She didn't pay much attention to whether it was comfortable to sit here. Anyway, the conditions on land were similar.

As mermaids, their ideal environment should be in the water.

After they get to know the helper better and have a closer relationship, they can then ask the helper to accompany them to help them in places such as swimming pools and oceans.

"Um...continue while eating lunch..."

Hikigaya Hachiman looked at the pink and cute Ellie, and didn't know if she was pretending or if she was really that natural, but he still raised his other hand that was not clamped and pinched her soft face, and said helplessly.

"This is a special building that is relatively remote. Not many students come here, but this service department not only includes us, but also other members."

"Minister, you mean there will be other people coming here for dinner later?"

Ai Lucy blinked, her white and slender fingers tapped on her glistening cherry lips, and she suddenly realized.

It turned out that she was afraid of being discovered by others, so she just said that. She had obviously agreed to help them, and even now she had plenty of time, so why did she pause.

She almost mistakenly thought that their charm was not good enough, and the helpers were only willing to help Ulusla instead of them.

Fortunately, fortunately, the helpers didn’t dislike their charm, nor did they dislike their large number of people.

"Well, although they are also members of the service department, there are still some who do not participate in club activities."

Hikigaya Hachiman thought about it. Among the members of the service club who are not here now, Yukinoshita Yukino seems to be the only exception.

The remaining Saki Hayase, Suzuno Ichinose and others have all participated in the service club activities.

Oh no, there’s also Gotou Ichisato and little Pochi.

However, Xiao Boqi has not officially joined the club yet, and is basically a spectator in the student guidance room, which may or may not count.

"Then let's clean up, and then we can discuss how to fix lunch."

Elise looked at the messy tables and chairs, then looked at Sakura Shino and Elio who were covered in dust from lying on the table and kneeling on the floor, and stretched out her hand to cast cleaning magic on them. Remove filth.

Today was their confrontation with the dragon Urushira, but they did not ignore Shino Sakurai, who had a weak succubus physique.

It's just that Sakura Shino is not the center of the confrontation. The speechless Shino Sakura just needs to lie down.

"I originally wanted to enlighten and educate Shino, but I delayed it again."

Hikigaya Hachiman saw that although the blush on his face had not gone away, his overall condition was very good, and he did not look like he had been educated at all, and he doubted whether he would overturn.

He had been criticizing Yukinoshita Yukino before. If he didn't get Shino Sakurai after school in the afternoon, then Yukinoshita Yukino would probably mock him for bragging in return.

"Don't worry about Shino, Minister. I'll let her speak. Now you try the cleaning magic again and see if you have mastered it."

Elise smiled and comforted softly.

She didn't know the specific details of Sakura Shino's situation and didn't know how to enlighten her more appropriately. But now she knows that Shino Sakura is just stubbornly refusing to speak. Is it still difficult to get Shino Sakura to speak?

When the time comes, let Shino Sakura and Saki Hayase wear empathy bracelets together. She will use the amplification magic to assist the minister to secretly stimulate Saki Hayase. Then Shino Sakura will definitely not be able to maintain her autistic image in front of Yukinoshita Yukino. .

This method requires sacrificing Saki, but with Saki's love for the minister, he should be happy with it.

"Okay, then I'll try the cleaning magic again."

Hikigaya Hachiman saw that Shino Sakura's body had been cleaned by the cleaning magic, then he pulled up the petite blue-haired mermaid Elio who was still kneeling on the ground, let her sit on his lap, and then slowly stretched out her legs. Aiming at her slender white legs.

The legs are as white as jade, and the skin is full of elasticity.

Just because he had been sitting on his knees for too long, his round knees were pink and stained with some dust on the ground.

As Hikigaya Hachiman communicated with the Mana that existed in the air, his slowly glowing fingers gently touched Elliot's knees and calves. The tiny dust stained on the smooth skin condensed into a small round ball, delicate and delicate. The weak and slender legs regained their whiteness.

Hikigaya Hachiman looked at his fingers and waved the gray ball to fall into the trash can.

Last night, he asked Elise to cooperate with him in using the empathy bracelet to see if he could learn cleaning magic.

When elves use magic, they don't store magic power in themselves and then use magic. Instead, they use their spirit to communicate with Mana in nature and then use magic.

The advantage of using Mana is that the use of magic relies entirely on mental strength, and there is no need to specially practice magic. Whether a warrior or an archer, an elf can use magic with both hands.

