In an instant, the scattered 'swords' dragged out blue shadows and rushed into the sea of ​​soldiers.

Whoosh whoosh————! ! !

At the same time, the massive army roared at this moment, each using their own skills to resist the precious phantoms falling from the sky.

"Stop hurting my king!"

"Do you think the same trick can still work!"

"It's so naive!"

In the end, only more than 1000 soldiers were killed by "Fantasy Collapse".

Among them there are many heroic spirits with martial arts level like Lancer, but they all suffered from Shirou's sword because they did not have powerful enough treasures.

The record of killing a thousand enemies looked good, but compared with the strength of tens of thousands of troops, it was still a bit unsatisfactory.

However, Shirou had no intention of completely wiping out a huge army of tens of thousands of heroic spirits using this method alone.

His own magical power doesn't allow it either.

Although he has a powerful "inherent barrier" such as "Unlimited Sword Control", Shirou's lack of magic power is still a "weakness".

Although his 27 magic circuits are considered an excellent number among the "first-generation magicians", they are still far behind magicians with "magic seals".

"It seems that we really need to find ways to improve our magic power in the future..."

Shirou thought so.

But even though he had this idea, Shirou didn't know what to do yet, so he could only wait until later to make plans.

But now, even if it is impossible to destroy an army of tens of thousands of heroic spirits with a wave of his hand, it is enough to resist for some time.

After all, he is not fighting alone now!

"Saber, are you ready?"

Seeing the army that was constantly attacking like waves, sweat broke out on Shirou's forehead. This was the first time since Gilgamesh that he had manipulated a Noble Phantasm attack with such high intensity.

And facing an army of tens of thousands of heroic spirits, the pressure is really quite high.

At this time, the holy sword in Saber's hand had accumulated a large amount of magic power, and the sword's blade glowed with dazzling brilliance.

"Well, the savings have been completed, Shirou. Leave the rest to me."


ber pursed his lips tightly and looked directly at the terrifying army of ten thousand people with firm eyes.

At this time, some heroic spirits in the army clearly noticed that the holy sword held tightly in Saber's hand had terrifying power. Many archers began to draw their bows and arrows, aiming at Saber's small body.

The archers tightened their bowstrings, and the sharp arrows reflecting the cold light were ready to go.

Seeing this scene, Shirou showed a confident smile.

If it was a close combat competition, Shirou didn't think he could compare with those generals who were unrivaled in the past battlefields, but if it was an archery competition, then he was not afraid at all.

Shirou casually stretched his left hand to the side.

A black longbow appeared in Shirou's hand along with the fluctuation of the air, and then he used his left hand to point the bow towards the army ahead.

Then, he opened his right hand.

"Projection..."Pseudo Spiral Sword". "

The brilliance of magic power surged in his hand, gradually building a sword with a unique shape.

The blade of this sword has an abnormal spiral shape, and anyone who looks at it will be surprised by its uniqueness.

Picture: "Pseudo Spiral Sword", Location: "Images/1673849691-100352746-109833857.jpg"

"Pseudo Spiral Sword"

Grade: A+

Category: Anti-human Noble Phantasm

Range: 1~40

Maximum catch: 300 people

This Noble Phantasm called "False Spiral Sword" is based on the magic sword held by the Irish hero Fergus Mac Roich in Celtic mythology.

Legend has it that this sword was forged by the elves of the Kingdom of God and contained the powerful power of the thunder of the gods.

Taking a slight breath and concentrating his thoughts, Shirou's eyes penetrated the distance of several kilometers and accurately locked onto the centers of several targets.

At the same time, Saber also saw Shirou holding his bow and arrow. As Shirou's Servant, she could feel the quality of that precious phantom and couldn't help but take a slight breath.

"That is……"

As soon as Saber's words came out, the golden and blue sword had already come out from the string!

call out----!

The long sword penetrated the air and collided with the arrows shot by the opponent's archers. Because the bows and arrows used by those archers were suppressed in level by the "pseudo-spiral sword", the moment the sword tip touched , it was penetrated directly from the center and shattered.

The archers opened their pupils wide as they watched the sword shot by Shirou rush into the crowd. The magic power was instantly released and exploded suddenly!


The sun shines brightly, and blood stains the heaven and earth.

Another loud noise was heard, and thousands of soldiers were affected by the explosion!

The soldiers who were a little further away had already noticed it and retreated as quickly as possible, so they were not affected.

"Quite smart..."

Those soldiers already understood the power of Shirou's swords, so every time they saw Shirou manipulating the swords to attack, they would immediately scatter like ants touching water.

Shirou didn't have such huge magic power to make thousands of swords collapse at the same time, otherwise the avoidance of these soldiers would be meaningless.

Although there were nearly ten thousand soldiers who roared and rushed over after this, that was the end of it.


