The human dark powerhouse asked in a deep voice: "What just happened?"

These dark elves who were lucky enough to survive quickly explained everything that had just happened.After listening to the other party's story, the dark human strongman frowned slightly.

"You mean the other person is a man named Lu An from the human plane, who looks to be only 18 or 19 years old?"

After receiving affirmative answers from these dark elves, the dark human strongman's eyes flickered, as if he was thinking about something, and the dark elves boldly stepped forward.He earnestly requested: "Please, Lord, please make the decision for our dark elves, kill the bad guys, and give back the glory of our dark elves."

Dark human strongman.Without any expression on his face, he nodded.

The dark elves all showed joy at the current situation. After all, this was a powerful man at the level of a great lord. Wouldn't it be a very simple matter to kill Lu An?

But at this moment, the dark human strongman raised his hand slightly and the extremely strong pressure suddenly dissipated.

This sudden pressure was something the dark elves never imagined. This pressure immediately surrounded them, and the pressure continued to increase.These surviving dark elves suddenly felt extremely strong pressure, which came from all directions and pressed their bodies firmly to the ground.

And this has not stopped, this pressure is still increasing.

Later, they can even hear themselves clearly.There was a creaking sound from the bones of the body.

The sound was like tarsal maggots, constantly echoing in their ears, and a trace of bright red blood flowed from the corners of their mouths.

"Grand...Grand Lord, I don't understand what we did wrong?"

A dark elf forced himself to speak under the pressure.

There was a strong look of confusion in the eyes of these dark elves. They never dreamed that this great lord from the dark plane who suddenly appeared would suddenly take action against them. This was not in line with their understanding of the great lord.

Although the big lord wanted to kill them, it was just a word, but there was also a reason. For example, they had offended the big lord or some other reasons. Otherwise, if every big lord acted like this , isn’t the entire dark plane already dead?This is why they never thought that the big lord would suddenly attack them.

However, at this moment, the powerful lord of the dark plane did not explain to them. Instead, he stretched out his right hand and pressed down. The air pressure around him suddenly became stronger, and the entire ground sank slightly. centimeters.

And these dark elves who were still struggling to hold on no longer had the reason they wanted to know. The bones in their bodies were broken, blood was vomited at the mouth, and the blood bar instantly returned to zero. Lu An had not had time to clean up all the dark elves. At this moment, in the hands of the great lord of this unknown dark plane, they were all easily annihilated.

It was only after confirming that there was no one alive nearby that the human-looking lord of the dark plane showed a thoughtful expression and murmured softly.

"Could it really be him?"

"The age, gender, and plane are all suitable."

"But why did he appear here? And Xiaoxue, where is Xiaoxue? Could it be that..."

The great lord of the dark plane suppressed these thoughts forcibly, and then quickly approached in the direction Lu An left.

Chapter 469 The Bard

At this moment, Lu An didn't know what happened. He just wanted to leave this place of right and wrong quickly.

Su Su could not be allowed to suffer any accidents.

But just as Lu An and Su Su fled quickly, his face became heavier and heavier. He originally thought that the great lord was just passing by, but he didn't expect that at this moment Lu An could clearly feel that he was attached to his body. Maggots generally follow behind him.

Lu An immediately understood that the other party was probably targeting him from the beginning.

He is indeed the Lord of Darkness. I am afraid that he already understood his plan when he just killed Bucky, so he sent these great lords to kill him.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Lu An's mouth. Huh, it seems that the Lord of Darkness knows him very well. At least he understands that if he doesn't get rid of him, he will probably pay an unimaginable price. This will make him These big lords hunted them down forcefully.

At this moment, Su Su also felt the strong pressure coming from behind. Originally, her expression was still very confused. She didn't understand why Lu An suddenly ran for his life. But now when she felt the pressure, her face suddenly changed. Such strong pressure was far away. Far beyond Qingqing's level of strength, even if Su Su tried her best, she might not be able to pose any threat to the opponent.

At this moment, Su Su's little hand was tightly grasped by Lu An. She said with an ugly face: "You should leave quickly. I'm afraid this is sent by the Lord of Darkness to hunt me down. Only if I stay will the other party give up. Otherwise, we Neither of them can leave."

Lu An's expression became a little weird.

"Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and run away. You are faster than me. As long as I delay the other party as much as possible, you have a chance to escape." When Su Su saw Lu An, she did not let go of herself. With his hand, he hurriedly urged.

"As much as I hate to say this, this matter really has nothing to do with you."

Lu An said with a sigh.

Su Su's eyes widened, "What do you mean? Isn't this powerful man because I killed the Lord of Darkness' control of the elves? He must be coming for me." Su Su As he spoke, he suddenly noticed the smile on the corner of Lu An's mouth.

Su Su suddenly thought of something, and she said in surprise: "Isn't this strong man coming for you?"

