Caster's style and personality are simply not something ordinary magicians can control, and there are really not many magicians who participated in the Holy Grail War who can accept Caster.

There are others similar to it, but they are all dead now.

"In this case, we can only find another way."

Shirou asked Karna to destroy the magic workshop here, and then left directly.

Not long after leaving Caster's hiding place, Shirou met two familiar people on the coast.

"Huh? Isn't that child born during the day...!?"


No matter when, the combination of Irisviel and Saber is always eye-catching.

Although Irisviel has already put on what she considers to be very civilian clothes in advance, she seems to have some misunderstanding about civilian clothes. The luxurious white clothes and the aura of others are not something ordinary people can possess at all.

After all, although Irisviel was only born about nine years ago, and from a certain point of view, she is only nine years old, she has been receiving a lot of magic knowledge and the knowledge in the Einzbern Castle over the years. Noble etiquette.

This knowledge subtly affected Irisviel's actions, making it impossible for her to behave like an ordinary person who had never entered the upper class.

As for Saber, not to mention, she is the King of Britain. Although she still looks like 15 years old, in fact, her age and experience have long surpassed that of any adult, and even ordinary people have a lifetime. There is no way to compare with her.

People passing by often only need to keep their eyes on her face for a second, and then they can no longer look away. Until she leaves their sight, they will still look at the back reluctantly.

Irisviel and Saber didn't pay any attention to the gazes of those around them. They were touring the city on their own, leaving their mark in the downtown area, in shops, in parks, etc. footprints.

In this way, it soon became night, the sun disappeared into the skyline, and dusk reflected the sky into a fiery red color.

Looking at the extremely beautiful dusk, Irisviel's eyes were a little obsessed.

"It would be nice if time could slow down a little bit..."

She murmured so.

Because she knew clearly that once night entered, the city would enter a state of crisis, and she and Saber could only start fighting.

Irisviel actually doesn't like fighting. She asked Saber about it, and Saber's answer was the same. She also didn't like fighting.

"But... sometimes we have no choice..."

Fate seems to be playing tricks on the world, always giving people a little happiness and then causing more pain, and then giving people a little happiness again like charity when they are suffering.

Whether it is Illya or Saber, their fate seems to have been destined from the moment they were born.

"I just... feel a little bad."

Irisviel looked at the setting sun that finally disappeared into the horizon and said with some sadness.

"How many people can wait until the sunset..."

"There is no need to be so sentimental, Irisviel, you and Illya."

Saber didn't know Illya's condition, so she didn't know that what she said at this moment was just adding salt to the wound, but Irisviel looked at her with a gentle smile.

"Well, you are right. In order to be able to go back and see Illya again, we must win."

The sad things are hidden and placed in a place where it is difficult for people to notice.

Saber looked at Irisviel's smiling expression and immediately thought that she had regained her mood.

"Let's go to the beach." Irisviel suddenly suggested.

"Um, okay."

Saber nodded.

Although I had said before that I couldn’t waste too much time, I still played with Irisviel until the evening.

Saber couldn't help but smile bitterly. She was a soft-spoken person, and if she faced a tough enemy, she would mercilessly pull out her sword and cut the opponent into pieces, but someone like Irisviel would just act coquettishly. The method was really hard for her to refuse.

They walked together in the seaside park and came to the beach, feeling the gentle sea breeze and listening to the sound of the incoming tide.

The sea breeze blew Irisviel's beautiful silver hair, making her hair flutter in the air like shooting stars.

"You know, Saber, this is the first time I've seen the sea."

Irisviel looked at the seemingly endless sea with some fascination, and confided to Saber in a low voice.

Saber couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"In my day, there were only enemies across the sea."

Just these words could make Irisviel imagine what Saber's impression of the sea was like.

"Is that so...I'm sorry, Saber."

"It's okay, Irisviel, you don't know these things, and it's not your fault. It has always been the fault of the invaders."

Saber shook her head slightly.

"It's almost time, let's go meet up first."

Irisviel nodded after hearing this.

"Well, let's go."

The two of them walked together and were about to leave.

Suddenly, they saw two figures walking towards this side.

"Huh? Isn't that child born during the day...!?"

Irisviel was the first to exclaim.

Saber also followed Irisviel's gaze and saw Shirou leading Karna towards the Mitogawa Bridge.

Saber couldn't help but show a surprised expression when she noticed the command spell on the back of Shirou's hand.

"We met unexpectedly during the day..."

Shirou, who heard their words, shrugged and joked.

"Fortunately, the Holy Grail War usually takes place at night, otherwise I might have been killed by you."

