"Of course not."

"Even if I am a goddess?"

"Wouldn't that be better?" Shirou sat up and reached out to touch her cheek, which was slightly hot due to extreme shyness.

Being touched on the cheek, Ailei felt extremely shy inside, and water shone in her slightly widened eyes.

The two people's cheeks were getting closer and closer, but in the end Ailei couldn't overcome her shyness and pushed him away gently.

"No!" Ailei puffed up her cheeks, "You must have deceived many girls with this gentle expression, right?"

"Do you remember how many pieces of bread you have eaten?" Shirou asked.

"..." Ai Lei looked at him expressionlessly, and then breathed out, "I have more important things to tell you today."

"Oh? What's the matter?" Shirou asked.

"You are here to fight, or help Gudazi fight against the "Three Goddesses Alliance", right? So what do you actually think of them? "

"What do you think?" Shirou looked at the goddess of the underworld in confusion.

"Yeah, what do you think?"

Ai Lei asked: "First of all, there is Gorgon. She is the goddess of Warcraft and the most powerful among the three goddesses."

Gorgon, she is Medusa, a goddess born from resentment. She will not reconcile with humans, she will only attack non-stop.

Ailei then said: "Actually, I don't know her very well. The cultural differences are too great. There is not even the most basic definition of what is good and what is evil."

As she spoke, Ai Lei pulled a weed from the ground.

"And then there's Quetzalcoatl, the goddess of the forest, who represents Quetzalcoatl."

She mixed the weeds in her hands into mud and threw it into the lake.

Then, she slightly lowered her eyebrows and said to Shirou: "Then the last one is me. I cannot forgive the current Mesopotamia, and I cannot agree that you want to abandon the gods and only want to create a human world. way of doing."

"However, this is humankind's own choice." Shirou looked into her eyes, "Human beings who are separated from the gods are like being separated from their mother's arms. It is the direction of human progress and a symbol of human evolution."

And Ailei is like that mother. One moment, her child is still with her and can only live under her wings, but the next second, the child will leave. This huge sense of gap is what she feels. hard to accept.

"Human beings cannot escape the suffering of death and the fear of living. They develop too fast and know too much, which makes them unable to accept life as it is, so they want to leave God."

Ailei said with some excitement: "However, as long as we rely on God and us, humans can continue to live safely. With the blessing of the gods, we no longer have to endure so much suffering."

"Blame those unreasonable things, those painful things, those desperate things on the evil god, and then rely on the good god to live my life. I have always thought and believed this. So far, for so many years, this I've been doing this for thousands of years."

Airei said everything in her heart and grabbed Shirou's right hand with both hands and placed it on her chest.

Chapter 28 Chatting with the goddess Yuexia

"That's why I will join the "Three Goddesses Alliance", and that's why I will abandon everything in my past... As long as I can make this world a new one, I will

In a world where humans and gods coexist, I will do whatever it takes. I am not an enemy of humans. I like humans. I am just an enemy of the human world, so please don’t stop me..."

Ailei's words were a little more choked, and she had finished what she wanted to say.

After listening to Airei's words carefully, Shirou nodded and stroked her blond hair with his other hand. Airei moved her head like a cat because of this action.

"Ai Lei, the future path of mankind needs to be walked by people themselves to make sense. God should not always stop it, nor should it always accompany it. Even if it will eventually become the end of the world, human beings will never regret the choice they have made. Road, I think...this is what humans are."

"Ugh...but..." Ai Lei still wanted to say something, but morning had already arrived.

There is no more time to stay, and Ai Lei needs to return to Hades.

"It seems that we don't have time tonight. See you tomorrow night..." Ai Lei looked at Shirou with some lust.

Tonight was the happiest moment for her to be able to talk freely with such a man who completely understood her.

"Before I leave, why don't I give you some reward for chatting with you for so long?" Shirou joked.

Hearing Shirou's words, the goddess of the underworld glared at him with slightly red cheeks.

The tip of the loose blond hair had begun to be dyed black. At this time, as if she suddenly thought of something, Ai Lei suddenly had a hint of cunning on her face, and then she unexpectedly moved closer to Shirou's face.

At that moment, the sunrise, symbolizing the beginning of a new day, finally appeared, and a golden wheel appeared on the horizon.

The color of her hair completely changed to black. Ishtar felt that the current state was a bit strange, and she immediately opened her eyes. At that moment, when she looked at the face of the man close at hand, her eyes suddenly opened wide.

Ishtar quickly pushed Shirou away, and Ishtar stepped back several meters in shock, pointing at Shirou in shock.

"you you you……!!!"

"What's wrong with me?" Shirou, who didn't expect to be tricked by Airei, didn't feel like he was being tricked. After all, he didn't lose in the end anyway.

"What did you do to me!?" Ishtar pointed at Shirou angrily, and then suddenly remembered what happened last night when he lost consciousness, "No, what did you do to my sister?!"

"What you should ask is what your sister did to me." Shirou spread his hands quite innocently.

At this time, Shirou looked at Ishtar, whose expression was a little dull, and suddenly wanted to tease this sister, so he immediately walked towards her.

Seeing Shirou approaching, Ishtar was immediately startled. She quickly covered her chest with her hands and looked at Shirou cautiously.

"Your sister still owes me a reward, and she hasn't given it to me yet. Why don't you, the younger sister, pay it off on her behalf?"

"Huh? Then what were you doing just now?" After Ishtar said that, he raised his hand and wiped his lips.

"Just now? What just happened?" Shirou looked like he couldn't remember, which made Ishtar even more angry.

"You really are a bastard!"

She cursed.

"Stop talking nonsense and dare to scold me. Show me your moves!"