The bad thing is that if the concentration of mana in nature decreases and is exhausted, the strength of the elves will also be greatly reduced.

The reason why I love Elise and the others is because the Mana concentration dropped worldwide, and the population dropped drastically after the war. The elves, whose strength was greatly reduced, had to hide.

Fortunately, although the ecology of this world is not very good, the concentration of Mana is higher than in their world, and their strength here has not decreased but increased.

Of course, under normal circumstances, in Ai Lisi's world, it is difficult for humans to directly use Mana like the elves, and they basically cultivate magic power.

Hikigaya Hachiman can only master simple cleaning magic with the help of his empathy bracelet. If he wants to learn magic such as soundproofing and invisibility, he has to think hard, let alone those powerful magics.

"Thank you, Minister..."

Being held in Hikigaya Hachiman's arms, and having Hikigaya Hachiman's big hands rubbing her calves and knees, Elliot's face was so red that it seemed like she was about to bleed, but she also knew that Hikigaya Hachiman was cleaning the dirt on her body, moving He moved his lips and said thank you in an inaudible voice.

Hmm...Cleaning Magic is indeed very useful...but it seems that the minister has just learned the Cleaning Magic and has to stick to it tightly to clean it.

"Sorry, I'm not proficient in cleaning magic yet."

Seeing that Elliot was blushing because he touched her calf and knees despite having done more intimate things, Hikigaya Hachiman couldn't help but smile, lowered his head and kissed her hard on her smooth and elastic face.

She is so cute. Although her figure is not very outstanding, Elio is just like Elise, making people feel protective when they see her.

No wonder Elio and the others, as a singing idol group whose main focus is singing, are more popular than Elise, the elf princess.

However, he did not mean to tease the thin-skinned Elliot. He had just learned it and was not yet proficient enough, so he could only use it to clean it.

Of course, cleaning magic can't only be released from your fingers. In theory, as long as you use your mental power to communicate with Mana, it can be released no matter how you use it.

He simply wasn't skilled enough so he needed to get closer and clean with precision.

In short, after mastering the cleaning magic, he will be able to enjoy it without having to consider safety measures in the future even if Elise is not around.

Although the problem of declining birthrate has always existed, not everyone is as eager for newborns as Ai Lisi and Wu Lusula.

After giving birth to their children, Ai Elise and Wu Lusila probably don't need to take care of them themselves. One of them is the elf princess and the other is the leader of the dragon tribe. Some of their children are carefully nurtured and taken care of by their tribesmen.


Elio stared blankly at the face so close to him, feeling as if a special kind of evil was spreading throughout his body on the cheek where he was kissed.

"Minister? Why did you only kiss Elliot? We also need your help!"

Seeing Elliot's swish, her skin all over was as rosy as if it had been steamed, Ellie pouted, hugged Hikigaya Hachiman's arm tightly with her hands and said coquettishly.

"This has nothing to do with aid."

Hikigaya Hachiman also kissed Ellie's fair and smooth face speechlessly.

Is she really the natural pink and cute idol that the public recognizes?

Why do I feel like a pornographic and cute idol?

"Hehe~ Of course it does matter. If you want help, help should be more thorough~"

Ellie smiled sweetly and kissed Hikigaya Hachiman twice hard on the cheek.

"What about me, what about me!"

The brown-skinned hot girl Ella also hugged Hikigaya Hachiman with great enthusiasm, her bold figure pressed tightly against him, and she was waiting for Hikigaya Hachiman with a smile.

In fact, they have wanted to fall in love for a long time, but it is difficult to do so due to their status. Now that they have legitimate reasons, they have to enjoy it.

"Okay, okay, I'll kiss you too."

Hikigaya Hachiman took his arm out of Elusi's arms, reached out and slowly held Ella's cheek, looking straight at her with his eyes.

It wasn't until she couldn't help but blush and close her eyes that he kissed her suddenly.

After a long time, after calming down the three mermaid singers, Hikigaya Hachiman practiced cleaning magic on Ellie's pink twintails and Ella's proud figure, and then changed clothes with Elise and the others. Get ready to eat in the cafeteria.

Originally, either Ai Elise or Zi Wan could get up early to prepare a lunch box for him, but last night he and Ai Elise, who was wearing a black and white maid suit, took Zi Wan to study together for a long time, and could not get up to make a lunch box in the morning. I just had a quick breakfast and came over to school.

