But compared to what they thought they would end up with at the beginning, this result is actually a blessing among misfortunes.

One by one, the doomsday guards came to Lu An to say goodbye and express their gratitude to Lu An.

As each doomsday guard left, Lu An looked at the prompts on the mission panel beside him. Since these doomsday guards finally believed in him, the current progress of this hidden mission has soared.

It seems that each individual Doom Guard identification has an additional bonus.

Especially the female doomsday guard who left last with her child in her arms. She thanked Lu An from the bottom of her heart for everything they had done for her child.

With her thanks, the progress bar of the task soared by 10%. Finally, the progress bar increased to 80%, and then the progress bar stopped growing.

Lu An touched his chin and thought to himself.

Did I miss something else?

Why is it still 20% short of completion?

Now Lu An's own job transfer mission is shown to have been completed. He can be promoted and break through as long as he returns to the main plane. However, if this side mission is not completed, Lu An will really be unwilling to do so.

Just when Lu An was thinking about whether he had missed something, several powerful life forms suddenly broke into the domain skills!

Each one has at least level [-] or above.

Soon Maeve also noticed that a strong person was approaching, and looked at the dark rhinoceros, "Be careful! A strong person is approaching!"

Lu An said softly: "It doesn't matter, we are acquaintances."

"An acquaintance?" Maeve was stunned for a moment, and her tense expression instantly relaxed.

Although Lilith, Lilian and Alice on the side were relatively weak in strength, they felt the closeness of blood.

"Is it Mother?"

"Is your mother here?"

"That's right, Mother!"

The three women said one after another, and Maeve's relaxed expression suddenly became tense again.

These three little succubi are all royal succubi. If they can be called mother, they must be a succubus queen of a certain lineage.

The nature of the succubus is to avoid seeing the emperor. If there are external enemies like dark creatures, they may be able to put aside their hatred for the time being. But now that the problem of the invasion of dark creatures has been solved, they have been eroded by the source of darkness, leaving behind There is no strong person above level [-] in this line of succubi, and even his own daughter cannot stand alone.

If discovered, I'm afraid...

Lu An already knew the rules of the succubus king not seeing the emperor. At this moment, he walked to Maeve and comforted softly: "It's okay, trust me."

Six words made Maeve feel an inexplicable sense of security.

After all, Lu An has created countless miracles in front of her. Even the invasion of dark creatures was quietly disintegrated under his plan. The name Lu An itself represents a miracle.

Soon enough, five powerful figures flew over from a distance.

The leader among them is none other than the Succubus Queen, Leah, the mother of the three Succubus sisters!

Although Lu An had never seen the four figures behind him, he could roughly identify them from their postures.

Among them, the one with the huge body and three heads must be the king among the three-headed dogs of hell.

And the one holding a giant sword, with blue skin and mysterious runes on his body, should be the top strongman among the Doom Guards.

There is also the flame demon with a blazing flame all over his body and a cynical expression.

And there is a race that Lu An has never seen before. From the outside, its body shape is almost the same as that of humans, but its whole body seems to be transparent. Lu An can even see through the opponent's body and see the objects behind it. If pressed, Lu An I feel that it is actually a bit similar to the resentful soul. They are both soul-like existences.

However, this idea was dismissed by Lu An as soon as it appeared. It could not be from resentful souls. After all, resentful souls are only an extremely weak race in the abyss plane, and even strong men above level [-] may not have appeared. The five powerful people coming here at this moment are all top experts with at least level [-] strength.

Leah and the others immediately identified the only dark creature in the crowd, the dark rhinoceros.

The powerful and terrifying Qi machine was instantly locked on the dark rhinoceros.

The temperature of the powerful flame demon suddenly soared, and everyone else also made preparations to fight.

Dark rhinoceros Newton was timid,

Even though he is a dark creature, his attributes are still strengthened to some extent. These are five powerful men above level [-]. If they attack at the same time, wouldn't he die without a burial place?It is not impossible to be killed in an instant, although he can continue to use the reincarnation circle to reincarnate.

But who knows what will happen the next time Lu An needs to summon him, what if it is many years later?

The life of waiting for reincarnation in the Book of Dark Spirits is not easy.

What's more, the feeling of being created on the body is even more painful. It is the feeling of every piece of flesh and blood in the body being rubbed and stretched by countless pairs of big hands. Even if he has rough skin and thick flesh, he cannot withstand this kind of scalp-numbing torture. .

