The combination of these spider formations is very simple. Each one uses a piece of jade and is arranged around it.There are eight pieces of jade in total, and each person has five pieces.In the center are eight crystal clear pills.

The eight Wudu Sect disciples placed the elixir in their Dantian, and then used Xuan Qi to control the elixir, releasing violent toxins and tightly binding the souls of the eight Wudu Sect disciples.

As long as these elixirs release toxins, the eight Black Poison Sect disciples will be completely unconscious. When the toxicity of the elixirs wears off, these people will turn into walking zombies! !

This is! !

Lin Chen's pupils shrank slightly.

That's right!This is our Black Poison Cult's special secret formation, called the [Spider Formation]. Once activated, it will produce huge toxins, making people lose their combat effectiveness! !

Our eight disciples used this spider formation to trap this guy!When the effect of this formation ends, this guy will no longer be able to resist! !

The leader of Wudu Sect sneered.

Lin Chen! !

Qin Zheng stared at Lin Chen coldly, gritted his teeth and said: I will crush you to ashes with my own hands! ! !

As soon as Qin Zheng finished speaking, he saw Qin Zhong activating the profound energy in his body to arrange the eight spider stones in a special way.

Eight different colors of spider stones were arranged to form a ball, wrapping Lin Chen in it.

With the operation of the spider array.

Sweat broke out on Qin Zhong's forehead, his face became extremely pale, and he seemed to be in great pain.

no!I can't hold on for long!Lin Chen must be killed as soon as possible!Otherwise, when his strength recovers, my eight disciples will definitely die! !Qin Zhong gritted his teeth and said.



The powerful poison emitted by the eight spider stones corroded Qin Zhong's body-protecting Xuanyuan.

Qin Zhong's body trembled.

puff! !

Qin Zhong spurted blood from his mouth.

Oops! !I can't hold it any longer! !Qin Zhong's face was full of anxiety.

Brother Qin!I'm here to help you!

At this time, a voice sounded from behind, and then, a vast and terrifying pressure came down.

This is the pressure possessed by the powerful Martial Emperor.

Next to Qin Zheng stood a man in green.

This man in Tsing Yi has a handsome face, narrow eyes, a tall and straight figure, and a noble temperament.

It’s Master Uncle Qingshan! !

Uncle Qingshan is here!This brat, what will you do this time?

Everyone in the Qin family cheered excitedly. 0

Castle Peak!

He is the second generation elder of the Qin family and is very powerful.

Qingshan glanced at Lin Chen coldly, and said sarcastically: Lin Chen, kid, wants to capture Fanyang City! ?Really looking for death!

Lin Chen was slightly taken aback.

Qin Zheng, I said there is a grudge between us!Today is your death day! !

Lin Chen snorted coldly and drew out the Soul-Eating Sword.

Although Qin Zheng's strength has reached the fourth level of the True Martial Realm.

But Lin Chen's true strength has also reached the seventh level of the True Martial Realm.

Hahaha...Lin Chen!Even if I can't beat you, I won't just sit back and die! !

Qin Zheng roared, kicked his legs, and flew towards Lin Chen. His fists carried the terrifying wind and hit Lin Chen's head.

The speed of Qin Zheng's fist was extremely fast, and the power of the fist exploded, causing cracks in the void. One can imagine how terrifying the power of Qin Zheng's blow was.

Small tricks! !

Give me 0.7 and get out!

Lin Chen dismissed it.

The soul-eating sword swung.

Dang Dang Cang~~~


The two swords collided with each other.

Qin Zheng was forced to take three steps back, his arms were numb, and his jaw was about to burst.

Qin Zhong's eyes narrowed and his mind moved.

Suddenly, the eight spider stones turned into eight thick iron ropes, wrapping around Lin Chen's body.

The poison contained in the spider stone had put Lin Chen into a brief coma, and he could not even move his body.

Chapter 184 With the help of foreign aid, Lin Chen breaks the spider formation and becomes invincible with the divine sword!

Lin Chen, suffer death! !

Qin Zhong laughed ferociously, activated his true energy, and urged the Spider Formation to launch its strongest attack.

In the spider formation, Lin Chen's feet were also restrained.

Moreover, the toxins contained in the eight spider stones became more and more powerful. Lin Chen felt that his body was slowly losing control and his body gradually became cold.

Lin Chen frowned.

Damn it! !

Can't delay any longer here!Otherwise I will be in danger!

Lin Chen cursed secretly in his heart and did not dare to hesitate any longer.

Lin Chen's power of consciousness surged, trying to drive away these toxins, but he was unable to do so.I saw a red dress falling from the sky.It's a matchmaker!

The flames on the matchmaker's body instantly spread out, covering Lin Chen's body, and the toxins were instantly expelled.

Lin Chen's body surface burned with raging fire.

Lin Chen's injuries were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he was also beginning to gain faint strength.

