At the critical moment, Lin Chen gritted his teeth and roared, and slashed forward with the red flame knife.

The sword light struck the fireball and exploded.

However, the power of the fireball explosion was not small. The violent energy surged towards Lin Chen, causing his face to change drastically, his throat to sweeten, he spit out blood, and his body fell to the ground.

Seeing this, the six black-clothed ninjas showed excitement in their eyes, and they waved their ninja swords again and rushed towards Lin Chen.

Lin Chen fell to the ground and was seriously injured. His face was gloomy and he looked at Bai Chenfeng in the distance.

At this moment, Bai Chenfeng was standing on the edge of the rubble of the palace, sitting with his legs crossed on the ground, his eyes slightly closed, and his lips moving as he recited scriptures.

He didn't seem to notice Lin Chen's gaze, but the surrounding scene moved slowly in his eyes like slow motion.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes, looking at Lin Chen on the ground with a strong murderous intent.

Bai Chenfeng disappeared, and when he appeared again, he was already beside Monk Mingdao.

"Amitabha, good is good!"

The Mingdao monk was startled. He turned around and saw Bai Chenfeng approaching him. He was startled and jumped out three feet away.

... 0th

The next second, Bai Chenfeng's fingers popped out, and two wisps of cold light flew out, hitting the Mingdao monk's eyebrows, throat and Dantian respectively.

puff... puff...

Ming Dao hit Bai Chenfeng's Tanzhong point with a sudden palm, and his body felt weak.

"Strange?! Do you know how to absorb stars?!"

Ming Dao's pupils shrank and his face was horrified. He found that the true energy in his body was being extracted crazily. He felt that his body was getting weaker and weaker, and his Dantian was becoming more and more painful.

He was frightened in his heart, knowing that he had encountered evil ways.

Under this situation, if Bai Chenfeng wanted to kill him, he would have no way to resist.

The next second, his face widened in horror, because he discovered that he could no longer control his body.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Chenfeng stretched out a slender white hand and pressed it on his shoulder.

Chapter 228 Master, your face? !Why did it turn into the color of pig liver?

There was a roar in his mind, and an obscure formula emerged from his mouth.

Bai Chenfeng's eyes were full of smiles, he let go of his hand, and Ming Dao's body suddenly went limp.

Ming Dao looked at Bai Chenfeng in panic. The formula just now made him very confused and unclear.

"Master, what's going on? Why has your face turned the color of pig liver?" One of Ming Dao's disciples was shocked when he saw Ming Dao's miserable appearance.

"I can't use my skills, and my whole body is sore." Mingdao said bitterly, "It's over, it's over now!"

"Brother, what are you talking about? What happened?" Another ninja in black asked.

"Listen carefully and memorize the formula clearly. It may come in handy when you practice in the future."

Mingdao suppressed his panic, took a few deep breaths, and tried to regain his strength.

In a moment, Mingdao had recovered part of his physical strength. He stared at Bai Chenfeng and said, "Sir, what have you done to me? Why can't I feel that the energy in my body can be mobilized?"

"Ha ha!"

Bai Chenfeng smiled indifferently, did not answer, and walked towards Mingdao unhurriedly.

Mingdao's heart pounded and he said quickly: "Your Excellency, you... don't mess around. My master is the Eight-Dimensional King. If he knows that you are dealing with me, he will never spare you!"

Lin Chen secretly cursed Ming Dao for being shameless. He originally thought he could hold on until the end, but he immediately surrendered and begged for mercy.

However, he also admired Mingdao's courage. If it were anyone else, he would have been scared to death.

He looked at Bai Chenfeng who was walking towards Mingdao, his eyes rolling.

"Oh, your master is the Baqi King, a ninth-level god-level expert in China?" Bai Chenfeng stopped and said with a joking smile, "I really haven't heard of it."

Mingdao breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this and said: "That's right! King Baqi is the only ninth-level god-level extraordinary strongman in Japan, and he is also a Taishan Beidou-level figure in Japan's martial arts world."