Shirou was just joking, but Saber said with a serious face.

"I won't do anything like this to a weakling!"

Shirou was stunned for a moment when he heard these words, and soon realized that Saber was referring to him.


Chapter 19 The first confrontation between gun and sword

Seeing Shirou muttering like this, Saber felt a strange feeling.

Because this boy gave her such a weird feeling, and there was a look in his eyes that a child of this age should never have.

At this moment, the bottom end of the golden spear in Karna's hand was suddenly punched to the ground by him, making a crisp sound, attracting the attention of Irisviel and Saber.

"I can't let you disrespect my Master like this."

Karna stopped smiling and his expression became cold. The golden spear that was two people tall flipped in his hand at a dizzying speed, and then pointed the cold tip of the spear at Saber in front of him.

When she saw the nearly two-meter-tall golden spear held in Karna's hand, there was no need to guess. Saber immediately knew his rank.

"Is the weapon used a gun? It looks like you are Lancer, right?"


Karna did not deny it and nodded.

After all, there is no need to hide things like rank.

"In that case, I will also inform you of my rank."

Saying this, the wind of magic stirred up on Saber, and the black suit immediately disappeared, replaced by blue and white armor.

In her hand, she seemed to be holding a weapon, but it was hidden by something.


"Strange, invisible weapons?"

Even Karna found that strange method a bit novel.

Seeing Karna's expression, Saber suddenly smiled in triumph.

"Even so, you must not be able to tell my rank, right? But since you have also reported your rank, as a knight, I don't need to hide it. My rank is Saber!"

Saying this, Saber turned her attention to Shirou, who was standing not far behind Karna.

"I'm really sorry. I just want you to know my chivalry. I don't mean to look down on you."

"It's okay, I didn't take it to heart."

Shirou shook his head slightly and replied with a smile.

Probably in this world, no one except him can understand what kind of person Saber is better than him.

But it is naturally impossible to say such words.

While Shirou was thinking about these things, a tit-for-tat atmosphere was already brewing between Saber and Lancer, as if a battle was about to begin at the next moment.

"Show me your power, Lancer."

Shirou noticed Karna's eagerness to give it a try and spoke to him.

"As you wish, my Master."

Karna smiled and nodded, then turned the golden spear in his hand and pointed the tip of the spear with cold light in the direction of Saber.

Picture: "Battle stance", location: "Images/1672832572-100352746-109780968.jpg"

————The battle has begun.

The moon, which originally emitted a pure white light and illuminated the city, was suddenly covered by dark clouds, and the world suddenly became dimmer.

But Saber and Lancer, who were fighting heartily, didn't seem to be affected in any way by such a trivial matter.

However, Shirou was affected. He felt as if he was blind, and he quickly mobilized his magic power to make his vision brighter.


The golden spear tip and the sword briefly clashed, and the clear sound of striking suddenly erupted, even the surrounding darkness was illuminated for a moment.

And because of the constant confrontation, more and more sparks burst out fiercely, making the scene that was originally dark because the moon was hidden in the clouds become flickering.

There was no flashiness in the attacks on either side. Whether it was Saber or Lancer, they attacked with absolute precision and no flashiness during the battle.

A battle is a battle between people who can give each other a fatal blow.

No matter how big the strength gap is, as long as there is a way to defeat the opponent, it is called fighting.

After another confrontation, Lancer took a few steps back, then flipped the golden spear in his hand, turned around and fired again!

This time the carbine almost made Saber unable to react, but because Lancer didn't have specific information about her 'sword', his prediction of this attack was slightly off.


Saber waved the 'sword' in her hand and deflected Lancer's blow.

"Did you hide the weapon... I have to say, it's really a clever tactic."

Karna couldn't help but praise.

Saber smiled.

It seems that the power of 'Wind King's Barrier' has exerted a very good effect.

Even that Lancer was a little confused because he couldn't measure the shape and length of his weapon.

However, even so, it is difficult for Saber to compete with Karna's fighting ability.


There was another sound after weapons clashed, and when sparks flew, the two sides had already retreated a distance, looking at each other, and preparing for the next attack.

"You are really a good opponent. I think you were also a famous figure on the battlefield during your lifetime."

Saber felt her body tremble slightly with the excitement of meeting a strong enemy, and couldn't help but praise her.

"Do you think so... Since you have such evaluation of me, then I will naturally not let you down. I will try my best to fight with you."

Karna answered with a smile while spinning the "Eternal Blade" in his hand. The sharp blade cut through the air and made a sound, and the golden stream of light struck Saber in an instant!


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