"Why?" Yukihira Souma asked with a broken face.

"I seem to be too lax with you." Chenxing found that although this boy exceeded his expectations in some aspects, he was also unsatisfactory in many aspects. Chenxing guessed that he might not have put enough pressure on her.

Chapter 82 Chenxing’s Cuisine

"I don't understand" Yukihira Soma asked with a confused look on his face.

"Don't understand?" Chenxing frowned, and then stared at the half-apprentice in front of him: "With your current strength, even a branch leader of mine can easily defeat you. With your strength, you have done the same thing ten times." The people who cook at the age of [-] are simply better than dogs. You know, in my Chinese Cuisine City, the branch heads are not even ten years old."

Speaking of this, Chenxing felt a little angry. This kid was actually much worse than his branch leader. Although he had not experienced Chenxing's full training, he had at least been taught by Chenxing. His strength was so poor. It was very big. To a certain extent, it's because of his character.

"Ah" Chuangzhen was speechless for a moment when he heard Chen On the knowledge level, what Chen Xing told him about Chinese cuisine benefited him a lot from the knowledge level.

"Can you not do this?" Chuangzhen tried to bargain with Chenxing.

"Okay, I'll let Yueyue fire you, how about it? You're not motivated anyway, why don't you go back and inherit the family business!" Chenxing said with a half-smile: "It just so happens that your Yukihira Hotel hasn't been there for a long time. It’s open, go back to your neighborhood business! Okay?”

"Uh" Chuangzhen was like a duck being strangled by the neck. He didn't react for a moment. When he heard Chen Xing's words, his eyes widened.

"I feel pretty good," Erina Chikiri also said at this time: "For a low-level animal like him who can only think with common people's thoughts, it would be good to go back and inherit the teacher's small restaurant. It just so happens that the teacher will not be gone when he comes back." Home."

"That's right." Hishako interrupted at the right time: "This bug Yukihira probably likes working in that kind of environment. It's good to go back. As a half-disciple of Master Chenxing, his cooking ability is very low. This It is simply a discredit to Lord Chenxing who is on the world ranking list. I feel that I should not..."

"Um" Seeing the appearance of Fei Shasha suddenly turning dark, he took out a knife from his hand and made a gesture in front of Xing Ping Soma. Everyone looked confused and ashamed.

"Calm down!!" Tazoe was so frightened by Hisha's actions that she stretched out her hand to hug Hisha's other arm and begged. She was really afraid that Hisha would scratch Yukihira-kun by accident. One course.

"Tch, it's boring." Feisha was held by Tian Shihui and knew not to continue joking. However, he looked at Yukihira Souma with threatening eyes: "Yukihira-kun, you'd better not use the name of Lord Chenxing's apprentice to make money or anything like that. otherwise!!"

"Don't worry, I will never use this name before I get Chenxing's approval." Life is at stake. Although Xingping Soma has always regarded Chenxing as his opponent, he also regards Chenxing as his best friend and teacher, but he I really have never used this name to do anything.

"Hmph" Fei Shasha felt that this person was really boring and speechless. He had almost the best resources in the world. His father and teacher were also top cooks in the world, but he himself was like mud and couldn't hold up a wall. His cooking ability was only It can be said that it is average, which is considered good among people of the same age, but in comparison, whether it is Chikiri Erina or Chikiri Alice, they are far behind.

"Hehe" Feisha put away the knife, turned around and looked at Chenxing with a smile.

"Good job." Chenxing also praised Fei Shasha. Although this girl sometimes does things very impulsively, it is undeniable that she can't tolerate Shasha in her eyes. For people like Yukihira Souma who have always been muddle along and have no plans. Generally speaking, the existence of Fei Shasha can be said to be very suitable. Giving them some appropriate pressure is the best motivation.

"Remember?" Feisako (bafh) was stroked on the head a few times by Chenxing, and looked at Mr. Chenxing with great enjoyment. Under the eyes of Erina Chikiri who wanted to kill the wolf, Feisako looked arrogant. He looked down upon Souma Yukihira

"Okay, since the three of you have awakened your superpowers, and there are four of you including Chuangzhen, I still have some time. Let's cook you some food! It's a reward for you." Chenxing smiled and took out some ingredients from the refrigerator. This is a private refrigerator, but the kitchen is shared.

"Wow, what a treat." There's no need to ask whether the food cooked by Chenxing is delicious. If you ask, it's not delicious. Don't eat it. I'll sacrifice myself to make it happen for you.