The matchmaker put away the flame, looked at Lin Chen calmly, and said: Lin Chen, we meet again. "

Lin Chen's injuries were intact and he even felt more energetic than before.

Your flame?Lin Chen looked at the matchmaker in shock.

Don't be surprised!This is a secret technique unique to our Xuanyue Sect, which can heal injuries from the outside world. Not only that, it can also improve the cultivation level of the cultivator.The matchmaker explained: I was originally the third elder of Xuanyue Sect, but I was plotted against by the elders of their Wudu Sect.Even if I am not here to help you today, I will avenge myself.

I see!Lin Chen suddenly realized.

The matchmaker is the third elder of Xuanyue Sect?No wonder he can perform the secret techniques of Xuanyue Sect.

The matchmaker looked at Lin Chen closely and said in a deep voice: No matter what, we are all disciples of the Xuan Yue Sect, and you should not be responsible for this grudge

Say it!

The matchmaker turned her palm and took out a bottle from her ring.

This bottle contains red blood grass juice.

You are now poisoned. Taking red blood grass juice can offset the toxins in your body!

Lin Chen looked at the bottle and rolled his eyes.

Red blood grass is the best spiritual grass and can detoxify hundreds of poisons!It is a good medicine for Lin Chen.

good!I promise you!Lin Chen nodded happily and drank the red blood grass juice directly.

After drinking, Lin Chen felt that his energy and energy had recovered a lot, and he even felt like he was in a state of ecstasy.

At this moment, Lin Chen was extremely shocked.

This red blood grass is really powerful!Lin Chen sighed secretly.

Lin Chen!At this moment, a familiar shouting sound suddenly came from a distance.

Lin Chen turned his head and took a look.

I saw a young man riding a tall horse and leading a group of guards rushing towards this side.

This young man turned out to be Lin Chen's fellow senior, Chen Xuanyu.

Lin Chen!Chen Xuanyu's face was solemn and he quickly ran to Lin Chen's side.

Chen Xuanyu exuded a fierce murderous aura.

Senior Brother Xuanyu, why did you come back so suddenly?Lin Chen asked doubtfully.

Chen Xuanyu said in a deep voice: Lin Chen, Master heard that you and Qin Qiong were fighting here, so he specially asked me to come and help. "

Lin Chen felt relieved in his heart. With the help of Chen Xuanyu, his fellow disciple, his chances of winning were better.

However, Chen Xuanyu did not say anything, and just asked Lin Chen to leave here first.

Lin Chen didn't say anything more and followed Chen Xuanyu and others out of the Spider Formation.

"Ha, you want to retreat? First see if you have what it takes!!" Qin Zhong cursed and began to control the spider formation, launching another 047 attack on Lin Chen.

Chen Xuanyu's face was also extremely gloomy. He was holding a long sword, and the sword light flickered, and the surrounding space seemed to be distorted.

Break the army and kill it! !

Chen Xuanyu struck out with his sword.

The terrifying sword energy tore through the space and directly bombarded Qin Zhong's spider array.

Chen Xuanyu and Qin Zhong have been fighting each other for many years, and are somewhat familiar with Qin Zhong's attacks. If he succeeds with one blow, he will turn his defense into an attack without hesitation.


Qin Zhong roared angrily.

call out!

Qin Zhong activated the spider array again, and a huge black shadow rushed towards Chen Xuanyu with its teeth and claws.

Chen Xuanyu swung his sword to meet the attack.For a moment, the sword energies crisscrossed each other, and the two of them were fighting hard to separate themselves.

In this battle, the morale of the elite soldiers led by Qin Zheng was extremely high.

"Come on me!! Defend my Qin Dynasty to the death!!".

Chapter 185 Fifty thousand elite soldiers were lost in battle, Lin Chen approached Xianyang Palace, and Qin Shihuang was shocked

kill! !

For a time, soldiers from both sides started a fierce melee.

Chen Xuanyu and Qin Zhong were fighting inextricably, but Lin Chen easily escaped from the crisis.

Lin Chen!Chen Xuanyu shouted, go quickly, don't stay here!

Lin Chen shook his head, "Oh, if I, Lin Chen, don't capture Fanyang City today, I swear I won't be a human being!" After saying that, Lin Chen slashed out with his sword and attacked Qin Zhong.While they were talking, Qing Yi came to Qin Zheng with lightning speed and pierced Qin Zheng's neck with a silver needle, killing Qin Zheng instantly.

When the people of the Qin family saw their master being killed, they were all horrified and didn't know what to do.

Qin Zheng's death put them in a desperate situation, and the remaining warriors of the Qin family have been entangled by the Chen family.And the soldiers of the Qin family were no match for Lin Chen.

For a time, the situation took on a one-sided form.

Withdraw!Go back to the mountain gate!Qin Zhong shouted loudly, led the remaining soldiers and fled in panic.

snort!Want to escape?

No one can save you today!

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