He buried his head very low and said sincerely: "Dear Queen Lilith, your noble feet should not step on the ground, so please step on my head!"

Lilith rolled her eyes at him with some disgust, "You don't deserve the reward! Answer the master's question!"

The vampire immediately raised his head and looked at Lu An, like pouring beans from a bamboo tube, and told Lu An what he knew.

"My name is Andre, and I am a missionary. When I first came to the Chinese Empire, I really had the idea of ​​coming to preach. However, after the church was built, something terrible happened."

“While I was sleeping late at night, my roommate Harrington, who was also a missionary, jumped on my bed.”

"At first I thought he just wanted to vent his desires, so I ignored him and told him to finish his work quickly and go to bed early. He would have to get up early to worship tomorrow."

Lu An showed a suspicious expression, "Is Harrington a man? You..."

Andre was in a state of complete honesty at this moment, and said without any embarrassment on his face: "We who come to preach also have desires, and there are no women on the ship... Even if we come here, we are already used to it..."

"Okay, then what?"

Andre continued: "Then he suddenly bit me on the neck and almost sucked my blood dry. When I was about to die, I saw the priest rush in and give him a slap in the face."

"And he questioned him, told him the rules and couldn't suck human blood, and accused him of violating the rules!"

"Then the priest ordered him to feed me his blood. When I woke up again, I became an immortal vampire."

Lu An looked thoughtful. So Andre was not the first vampire to be transformed. The problem should lie with Harrington and the priest.

I just don’t know who transformed whom, which also explains what the two blood slaves said before. There were small animals missing in the village at first, and then they became more and more serious.

"It wasn't until I became a vampire that I discovered how fascinating blood is. The blood of those animals cannot satisfy us at all."

"Harrington and I secretly absorbed the blood of other missionary companions. Because we didn't want the priest to find out, we were very cautious and only absorbed a little bit at a time."

"Until one time we were caught by the priest while sucking blood, we thought we would be reprimanded by the priest, but who knew that the smell of blood seemed to immediately break through the priest's sanity, and he rushed over excitedly..."

Speaking of this, Andre looked excited, as if the memories of that day were very interesting to him...

"He rushed over and tore off the missionary's head like a madman."

"Blood spurted all over him, and he showed an expression of extreme enjoyment. From then on, we no longer restrained our own desires, but carried out transformation and killings."

"Then we accidentally discovered that we couldn't leave this area, even if we let these villagers try."

"So we began to control the number of killings and transformations. We would only kill the elderly over 50 years old at most, and the young adults would only absorb part of their blood. Maintaining this frequency, we could barely reach a balance with the nearby villages."

"And then, you guys will come."

Andre finally came to an end when he said this, and immediately looked at Lilith devoutly, his head knocked on Lilith's feet, his eyes full of longing.

Lilith looked at Lu An, who nodded.

Lilith raised the whip in her hand.


Andre cracked directly.

Lu An didn't even look at his body, his eyes were full of excitement.

As Andre said, Lu An was basically certain that the source of this vampire should be related to the priest.

As long as you find the priest, you may be able to find the reason why this copy exists.

Chapter 171 Only by unlocking the secret of this copy can we really help them.

This is much more exciting than clearing the dungeon directly.

When other people experience this dungeon, they may also realize that there are some abnormalities, and even get some fragments of words from the villagers.

But the most crucial part was missing, and they were unable to get the true story of what happened from the mouths of these vampires.

This also makes all speculations about this copy from the outside world only remain speculations.

Unlike Lu An, who can really get in touch with the core essence.

Lu An rushed to the next village again.

I learned from the two blood slaves that there are five villages nearby, and the combined population of the five villages does not exceed 1000 people.

Soon Lu An came to the second village.

As soon as he arrived at the village entrance, Lu An had already seen the shriveled corpses hanging on the village head.

Every corpse had obvious traces of vampires, and what surprised Lu An the most was that the person responsible for hanging these corpses was actually a human.

Two strong young men dragged a cart and dragged out the corpses one after another and hung them on the wall.

There were several crying women nearby, who seemed to be the family members of these corpses.

I don't know if it's because the blood in these vampires has almost been replenished, but they didn't drain all the people in the village, and there are still so many people left.

Lu An gradually approached, and these people soon noticed Lu An's presence.

The expressions on their faces instantly became very strange, including surprise, anger, and shock.

But the expressions on the faces of the women who were crying were more of resentment.

A woman rushed directly to Lu An, "It's all you! If it weren't for you! How could Tie Zhu die! He is only 21 years old!!!"

Several other women were also chirping and crying, and the general meaning was the same.

Lu An was speechless for a moment.

These people have been ruled by vampires for too long and have even lost the courage to resist. As long as they can maintain their current stable life, it is enough for them.

A middle-aged man with a beard who was originally responsible for carrying the corpse came up and shouted to the women: "Get back here! You don't know what's good or what's bad, do you?"

"Or were you brainwashed by those vampires?"

This middle-aged man seemed to have great prestige among the villagers. Under his scolding, although the women were still crying, they did not harass Lu An again.

The middle-aged man came to Lu An and said in a deep voice: "My name is Chen Hu, are you from the outside world?"

Lu An nodded.

Chen Hu was silent for a moment and then continued: "People from Wangjiacun..."

"It's all dead."

Although Chen Hu had already thought of this possibility, it was still hard to accept. After a moment of relief, he said, "I understand!"

Then he suddenly bowed to Lu An, "Please be sure to eliminate all these vampires!!!"

