With some help, Dark Crow's cleanup speed suddenly became much faster.

Soon, Lu An had almost wiped out the monsters spreading in Sitong Town, when suddenly Lu An let out a light sigh.

The whole person quickly rushed towards the innermost part of the town. There was a collapsed building, and next to the building there was a woman whose entrails had been eaten.

The woman's eyes were fixed on the inside of the building, as if there were rare treasures inside.

The reason why Lu An was surprised was because through the abyss field, he clearly noticed that there was a little girl in the ruins of the collapsed building!

Tyrande was ordered to move away the large pieces of construction debris. Soon, Lu An saw a little girl huddled together in a children's bear vest.

Her hiding place seemed to have been specially treated. The building wrapped her in a very strange shape, and the cement on it seemed to have been melted to form a protective shield, allowing the building to collapse while also It won't hurt her.

The little girl seemed frightened and huddled there motionless.

Lu An seemed to understand when he remembered that the woman outside was wearing blue and white architect-specific work clothes.

Even though that woman was just a professional, she was still protecting her daughter in her own way.

Chapter 204 Preparing to go to Sakura Country

Lu An stepped forward and patted the little girl's shoulder gently, saying softly: "It's okay, everything is okay."

Although the little girl was well protected and uninjured, her body was covered in dust. Even the bear pattern on her vest was somewhat unclear. When Lu An took the photo, a large amount of dust suddenly rose up.

She raised her head with some fear, and what she saw was Lu An's gentle face.

Immediately, he showed a little joy and started gesturing anxiously with his hands.

Lu An was a little confused and didn't understand what she meant. The girl became even more anxious and asked in a very strange tone: "Guoguo, give it a rest. I'm lying on the ground but I'm not using my sword. I'm lying on the code code."

Only then did Lu An realize that the other party actually had hearing impairment and could not hear him at all.

Because they can't hear others speaking, their pronunciation sounds very awkward.

However, maybe she didn't hear the screams of those people, including her own parents, which was the only thing she was thankful for in this shortcoming.

Lu An tried to slow down his speech so that she could understand his words, "Your mother has left for something, so why don't you go with your brother first?"

A little sadness flashed in the little girl's eyes.

Although she is not old, she has been exposed to it since she was a child. Things like monster siege are used by many people to scare disobedient children. Naturally, she also knows the horror of this matter.

Let Lu An pick her up, she lay on Lu An's shoulder and looked around, but she could only see demons.

The huge doomsday guard and the three-headed hell dog tried their best to put on a friendly smile.

They used their bodies to block the bloody scene around them. She was too young to let this scene be remembered in her heart, including her mother's disemboweled body.

He held the little girl Lu An and left after cleaning up the dark crows here.


three days later.

Lu An carried his suitcase to the airport in Lin'an City.

I am about to embark on a trip to Japan.

Sitting on the plane, Lu An recalled what happened in the past three days in his mind.

By retrieving information, he finally found out that the little girl's name was Yu Yiqiu. Normally, Yu Yiqiu should be adopted by a welfare agency, but he was worried about it, so he kept him with him to make plans slowly.

He took Yu Yiqiu to see Mr. Sun. He originally wanted to discuss things, but he didn't expect that Mr. Sun felt very sorry for Yiqiu and was willing to take him in.

Yu Yiqiu looked down at the new clothes he bought her and made gestures.

【I want to follow my brother】

He can already recognize some simple gestures.

He smiled and touched Yu Yiqiu's head, "Didn't Yiqiu say that he wanted to become stronger? Mr. Sun is the ceiling of our China's combat power. Follow him and you can become very strong in the future!"

Although Yu Yiqiu never asked her mother again, she had expressed her desire to become stronger to him many times, and he could guess that her intention was to protect the people around her after she became stronger.

Sure enough, when he mentioned becoming stronger, Yu Yiqiu showed a tangled look, and finally made gestures.