So seeing that these five powerful men already wanted to take action against him.

Dark Rhino Newton made a very conscientious determination.

He suddenly took a step back and hid behind Lu An, only revealing a huge rhinoceros head.

At the same time, he shouted loudly: "Don't do it!!!"

"I am one of my own!!!"

"Don't accidentally injure friendly forces!!!"

Chapter 327 Five Powerhouses

"Don't accidentally injure friendly forces!!!"

Upon hearing this, coupled with the helpless expression on Lu An's face at this moment, Leah frowned slightly, and the blue flame ignited on the whip gradually died down.

Several other strong men originally came at Leah's invitation. When they saw Leah retracting her hand, they naturally stopped moving. Only the strong man with the flame demon still had a fireball in his hand, looking eager to try.

Leah stood in front of the flame demon and looked at Lu An with some doubts: "Is what this rhino said true?"

Lu An nodded sheepishly, "Yes, he is now on our side, and I have absolute control over him."

Leah nodded slightly and did not ask Lu An how he did it.

Instead, the strong Doomsday Guard behind Leah stepped forward and said in a loud voice: "In that case, tell us where the dark creatures are, and we must clear them all out quickly."

"Otherwise, the repulsive force between the two planes will become increasingly weakened, even to the point where the Lord of Darkness can finally take action."

Before Lu An could speak, Tyrande on the side showed a faint expression of excitement.

"You...are you Lord Luli?"

The Doom Guard, whom Tyrande called Luli, let out a chuckle, "Do you know me? You look a bit familiar."

Tyrande was already very tall, but in his eyes he was still just a child.

Seeing that the other party did not deny it, Tyrande said excitedly: "I am Tai'an's son, Tyrande!"

"Tai'an's son?" Lu Li looked at Tyrande carefully and said with some regret, "No wonder you look familiar. It turns out you are an old friend. How is Tai'an?"

Tyrande's face darkened, "My father was seriously injured during the last invasion of dark creatures and unfortunately passed away..."

"Those damn dark bastards!" Lu Li said angrily, and then stared at Lu An with two copper bell-like eyes, "So wherever those dark bastards are, I will tear them all apart!"

Dark Rhino couldn't help but tremble when he heard this.

Lu An said with a normal expression: "I have solved this dark invasion. The Lord of Darkness forcibly teleported through the Dark Castle this time, and then created dark creatures here to invade the abyss plane."

"What?" After hearing this, all the powerful men exclaimed, not only surprised by the ability of the Lord of Darkness, but also skeptical of Lu An's claim to have solved this matter.

The middle head of the king of the three-headed hell dog said with some disdain: "Boy, do you know what you are talking about?"

"Every time a dark invasion is cleared, a huge price has been paid. This time the Lord of Darkness has been silent for so long before suddenly taking action. He must be absolutely sure."

"I'm afraid there is more than one expert at level [-]."

"I'm not looking down on you. With your strength, it's simply impossible to do this."

The flame demon also showed an evil smile, "I'm afraid even the strongest among humans wouldn't dare to boast like this, right?"

Although the others did not speak directly, their expressions were exactly the same as the two of them, and they obviously believed that Lu An could not do this.

Only Leah knew Lu An relatively well and understood that Lu An was not a big talker. At this moment, she smoothed things over and said: "Lu An is of great importance. Maybe you just thought that all the dark invasions have been cleared away, but it may be the other party's." A conspiracy to deliberately make us relax our vigilance."

Before Lu An could speak, a crisp female voice sounded beside Lu An, "Lu An was not wrong. This dark invasion has been resolved."

A graceful woman slowly flew out from beside Lu An.

Leah's eyes immediately focused on the other person's hair, which was also snow-white.

"Succubus Queen Leah, have you asked me yet?"

Maeve held her head high and said, "Succubus Queen Maeve."

"I can testify that Lu An has solved this dark invasion."

In the eyes of several other strong men, the credibility of Maeve's words is naturally much higher than that of Lu An. After all, they are both level [-] strong men, so even if the dark creatures really do some tricks. , it shouldn’t be possible to deceive Maeve.

But, a level 59 human can actually solve a dark invasion?

This is unbelievable.

The flame demon scratched his head, "If the strength of this dark invasion is not strong, this human being relies on the strength of Maeve and this dark rhinoceros."

"Well, it doesn't seem impossible."

