After Ji Yongye said that, he walked directly towards Ye Xiaolei.

Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

Ji Yongye then chatted with Ye Xiaolei while watching everyone distribute the spiritual furnaces.

After a long time, the eight people finally allocated the spiritual furnaces. Among the eighteen cauldrons, two were owned by Ji Yongye and Chen Yinger, and the remaining sixteen cauldrons were allocated by themselves.

Sixteen cauldrons, one person can get exactly two cauldrons.

At this point, Chen Ying'er owns four cauldrons, the others all have three cauldrons, and Ji Yongye has two cauldrons.

After the spiritual furnaces were distributed, everyone sat cross-legged on the ground and merged their spiritual furnaces.

Because it was only preliminary absorption, the process of absorption was very simple, and soon, everyone completed the initial integration with the spiritual furnace with joyful faces.

When the last person completed the spiritual furnace fusion and opened his eyes, Ye Xiao said tearfully: "Okay, you can return to the temple. Remember, although I can erase the spiritual furnace test you have to go through, let you and the spiritual furnace Directly carry out the final fusion. However, the final test of Dream Paradise is indispensable. That is, the synthesis of spiritual furnaces. Anyone who has more than two spiritual furnaces must use great perseverance to complete it. Once it fails, it is best to The result is that all the spiritual furnaces will fly away, and may even threaten your lives."

Yes, this is also one of the biggest mysteries of Dream Paradise. No matter how many spiritual furnaces you get here, they can only be combined into one in the end. This is a crisis but also an opportunity.The power of the synthesized spiritual furnace will be greatly improved, but if it fails, there will be a huge price to pay.

Hearing this, Chen Ying'er, who was bragging to Wang Yuanyuan just now, was stunned. Good guy, in the blink of an eye, she has become the most dangerous person?

Chen Yinger subconsciously looked at Ji Yongye, and she said aggrievedly: "Yongye, what should I do?"

"Don't worry." Ji Yongye waved his hand and looked at Ye Xiaolei beside him.

Ye Xiaolei was stunned for a moment and then said: "What are you doing? I really can't help you in the final test."

"Ahem, we saved you." Ji Yongye said.

"Didn't I repay you already?" Ye Xiaolei said helplessly.

Ji Yongye smiled and said, "Do you think your life is worth the rewards?"

"Oh, I'm really impressed by you!" Ye Xiaolei said angrily after hearing this.

But she was just talking. The next second, Ye Xiaolei stood up and waved her hand, and nine rays of light fell on Ji Yongye's chest.

That location is exactly where the spiritual furnace is.

"Okay, let's go quickly." After doing this, Ye Xiaolei said angrily.

Chapter 163 Ji Yongye’s Second Spiritual Furnace

The synthesis of more than three spiritual furnaces will be extremely dangerous, and the possibility of passing it is very slim, but that is without opening the back door.

Ye Xiaolei has lived in Dream Paradise for such a long time. Who would believe that she has no means to solve this problem?

Anyway, Ji Yongye would never believe it. Just like the Priest Temple had a way to suppress the strength of the six of them and let them slip through and enter the dream paradise, Ye Xiaolei definitely had a way.

Ji Yongye stood up and said sternly to Ye Xiaolei, "Thank you!"

"Okay, let's go." Ye Xiaolei said and waved her hand again.

Clusters of green light moved on their own, they were clusters of green light suspended behind everyone.Along with flashes of green light one after another, their bodies disappeared in the green light envelope one after another.

Ji Yongye waved to Ye Xiaolei, and then said: "Ye Xiaolei, please keep in touch!"

"Who wants to contact you, a guy with a dirty heart?" Ye Xiaolei said angrily.

Ji Yongye smiled and shook his head when he heard this.

"What a dishonest guy."

The next moment, Ji Yongye's figure disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, a strange feeling appeared in everyone, and everyone was in a separate green space.There is only endless green in this space, but there is endless restraint. I can't leave, I can only sit there cross-legged.Complete the fusion of their respective spiritual furnaces.

