"Brother Mubai, you go first!" the woman said through gritted teeth.

Li Mubai didn't speak, just looked at her quietly.

"Hmph! You trash, you still want to catch me? You are just wishful thinking!" The woman bit her silver teeth lightly, her beautiful big eyes flashed with a stubborn light, and she kept slashing with a simple dagger in her hand.

"Stinky girl, do you think you can run away?" A cold voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, three ghostly figures suddenly attacked, forcing the woman back and blocking her escape route.

The woman's face turned pale, and her hand holding the dagger couldn't help but tighten. She took a deep breath, tried to stay calm, and said, "Let me go!"

The three people sneered and did not relax their guard.

"I advise you to just go ahead and capture him, so as not to suffer physical pain." An old man in gray robe said.

The woman's eyes were firm and she said: "Impossible!"

"Ha! If you don't eat the toast, you'll be fined with wine!" The old man shouted angrily and took the lead in attacking the woman.

The woman's eyes flashed and she stepped forward to greet him.

bang bang bang...

In a few breaths, four figures fought together.

The swords clanked and spiritual energy surged.

The old man was very powerful, but the woman was at a disadvantage and had to defend herself, gradually falling into a dilemma.

"Little girl, it's better to surrender obediently."

The fighting there was fierce, and Li Hanyi hid in the grass and his thoughts were racing.

He had just fought with Ito Sakurako and got separated from Qingyi Lin Chen. Now he was seriously injured. If he got involved in the fight between the old man in gray robe and Li Mubai and others again, he might not be able to save his life.

So she hid in the grass and quietly observed every move over there, waiting for Lin Chen and others to arrive.

The old man in gray robe didn't notice the movement in the grass here, and just stepped closer to Li Mubai and the beautiful woman in his arms.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Li Mubai suddenly jumped out to the side.At the same time, the spear in his hand stabbed the gray-robed old man fiercely.

The gray-robed old man snorted coldly, stretched out the palm of his right hand, and slapped the spear away.He tapped his toes and chased Li Mubai.

When Li Mubai saw this, he quickly led Cheng Shuang in the opposite direction.

Chapter 202 If you continue to be stubborn, I will never be merciful to him again! !

"Shuang'er, if you continue to be so stubborn, I will never show mercy to Xiao Si again." The old man in gray robe looked sternly at the woman in Li Mubai's arms.

Cheng Shuang shook his head and said firmly: "Grandpa, don't embarrass Brother Mu Bai."

A trace of disappointment flashed in the eyes of the old man in gray robe, and he said coldly: "In that case, don't blame me for being ruthless."


As he spoke, the spiritual energy in his body exploded wildly, his hands danced together, and palm prints all over the sky were formed out of thin air, carrying a strong wind, and shrouding Li Mubai down.

Li Mubai's face was extremely serious. He knew that this was the old man's most powerful skill, the "Shattering Rock Palm", which was extremely powerful and comparable to Xuan-level martial arts.

In his prime, he could compete, but now his injuries are too serious and it is impossible to resist.

"Shuang'er!" He screamed, turned around quickly, and used his body to protect Cheng Shuang to avoid these dense palm prints.

In an instant, blood spurted out, and there were more than ten hideous blood marks all over his body. The blood gurgled out, staining his clothes in red.

Cheng Shuang was frightened, her eyes were red, and she knelt down with her legs flopping.

"Dad, please let Brother Mubai go. I'll go back with you. Why don't I go back with you?" Cheng Shuang's voice was choked with tears, and she cried so hard that the pear blossoms were filled with rain.

"Alas!" The old man in gray robe sighed and retracted his arm.

He was also a family man. Although he doted on his granddaughter, he did not dare to kill Li Mubai.

Otherwise, he will surely die.

"Why are you doing this? Sooner or later, you will understand that your obsession is wrong." The old man in gray robe shook his head.

"No! I'm right! I just like him, why do you all stop me?" Cheng Shuang shook his head and said.