"No, Dark Rhino and I basically didn't contribute much, and this time the dark invasion opponent not only prepared twelve ninety-level experts, but also an extremely strange existence appeared among them. If it weren't for Lu An, I’m afraid I would have died here long ago.”

Maeve glanced at the other strong men and said, "With all due respect, if you face the dark creature in its full state this time, I'm afraid you will never come back."

After being scolded by Maeve like this, the other strong men were not angry, and their expressions became serious.

Later, Maeve told the truth about the experience of facing the dark creature, and he didn't know if it was an illusion. Lu An always felt that in Maeve's story, his image seemed to become extremely tall, but in fact, he just wanted to He just wanted to complete the task better. Facing the surprised looks from other strong men from time to time, Lu An could only look up at the sky and pretend he didn't know what to do.

When she heard that the Book of Dark Spirits could create twelve level [-] warriors, Leah's expression changed. Fortunately, she knew that this thing was in Lu An's hands, otherwise it would have been used by the Dark Plane to invade the Abyss Plane. That's it.

Although Leah only found four other ninety-level experts this time due to time constraints, even looking at the entire abyss plane, there were no more than 20 experts who could reach level ninety.

If 12 strong men appeared in the dark plane at once, wouldn't it be easy to gain a foothold in the abyss plane?

When the repulsive force between the two planes weakens, the abyss plane will be greeted by the terrifying creatures from the entire dark plane.

By then, even if the gods come, it will be difficult to save him!

And when they heard that the most powerful first apostle among the twelve apostles turned into some kind of weird monster with eyes all over its body, and it was also super polluting, even the butterfly girl and the ninety-level powerhouse... The Dark Mantis has no way to compete and can only allow itself to be continuously polluted.

Everyone's complexion suddenly changed.

This kind of terror spreads much faster than dark creatures.

Chapter 328 Recognition

And according to Maeve, this so-called Cthulhu creature seems to be able to overwrite and modify even the dark castle created by the Lord of Darkness, and can even combine things that were originally dead with living bodies, giving birth to a kind of Alternative life, this kind of ability is something that Leah and the others have never heard of. To be able to do this, I am afraid that only the powerful above the god level can do it.

Judging from the opponent's ability to override the restrictions left by the Lord of Darkness on the Dark Castle, the opponent's strength may even be higher than that of the Lord of Darkness, which is terrifying.

The five strong men looked at each other, their eyes full of solemnity.

Just one dark creature is enough to cause a headache, and now there is also a Cthulhu who is eyeing him. No matter how you think about it, this plane is very dangerous.

Maeve did not stop, but continued to talk.

It even included how Lu An let the three of them, who were level [-], struggle with Butterfly Girl who had turned into a flesh and blood monster. He judged Butterfly Girl's skill mechanism in a short period of time and achieved perfect avoidance.

And the final battle with Big Eyeball.

Although Maeve hid a lot of details in order to keep Lu An's skills secret, these were enough to make Leah and the others look at Lu An with admiration.

Especially when he finally heard that the dark creatures had captured a large number of doomsday guards and wanted to transform them, Lu Li was still disdainful. After all, the doomsday guards had their own magic restrictions. Unless they themselves fell, they would never become dark creatures due to outside influence. .

But when he heard that all the Doom Guards had been skinned, even the little Doom Guards who were just children, he became angry.

But after he heard that Lu An had rescued all these doomsday guards, and asked the dark rhinoceros to set up energy transfer skills on the doomsday guard who was most seriously eroded by the dark power, the anger that had already welled up in his heart was replaced by all this. Nothing left, everything turned into admiration for Lu An!

Lu Li suddenly thrust his big sword into the ground, looked directly at Lu An, and hammered his chest three times with his left hand. His movements were standard and neat.

Just when Lu An didn't understand what happened, the task completion rate on the task panel suddenly increased by 4%.

Is this... recognition from Lu Li?

Lu An was slightly startled. He didn't expect that this way of telling stories could be recognized by the other party?

Tyrande, who was beside Lu An, explained softly: "This is the highest etiquette of our Doomsday Guard clan. It is generally only used for compatriots within our clan. If it is used for foreign clans, it means recognition of your character. "

"It also represents his personal admiration for you!"

Lu An suddenly understood, and then he hurriedly imitated the other party's gestures and returned the greeting.

Just after Lu An returned the gift, a reminder suddenly refreshed on the panel.

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