The spiritual furnace absorbed by each person is different, and the process of fusion is naturally also different.The test of this process was directly canceled by Ye Xiaolei, so they skipped the process of the test and directly became a fusion with the spiritual stove.

In addition, Ye Xiaolei made it easier for everyone, and the final fusion became extremely simple.

The name of Ji Yongye's new spiritual furnace is very simple, it's called Darkness.After the fusion of the Dark Spirit Furnace and the Eternal Night Spirit Furnace, the ability of the Eternal Night Spirit Furnace has been improved. The range covered by 'Eternal Night' has been greatly expanded. Ji Yongye's spiritual power recovery speed and skill release speed have been improved again. Moreover, the fused spiritual furnace gained a new skill.

Its name is Eternal Darkness, and after it is released, it can plunge the enemy into darkness. As long as Ji Yongye has enough spiritual power, he can always control it.The enemy is in eternal darkness, and the recovery speed of the spiritual furnace is only a little slower. The most important thing is that the people inside will have hallucinations.

For example, people who have conflicts with the trapped person, including relatives, lovers, enemies, friends, and all the people who appear in his memory will appear and break the trapped person's heart through words.

The skill of this spiritual furnace has the ability to break the enemy's heart. If used properly, it will be able to show extraordinary effects at a certain time.

Except for Ji Yongye, the other eight people are all integrating their own spiritual furnaces. Everyone's circumstances are different, but they are all making joint efforts.

In a person's life, there are always some opportunities that will appear, and almost everyone will have them, but whether they can seize the opportunities after they arise depends on their abilities.

Just like Li Xin and Qin Zhan, their talents are not very good, but their lives are good. It is an opportunity to form a demon hunting group with Ji Yongye.

They got the opportunity and successfully grasped it, and the rewards came more simply and crudely. During the same period, the demon hunting group was still attacking the sixth level, but they had already reached the seventh level.

Furthermore, the people of the Demon Hunting Group at the same period may still be worried about not having a spiritual furnace, but what about them?But because he had obtained three tripods or even more, he was worried about how to integrate them smoothly.


In the Nature Temple, Ji Yongye, who was the first to integrate the spiritual furnace, was silently waiting for the others.

Not long after, Cai'er and others appeared one after another.

When Chen Ying'er appeared with a tired look on her face, all nine people from the human race who entered the dream paradise finally arrived.

The nine people first talked about the abilities of their respective spiritual furnaces after fusion, and then simply rested for a while.

It wasn't until the fatigue on Chen Ying'er's face disappeared that everyone walked out of the Dream Temple.

Three days is neither long nor short, but whether it is the Temple Alliance or the Demon Race, those who are waiting are a little anxious.After all, those who entered the fantasy temple this time are very important figures from both of them.

On the demon side, ten young strong men with the strength of the inheritors entered.There are also ten demon hunters in the Temple Alliance, including the Knight Temple: Long Haochen, Son of Light, the Assassin Temple: Saint Cai'er of Reincarnation, the Soul Temple: Chen Ying'er, Saint of Soul, and Ji Yong, Saint Son of Darkness. Night, Magic Temple: Elemental Saint Liu Yiyi, Jiang Rou whose identity has not yet been revealed, and all the young talents.

When they saw a figure walking out of the emerald green temple, both Ling Xiao and Huang Shuo couldn't help standing up and quickly came to the lake.Once there is any change, the battle is likely to break out in an instant.

After Ji Yongye and his group of nine people walked out of the Dream Temple, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

They just lost a young talent from the human race, and they could still accept it.

As for Huang Shuo, the commander of the Black Dragon Guards on the Demon Race side, his face was even more ugly.Humans came out first, which was not good news for him.

Soon, the nine Ji Yongye returned to the Temple Alliance under the guidance of Ling Xiao personally.

"Where are the people from the demon clan?" Ling Xiao asked Ji Yongye in a low voice.

Ji Yongye glanced at Huang Shuo from the Demon Clan, then lowered his head and said in a deep voice: "Master of the Palace, the ten people who entered from the Demon Clan have suppressed their cultivation, and there are many eighth-level experts among them."