"I'm going to see too"

"I'm going to help!!"

"I'll go too." Watching Chenxing enter the kitchen with a lot of ingredients, the four of them, except Soma Yukihira, were still in a daze, and the remaining three people were actively running to the kitchen.

"First, let's make braised pork for rice!!" Chenxing directly cut the fine pork into pieces, and there weren't many ingredients to prepare. Apart from the spices, there were only some potatoes.

"Next is the famous Cantonese dish, white-cut chicken." There are plenty of chickens here. Yoshino Yuki raised some by herself, and Jokusei Ryo also raised some by himself, so he just asked Soma Yukihira to go there.

"Boiled beef. Boiled beef made from top-grade snowflake beef should taste very good!" Chenxing directly took out the top-grade wagyu beef sent from Roumei's family to make this dish. Boiled beef is a well-known dish, but Chinese cuisine is in decline in this world, so many cuisines actually exist but have not been discovered.

It's hard to say where the dish "Steamed Eastern Star Banner" comes from, because this dish is basically found in coastal cities, and also in Southeast Asia, but the ingredients are different. Most of the steamed dishes are from Guangdong and Fujian, because they eat light food.

"Well, let's have braised bamboo shoots and three mushroom soup." Chenxing said and took out some fresh bamboo shoots and fungi from the refrigerator in the kitchen.

"Finally, let's have golden egg fried rice!" Chenxing prepared the ingredients and started cooking one dish after another. When Chenxing cooked the first dish of braised pork, everyone in Jixingliao had already arrived. Look Everyone was shocked when they saw Chenxing who was cooking. A few young people even took out their mobile phones and were recording the screen.

"It's so rare! Teacher Chenxing actually cooks in person." Isekhui was wearing his apron at this time and kept taking pictures at the door. You must know that this is the skill of the world's top cooks, so don't learn from him at this time. How long will it take? .

Chapter 83 Luminous Cuisine

"Oh haha" Mrs. Wenxu also came over at this time. There was no way, Chenxing's food was so fragrant that anyone would be awakened as long as they were still alive.

"Chen Xingjun's strength is really unfathomable!" Seeing Chen Xingxing's cooking process as flowing as water and art, everyone present was shocked. Several girls were directly conquered by Chen Xing. Looking at The appearance of Chenxing is like a star.

"Damn it." Erina Chikiri saw the expressions of several girls around her with shining eyes, and she felt worried for no reason deep in her heart.

"A bunch of goblins!!!"

"Hmph" Erina Kakiri could say that she was full of drama inside, but she didn't say anything. However, the plot suddenly unfolded in her heart, but her face didn't change at all.

"Okay, it's time to serve." As the last golden egg fried rice arrived, all the dishes had been covered with lids, and then they were carried to the dining table on one side.

"Open it," Chenxing said to several people.Ask them to open the lid of the dish.

"Huh... biu!!!" A burst of golden light flashed, and then golden beams of light shot out on different plates, the whole house, no.In an instant, a beam of light visible to the naked eye pierced the clouds over the entire Jixingliao.

"This is!!!" A white-haired old man far away in Yuanyue Villa was stunned when he saw the light beam in the direction of Jixingliao. You must know that he had seen such a situation before, but it was also That was two years ago.

"You bastard, you didn't invite me over for dinner." The white-haired old man is officially Totsuki Demon King Shikiri Senzaemon.The moment he saw the light pillar, he knew that it was the result of the luminous food made by Chenxing, although currently, there were still quite a few people who could make luminous food.Chenxing is not the only one, but at present, Chenxing is really the only one who can make such luminous dishes that soar into the sky.

"Forget it, but Erina seems to be there too!"

"What is this?" The beam of light also alarmed many people in Yuanyue School who were still in school. Those who were not sleeping were shocked.Some of the sleeping people woke up with lingering fears, and they all had the same reaction. They were attracted by the beam of light and came towards Ji Xing Lao.

"Such... such a powerful light!!!"

"Is this the legendary luminous cuisine?"

“Master Chenxing’s cooking is amazing!!”

"It's glowing, the food is glowing." Tadokoro and a few others have never seen or heard of glowing cuisine.So when the light beam on the plate shot out, he was frightened and fell to the ground. Tadokoroe was a little better. After all, Yukihira Souma had seen this kind of scene many times, so he immediately supported Tadokoro and prevented him from falling. on the ground.

