The Dark Rhino has very strong strength and defensive attributes, but after all, it is only the third seat. It is still a bit reluctant to go head-to-head with the big eyeball in the first seat. Even if it can gain an advantage in a short time, wait for the big eyeball to react. , the situation can be reversed quickly.

What he has to do is to summon other dark creatures during this period to further reduce their combat pressure.

Open the Book of Dark Spirits and stop at the fourth page.

Choose your reincarnation target.

Dark Mantis.

This mantis also has extremely pure attributes and super agility. If it can be created for harassment, it should be able to greatly relieve the pressure.

Lu An, who had just finished all these operations, suddenly noticed from the corner of his eyes that the dark rhinoceros figure that was standing on the same spot suddenly retreated and hit the wall nearby, and suddenly the whole fortress shook again.

The big eyeball that was originally knocked away moved forward step by step with its blood vessels like legs. A strange red light flashed in its eyes. The skill to repel the dark rhinoceros was precisely this strange red light. Light.

And this skill does not seem to be a one-time thing, but a continuous skill.

The dark rhinoceros who was knocked down on the wall was covered in a layer of red light. He kept trying to struggle, but to no avail. This red light didn't seem to be a simple force, but more like some kind of rule. , as long as the target is illuminated by the red light, it will fall into a suppressed state.

A voice with big, hollow eyes and a hint of anger sounded throughout the castle.

"Idiot, do you think you can resist me?"

"Do you know why I am the first seat and you are the third seat?"

"You dare to betray even the Lord of Darkness. I think you want to die!" Big Eyeball said as he approached the Dark Rhino.

As the distance gradually approached, the pain on the dark rhino's face became more and more intense. It seemed to be just a simple suppression at first, but now it feels as if the body is gradually deconstructing and dissipating.

A flash of panic flashed in Dark Rhino's eyes, "Is this the rule of decomposition?"

"You actually have mastered the complete rules???"

A somewhat surprised voice with big eyes said, "It seems you are not too stupid after all."

"Yes, this is the powerful rule I have, deconstruction."

"This is impossible! Only a very talented being can master the rules within level [-]!"

"If you are really so powerful, how can you only be the first?" Dark Rhino struggled to get rid of the shackles of this rule and asked in confusion.

There are countless powerful creatures among the dark creatures. Even above level 90, there are many extremely powerful creatures that the Dark Rhino can only look up to. The twelve apostles in the Book of Dark Spirits can actually only be regarded as beings that are neither above nor below.

After all, the real strong still have their own ambitions and want to reach the final step with their own strength. Although the apostle of the Book of Dark Spirits enjoys an alternative eternal life, he has been restricted since then, and there are The most critical point is that their strength will always remain at the moment they become dark spirits.

This is naturally unacceptable to the truly strong.

The big-eyed man mocked: "Idiot, I am different from you. I came here after receiving the oracle from the Lord of Darkness."

"After completing the occupation of the abyss plane, the Lord of Darkness will help me get rid of the Book of Dark Spirits and help me become a god."

"You are the third seat because you only have the power of the third seat, and I am the first seat. That is because the highest position is only the first seat."

"You actually think you can challenge me like this? Haha, you are just an ant who overestimates your capabilities."

The red light radiating from the big eyes became stronger and stronger, and the body of the dark rhinoceros began to shake continuously, as if it was about to be broken down into tiny particles.

At this moment, Lu An's somewhat disdainful voice sounded from the right side of the big eyeball.


"Soul blast!"

Hearing Lu An's voice, his big eyes secretly thought something bad, and a white luster emerged from his body.

This is his life-saving skill.

No matter what kind of attack it faces, it can be weakened. For example, if a force of one hundred tons is passed through this halo, only less than one hundred kilograms of force will remain.

The weakened attack is extremely terrifying, and this weakening also applies to control skills.

The big eyes judged very quickly, and he obviously had a lot of combat experience.

Although the deconstruction skill he released at this moment can directly suppress the dark rhinoceros in an extremely domineering manner, and the skill effect can be said to be very domineering, it also has the disadvantage that it needs to be released continuously. Once interrupted, it will fall into a 10-minute cooldown. .