[Brother, please come back to see me often in the future. 】

He smiled and nodded.

After settling Yu Yiqiu's matter, he talked about business with Mr. Sun.

He originally thought that bringing Fan Jian back would be able to punish the Sakura Country, but in fact it was far more complicated than he thought.

Although under the charm of the succubus, Fan Jian revealed all the information, but if he wanted to sanction Sakura Country through legitimate means, he must be allowed to admit it in a sane state.

Moreover, Mr. Sun has ordered people to check. All the information about Fan Jian is that he is a normal resident of the Chinese Empire. It is not known when he became a lackey of the Sakura Kingdom. What is even more terrifying is that he may have been a Sakura Kingdom from the beginning. The people were sent into the Chinese Empire through unknown means.

And because of Lu An's advance warning, several guardians also captured several people who led the monsters to attack the city.

However, the results obtained by investigating their information were exactly the same as Fan Jian.

Lu An was naturally unwilling, "Is it possible that we have to suffer such a hidden loss again?"

Mr. Sun shook his head, "No, it's our turn this time."

After saying that, Mr. Sun took out a ticket to the Sakura Country.

"Since they have provoked many times, we don't need to give them face. Aren't you just looking for a place to upgrade?"

"Many dungeons in Sakura Country are at level [-] or [-], which is just right for you."

Lu An looked strange, "Am I the only one? Do you think this is enough?"

"I believe you. If you go to Sakura Country, you're going to turn things upside down."

"Originally, we planned to wait for the World Championship to start before letting you go to other empires. But since Sakura Kingdom has come to our door, you can go directly."

Mr. Sun stroked his beard and said: "Actually, you are not the only one. There will be someone with you when the time comes. After you get off the plane, there will be someone there to receive you."

"There is another person?" Lu An took the ticket, "Who is it?"

"Keep it secret. You'll find out when you get on the plane." Mr. Sun looked enigmatic.

Seeing Mr. Sun acting as the Riddler, Lu An shrugged and was about to leave. Mr. Sun suddenly said: "By the way, in addition to the air tickets, you all also have your own disguised information about Sakura Country. When the time comes, People will tell you, after all, your name is too conspicuous now."

Mr. Sun's words are really not a joke. The word "conspicuous" is actually a bit implicit.

The video of Lu An in Changfeng Town went viral.

Whether it was the spectacular sight of Lu An taking action and suppressing the siege of multiple waves of monsters by one person, or the sharp sword duty performed by Lu An against the mayor of Changfeng Town, these survivors were all impressed.

Even guardians with equal rights are rarely as decisive as Lu An.

After all, many guardians have good relationships with local managers, and many things just go away by turning a blind eye.

But Lu An is different. He doesn't have nepotism, and these things have no impact on him.

In addition, most of these people have also experienced the fear of such monsters attacking the city, and they also hate bastards like She Xingfa. Isn't it a terrible thing to entrust their lives to such people?

Lu An's video naturally became more popular, and even major mainstream media in the Chinese Empire reprinted the video content, so that everyone could see how the Chinese Empire dealt with these corrupt people.

At the same time, the responsibility of this sharp sword has really become a sharp sword hanging in front of the necks of all Chinese officials.

Just as Lu An was thinking about it, a clear female voice came.

"Hello, can I sit here?"

Chapter 205 Teacher Bai?

This female voice is very clear and soft.

But it felt like it had gone through the precipitation of time. The most important thing was that Lu An seemed to have heard this voice somewhere before.

Looking up, Lu An was a little stunned.

"Bai... Teacher Bai?"

"Why are you here too?"

Isn't the woman standing next to Lu An at this moment none other than Teacher Bai from Huaxia Academy?

She was still wearing the familiar white shirt, but the buttons on the chest could not be fastened, and the ravines were white and deep, making it unforgettable at a glance.

The lower body is even wearing a knee-length black skirt.

On the feet is a thin layer of black stockings, which fully displays the charm of a mature woman.