"Is this the true strength of Chenxing?" Erina Kakiri and Isshiki Hui were directly shocked by Chenxing's luminous dishes.Both of them are also one of the top ten heroes, and they also have considerable talents. They basically have an ordinary attitude toward themselves or most people, because there are not many people who can truly awe them, not even Pheasant Kirisen. Zaemon, the great demon king, was not impossible to challenge, but smelling the fragrance in the air, a feeling of happiness arose spontaneously. Coupled with the shock of the luminous dishes, the two of them gained a new understanding of Chenxing.

"Of course, this is the Chinese cuisine that Chenxing is best at!" Xingping Soma heard the two people murmuring and came over and said?

"Glowing cuisine, this is the legendary glowing cuisine!!" Were the other people in Jixing Lao frightened?

The "buzzing" light beam began to slowly disappear, and the eyes of several people began to recover, but the shocking look just now was something they would never forget.

"What on earth is going on?" Erina Kakiri and Kei Isshiki were very curious about the luminous cuisine, or everyone present was very curious. After all, they had never seen such a scene, not even Souma Yukihira. At that time, I was actually a little shocked. After all, I had seen Chenxing's luminous dishes before, but it was not as shocking as today, and the scale was not that intense.

"It is said that after cooking to the extreme, if you break the limit again, you will make luminous dishes." Mrs. Fumio said at this time: "I saw the video Seiichiro sent me before, and I thought this kid You are joking with me, after all, it is just a legend, but today I saw it with my own eyes, I guess the video taken by that kid Seiichiro was also taken by you!"

· 0 flowers

"Part of it!" Chenxing smiled and said: "The previous videos were taken of me. Later, the guy competed with me more and more, and he was able to make some luminous dishes. Mrs. Wenxu must have seen some of the later ones. I filmed him in the video.”

"What?" It was not only Mrs. Fumio who was shocked, but also Erina Chiakiri and her son Soma Kohei. You must know that Seiichiro was in New York at this time!

.. 0...

"That old man can actually make glowing food?"

"Teacher, can he also make glowing dishes?" Same question.Different people ask in different tones.Although the tone of Chiakiri Erina and Yukihira Soma were different, the excitement in their eyes was the same.

"Of course" Chenxing said matter-of-factly: "That guy Seiichiro, how could he not learn my luminous cooking when he saw it, so he was able to make luminous cooking very early, but he didn't want you, a fool, to know. "

"Damn it, I have to beat him up," Souma Yukihira said angrily, but those present also knew that he was just talking.

"That guy Seiichiro actually knows how to cook? He didn't show off his skills the last time he came here? It's really rare!" Saiba Joichiro can be said to be a promiscuous talent, but he has the ability not to show off, which makes Mrs. Fumio a little bit Unexpected.

"Teacher, is he also one of the top chefs in the world, one of the few people who can make luminous dishes?" Erina Chikiri was lost in thought. There were three men who were special and important to him in his life. One was her grandfather. , one is the teacher Saiba Joichiro. Now that he hears the teacher's strength like this, on the one hand he is very happy, but on the other hand he feels a little disappointed. The gap between him and them is getting bigger and bigger.

Chapter 84 Three views have collapsed


"this is mine"

"Don't grab it." It was originally a good dinner, but because the food was all luminous dishes made by Chenxing, they were conquered in one bite. The place was in a mess. You must know that this is Jixing Lao.

"These guys." Mrs. Wenxu took a toothpick and kept cleaning her teeth. She smiled happily at the scene in front of her. This group of people was different from all the students she had met before.

"Chenxing seems to have said how many top ten heroes there will be among them?" When Dojima Gin was still here, he said this to her, and also said that "Two Zero Three" was said by Chenxing himself, Although Mrs. Fumio knew that Soma Yukihira was pretty good, she didn't expect that these people could actually be among the top ten. It would be enough to have Isshiki Hui and Soma Yukihira, the son of Seiichiro. I don't know what Chenxing would think.

"I'm really looking forward to it!"

"Uh-huh, I'm done eating. I'm so full!" Nito Feisako sat down on the table with a satisfied look on his face.

"Is this the luminous dish Chen Xingjun made when he came to Yuanyue? Golden Egg Fried Rice." Isekhui looked at the big plate that had been plated. There was not a single rice left, and it had been licked clean by the group of people.

"It's really amazing! An ordinary egg fried rice can actually be made into a top-notch dish."