The old man in gray robe was silent for a moment and said: "That's all, since you don't listen to my advice, I will send you back to China!"

"No! I don't want to go back!" Cheng Shuang refused quickly, her eyes firm, as if she had made some kind of decision.

She looked at the old man in gray robe and said, "I promise to leave Japan with you, but I have a condition. If you can agree, I will go back with you."

"What conditions do you have?" the gray-robed old man asked curiously.

Cheng Shuang's eyes were lowered. After hesitating for a long time, he said slowly: "You have to promise me that no matter what happens in the future, you will stand by my side and help me."

"Okay." The old man in gray robe agreed without hesitation. He had lived for half his life and experienced a lot of storms. He had already developed a hard-hearted heart and had long looked down on family ties and friendships in the secular world.

After hearing this, Li Hanyi roughly understood the whole story.

It must have been that Li Mubai eloped with Cheng Shuang and was chased here by Cheng Shuang's grandfather.

This Cheng Shuang is really an infatuated person. She would rather go back with her grandfather and suffer the consequences, but also asks her relatives to let Li Mubai go.

Li Mubai obviously guessed Cheng Shuang's purpose. His expression froze, and then he sighed.

"Shuang'er, can you come with me? When I get back, I'll ask my father to grant us a marriage!!" Li Mubai begged.

"Father?" When Li Hanyi heard this, his thoughts began to race rapidly again.

"Is he the prince of a certain country? When I rescued him, he didn't reveal his identity." Li Hanyi frowned and analyzed secretly.


Such a rich and powerful second generation was forced to hide in a cave, which shows that his life was not easy.

"Hurry up and agree." Seeing that Cheng Shuang was still hesitating, Li Mubai said anxiously.

"No, let's just say goodbye." Cheng Shuang followed the old man in gray robe back with tears in his eyes.

"I don't agree." Li Mubai gritted his teeth and said.

The gray-robed old man paused and turned around with a sneer: "What? Do you still want to stop me?"

"I..." Li Mubai was about to speak when he felt a sharp pain in his chest and abdomen.


He spit out a mouthful of blood and fell straight to the ground.

"Stop!! Stop, Daddy!! You said you would let him go...!" Cheng Shuang begged with tears in her eyes.

Chapter 203 Where is the girl in cold clothes? !I went to find her, the sword is shocking!

The old man in gray robe seemed not to have heard anything and continued to move forward.


At this moment, Li Mubai suddenly jumped up and grabbed the gray-robed old man's shoulders.

The old man in gray robe looked slightly sideways, looking at Li Mubai's face full of anger and hatred, and asked indifferently: "What do you want to do?"

Li Mubai clenched his fists tightly, his nails digging into his flesh, and bright red blood dripped down his fingers. He stared at the old man in gray robes, gritted his teeth and said, "Even if I die today, I will hold you back!"

As he spoke, Li Mubai's body suddenly jumped out and rushed towards the gray-robed old man.

"Hmph! Seeking death!" The old man in gray robe showed contempt in his eyes, his right hand turned into a claw shape, and he slapped Li Mubai's heart fiercely.

The distance between the two was so close that Li Mubai had almost no chance to react. He could only watch the old man's hand getting closer and closer. He could even smell the strong smell of blood emanating from the other man's body.

His eyes closed.

A sharp pain came from his chest.

"I told you not to fight!!" Cheng Shuang pulled out a gem-encrusted short blade and put it against his neck.

Li Mubai opened his eyes and saw Cheng Shuang's pretty face full of tears.

It turned out that Cheng Shuang had already taken precautions and secretly took out the dagger in advance. Just waiting for Li Mubai to make a move, she immediately cut her throat and committed suicide.

The gray-robed old man's pupils suddenly narrowed, he quickly retracted his hand and stepped aside, shouting: "Evil!"

Li Mubai breathed a sigh of relief and said with lingering fear: "Shuang'er, fortunately you are smart."

"Thank you, I owe you once." Cheng Shuang took a deep breath and said.

Li Mubai smiled and said nothing.