Following Shirou's call, Saber suddenly raised the sword above her head, shocking everyone with a dazzling light that became the most dazzling presence in the entire battlefield.

Chapter 73 Where the Endless Sea is

"Rider...that is..."

Weber's eyes were involuntarily attracted by the golden radiance, but what followed was the fear of the huge accumulated magic power.

Even Rider probably doesn't have a way to block this level of attack head-on.

"I see... Is this 'King Arthur'... Those lights are proof that she is loved by her people..."

Rider looked forward with a far-reaching gaze.

"Not only Saber, but also the boy beside her, I can't guess what purpose he came to the battlefield with. I'm very curious about what kind of wish he will make after getting the Holy Grail..."

Hearing Rider's voice, Weber's expression became a little defeated, because he heard from Rider's words that even the 'Conquering King' had nothing to do at this moment.

Waver, who was being watched by Rider, looked at him with somewhat hesitant and nervous eyes.


It could be felt that although he was scared, he forced himself to calm down. He was a little weak at first, but under Rider's influence, he became slightly tougher.

Rider looked at Weber with a serious expression.

"Ahem... Speaking of which, there is one more thing I haven't asked you."


? ”

Weber was stunned for a moment, racking his brains and unable to think of what Rider wanted to say.

Do you want to buy a conquest game?Or maybe new clothes?

Weber, who could only think of this, fell completely into a daze after hearing Rider's next words.

"Webber Velvet, are you willing to become my subject and be used by me?"

When I heard this sentence, I was confused and shocked at first, and then amidst the confusion and complex emotions, the sense of fulfillment of being recognized filled my chest.

It was a feeling of recognition that I had never received since I was a child, and it was recognized by the famous 'Conqueror King' Iskandar.

The huge happiness that seemed to fall from the sky made him feel like he was in a dream, and even his body became light and airy.

Weber's whole body was trembling with excitement, and then tears poured out like a flood that burst a bank.

His voice was hoarse with sobs.

"Yes. You are my king! I swear to serve you and die for you. Please guide me forward and let me see the same dream."


Hearing Weber's oath, the conquering king smiled.

This smile is the ultimate compliment for me.

All the ministers were trying their best to make the king smile like this all the time.

But while Weber was filled with joy, all he could see in his vision blurred by tears was Wang Qianxing's back.


Weber subconsciously wanted to catch up, but he heard Wang's voice.

"Stay alive, Weber. Witness all this, and convey my king's way of survival and Iskandar's heroic figure to the world!"

Following the voice of the conquering king, the war horses under him also neighed loudly.

"Come, let's go on an expedition!!"

'The Conquering King' clamped his horse's belly and started the final gallop.

"King of Conqueror" Iskandar rode forward, heading towards the dazzling "Sword of the King" held high in the hand of "King of Knights".

"Yes, that's it. Use all your power. Only in this way can you be considered a "king" and a real war!"

Following Iskandar's cry, the holy sword trembled slightly, and the golden light seemed to be compressing almost terrifying power, and it couldn't wait to break through the ban.

"EX----calibur!!!" (Sword of Vow to Victory)

The holy sword suddenly swung down, and the sword body was swallowed up by the light. At this moment, a terrifying beam of light suddenly broke through the blockade and rushed towards the thousands of troops!

Thousands of mighty heroic spirit troops were all annihilated under this pillar of light!

Looking at the dazzling light that was about to arrive in front of him, the 'King of Conquerors' smiled and nodded.

"Yes, Saber, I admit that you are a 'king'!"

The terrifying energy was vented crazily. Looking at the beam of light coming straight at him, the moment his skin was burned away, the Conqueror recalled the starry sky he looked at in the past.


Iskandar trembled with joy and roared, and the people around him listened to the king's voice and were inspired to charge with him.

The golden light continued to erode the body, ravaging every inch of skin.

But this pain is nothing compared to the joy of galloping.

It was impossible to reach any 'end', and I was secretly depressed.

After knowing the truth, I realized how stupid and foolish I was back then.

Crossing so many mountain peaks and crossing so many rivers, we are now in sight.

As long as he steps over and over the enemy's body, the 'end' he wants to see will eventually appear in his eyes.

As he continues to advance, his consciousness is almost blurred and only this instinct is left.

The surrounding soldiers perished in the terrifying outpouring of energy, letting out heart-wrenching roars as if they were falling into lava, but the conquering king could no longer hear these.

All he could hear was... the sound of waves.

Then he saw an ocean reflecting the bright stars in the night sky.

The Conqueror King's eyes were slightly bright, and he smiled with satisfaction as if he had seen a wonderful view.

"Hahaha...that's right...the place I'm looking for is right here...!"

Far away at the end of the world, lapping at the empty coast, the sound of waves coming from the end of the world is echoing in my ears.

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