Kujo Sora who is worshiped by Tian Ling, Ayaka Kamisato who is worshiped by the society, and the little girl from the Naganohara family...

Unexpectedly, when he arrived, these people would also come to the mobile game museum immediately.

And judging from their expressions, it was obvious that something unusual had happened.

Hmm...that's really interesting!

When it comes to interesting things, Son of God has always been open to them.

Directly under the surprised gazes of everyone, he walked into the mobile game museum.

"Wait! Yaegouji!"

Kujo Sora stretched out a hand to dissuade him.

But I don’t know whether her dissuasion was too late, or whether the Son of God insisted on entering.

He directly touched the barrier leading to the door.

Ayaka and Xiaomiya both showed worried looks, and they could almost predict that the Yao Shenzi would be injured by the power of the barrier in the next moment.

However, the unexpected happened.

Yae Shenzi actually walked right through.

No hindrance at all.

Seeing everyone's surprised and suspicious expressions, Shenzi turned around and his eyes fell on the transparent barrier.

"So you don't know? This is an obvious one-way barrier. To put it simply, you can only enter but not exit."

"Compared to the emptiness and boredom outside, I think it's more interesting inside."

As Yaegamiko spoke, his eyes began to observe the space in the store.

My ears twitched slightly.

She noticed a lot of interesting things.

"I'm sorry that it's difficult for me to agree, Mr. Palace Secretary."

Kujo Sora said with a solemn expression,

"The best way to deal with this situation is to maintain contact with the outside world."

"If even you, the company leader, can't break this barrier, we will probably be trapped here for a long time... because no one knows when the owner of this store will come back."

"Oh, you are such a stupid person!"

Yae Shenzi said in an elder's tone,

"Does anyone really leave their newly opened store here?"

“Rather than waiting and doubting in vain here, it’s better to take advantage of this time to experience this thing called mobile games.”


Kujo Sora crossed his arms.

Close your eyes.

Obviously, she couldn't agree with Yaegamiko's optimism.

No matter where he is, when his situation is passive, Kujo Sanra is still accustomed to maintaining his sense of worry.

Shenzi also gave up communicating with Kujo Sora.

Came to the side of Ayaka and Xiaomiya.

"Both of you have probably tried this [mobile game], right?"

"Why don't we come and play together."

Ayaka smiled softly.

When she was trapped here at first, she was indeed a little uneasy.

But this uneasiness was completely dispelled with the arrival of Yae Shenzi.


Instead of waiting in vain with worry, it is better to continue to experience this mobile game first.

In the previous plot progress, there were many things that interested her.

Ayaka replied very elegantly: "Mr. Yaegomiya is also interested, so let's try it together."

And Xiao Gong is even more optimistic.

"Hey, this game is only fun if everyone plays it together!"

Immediately, the three people sat together and started their mobile game journey.

After half an hour has passed.

Yae Shenzi has successfully entered the realm of wind.

And started the main mission.


"The Wind Demon Dragon... It is said that Mondstadt is indeed enveloped by the [Dragon Disaster]. Is it the source?"

Yae Shenzi showed a look of surprise.

"Huh? Miyaji-sama, do you mean that the plot here is what really happened in Mondstadt?" Ayaka asked in an incredible tone.

"Of course, as far as I know, this is the most amazing thing about this mobile game."

"What we see is not just a fictional plot in a novel, but [reality]."

"No, no way?!"

Xiao Gong was stunned all of a sudden.

They used to play with the mentality of watching a story!

If this corresponds to reality, then the whole meaning will be completely different!

Obviously, Ayaka and Yonomiya have not yet realized the importance of mobile games.

Yae Shenzi learned a lot of inside information from the letter Gan Yu sent her.

So be prepared.

"Master Palace Secretary, please look at this!"

Ayaka opened the preview video in the community.

——[Unmoving Ming Shen, the bubbles are broken]

Yae Shenzi was still calm and calm at first, but soon, there were some subtle changes in her expression.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes became serious.

Watching the content in the video without blinking.

Almost all the important characters in Inazuma appear in this video!

Including herself!

Sure enough, as Sister Gan Yu said.

The area that this mobile game will open next.

Is she the rice wife?

"It seems that the progress of the game needs to be accelerated."

This is the conclusion reached by the Son of God.

From that video, she smelled some atmosphere of war and conspiracy.

But after all, it is a preview video, and the content that can be learned is really lacking.

You need to fully experience the main plot, maybe you can peel off the cocoons and grasp some key information.

Looking at the date, there are only three days left until the new version arrives.

Based on Yae Kamiko’s understanding of this mobile game.

The protagonist should first go through the journey of Mondstadt and Liyue before reaching Daozhu.

Therefore, she needs to clear these main lines as soon as possible within these three days.

It's great that I can experience the plot of Inazuma after it is released for the first time.

As for Mond and Liyue.

Although there are many things worth paying attention to, for the current Yae Shenzi.

Those things can be put aside later.

The most important thing is the situation in Inazuma's hometown!

"...Mr. Palace Secretary, do you know why the General appears here?"

This is the issue that Ayaka is most concerned about.

"What's the matter? Barbatos, the wind god of Mondstadt, and Morax, the rock god of Liyue, have already appeared in the plot. It is reasonable for our general to appear."

"You... must not make subjective judgments and think that boss Lin Yu is an ordinary person."

"In a sense, he can be regarded as...a god."

These words of Yae Shenzi made Ayaka and Xiaomiya fall into deep thought.

Later, the two also focused on mobile games.

No longer the casual play attitude before.

Started seriously promoting the main plot.

the other side.

Kujo Sora was originally more focused on the predicament at hand.

I feel that solving the immediate matter first and investigating Lin Yu, the owner of the mobile game hall, are the most important things.

But she heard several people discussing the remarks about the General.

This made her unable to suppress some curiosity.

I even wanted to join in the discussion of a few people.

It's just that because of the conflict just now, she still feels a little embarrassed.

I struggled inside.

Kujo Sora still felt that things about the General were more important than something as meaningless as [face].

For this reason, it doesn’t matter even if a few people make fun of me.

Thinking of this, she came to the three of them.

Try to speak in a calm and natural tone:

"Um, please, can I... join you?"

Kujo Sora's stiff tone and flushed face made Shenzi smile.

"come on."

"But since we are all sitting together, don't be so formal."

"After all, we are all Inazuma players on the same starting line now."


Kujo Sora nodded slightly and spit out these two words from the corner of his mouth.

The two sergeants at the door were dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, even Lord Kujo Sura fell into the trap!

He even took the initiative to join them!

The two looked at each other, and now they no longer had to worry about Lord Kujo's safety.

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