"In that case, then go and accompany your master!"

Bai Chenfeng's tone was cold, and his figure flashed out like lightning, arriving in front of Ming Dao in the blink of an eye.

"In that case, don't blame the old monk for being rude."

Ming Dao was startled. Although he was scared, it did not mean that he would let the other party slaughter him. He clenched his fists with both hands and struck with all his strength, hitting Bai Chenfeng's chest while summoning the golden character.

The golden characters flew out, bloomed with light, and enveloped the entire palace, like a golden curtain, blocking Bai Chenfeng.

"It's just a little trick of carving insects!"

Bai Chenfeng shook his head and clapped his palm forward.


Like bubbles bursting, the golden characters turned into little bits of golden light and dissipated in the air, and the huge force of the collision caused Mingdao's body to move laterally more than ten meters and fall to the ground.

"Poof!" Ming Dao spat out a mouthful of blood and struggled to get up, but his body seemed to weigh a thousand pounds and he could not move at all. 0

He looked at Bai Chenfeng with a look of horror, looking at Bai Chenfeng in disbelief, and said in a trembling voice: "You...who are you?"

"You don't need to know who I am. Because you will die today."

Bai Chenfeng stepped towards Ming Dao, and every step he took brought great pressure to Ming Dao.

"Master...Uncle Master!" Those black-clothed ninjas were stunned by the scene in front of them. After a while, one of them reacted and shouted to Bai Chenfeng.

He is Ming Dao's disciple and grandson, so he naturally calls Ming Dao his uncle.

Bai Chenfeng looked at the young man, raised the corner of his mouth, and said contemptuously: "I'm just an ant. Killing you is as easy as turning the palm of my hand!"

After the words fell, Bai Chenfeng raised his right hand, his index finger, middle finger, and thumb together like sword fingers, and stabbed Ming Dao between his eyebrows.

Bai Chenfeng's speed was too fast, 0.7 so fast that no one could catch it.

When he straightened his arm, everyone saw a blood streak appear on Ming Dao's forehead, and then bright red blood gushes out of Ming Dao's nostrils.

Fortunately, Mingdao dodged quickly and did not hurt any vital parts.Otherwise, this finger would be enough to take his life!

"How dare you kill my nephew!"

A sudden sound sounded, and a black shadow was shot towards Bai Chenfeng, and he was already standing beside Ming Dao in the blink of an eye.

Bai Chenfeng glanced at the black figure and sneered: "Another dog!".

Chapter 229 The katana in the ninja village? !Is it just you?

This black figure is about the same size as the previous ninja. He wears loose robes and has a beast with teeth and claws tattooed on his back. There are two daggers hanging on his waist, a scabbard in his left hand, and a short knife in his right hand.

Bai Chenfeng glanced at the short sword and said calmly: "The samurai sword of the Ninja Village!"

"Who are you, sir, and why do you want to be the enemy of our Ninja Village?" the ninja asked in a deep voice, with solemn eyes.

Bai Chenfeng looked at him with a playful smile: "What, you want to avenge him?"

A look of anger flashed across the face of the ninja, and he said coldly: "No matter what your identity is, you killed people in my ninja village. This account must be settled!"

Bai Chenfeng sarcastically said, "Are you worthy?"

After saying that, Bai Chenfeng took action again and attacked the ninja.

"Bagaya Road!"

The ninja shouted loudly and drew out the samurai sword from behind.

His body is thin, but the muscles in his arms are swollen and full of explosive power. When he cuts with the sword, he has the power of a dragon roaring and a tiger roaring.


With a slash of the knife, the surrounding elements boiled and seemed to tear the void apart.

Mingdao's eyes widened and he was extremely shocked. This ninja was obviously much stronger than the previous ninja.

He even suspected that this man was a legendary powerhouse!

However, his shock did not last long as he saw three silver needles appearing around the ninja. The silver needles glowed with cold light and flew towards Bai Chenfeng.