Shirou made a move to catch her, and Ishtar was so frightened that she wanted to run away, but because her hands and wrists were trapped by the chains, she suddenly stumbled and fell to the ground before she could take two steps.

"No, no!"

Perhaps possessing Rin and having the neutrality of a girl give this goddess such rich humanity.

Hearing the goddess' begging for mercy, Shirou felt quite amused and stretched out his hand to pull her up.

"Okay, there's no reward, I'm just teasing you, go back."

"You————!!" Ishtar looked at him with wide eyes.

"Why don't you leave quickly?" Shirou raised his hand to scare her, and Ishtar quickly sped up and ran towards the house.

Even gods have emotions and desires, which are much more interesting than the completely unpredictable old rulers and alien gods.


Back at the camp, Gudazi, Mashu and others had already gotten up and were having breakfast. Shirou also followed them into the restaurant.

"Huh? That's weird, Shirou, where were you last night?" Gudazi asked curiously.

"I have something to do with the goddess, such as talking freely under the moon." Shirou replied.

Ishtar, who was eating the meal silently, suddenly choked and coughed violently.

"Cough cough cough!!!"

Merlin and Matthew immediately cast curious glances.

Ishtar felt that her ears were burning, and she didn't dare to think about what happened at dawn anymore, and just ate breakfast by herself.

The delicious taste of mutton strengthened her desire to rob Uruk.

After finishing breakfast, Leonidas I brought a mission about a monster attack in the next city.

Everyone immediately set off with Ushiwakamaru, Musashibo Benkei and a group of soldiers.

"Then I wish you good luck in martial arts." Ushiwakamaru said to Shirou and his group when they came to a mountain range full of monsters.

"Well, then we will leave our back to you." Gudazi said.

"Do not worry."

The two sides were temporarily separated, Ushiwakamaru and Musashibo Benkei led the soldiers to face the group of monsters.

After fighting all the way to the top of the mountain, Shirou turned back and looked at the soldiers who were locked in a bitter battle.

"It seems necessary to give them some small help."

As Shirou said this, thousands of blue magical lights lit up in the sky, weapons emerged from them, and then plummeted toward the monsters.

In order not to injure the soldiers, Shirou did not use "Henkaikai", but the sharpness of the Noble Phantasm itself was enough to penetrate the bodies of the monsters, causing them serious damage.

Gudazi and Ma Xiu looked at this scene with some shock.

"This is……!?"

"It looks like King Gilgamesh's "King's Treasure"..."

"Let's go, keep moving forward," Shirou reminded.

Afterwards, the group of people headed towards the city.

When we arrived in the city, we immediately smelled a strong smell of blood.

"This is..." Gudazi and Mashu's expressions suddenly changed, "Blood!?"

If there is the smell of blood, then it is very likely that someone was killed. Although there are no citizens in this city, what about other cities?

Following the spreading blood stains all the way to the top floor, everyone saw the green-haired man standing in the middle of the circle made of blood.

"Jin Gu!" Gudazi stared at the man with long green hair, "Where did you take the residents of the city?!"

Chapter 29 It doesn’t matter, my teammates will figure it out

"Humph, humans are very precious nutrients, and of course they are fully utilized." Jin Gu replied.

"So, the purpose of the monsters is not to destroy the north wall..." Gudazi suddenly realized.

"For them, the north wall is just a gathering place for resources." Jin Gu sneered, "Indeed, we have not launched an invasion so far, because this is what the second generation of Warcraft that is about to be born should do."

"The second generation of Warcraft..." Merlin narrowed his eyes slightly.

"You are just the material used to create them."

Jin Gu said with a matter-of-fact expression.

"What do you think of human life!" Gudazi said angrily.

"Of course it is a breeding ground for the birth of better life forms. It is very meaningful." Jin Gu said with a smile.

The next moment, Jin Gu opened his arms, and his figure rose up into the sky without any wind.

The earth was trembling, and a huge snake's body emerged from the turbulence of soil and sand.

With the head of a human and the body of a snake, she looks like a woman from the upper body. The tip of her long purple hair is the head of a snake, and four pairs of golden wings extend from her back.

"That's————!?" Gudazi looked at the huge figure that appeared in surprise.

"Aqiman, analyze that guy quickly!" Merlin said quickly.

Immediately afterwards, Roman's voice came from the communicator.

"Although it's hard to believe, that's also a Servant. I've been checking for a long time! The spiritual base is at the divine level, and the classification is Avenger!"

"Avernger?" Leonardo da Vinci frowned, "Because you are resentful, so you want to complete your revenge, do you want an additional eighth level..."

At this moment, Gudazi looked very surprised as he listened to Roman and Da Vinci's words.

At this time, Shirou said to her.

"That is what I said before, the 'Goddess of Vengeance' Gorgon, the leader of the 'Three Goddess Alliance'. She is the culprit of the Warcraft in Uruk. Perhaps it would be more appropriate to call her the Queen of Warcraft at this moment. "

"'Goddess of Vengeance' Gorgon..." Both Gudazi and Ma Xiu's expressions were filled with shock.

That huge figure like a mountain fan really gives people a full sense of oppression.

Not only were they in shock, but the other soldiers who followed were also so frightened that their legs weakened and they were all terrified.

"It's impossible to win against that kind of monster!"

"Escape! Escape!"

"I don't want to die here!"

Suddenly the morale of the army was disturbed, and a group of people fled one after another.

But Gorgon didn't intend to give them a chance to escape. His huge tail hit the ground hard, crushing hundreds of people immediately.

"It's so noisy, humans."

Gorgon looked at the people who were as small as ants in front of him, and said coldly: "The leader of the "Three Goddesses Alliance", the old enemy of mankind, Tiamat, the 'Mother Goddess of Beasts', has appeared in person. Are you humans? Shouldn't we kneel down and pray? "

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