"Yes!" When the people on the side heard Isekhui's words, their eyes instantly narrowed and they looked at the plates. It was hard to imagine that they had finished eating a large plate of rice.

Among this group of people, the one who had the biggest impact on me was Erina Kakiri and several other young people who grew up in high-class society. Even Kei Isshiki was no exception. After all, in their usual thinking, egg fried rice was not as good as rice. Get their neon bento.

After all, although Chenxing had told them before that what measures the quality of food or cuisine is not the ingredients, but the strength of the chef, but the deep-rooted thoughts in this world are all about which French food is the most advanced, which Western food is the best, and what else Italian food, London food and more.

When Chenxing opened the Chinese Food City branch, he once said that no matter how much their Western food costs, we will charge double the price.This directly led to a large number of people, Westerners, to sneer at the Chinese Food City, but slowly they discovered that although the food produced by the Chinese Food City rejected most ordinary Westerners, it attracted many high-level people. Only then did the Chinese Food City take root abroad.

With the help of the several deputy chefs led by Chenxing at the beginning and his own strength, the Chinese Cuisine City established abroad became famous. It was considered by Western senior officials to be high-end cuisine. Gradually, more and more people became familiar with them. This further promotes the expansion of Chinese cuisine and is also the key to the cooperation between the country and Chenxing.

What also doesn’t understand are countries like Japan and South Korea, which have traditionally worshiped foreign countries. They always feel that the West is good, theirs is second, and others are the worst.Because the rise of Chinese cuisine was too short, it was not recognized by the common people. On the contrary, the Western countries that later expanded recognized the world-class level of Chinese cuisine.

With the help of Chenxing, more and more Chinese cuisines in Huaxia are famous, and then they are rated by Michelin, so more Westerners who cannot afford the Chinese food city come to Huaxia, taste authentic Chinese cuisine, and then promote it again Out. 0

Many people, including several deputy chefs and branch heads in China Food City, don’t know why BOSS sets foreign prices so high. Ordinary Westerners are not willing to work in China Food City even if their monthly salary is quite good. Consumption, because one consumption is equivalent to half a month or even a month's salary, so in foreign countries, those who can go to the Chinese Food City are basically high-level people in society.This is also the reason why Chinese Food City has always had a good reputation, and most people’s understanding of Chinese cuisine is only from editorials or friends who work and travel in China.

Chenxing's plan is to get more people to recognize Chinese cuisine and then recognize Chinese culture, so that he can further carry out cultural invasion, first invading them in food culture, and then driving other industries into Western European and American countries.

Coming back to the topic, although after Chenxing’s three years of hard work, Chinese cuisine has overcome the previous situation of being unknown to people 5.7, some countries still don’t understand China, especially countries like Japan and South Korea, which are basically With that kind of closed-door policy, as long as there are no invaders, it is basically difficult to truly conquer them.

"Am I wrong too?" Erina Chikiri heard this question when she heard Isshiki Kei's words. After all, Chenxing had already told her this question before. When will she be able to make top-notch dishes with ordinary ingredients? She is a qualified chef, and Chenxing taught her a lesson today, a more profound lesson, using the most common ingredients, and then making the world's top dishes.

Chapter 85 Historical Questions

"That's right. Go back and think about it. Now hurry up and clean up." Chenxing could see that all of them were in a bad mood now. Except for Soma Yukihira who wanted to know and the silly Tadokoro Hui, the rest of them were all in a hurry. Confused face.

"Alas" Mrs. Wenxu had an indescribable feeling when she saw the few people in Jixing Residence who were a little lost.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Wenxu, they are all good. They can come out on their own." Chenxing could see Mrs. Wenxu's worry. After all, she had watched the group of children in front of her come all the way.

"That's right. If they are defeated so easily, then they are not the ones I like." Mrs. Wenxu smiled when she heard Chenxing's words and said confidently. You must know that the people in Jixingliao have all gone through it. Her assessment is not just for people to get in. Mrs. Wenxu is very demanding. Whether it is creativity, imagination or cooking skills, they are all indispensable. Maybe they are not very advanced, but they cannot be lacking. No.

"Yeah" Chenxing smiled. This group of people is really interesting. Although I don't know if it's a matter of the world's laws being revised, so there is always a group of extraordinary people around the protagonist. Just like Aru, besides being with him, The same Four Heavenly Kings, the familiar people are basically the people who will go with him to capture the ingredients of Acacia's life menu in the future, and they are not just cats and dogs.