"Haha, I knew it." Ling Xiao said in a deep voice.Everything was as he expected. After all, their priest temple had methods to suppress their strength. How could the demons not have the same method.

"But." At this point, Ji Yongye showed a proud smile.

When Ling Xiao saw this, he understood instantly. He laughed, then patted Ji Yongye's shoulder without saying anything else.

Huang Shuo had been secretly sizing up Ling Xiao and Ji Yongye. When he saw Ling Xiao's smile, no matter how calm he was, he couldn't help but feel confused.

Huang Shuo looked at the Dream Temple in the distance. After seeing that no demons came out, his face turned pale for a moment.

"Say, how are they?"

Huang Shuo finally couldn't bear it anymore. He shouted angrily, his sharp breath suddenly rising, and the terrifying pressure reached its peak almost instantly.Even Dream Paradise, a place full of life filled with the breath of nature, was actually covered in darkness at this time.

Ling Xiao snorted coldly, and with a flash of golden light in his hand, a milky-white staff fell into his grasp. The soft golden light expanded, easily blocking out the rich dark aura, and giving everyone on his side a golden light. It was covered with a layer of golden luster.

Ji Yongye saw this and smiled: "Why should I tell you about their situation?"

Huang Shuo looked at Ji Yongye coldly, and then said angrily: "If something happens to them, we will definitely conquer Zhennanguan and fight you humans to the death at all costs!"

"It's not impossible to know their whereabouts. I can tell you that not all of them died in the battle, and there are still some who are alive. But if you want to know who is alive and where they are, you have to pay a small amount of money. It's a small price to pay." Ji Yongye said calmly.

After leaving Dream Paradise, he could summon Qian Renxue and the four others. Although he was facing the powerful Demon Dragon Clan, he couldn't leave anyone behind if he wanted to leave.

"What do you want!" Huang Shuo said coldly.

Chapter 164 Three Crowns of Inheritance

Upon hearing this, Huang Shuo's breath became slightly more stable. He raised his hand to signal his men not to act rashly, and walked towards Ji Yongye's direction alone.

When he was still 20 meters away from Ling Xiao, he stopped and asked coldly: "What do you want? So you can tell me their situation?"

Ji Yongye said calmly: "Originally, I wanted ten magic crystals from the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Clan, but I guess you guys can't come up with them. So, I want three Crown of Inheritance magic crystals."

Huang Shuo's expression gradually changed as Ji Yongye said. After hearing the words, he said in a deep voice: "Since you can name the Crown of Heritage, you must also know the importance of the Crown of Heritage. Three, I don't."

"Three, no need to discuss anything less." Ji Yongye said.

"Two, this is the limit I can accept." Huang Shuo said solemnly.

Although the Crown of Heritage is extremely important, every demon god has multiple existences under his command. To Huang Shuo, the Crown of Heritage is not as important as the magic crystal of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Clan.

Every magic crystal of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Clan is not only a treasure to their own clan, but also a symbol of the dignity of the dead strong man of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Clan.If any strong man from the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Clan dies on the battlefield, they will try their best to retrieve his magic crystal and enshrine it in the Heaven-Defying Demonic Dragon Clan.

Even the Heaven-Defying Demon Dragon Clan themselves would not use the magic crystals of their clansmen until life and death, let alone human beings.

In the history of the Demon Clan, the number of times humans have obtained the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Clan Demonic Crystals has been very rare, and each time it triggered a crazy counterattack by the Demon Clan, the Demon God Emperor would even take action because of this.

And what about the Crown of Heritage?

"Just three. If you don't care about them, feel free to do so." Ji Yongye said and glanced at the Dream Temple.

Huang Shuo's face was a little gloomy. He wanted to lower the price. At this moment, the thorn bushes connecting the Dream Temple to the shore began to slowly disappear. The shrubs retracted towards the shore, and the Dream Temple began to shake slightly. Slowly sinking towards the lake.

"No..." Huang Shuo shouted.

Strangely enough, after he shouted like this, the Dream Temple stopped sinking.

Huang Shuo was stunned, and when he turned to look at Ji Yongye, he found that he had raised his right hand in the direction of the Dream Temple.

