"So what does Zhongli want me to do?" the traveler couldn't help but ask.

"I ended an era with my own hands, and I have been thinking about how to record the history... that I ended."

"History can be recorded, but history is not reliable. This incident also proves this. Time has a powerful power, and history will distort over the years."

Seeing these words, Zhongli's mouth couldn't help but open slightly.

Although these words came from my own mouth in the mobile game plot, there is nothing inconsistent.

But Zhongli seemed to be keenly aware of something.

If it is an ordinary player, it will never cause such profound thinking like him.

At most, I can sigh at the weight of history and the ruthlessness of time.

But Zhongli realized it.

Lin Yu seemed to want to use these words to explain one of his thoughts.

"Could it be that you created a mobile game...to design a plot that corresponds to reality, just for a [record]..."

"But... these are all things that have not happened. Revealing them in advance, to a certain extent, wouldn't it be regarded as distorting future history?"

Until now, although Zhong Li could understand the plot's intention, he was still a little unsure of Lin Yu's intentions.

What he said next could be regarded as confirming his thoughts.


“I need to find better [records] to enshrine the true history.”

"Engraving on stone was a long-lasting [record], but the seemingly unchanging rock, the seemingly unchanging world, and me...may all disappear one day."

"So, Traveler, I thought of you."

"You are a person who has traveled far across the sky and across the sea of ​​stars. Engraving history in your memory, I can travel with you to other worlds someday in the future."

"As a traveler, as long as you can [record], then the era and history of Teyvat will have a [backup of existence]."

"So this is the reason why you came with me." The traveler smiled.

"There is still a long way to go," Paimon sighed.

"Then, the next step is to throw the [Salt Cup] and [Salt Ruler] into the sea."

"Ah? Why throw it into the sea?" Paimon asked.

"Did I just say that? Many old demons were suppressed here."

"Including the whirlpool demon god Osel who was locked in the deep sea by the Jade Pavilion..."

The voice fell.

The screen goes black.

Accompanied by the vicissitudes of Zhongli's voice, the traveler came to the cliff with a salt ruler in his left hand and a salt cup in his right hand.

"Thousands of years ago, Liyue was in chaos."

"I and the immortals swept away the four directions."

"The place where the rock spear suppresses the demon gods, Guyun Pavilion..."

at this time,

in the hall.

The plot of a player's mission has also reached this point.

In her world at this time, the weather happened to be a thunderstorm.

Her eyes reflected everything in front of her.

I was deeply shocked by the atmosphere of the scene at this time.

Probably, I won’t forget it for a long time.

Empty highlands, lonely rock gods...

With heavy rain and lightning.

And, the traveler's look back.

A slightly surprised look.

at the same time.

There are other players who have also made it this far.

Sometimes it's at sunset.

The setting sun renders the sea surface into brilliant colors like an oil painting.

Some are in the early morning.

The distant sea reflects the starry sky that has not completely disappeared.

The scenery is different, but the same artistic conception is harvested.

All remain deeply in my heart.


"After thousands of years, only anecdotes and legends remain."

The screen came to a close-up of Zhongli.

His eyes are deep.

It seems to be looking deeper into the sea.

"Osser... you and I are enemies, not friends."

"But the opposition of the old era is just a memory of the old era."

"Heulia's relic, it's up to you to devour it."

After Zhongli finished saying this.

Golden light suddenly emerged from his body.


The [Salt Cup] and [Salt Ruler] in the traveler's hands also emit golden light.

Then it levitated.

Under Zhongli's control, it fell into the sea ahead.

"The miracle of Liyue Port has been reduced from now on."

"Everything between the earth and the sky is left to future generations to comment on."

[Chapter of Ancient Hearings, Act One, Salt Flower, Mission Completed. 】

【To be continued...】


After completing this task.

Many players don't seem to be as happy as they thought.

I always feel that there is an indescribable mood.

Come to think of it, the emperor must have had a deep meaning in doing this.

"By the way, if the [Salt Cup] and [Salt Ruler] are thrown into the sea, won't it make the sea salty?"

"Osser: If you want to pick me up, just say it, no need to be so tactful."

"The salinity of the seawater has become saltier since then."

"I don't know why, but after completing this task, I feel happy and disappointed."

"This legendary mission... is great. I think it is as great a work as [If You Are Trapped in a Windless Land]!"

“Both gods’ missions are profound and moving.”

"Well, after completing this task, I seem to be able to feel Mr. Zhongli's loneliness."

"Rocks have hearts and will wear away... Now you may be able to understand the profound meaning of this sentence."

"In the past, because the distance was too far, Emperor Yanwang was always regarded as an omnipotent god... But in fact, Emperor Yanwang has both a divine side and a human side."

"The emperor...is such a gentle god."


"I still want to stay here for a while. I'm afraid there will be fewer and fewer opportunities to reminisce like this in the future."

After the plot ended, Zhongli was still standing here.

Looking at the mountains and sea in the distance.

At this point, you can also have three conversations with him with different options.

"The Demon God of Salt is a bit pitiful..." the traveler sighed.

"In the era of the Demon God War, the standards for judging the right and wrong of things were different from now."

"Of course...now I also hope that she can be born in a gentler era."

"Will the relic enhance Otheir's power?"

"Although the [Salt Cup] and [Salt Ruler] still have power, they are not worth mentioning to Osel."

"If one day he regains his strength and makes a comeback...heh, he will definitely be defeated again."

"Then... Zhongli, what are you going to do next?"

"Good question. If it were in the past, I might have given you a very specific answer."

"But now...well, I probably want to continue to fulfill my duties as a guest at the Palace of the Past."

"However, if you enjoy this journey, you might as well go with us next time [recording]."

Zhongli raised his head slightly.

Do it all.

Even he himself felt the same way.

Lin Yu was able to portray his own feelings so delicately.

Is this really just a part of history?

The feelings reflected between the lines can never be restored to this level except by one's close friends or old friends.

Zhongli thought of what Lin Yu had said to him before.

"...Mr. Zhongli, we are not enemies..."

His eyes suddenly focused.

It seemed that he understood something at this moment.

Get up immediately.

Come to the front desk.

He asked the astrologer: "Excuse me... is your boss here?"

"You're talking about Lin Yu. He said he was going out for a trip. I don't know where exactly."


Zhongli immediately walked out of the mobile game hall.

He, who had always been calm, actually felt a little urgent at this moment.

Because he has found the answer!

Lin Yu...maybe he really has some kind of [time] power.

And in the future timeline, he fights side by side with himself and launches a crusade against [Heavenly Reason] together!

During this process, Lin Yu gradually became familiar with him and became close friends who would live and die together.

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