Lu An smiled bitterly and nodded, "If I'm not wrong, I'm afraid that's the case. Although I have tried my best not to be in the spotlight, it seems that outstanding people will always attract the attention of others."

When Lu An said this, Su Su's face showed a look of helplessness, but she knew it very well in her heart.Lu An's words are really not modest. Even now, Lu An's strength can be regarded as the first among contemporary young people.

It can even be said that not only the young people of today, but even in the entire history of mankind, Lu An can stand alone.

"Then what should we do now? If the other party keeps chasing us like this, I'm afraid we will always be caught up."

Su Su frowned and said, she could clearly feel that the speed of the strong man behind her was far beyond the limit of Lu An and the others.

At this moment, it was approaching Lu An and the others at a very terrifying speed.

According to this trend, I'm afraid it won't take more than 20 minutes at most before the opponent appears in front of them.

Lu An frowned slightly at this moment. In fact, he had been thinking about how to deal with the other party since he just discovered the other party's existence.

But to be honest, Lu An doesn't have a particularly good idea so far.

We can only adapt to circumstances when the time comes.

But now that it was certain that the other party would never let them go, Lu An and Su Su simply slowed down a little so that the other party could catch up quickly.

The reason for doing this is mainly because Lu An knows that if he continues to go west, although he may encounter a weaker lord, the worst result may also happen, that is, he will fall into these two Surrounded by the great lord, if it was just a dark lord, maybe Lu An would still have a chance.

If it were two people, Lu An's chances would be infinitely close to 0.

So Lu An might as well give it a try while he is alone now and see if he can nip this danger in the cradle.

In addition, Lu An also has another doubt, which is the purpose of this dark lord. Lu An does not understand. Since this guy is the dark lord and has discovered his traces at this moment, so the safest thing is Shouldn't you notify the Lord of Darkness immediately?If the Lord of Darkness suddenly came, he would definitely have no chance to resist.

Even if these big lords couldn't directly summon the Lord of Darkness, they certainly had a way to contact other big lords, but Lu An didn't feel the presence of other powerful big lords approaching.What exactly does the other party want to do?Lu An was a little unsure.

Just when Lu An was struggling, the other party finally appeared in Lu An's sight.

Lu An frowned slightly when he saw that the other person's figure was completely similar to that of a human being.

The main plane of humanity has not fallen so far. All human creatures that appear in the dark plane can, in a sense, be understood as traitors to the human plane. They are most likely to have taken the initiative to join the Lord of Darkness. .

Just like Qing Qing, except that they did not take away a large number of tribesmen at the same time like Qing Qing. This kind of situation has not happened before, but like the big lord in front of me, he not only betrayed mankind but also wandered in the dark plane. It is very rare to become so prosperous and even get the attention of the Lord of Darkness and become a great lord.

In Lu An's sight, the strong man who appeared next to him was wearing a black hat and a black windbreaker. Lu An could not see his face clearly. At this moment, Lu An was protecting Su Su. behind himself.Be careful of the other party's sudden attack.

But just as the two were in a stalemate, Lu An vaguely noticed that the other party's body was trembling.

Trembling, how is this possible?The opponent is a creature close to the god level, and its control of its own power should have reached an extremely powerful level.There shouldn't be any uncontrollable behavior like shaking.

But Lu An could clearly feel the opponent's state from his own domain skills, and he was indeed trembling.

What happened that could cause the mind of a great lord from the dark plane to fluctuate so violently?

Just when Lu An was curious, he pulled up his black hood and suddenly heard a hoarse voice.

"Lu An?"

"A person from Jiang'an City? There is a sister named Lu Xue at home?"

Upon hearing the other party's question, Lu An's eyes suddenly became as sharp as an eagle.

He was keenly aware that something was wrong. Even if the Lord of Darkness had investigated him, he should not know his sister's name, and he also knew that he was from Jiang'an City.

This is obviously beyond what the normal Lord of Darkness should understand.

And even if the Lord of Darkness is really curious about himself, he lets some of his secret agents in the human plane investigate him.

The results of this investigation should not be announced so quickly, let alone be known to a great lord of the dark plane.

The vigilance in Lu An's eyes did not diminish at all. "Who are you? Why do you know these things?"

Hear Lu An's answer.The body of this great lord, covered in black clothes, trembled slightly.

He naturally understood that Lu An's answer actually acquiesced to his identity.

This strange lord slowly took off his hood.

A strange yet somewhat familiar face appeared.

Lu Jing looked at the other person's familiar face quietly.His face was full of surprise.

Although some of Lu An's past memories have long been forgotten after he traveled through time.

The original owner of this body lost his parents when he was very young, so the appearance of his parents only existed in the photos that Lu Xue sometimes took out.

At this moment, Lu An was surprised to find that this great lord looked exactly like the man Lu Zhengguo in a photo that his elder sister Lu Xue often held in her hand.

