a farmer was already waiting for Xu Fengnian in mid-air.

This strong man is the strongest man in Beimang, Tuoba Bodhisattva.

Tuoba Bodhisattva looked Xu Fengnian up and down.

".'You are indeed very young, but you are not my opponent yet."

"Surrender. As long as you surrender, I can keep you alive and even recommend you to be worshiped in Beimang."

"Beiliang naturally belongs to your Xu family too."

"What I, Beimang, need is the whole of Liyang, not just a small Beiliang."

Tuoba Bodhisattva said slowly.

If it were before, it would be impossible for him to say such words.

After all, he was only in the Land of Land Gods before, and there were sword gods like Li Chungang sitting in Beiliang.

However, now Beiliang has declined, and the masters have died, leaving Xu Fengnian alone.

Moreover, Tuoba Bodhisattva also successfully entered the realm of immortality among gods and humans.

Because of this, he had the courage and ability to make Xu Fengnian surrender.

Xu Fengnian shook his head.

"No need to talk nonsense, if you want to fight, then fight."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Fengnian took action first.

He knew that the gap between his own cultivation level and that of the other party was too big.

If he was given a few more years, he would have the confidence to enter the realm of immortality.


There isn't that much time now.

Beimang was not willing to give him even ten days, let alone a few years.

As soon as Xu Fengnian took action, it was a green snake with two sleeves.

Two rays of sword light flew out and stabbed Tuoba Bodhisattva.

"Tips for carving insects!"

Tuoba Bodhisattva coldly snorted, clenched his fist and continued to blast out.


The violent fist wind instantly swallowed up the two sword lights.

Not only that, the momentum of the fist wind continued unabated, hitting Xu Fengnian.

Xu Fengnian could only raise his arms to resist.


Xu Fengnian couldn't resist the powerful force at all, and flew backwards, hitting the city wall below.

A pit instantly appeared in the solid city wall.

Gravel falls.

Xu Fengnian struggled to climb out of the pit.

He raised his head and looked at Tuoba Bodhisattva in the sky, feeling secretly frightened.

Is this the power of immortality?

The gap is really too big.

Tuoba Bodhisattva looked down at Xu Fengnian.

"Submit or die?"

Tuoba Bodhisattva said proudly.


Xu Fengnian gritted his teeth, stared at Tuoba Bodhisattva, and roared.

For a time, all the soldiers in Zhenbeiguan started shouting.



Tuoba Bodhisattva snorted coldly when he saw this situation.

"Since you are looking for death, then I will help you."

The first group number is [-]

"Give me death!"

Tuoba Bodhisattva sneered at Daochang.

After saying that, he punched again.

Qi Jin flew out and condensed into a fist in mid-air.

The fist struck Xu Fengnian from top to bottom.

This blow will definitely smash Xu Fengnian into a meat pie!


I beg you to order! .

Chapter 162 Gathering the power of an army of 20!Real fairyland!Tuoba Bodhisattva’s last trick!Understand the Supreme Holy Body!

Seeing that Xu Fengnian was about to be smashed into pieces by the punch.

Two figures suddenly appeared and stood in front of Xu Fengnian.

The man among them stretched out his hand and pointed it out.

The huge fist condensed with energy shattered instantly and turned into a strong wind, blowing away in all directions.

Only Xu Fengnian and the two new people who appeared below the pothole were not affected.

These two people were Lin Chen and Qingniao.

Qingniao saw Xu Fengnian collapsed in the pothole, covered in blood, and she immediately screamed.


After saying that, Qingniao rushed over to help Xu Fengnian.

"do not come!"

Xu Fengnian shouted sharply, but his eyes fell on Lin Chen.

He never expected that Lin Chen would come so soon.

Obviously, he should have come alone without any troops.

Even so, Xu Fengnian knew that this battle would be won.


Lin Chen arrived so quickly, he must have accepted certain conditions, such as...

Now the blue bird should no longer be his maid, but should belong to Lin Chen.

Fortunately, he had been very polite to Jade Bird before and never offended her.

The blue bird was suddenly startled and stood there blankly, looking at Xu Fengnian without knowing why.

She didn't understand why Xu Fengnian wouldn't let her get close.

Xu Fengnian gritted his teeth, endured the pain in his body and slowly stood up, then came to Lin Chen.

"Thank you, Prince Ming, for saving me. Otherwise, I would have died long ago."

Xu Fengnian said gratefully.

"No need to thank me, you should thank Qingniao."

"If she hadn't begged, I wouldn't be here so quickly."

Lin Chen said lightly.

After all, in his opinion, Beimang's invasion was not a big deal.

Even if Beiliang is defeated across the board and Beimang's 20-strong army marches straight in, so what?

As long as King Ming's army is here, all invading enemies will be strangled to death.

It's just a matter of time.

After Xu Fengnian heard Lin Chen's words, he sighed secretly.

Sure enough, it was because of the blue bird.

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