Lu An was a little surprised, and subconsciously looked at the corpses hanging at the end of the village. After all, he just saw Chen Hu helping to hang the corpses, and now he is begging himself to eliminate all vampires. No matter how you look at it, it is very contradictory.

Chen Hu said helplessly: "This is also what the vampires asked for. They often come up with these perverted methods if they want to deter everyone. There are indeed some people in the village who have been slowly brainwashed and even think that this is It’s become a norm.”

"This is a very scary thing. Now that you have appeared and you also have this ability, I can only hope that you can eliminate all vampires."

"Anyone who needs my help can come to me, even if it costs my life."

Lu An was a little confused. Very few people would be willing to pay such a high price. After all, he looked middle-aged. According to vampire rules, he would only be drained of blood and die after the age of 50.

Since it was not a threat of death, what else could make him make such a sacrifice.

Following Chen Hu's gaze, Lu An suddenly understood that there was a woman in the direction Chen Hu was looking, and that woman was holding a giggling baby in her hands.

The baby looks a bit like Chen Hu.

Was it because of his own children?

Lu An suddenly didn't know what to say.

They have no idea of ​​the real situation they are in. Countless people have entered this dungeon. Perhaps Chen Hu has said this to everyone who has entered the dungeon.

Maybe their fragile family of three really made it to the end, waiting until all the vampires were wiped out.

But when the next person who joins the dungeon comes in, they have to go through exactly the same thing all over again.

Chen Hu needs to hang the dead people in the village on the village head again, or it may even be someone else who hangs him on the village head.

Chen Hu patted Lu An on the shoulder, "Don't argue with them. Their husbands and fathers just died, so it's normal for them to have some mood swings. They will figure it out later."

Lu An nodded. He didn't care about the venting behaviors these women did to him.

Under the leadership of Chen Hu, Lu An walked towards the village.

With the abyss realm fully open, Lu An discovered two vampires hiding in the village.

The location where they were hiding was very hidden. If Lu An hadn't had the help of the abyss field, he wouldn't have been able to discover them.

This is also the troublesome part of this dungeon. When dealing with such an extremely intelligent enemy, there will be a hide-and-seek situation, especially when there are only a few vampires left in the end.

The other party hides and cannot be seen at all.

There are even teams that are forced to fail because of this reason. After all, their food is usually only prepared for about a week. If they run out, they have no choice but to quit.

This is not a problem at all in front of Lu An, who has domain skills.

With a thought in his mind, several demons quickly rushed towards the location of the two vampires.

After a moment, he flew back with the corpses of two vampires.

The two corpses looked very similar to the people in the village. They should be vampires who were later transformed by the missionaries.

Chen Hu's eyes showed surprise. Even though he was the head of this village, he had no idea that there were vampires left in the village.

If after Lu An leaves, these vampires come out again to replenish the blood supply.

I don’t know how many more people will die!

Thinking of this, Chen Hu solemnly said to Lu An: "Thank you! Thank you for saving many of us again!"

Although Lu An also had a smile on his face, he was a little embarrassed.

Only by unlocking the secret of this copy can we really help them.

Chapter 172 Vampire’s Blood

After saying goodbye to Chen Hu, Lu An continued to walk to the next village.

Since there are only five villages here, and the first two have been searched, it seems that these vampires are huddled in the last three villages and preparing to launch the final attack?

Lu An seems casual, but in fact the abyss realm has not been canceled at all. It has been released. As long as any creature enters his realm, it will be discovered immediately.

Sure enough, just on the way to the third village, Lu An had already met two sneaky vampires who wanted to attack.

And the location is extremely hidden. If it weren't for the help of the abyss field, someone else might not be able to find it.

Unfortunately, under the full coverage of domain skills, Lu An discovered their whereabouts instantly. Lilith and Lilian quickly took action and charmed the two vampires.

It's a pity that the status of these two vampires is not high in the first place. They are cannon fodder sent by other vampires to test their strength. They even know very little information.

After killing these two, Lu An came to the third village.

Unexpectedly, fewer people died in the third village. Lu An only saw two corpses at the end of the village.

Moreover, they were all very strong young people, while those who survived were middle-aged and older people.

This abnormal situation immediately made Lu An feel that something was wrong.

These vampires don’t know about the reset of the dungeon. Unless they are forced into a desperate situation, they should choose to retain fresh blood. Taking a step back, even if these old people survive, they may not be able to give birth to children. By then, humans The number will naturally decrease again.

Approaching slowly and vigilantly, several women in their 50s who were standing at the end of the village immediately swarmed over.

Lu An immediately thought that they were coming to accuse him just like the previous village, but he didn't expect that their behavior was unusually enthusiastic.

"You...younger boy, you must be tired after coming all this way. Go to my house and have a sip of herbal tea before leaving."

"Or come to my house to have something to eat and sit down. Otherwise, even if you come to our village and we don't treat you well, word will spread that we people are ignorant."

Several other people also had such reactions, which caught Lu An off guard.

After some pulling, Lu An finally followed them.

the reason is simple.

Lu An was sure that there was something wrong with these aunts, and he just wanted to find out what tricks those vampires were playing.

Lu An agreed to go to the home of the first woman, Chunyan, and she suddenly became excited.

As if this was a great gift to her.

The other women's expressions were gloomy, and they still refused to give up and invited Lu An to visit their homes later.

Arriving at Chunyan's house, Lu Anjing looked at everything in the room quietly. The room she lived in looked extremely simple. Although it was a brick house, there were almost no decorations in it, only the stove, pot and bed that were necessary for daily life.

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