Of course Lu An knew that man was his nominal father, but Lu An had long thought that he was dead.

Although Lu Xue had made a conjecture based on some details before, thinking that his parents might not have died, but fell into the dark plane, this was just Lu Xue's guess after all, without any factual basis to support it. .

However, at this moment, a man with the same face as his father appeared in front of him, and the most important thing was that his strength had reached the level of a great lord of the dark plane.Could it be that the other party was not accidentally involved in the dark plane at that time, but deliberately took refuge in the Lord of Darkness, so he was rewarded by the Lord of Darkness and his strength improved rapidly.

In other words, the other party is not who he imagined at all. Even if there are some skills that can change the appearance in the dark plane, it does not seem to be impossible.

Lu An narrowed his eyes slightly, "No, you can't be him. He died more than 10 years ago."

Lu Zhengguo's mouth showed a bitter look, "Yes, the once cowardly Lu Zhengguo died more than 10 years ago. Now I am just a killing machine who works hard for revenge and becomes more powerful."

"I know you don't trust me, and I don't expect you to recognize me right away. I just want to know what happened in the human plane. Why did you suddenly appear in the dark plane? Is Lu Xue okay?"

Listening to Lu Zhengguo's question, Lu An naturally understood that the other party actually cared about him, and of course he also cared about his sister.

This question instantly dispelled Lu An's doubts a little, of course, just a little bit. He hesitated slightly and shook his head.

"Sister, she is fine. The human plane has not fallen. I came in through other means."

The information Lu An answered was not actually critical information. Even if Lu Zhengguo didn't learn it from himself, he could still learn it through other dark creatures, so Lu An did not reveal any secrets.

After learning that Lu Xue's current situation was safe, Lu Zhengguo breathed a sigh of relief. Then he looked at Lu An and said with a heavy expression.

"Your current situation is very dangerous. The Lord of Darkness has issued a search order for you to all the great lords. All the great lords must go out to find you. Once you are targeted by any other great lord, it will be a disaster for you. very dangerous."

"I know that you have killed Lord Bucky, but that was only caused by a combination of coincidences. With your current strength, it is too difficult to contend with a great lord."

"But according to what you said, you should also want to capture me and give me to the Lord of Darkness, right?" Lu An looked directly at the other party.

Lu Zhengguo had a look of annoyance on his face, as if being said like this by Lu An was some kind of humiliation.

"Bah, the Lord of Darkness, he deserves it."

Hearing the other party's disdainful words towards the Lord of Darkness, Lu An raised his eyebrows slightly. According to Lu An's understanding, all dark creatures, as long as they are strong men who have accepted the power of darkness, will be in a state of unconditional obedience to the Lord of Darkness. Unless this influence is covered by a higher and more powerful ability like Maeve, it is absolutely impossible to have any resistance to the Lord of Darkness.

This is the information about dark creatures that Lu An has learned, but listening to Lu Zhengguo's meaning at this moment, he feels that there seems to be some other meaning in it.

Could it be that his cheap father actually found a way to get rid of the control of the Lord of Darkness?

Lu Zhengguo said angrily: "Back then, your mother and I fell into the dark plane. This dark aura was eroding our bodies and your mother's bodies all the time. He wanted to assimilate us and become part of them."

"The infection of this dark aura is very difficult to resist. Your mother and I tried many methods, but all failed."

"We can only watch helplessly as the dark atmosphere gradually penetrates into our bodies and changes mine and your mother's bodies."

"That feeling was very painful for both of us."

Su Su stood behind Lu An when he heard this.It seemed that he also felt the feeling that he was invaded by dark power at that time.Suddenly, there was a trace of pity in Lu Zhengguo's eyes.

Lu Zhengguo continued: "Your mother is a very strong woman. She is never willing to admit defeat, even when she is about to be eroded by the power of darkness."

"I wonder if you still remember your mother's occupation."

Lu An opened his mouth, and a few words subconsciously popped into his mind.

"travelling poet?"

It's strange to say that Lu An has never seen these four words before, and he doesn't even know what the bard's profession is, but at this moment he subconsciously said it when the other party asked. Maybe this is the reason why he stayed in the bard. Something in Lu An's subconscious.

Lu Zhengguo sighed, "Yes, it's the bard."

"It is precisely because of this profession that I have been able to escape the control of dark forces."

Chapter 470 The final swan song

"Yes, it's the bard."

"It is precisely because of this profession that I have been able to escape the control of dark forces."

A hint of disbelief flashed in Lu An's eyes, his mother turned out to be a bard.

And more importantly, the profession of bard can actually release the control of dark power. This is something I have never heard of. Whether it is the profession of bard itself or the dark power can be released in this way, both It was something beyond Lu An's knowledge.

Su Su, who was standing behind Lu An at this moment, looked thoughtful.

After a slight hesitation, she couldn't help but ask: "Are you referring to the bard's last swan song?"

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