In his right hand, a faint green light connected across the lake to the Dream Temple. It looked like Ji Yongye was controlling the Dream Temple.

"Okay, I agree." Huang Shuo shouted coldly.

Immediately, Huang Shuo waved his hand and threw out three streams of light.

Upon seeing this, Ling Xiao appeared in front of Ji Yongye instantly. He caught the three streams of light and quickly identified them.

After confirming the authenticity of the Crown of Heritage, Ling Xiao turned around and handed it to Ji Yongye.

"Tell me, how are A Bao and the others doing?" Huang Shuo asked in a deep voice upon seeing this.

Ji Yongye said lightly: "Your people seem to be deliberately going against Dream Paradise, and this also led to a riot of Warcraft in Dream Paradise. This riot lasted until we came out. Among those of you demon clan , a few were killed or injured, and the remaining ones were rescued by the Demon God Emperor who tore open space."

Hearing this, Huang Shuo breathed a sigh of relief. Although Ji Yongye didn't reveal Abao's whereabouts, the Demon God Emperor had already appeared, so there was no need to say more.

"How many people survived?" Huang Shuo asked again.

Ji Yongye said directly: "Three, in addition to Abao, there is also a woman holding a staff, and a woman from your Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Clan. Oh, by the way, I remember the demon clan member named Abao at that time. A demon with orange-red magic said something, and then the demon used a special orange-red magic to imprison the body of the guardian of Dream Paradise. But the person shining with orange-red light also He just self-destructed, and his crown of inheritance is in Abao’s hands.”

"What?" Following Huang Shuo this time, there were two strong Star Demons wearing orange magic robes and long orange hair. Upon hearing this, they who had looked solemn before suddenly lost their voices. exclaimed.

"Great prophecy. Ah Bao actually let him use the great prophecy."

"Huang Shuo, you must give us an explanation for this matter. Otherwise, you will explain it to the Star Demon God when you return." Two strong Star Demon Gods came forward angrily.

"Three... In addition to Abao, there are two women, so..."

"Damn it, damn it!"

"Is this a human trap, or..."

For a moment, the demon clan behind Huang Shuo began to talk in various directions.

They thought of the demon gods who had died in the previous battle at Zhennanguan, and then thought about the great opportunity to obtain the spiritual furnace sent by the above in order to appease the demons. Could this... be the Demon God Emperor's intention?

Huang Shuo's face also became a little ugly.Only he knew what mission the Demon God Emperor assigned to Abao. He was not surprised that Abao ordered the heir to the Star Demon God to use the Great Prophecy Technique. However, Ji Yongye's talkativeness at this time clearly had bad intentions. But he just didn't have any way to refute.Suddenly, the atmosphere on the demon clan's side changed.

Although the Black Dragon Guards were the main ones who came out this time, there were also quite a few strong men from other races.They are also the elites of all races.Their young master also entered this time. Abao was able to make the people of the Star Demon Clan perform the Great Prophecy, a terrifying and forbidden magic that commits suicide. So, how will he deal with their people?

As long as suspicion appears, it will never disappear.All of a sudden, the demon clan itself had lost its unity.

Huang Shuo's expression changed continuously. He glared at Ji Yongye fiercely, and after remembering his appearance in his mind, he turned to the two powerful Star Demon clan men and said in a deep voice: "This matter has not been investigated yet. It is clear that if the young master has been rescued by His Majesty, he will definitely give an explanation to the Star Demon God after he returns. Moreover, we are still not sure whether what the human said is true."

At this time, the Dream Temple had slowly sunk into the lake.Even if they wanted to verify, they couldn't do anything, let alone they couldn't enter the Dream Temple at all.

Seeing this, Huang Shuo glanced at the human in front of him unwillingly. He shouted angrily and said, "Let's go."

After saying this, he led a group of powerful demons and left in despair.

After the demon army left, Ling Xiao, Ying Suifeng, and Han Qian quickly stepped forward. They hurriedly asked Ji Yongye what happened in the dream paradise.

In this regard, except for some things that could not be said, Ji Yongye said everything.

"So, the six demon clan members were killed by you?" Han Qian asked in shock.

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