"Hey, you can actually use poison?" Bai Chenfeng was slightly surprised.

Three silver needles arrived in an instant, and he waved them away.

At this moment, the ninja's body suddenly disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Chenfeng felt a pain in his chest. The ninja had already arrived in front of him, holding a katana in both hands, and stabbed Bai Chenfeng's chest fiercely.

At the critical moment, Lin Chen appeared.

He kicked out with one foot, hitting the opponent's abdomen directly, and at the same time grabbed the katana.

The ninja groaned and took a few steps back. Only at this moment did he realize that Lin Chen's actions just now were so weird.

"Who are you?" Ninja stared at Lin Chen with gloomy eyes, thinking in his heart, what a speed!

"The person who killed you." Lin Chen said in a cold tone.

The ninja sneered, not frightened, because he knew that this man must have used some special technique to increase his speed, making others think that it would be difficult for him to catch up.

The ninja pounced on Lin Chen again, his move was extremely powerful and domineering.

"Death!" Lin Chen roared, punched out, and clashed head-on with the ninja, making a banging sound.

The two of them each retreated more than ten meters and stood several meters apart.

"You are indeed a legendary powerhouse!" Ninja's face became more serious, and he finally confirmed Bai Chenfeng's strength.

Lin Chen didn't reply and bullied the opponent again. This time he still used similar techniques to increase his movement speed, making it difficult for the opponent to catch traces.

"Damn it!" The ninja gritted his teeth. This guy was like a piece of brown candy and couldn't be shaken off.

As a last resort, Ninja had no choice but to give up the attack and instead turned to defense. After all, he was good at long-range shooting. If it were a close combat, he would definitely not be Lin Chen's opponent.

However, when Lin Chen rushed in front of him, he suddenly found that his vision was blocked, and everything he could see clearly was distorted into afterimages.

"What...what's going on!" The ninja's head buzzed, as if the world was spinning. He wanted to avoid it, but unfortunately he couldn't.


The ninja's whole body hit the wall, and the wall cracked. He fell to the ground, holding his stomach and coughing violently.

"You...what medicine did you give me?"

Only then did he notice that Lin Chen was holding a red bean-sized pill in his hand. The pill was red in color and exuded a rich, sweet smell.

Lin Chen grinned, showing his white and neat teeth, and said, "Poison! What do you think?"

A sweet taste rose up in the Ninja's throat, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. Then his expression gradually became sluggish, his pupils became dilated, and he finally stopped breathing completely.

"We have to leave quickly. If we don't leave, it will be dawn. By then, the ninjas in black will come more and more, and there will be no chance to capture your Majesty alive!" Qing Yi looked at Lin Chen and said.

Chapter 230 This guy will wake up on his own. He is too lucky to die!

"What about him?" Lin Chen pointed at the half-dead Mingdao monk and said.

"Don't worry about him, he will wake up on his own. This guy has a long life and will not die." Qing Yi shook his head.

Lin Chen nodded and followed Qing Yi away. The two climbed over the wall and jumped outside, running towards another street.


At night, Liyang Palace is brightly lit.

His Majesty the Japanese is practicing calligraphy and reading with the Queen Mother.

"I see you, Your Majesty." A respectful male voice came from the door.

"Master Heping, please come in without any courtesy."

There was a push at the door, and then the door opened, and a 40-year-old middle-aged man stepped in. It was Monk Mingdao.

The Mingdao monk glanced at His Majesty who was sitting next to him, reading the Three Character Classic with gusto. He glanced at the teacup on the table from the corner of his eye, frowned slightly, and then saluted with a smile:

"I have met your Majesty! Today, I came to protect your Majesty on the orders of the Imperial Master. I was attacked on the way. I hope your Majesty will not blame you."

Although Monk Mingdao is a disciple of the Imperial Master of Japan, he does not actually belong to the Imperial Master's Office.

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