As this human being is of extremely low level, he is definitely unable to directly cause fatal damage to himself. Directly using his life-saving skills may seem a waste, but in fact it is necessary. After all, he is worried that Lu An has some kind of control skills.

Even if you are only interrupted for 0.01 seconds, the deconstruction skill will fall into a long cooldown, which is naturally fatal to you.

But as long as he uses his own life-saving aura, even if Lu An releases a forced control skill, after it is weakened, it will only have deceleration and other similar effects, and will not be able to interrupt his own skills at all.

Such a cautious and cautious character is the real reason why he has grown to be so powerful today.

With such preparations, this human being cannot affect him at all.

While Big Eyeball was thinking this, an invisible mental shock fell on him.

Chapter 311 The big melting eyeball

After the soul-exploding shock wave fell, his big eyes were stunned for an instant.

The life-saving aura on his body seemed to not exist at all and had no effect at all. The intensity of the original mental shock wave did not change at all.

Without enough time to think, the big eyes stood there blankly, and the red light used to suppress the dark rhinoceros also disappeared in an instant.

Lu An's lips curled into a hint of sarcasm.

Although I don’t know what the skill that the big eyeball just released is, my soul blast has already reached the full level. This is a god level that forces me to be stunned for one second. Even if a god is standing here, He can make the other party kneel down for a second, so it's no problem for him to have such a big eye.

Dark Rhino cast a grateful look at Lu An. If Lu An hadn't taken action, his newly reincarnated body would have dissipated again. Although there is still a chance to be resurrected, who wants to face death again and again.

At Lu An's signal, the dark rhinoceros quickly rushed towards the big eyeball that was dazed on the spot.

Lu An's vigilance towards this big eyeball has reached an extremely high level at this moment.

After all, if he wasn't lying, Big Eyeball should be the main person responsible for occupying the abyss plane this time, and he is also the most powerful one. It would be difficult to involve him entirely by the Dark Rhino as I thought before.

"Curse of enfeeblement!"

Lu An raised his hand and threw the second skill towards the big eyeball.

The big eyeball had already been put on a weak BUFF before he woke up. When he just woke up, what he saw in front of him was the three dark rhinos that had rushed in front of him.

One is the main body, and one on the left and one on the right are clones.

The three rhinoceros horns were shining with a strange black light.

The big eyeball couldn't dodge and was directly knocked away by the dark rhinoceros.

The big eyes were shocked and angry, "What's going on? Why has my power been weakened so much!"

The dark rhinoceros wouldn't explain at all, and just stuck to it, stepping on the big eyeball with a pair of rhinoceros hooves.

"Aren't you crazy?"

"Are you still in the first seat just because you only have the first seat?"

"I'm telling you, if you pretend to be cool, you will be struck by lightning!"

With this step and the previous attack, Big Eyeball's health bar instantly dropped to 70%.

The rhinoceros hooves continued to attack one after another. The dark rhinoceros vented its dissatisfaction in this way. Big Eyeball could only dodge continuously, but his speed was not fast in the first place. At this moment, being attacked one after another by the dark rhinoceros was naturally a bit overwhelming. He was attacked one after another. Many feet were stepped on.

Seeing that Big Eyeball's clone was weak, Lu An threw a life connection towards Big Eyeball!

A white line instantly appeared between Lu An and his big eyes.

The dark rhinoceros trembled subconsciously after seeing this light.

He died from this skill last time. He didn't expect that the cooldown time of such a terrifying skill would be so short. How long had passed before he could already use it again?

However, the person connected this time is no longer himself, and his role at the moment has become like Maeve at that time, as long as he can delay the big eyeball.

Big Eyeball also immediately discovered that his health value was falling crazily.

He stared at Lu An, his eyes filled with panic, "This... this kind of power!"

"This is...the prototype of the rules?"

"How is that possible? You are only level 59!!!"

The big eyes shot a blue light towards Lu An's location.

Lu An didn't dodge at all. Dark Rhino had already actively stepped between the two, blocking the light.

This kind of attack is not harmful to the Dark Rhino at all. It just drops the health bar by 5%, which is completely acceptable.