In addition, there are Elliot and the others now, so there are too many people today, so let’s go to the cafeteria to eat.

Hmm... Although Gabriel must have prepared a lunch box for him, and Shirasaki Yuna and the others also brought delicious food, he skipped class all morning and was nowhere to be seen all morning. He was too embarrassed to run away now. Eat rice.

Let’s wait until after lunch break and then talk about it in the afternoon.

The first class this afternoon happened to be a swimming class. After helping Elliot and the other mermaids, school was about to end, so I decided to skip another class so that I wouldn't have to face the embarrassment.

167. Lazy Angel Project! Fun Angel is super excited!

Noon, canteen.

A less conspicuous corner.

"Why do you want to come to the cafeteria to eat? Didn't I prepare a lunch box for you, Xiaojia?"

Vinette came to the opposite side of Gabriel with a heated lunch box, a little surprised by Gabriel's behavior.

"Pfft, do you think she can still sit in the classroom and wait for Hikigaya-san to have dinner with her? Didn't you discover the good deeds between him and those demihuman races in class today?"

Before Gabriel could say anything, Raphael, who had followed to join in the fun, couldn't help but cover his mouth and burst into laughter.

Although she was not asked by Ai Lisi and the others, and the movements of Ai Lisi, Wu Lusila and the others were blocked by soundproof barriers, she found that both Gabriel and Vinette were paying attention to somewhere in the school. , naturally will not turn a blind eye.

The end result was that she also discovered the secret of the Ministry of Service.

Well...not to mention, it's quite exciting.

I didn't expect that a human being, Hikigaya Hachiman, could actually do this, even a giant dragon from another world would crawl in front of him.

She even suspected that Hikigaya Hachiman was tempted and corrupted by that devil, otherwise how could he have reached this point.

"This... well..."

Wenette couldn't help but smile awkwardly after hearing this, hesitating and not knowing what to say.

She still wanted to pretend she didn't know, but after Rafael pointed it out, she couldn't pretend to be stupid anymore.

Even if she just glanced at it briefly and didn't dare to look at it, she knew that what happened to Hachiman that morning was outrageous.

If she hadn't known that it was impossible for her and Gabriel to admit their mistakes at the same time, she would never have believed that the usually gentle and considerate Hachiman had such a ferocious and terrifying side.

Is this also a side effect of depravity...

Winette's ears were red and her face was blushing, trying to control herself not to think about the scene she saw in the morning. But the more she tried to control herself not to think about it, the more she couldn't control it, and would even imagine things she didn't see at all. picture.

The shocking scene at a glance really shocked the three-good devil Vinette.

There is only one person in Hachiman, but around Hachiman, there are so many demi-humans who are eyeing Hachiman...

"So, you didn't find a chance today to confirm with this Hikigaya-san whether he fell because of his love for Gabrielle?"

Raphael leisurely picked up the vegetables and ate it. Although it was the first time for her to see that scene, she could understand it.

Hikigaya Hachiman's majestic and unabashed life energy can be said to be extremely attractive in the eyes of those demihumans who are eager for help. It is normal for him to develop into the current situation.

The question now is how Hikigaya Hachiman degenerated into this. Only by finding out the reason can they prescribe the right medicine and eradicate the cause.

But judging from Hikigaya Hachiman's skipping class early in the morning, Gabrielle's side probably won't gain much.

"I'm sure, Hachiman likes me."

Gabriel, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.


Vinette was stunned for a moment, and Rafael paused while holding the dish with his chopsticks. The two of them stared at Gabriel.

"I mean, I found out clearly that Hachiman does like me."

Seeing that both of them thought they had heard wrong and didn't quite believe what she said, Gabriel, who was originally feeling embarrassed and embarrassed, suddenly felt relieved. After sighing slightly, he repeated it emphatically.

The matter was now at this point, and she didn't want to dwell on it any longer.

The focus now is how to solve this problem.

"Really like you, Xiaojia?!"

After confirming that she heard correctly, Vinette looked at Rafael sharply.

This bold conjecture raised by Rafael yesterday was unexpectedly true? !

"Did he really fall because he liked you?"

Rafael blinked, with some confusion and surprise in his eyes.

She really said it casually, she didn't have any hope that Hachiman would like Gabriel, she just wanted to add some trouble to Gabriel and have some fun for herself.

Even if she really wants to cause trouble, she hasn't started yet.

But now it seems that this matter does not need her to add fuel to the flames, it is very interesting in itself.

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