"By the way, haven't you been worried?" Mrs. Wenxu saw Chen Xing's expression and felt that for the first time, there was someone she couldn't see through at all.

"There's nothing to worry about!" Chenxing really felt that there was no need. He had been getting along with this group of people for a few months, and he probably knew a few things. This group of people were all people with big dreams, but that was not the case. It's easy to defeat them with a few words or a dish or two.

"Master Chenxing gave me a very advanced lesson today?" Yisehui came to his senses first, glanced at Chenxing, bowed deeply to Chenxing, and then said with a wry smile, "Although I am not the kind of absolutist. I criticize society’s grading of food, but I never thought that I could use the lowest ingredients to make the world’s best cuisine.”

"Then what?" Chenxing smiled.

"Then" Yi Sehui, who looked depressed, didn't know what to say at this time. You must know that his world view was also a little shaken, or it could be said that the chef's concept was worthless after being hit by Chenxing today.

"And now I don't know what will happen in the future."

"Haha" Chenxing laughed. This guy would actually be confused sometimes. You must know that Yisehui can be said to be a person who does not have the protagonist's treatment but also has the aura of the protagonist. His talent is also not low.

"Why did you choose to fall into a bottomless pit?" Chenxing smiled incomprehensively. It was not just him, but everyone including Erina and Chiakiri were like this. They all liked to lose themselves. In a pit that is difficult to escape from, he will not think that things are actually not as difficult as he imagined.

"What?" Not only Isekhui, but also other people around Chenxing were listening to the conversation between Chenxing and Isekhui. When they heard Chenxing's words, everyone looked confused.

"Actually, there are not as many things as you think." The speaker was not someone else, but Mrs. Wenxu. Mrs. Wenxu looked at everyone with a speechless face, then sighed and said: "You must know that the original intention of cooking is What? Those high-sounding words are all lies. To be honest, especially those who prefer Western food or even our neon cuisine. The high-sounding words they say are all false and are just to set off their own. What a great cooking skill, what a high level."

"That's right," Yukihira Soma took over and said, "My father often told me that the essence of food is to make people full, fill their stomachs, and make them happy."

“I just don’t know when the chefs started to compare themselves to each other and forget their original intention and their true heart.”

"Yes, I have lost my heart." Mrs. Wenxu continued: "Westerners have always flaunted their Western food, French food, and Italian food as the world's top delicacies, but they never think that their so-called delicacies are only here. For more than 100 years, we have learned from others or stolen from others, including us at Neon. Maybe you find it a little difficult to understand, but 207 this is a fact known to the older generation of chefs."

"Westerners were still eating hair and drinking blood 200 years ago. What qualifications do they have to say these things." Mrs. Wenxu said angrily: "We ourselves are not good either. You also know about sashimi, but no one will tell you. This was invented by China.”

"Ah...???" Everyone was in disbelief when they heard the first words, and collapsed when they heard the next words. When did the food that their country is proud of not invented by themselves, but came from the country they have always looked down on? ?

"Yes, this is what our ancestors learned in China thousands of years ago." Mrs. Wenxu knew that this was a bit hard to accept, but she continued: "At that time, China was the center of the world, whether it was economic, cultural or political. When we were still in the Warring States Period, we admired the strong. At that time, we did not have our own culture, so we learned Chinese characters, which are our current fake characters. We learned how Chinese people eat rice and sashimi, and regard them as the quintessence of their country. ”.

Chapter 86 Internet spread

"How is it possible?" Mrs. Wenxu's words simply shocked their hearts. They had never heard such a topic before, because neon lights are like this, they are the same as sticks.

"It's not impossible." Although Mrs. Wenxu was a little worried that these children wouldn't be able to bear it, she still said it directly.

"Although it is not included in the teaching, some ancient histories have recorded this," Mrs. Wenxu continued: "Don't take neon too seriously. Neon is still a group of guys who drink blood in front of hundreds or thousands of people. Basically, We can’t even have enough to eat. Only the Tang Dynasty at that time spread the food culture and we can have this."

"The current kimono imitates the clothing of the Tang Dynasty."

"Ah" Don't talk about them, even Yukihira Soma was confused. You must know that they still received a normal education at this time, which was an abridged version.

"Tatsuxing-kun?" Erina Kikiri seemed to want to know a different answer from Chenxing.

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