Bai Bao smiled and pushed the hair behind his ears, "Well, didn't Principal Sun tell you? This time we went to Sakura Country together. You don't think we will trust you to go alone, do you?"

Lu An remembered that Mr. Sun had mentioned to him that there was another person, but at that time Lu An still hoped that Su Su would come back early, or that someone familiar with him was with him. Unexpectedly, is her.

Lu An looked Bai Bao up and down, and it seemed like it wasn't a bad thing.

Lu An threw out the identification technique, wanting to check Teacher Bai's occupation.

But he was surprised to find that Teacher Bai's attributes could not be seen by himself. She also had the Hidden Stone on her body. Unexpectedly, Teacher Bai's level exceeded level 64.

However, since he can compete with Teacher Nie for the position of head teacher, his own strength must not be too far behind Teacher Nie.

Bai Bao sat next to Lu An, and a charming fragrance faintly emanated.

After the plane took off, the flight attendant enthusiastically came over and asked the two what they wanted to eat.

"Our dishes today are divided into Chinese food and Western food. Which one do you want to choose?"

Lu An: "Chinese food."

"Okay, what about this lady?"

Bai Bao took out a pair of sunglasses, put them on his face and said calmly: "No, I'm not hungry. I'm losing weight recently."


The flight attendant politely left.

"Is there any fat left to lose? What should be fat should be lost. Don't lose what shouldn't be lost. That will be a big loss."

Of course, Lu An didn't say this out loud, he just complained secretly in his heart.

Soon six dishes and one soup were brought to Lu An.

"Braised pork trotters? Beer duck? Quail eggs and braised mushrooms..."

Looking at this sumptuous meal, Lu An was a little stunned.

No wonder this airline has always been famous for its in-flight meals. It turned out to be really sumptuous, with a small pickle and a fruit plate on the side.

Lu An quickly started to feast.

At the same time, he didn't forget to look at Teacher Bai.

She seemed to dislike the taste of these foods, and she even took out her mask to cover up the smell.

Lu An didn't pay attention and continued to eat happily, and soon finished the meal.

After all, there were still so many people on the plane. In order to prevent the walls from having ears, the two of them did not talk too much.

After finally landing, the two of them saw a man from Sakura Country with a mustache coming up to them as soon as they left the airport.

"Hello, welcome to the Sakura Country. I am your tour guide this time, Mikiko."

This Mimuzi is the person that Mr. Sun said was the one who supported them in Sakura Country.

Wearing a suit, he politely sent the two of them to a car, then went to the driving seat and became the driver.

It was only then that Lu An and Bai Bao started to communicate.

"So do we have a specific mission direction when we come to Sakura this time?"

Lu An actually didn't receive much mission information. Mr. Sun just said to go to Sakura Country first, and someone would make arrangements there then.

Bai Bao smiled, "Of course, I will have some things to deal with later and I will leave temporarily. Just go and upgrade first. There is a dungeon nearby that is very suitable for your current level to upgrade. San Songzi asked you to prepare it." Are you ready with the copies of materials and money?"

"It's ready, Ms. Bai, it's in the bag behind my seat."

Lu An smoothly took out the white bag behind his seat. Inside was a thick stack of Sakura Country cash, a credit card, and a copy of the information.

Mimuzi said while paying attention to the road ahead: "Cash is because transactions here are not as convenient as in our country. Sometimes it is faster to use cash, and credit cards are used for emergencies. This card is my I applied in my name, so I can swipe it as I please.”

"The dungeon is the most prestigious level 45 dungeon here called Shangui Temple. There are many level 45 elite monsters in it, which are very suitable for Mr. Lu's current upgrade needs. Of course, I also know that Mr. Lu can upgrade very quickly. Quick, so in addition to the three ghosts and four, there is another dungeon which is the level 48 Bachi Madam dungeon."

"The corresponding copies of information have been printed out and are available for Mr. Lu's review."

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