"I help you only because Beiliang is also a part of Liyang."

"Now Liyang has been captured by me and turned into a domain."

"Where will your Xu family go?"

Lin Chen asked directly without any cover-up.

After all, with his status and strength, there is no need to hide it.

Xu Fengnian hesitated for a moment and quickly made a decision.

"My Xu family is willing to submit to King Ming's army and become a member of King Ming's banner."

Xu Fengnian spoke directly.

The Great Snow Dragon Cavalry general next to him opened his mouth, but in the end he said nothing.

He knows that the general trend of the world is like this.

King Ming's army is huge. If they don't surrender, even if King Ming will not take action personally, King Ming's subordinates will not let the Xu family monopolize Beiliang.

That's all, as long as you can swallow Beimang and end the hatred between the two sides, you can submit.


Lin Chen nodded.

With Beiliang and Beimang being included in the territory of Liyang Domain, there are now only two major dynasties left in Shenzhou, namely the Great Qin Dynasty and the Beili Dynasty.


Liyang domain.

Tai'an City.

"Next, I am going to Xueyue City of Beili Dynasty."

Lin Chen looked at the many women in front of him and said slowly.

As soon as these words came out, Yang Qinxin, Nangong Pushe, Lan Xiaodie, Qingniao and others were stunned.

Only Li Hanyi was quite happy.

"Thank you very much, King Ming, for remembering the appointment in Xueyue City."

Li Hanyi expressed his gratitude to Lin Chen.

After all, her master Li Changsheng hoped that Lin Chen could visit Xueyue City as soon as possible.

Now that Lin Chen had just won the Liyang Dynasty, he said he was going to Xueyue City, which made her very happy.

"Sir, why are you so anxious?"

Yang Qinxin frowned and asked.

Li Hanyi was stunned for a moment after hearing Yang Qinxin's inquiry.

She looked at Lin Chen subconsciously, and was a little curious, wanting to know why Lin Chen decided to go to Xueyue City so early.

"It's not that I'm anxious, but there are only two major dynasties left in the Divine Continent, and I don't want to delay it any longer."

Lin Chen said lightly.

Everyone suddenly realized and nodded.

"However, after all, Liyang and Dajin have just been captured, and there are still many things to deal with."

"So I decided to let you, Pushe, and Xiaodie stay and help me handle Liyang's affairs."

Lin Chen looked at Yang Qinxin seriously.

Yang Qin was stunned for a moment and looked at Lin Chen in surprise.

Nangong Pushe and Lan Xiaodie also looked at Lin Chen blankly.

They never expected that Lin Chen would actually stay with them.


"Master...don't you like Xiaodie anymore?"

Lan Xiaodie frowned and looked at Lin Chen with sad eyes.

"of course not."

"Don't think too much about it."

"I just think that after you have been with me for so long, you have established enough prestige to handle some ordinary affairs."

Lin Chen explained with a smile.

When the girls heard this, they secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out to be the case.

Qingniao suddenly remembered something.

"Son, what about me?"

Qingniao asked doubtfully.

"Of course you have to follow me to Beili."

"I heard that you have traveled to Beili for a while, so you should know something about Beili."

Lin Chen said lightly.

Qingniao immediately nodded in agreement.

Although she was not familiar with Beili, she was definitely not unfamiliar.

Serving as a guide is more than enough.

Otherwise, if Li Hanyi is allowed to lead the way, who knows what traps Li Hanyi will set?

Qingniao glanced at Li Hanyi, curled his lips, and said nothing more.

In her opinion, Lin Chen brought her with him just to guard against Li Hanyi.

However, Lin Chen didn't think so much.

He just wanted to bring a maid to solve those minor troubles.

Li Hanyi didn't care about Qingniao's little thoughts.

She looked at Lin Chen.

"When to set off?"

Li Hanyi asked seriously.

"Tomorrow morning."

Lin Chen said lightly.

Li Hanyi nodded, said goodbye and left.

Now that Lin Chen has decided to go to Beili Xueyue City, she must send the news back to Xueyue City and let the master prepare.

After all, Lin Chen is King Ming, truly the strongest person in the Divine Continent.


Great Qin Dynasty.

Xianyang Palace.

in the secret room.

The Great Qin Patriarch and Yin Zhong were separated from each other by a table, sitting at opposite ends.

"Do you want to meet Lin Chen for a while?"

The ancestor of Great Qin narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at Yin Zhong.

?',[-] "Exactly."

Yin Zhong nodded.

"Aren't you afraid that Lin Chen will kill you?"

The ancestor of Great Qin asked.

"kill me?"

"Hahahahahaha, if he has the ability, then just kill me."

"I can't ask for it."

Yin Zhong said lightly.


Begging to follow up!seven.

Chapter 164 Great Qin Ancestor!Yin Zhong is so powerful!Ancestor of Xiangyang!Master’s strength!

The ancestor of Great Qin asked.

"kill me?"

"Hahahahahaha, if he has this ability

In other words, I am willing to forgive you even though I am deeply ignorant! �

"I can't ask for it."

Yin Zhong said lightly.

Do you know that your father was killed by Lin Chen!Don't you hate him?

The ancestor of Great Qin asked.

What's the use of hating?He is still alive now.

But I am different.

I've already died once, and it's not a big deal if I die again.

Yin Zhong said calmly.


The ancestor of Great Qin fell silent.

He didn't know how to comfort his grandson.

Lin Chen is indeed Yin Zhong’s enemy.

It's just that when Lin Chen was still an ordinary person, Yin Zhong didn't take it seriously, but now Lin Chen is one of the youngest and most talented warriors in the Qin Dynasty.

Reaching the spiritual sea realm at this age is simply unprecedented.

The Great Qin Ancestor admires such juniors very much, and hopes to make Lin Chen his disciple in the future. However, Lin Chen is now the mortal enemy of the royal family, and he is not very sure that he can make Lin Chen give up his hatred and become his disciple. .

Have you really decided?

The ancestor of Great Qin said solemnly: Although Lin Chen is the mortal enemy of the Great Qin royal family, his talent is terrifying. If he has the opportunity to grow up in the future, he will be a threat to our Great Qin royal family.

None of this matters.

The important thing is that I am in control of my own destiny.

Yin Zhong shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Well, now that you've made your decision, do what you say you'll do.

The ancestor of Great Qin sighed.

Um!I will definitely complete the task.

Yin Zhong nodded.

"When I go to find my master, I will meet Lin Chen!"

Yin Zhong is on the road.

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