Cheng Shuang suddenly turned her head, looked at Li Mubai, bowed solemnly, and then said: "Li Mubai, I'll take my leave now. See you in the world."

After saying that, she turned around resolutely and ran outside.

Watching her back disappear from sight, a bitter smile appeared on the corner of Li Mubai's mouth and murmured: "Shuang'er, take care!"


Here, Qing Yi is still fighting side by side with Lin Chen.

After fighting for three hours, Lin Chen was a little tired.

He was about to take the elixir to regain his strength when he suddenly noticed a familiar aura. His heart was shaken and he immediately looked to the left.

On the treetops in the distance, a tall and beautiful woman with skin as good as snow and exquisite facial features was seen flying over with a sword. It was Nangong Pushe.

She was holding a long sword, and the sharp edge was blowing out. The space around her was faintly rippled, as if a hurricane was blowing. 0


In the blink of an eye, she landed next to Lin Chen, glanced at the body of Ito Sakurako lying on the ground, and then at the unconscious Goatee lying beside her. She frowned and asked, "Where is the girl in Hanyi?


"The current situation is urgent, I asked her to evacuate first," Qing Yi replied calmly, his serious expression showing a hint of exhaustion.

Nangong Yue frowned and said: "This is the territory of Japan. How can you drive away the girl in Hanyi? What if something happens?"

"She can't help us if she stays here." Qing Yi replied coldly, with a strong and decisive tone.

Nangong Pushe sighed, knowing Qing Yi's personality, and said helplessly: "Okay. Since you insist on doing this, I won't advise you."

She looked at Lin Chen and said: 0.7 "Brother Li, the next task is left to me and Qing Yi. You meet Miss Han Yi and take her to a safe place. Remember to take good care of her."

"Don't worry, I know what to do."

Lin Chen nodded. Although he was worried about Cheng Hanyi's current situation, with his own strength, he couldn't be of much help. Instead of staying, it would be better to take her away from here and seek help.

Nangong Pushe turned and left, followed by Qing Yi.

Chapter 204 Wait, bring the Nine Turns Golden Pill over to heal the girl in cold clothes!

"Wait a minute!" Lin Chen suddenly shouted.

"What do you want to do?"

Nangong Pushe and Qing Yi stopped and looked at him with confused expressions. They didn't understand why he suddenly stopped them. Is there anything else he wanted to say to them?

"Bring this to Miss Hanyi." As he said that, he took out a bottle of pills from his arms.

"This is the Nine Turns Golden Pill, which can treat internal injuries and relieve pain!"

Nangong Pushe was just about to say some words of gratitude, but Qingyi had already walked over and picked up the jade bottle and handed it to Nangong Pushe.

Nangong Pushe took the jade bottle and opened the stopper, and a strange fragrance came out, which made people feel relaxed and happy, and his eyes suddenly lit up: "What a rich and pure spiritual energy, it is more powerful than the pills circulated in the secular world outside." Better than that!"

Hearing this, Qing Yi was also surprised. He didn't expect that the jade bottle actually contained extremely precious elixirs. He quickly handed the jade bottle in Nangong Pushe's other hand.

Nangong Pushe was stunned for a moment when he saw this, and then realized that these two elixirs were probably refined by Lin Chen. His impression of Lin Chen became much better again.

Nangong Pushe carefully put the elixir into the space ring and said, "Thank you, be careful." After that, he turned and left to find Li Hanyi, while Qingyi stayed to help Lin Chen deal with the black dragon.

Lin Chen watched Nangong Pushe disappear into the night and sighed.

Although he knew that even if he didn't stop Nangong Pushe and the other two, they would take him and leave together.

After all, given their personalities, if Li Hanyi was captured, they would never live alone.

Here, Li Hanyi was so exhausted that he lay down in the grass and fell asleep.Nangong Pushe quickly found Li Hanyi in the grass and took out the Nine Turns Golden Pill to heal her injuries.

After a while, Li Hanyi woke up. She looked at Nangong Pushe and asked, "Why are you here?"

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