The big eyes suddenly became anxious, "Get out of here!"

How could the dark rhinoceros listen to his words? Instead, he blocked the big eyeball tightly. Looking at the anxious big eyeball, the dark rhinoceros felt extremely happy and said, "Don't get out!"

Dark Rhino suddenly realized Maeve's happiness.

At this moment, Big Eyeball wanted to kill Lu An who was hiding not far away, but the Dark Rhino was standing in front of him, unable to avoid it. Big Eyeball himself had already been debuffed, and in his current state The attack was unable to kill the Dark Rhino.

He could only let the dark rhinoceros wander around in front of him with a mean look on his face.

At this moment, Butterfly Girl was also entangled with Maeve, unable to free her hands to rescue them.

What's even more deadly is that the body of the Dark Mantis on the Reincarnation Array is almost half-finished. If we don't think of a way to break the situation, the situation will definitely be worse when the Dark Mantis appears!

not like this!

Big Eyeball's health bar had dropped to 30% at this moment. A look of determination flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly gave up the attack.

Under the gaze of the dark rhinoceros, he slowly closed his eyes.

"What? Are you ready to die?" Dark Rhino kicked it hard, only to find that the big eyeball in front of him seemed to no longer exist.

The dark rhinoceros frowned slightly. The big eyes were clearly in front of him, but he couldn't attack them.

In fact, not only Dark Rhino, but also Lu An also had this doubt.

Just now, the life energy was being transferred continuously in the life connection, but at the moment when the big eyes closed, although the lines of the life connection still existed, no more life energy was transferred.

It's as if the other person has entered some special state.

Under this condition, Lu An and the others were unable to cause any harm to it.

Lu An spread the domain with some disbelief, but found that even in his own domain, he could not find the existence of this big eyeball at all.

"Grandma, something strange happened!" The Dark Rhino was a little surprised and confused. The opponent was clearly right in front of him, but he couldn't attack him, just like a shadow. What kind of skill was this? Why had he never heard of it?

Maeve and Butterfly Girl, who were still fighting, also noticed the abnormality here. Butterfly Girl frowned slightly and kept flapping her wings behind her. She threw Maeve away and then appeared next to Big Eyeball.

The phosphorus powder on his body kept falling.

But even her phosphorus powder was of no use to Big Eyeball, and it directly penetrated Big Eyeball's body and fell to the ground.

Just when everyone didn't understand what happened, the aura of Big Eyeball began to rise.

And a strange and inexplicable aura permeated everyone's hearts.

Even Butterfly Girl is no exception.

The big-eyed body gradually began to melt and turned into a pool of scarlet liquid, but these liquids were obviously alive.

It looks very weird.

Chapter 312 Sharing the Glory of Eternal Life

These scarlet liquids look like blood, and even the space is filled with a strong smell of blood.

The dark rhinoceros stepped down hard with some disbelief. Only then did he realize that even if the opponent had turned into this kind of liquid creature, it still maintained the same characteristics and was still unable to attack the opponent.

"It's weird, what on earth is this?"

Dark Rhino muttered in confusion, while Lu An looked at the puddle of liquid on the other side, but he had a vague premonition in his heart.

It seemed as if something terrible was about to happen.

At this time, Dark Mantis had also completely formed, and it instantly discovered the Book of Dark Spirits in Lu An's hand, and immediately appeared in front of Lu An, looking very submissive.

"Hey, you react quickly." Dark Rhino joked.

Dark Mantis ignored him, but stared intently at the pool of liquid in front of him where the big eyeballs turned.

"Master...Master..." Although Dark Mantis has understood the current situation, it still inevitably feels a bit ashamed to call it. After much hesitation, he asked: "What is this thing? Why do I feel huge on it? A mysterious aura.”

Lu An shook his head. He didn't even know what it was, so how could he tell Dark Mantis.

Maeve came to Lu An with a serious expression and frowned and said: "This kind of breath makes me feel very uncomfortable...a feeling that is difficult to describe..."

Only Butterfly Girl on the field was particularly nervous. After all, her only real teammate was Big Eyeball. If there was a problem on Big Eyeball's side, then she would have to fight one against many.

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