"Boom Crow! You hit me again!"

Bai Mo held his head in his hands and looked at the raven aggrievedly.

The latter gave her a roll of his eyes and stopped talking.

Graciu looked on from the side, her lavender eyes widening.

How could Sister Aslaqi be bullied like this... She is not at the same level as Sister Alicia!

Bai Mo said this was indeed the case.

Well, one is suppression by blood, and the other is suppression by bed... ahem, suppression by level!

right!It’s level suppression!The so-called power of shame!

Subconsciously, she recalled what happened last night, and a faint blush appeared on the girl's face.


She put her hands on her cheeks and patted her, then shook her head, her long light blue hair swaying, and the girl finally calmed down.

Little Gratius doesn’t understand anything!I just usually read some good comics!

Chapter 292 Otto’s Communication

.................................................. .....

four hours ago.

St. Freya's College, Office of the Dean.

"Emergency contact? What does grandpa want to do again?"

Looking at the contact message with red dots flashing on the terminal, Theresa couldn't help but frown.

Something happened?

Could it be that his secret alliance with Anti-Entropy was known?

The soldiers will come to block the water and the soil will cover it up. The worst that can happen is that some funds will be deducted.

No...it's unlikely. After all, this is an emergency contact. Generally speaking, grandpa would not activate this unless something major happened.

After thinking for a while, she shook her head, biting her lip with her teeth. Theresa, who had a headache, finally chose to connect the communication.

Well, actually she had no reason to refuse.

Toot toot.........

Following a harsh sound, Otto's image soon appeared in Theresa's office through projection.

His blond hair was tied into a ponytail behind his back, and he was dressed in a gorgeous archbishop's costume. His green eyes reflected a hint of perseverance. At this time, Otto looked quite serious.

After all, being able to appear as an emergency contact and wearing the attire of an archbishop has a very different meaning in itself.

This might not be the usual chatting time between grandfather and grandson. Realizing this, Theresa immediately put away her idle look. She quickly put away the comic books and bitter melon juice on the table.

"You can continue to drink the bitter melon juice, little Theresa. You know, you don't have to be so reserved in front of grandpa."

Seeing Theresa's panic just now, a smile naturally appeared on Otto's face. This was without any purpose and was the care from the elders.

At the same time, this is also, apart from Karen, the last trace of family affection this man named Otto has.

Sure enough, Theresa relaxed visibly as soon as Otto said these words, but she still looked confused, as if she didn't understand what her grandfather was going to do.

"Grandpa...Grandpa, did something happen over at the headquarters?"

With doubt written all over her face, Theresa asked tentatively.

"Do you remember the last time the headquarters was attacked, little Theresa?"

Otto also responded quickly, but in the form of a rhetorical question.

"Of course I remember, but isn't this matter over? Or... the headquarters was attacked again?"

Although this statement seemed absurd, Theresa really couldn't think of the second possibility. Otherwise, why would her grandfather mention this matter?

Wearing archbishop's attire and making emergency calls, the combination of these two is hard not to make people think wrong!

After all, the last attack on the headquarters caused a lot of uproar among many Valkyries. Among them, the No. 12 Ksitigarbha Spirit, the Key of God, also disappeared during this attack. The reason was suspected to be taken away by the attacker. , of course, these specific information were obtained through her own authority.

Okay, she admitted, she just asked Rita secretly.

There was a silence after that.

"Speaking of which, grandpa... the headquarters is not really being attacked again, is it?"

Seeing that her grandfather did not refute or deny, but instead looked at her with an indifferent expression, Theresa's head suddenly became big.

This is?default?

If it was true as she suspected... What about Tianming Headquarters?When did it become so dangerous... No, it should be said that the defense system is so weak.

Rita, Hollander, and the Valkyries below are not all decorations.

No, no, if this really happens, then I have to rush over and provide support!

Although grandpa is really annoying sometimes, after all, he is also his grandpa.

Subconsciously glancing at Judas behind her who was being used as a clothes hanger, Theresa stared closely at Otto's projection, as if she would immediately rush over to support him as long as he nodded.

At this time, Otto finally made a move. He seemed to be happy to see Theresa's worried expression on him. An inexplicable emotion surrounded his heart. Under Theresa's doubtful eyes, only Otto's projection could be seen. He slowly walked up to her and touched her head.


"Don't worry little Theresa, everything is fine here with Grandpa. As for the attack, it did happen, but it happened on the Coral Island."

While Otto smiled and explained, he also brought up the bitter melon juice and comic book hidden under the table, and skillfully turned the comic book to the page Theresa was still reading.

Theresa didn't blush at this, and her heart didn't beat. She just breathed a sigh of relief silently, and then looked at Otto with a rather resentful look.

Sure enough, grandpa is the most annoying thing!He talks loudly and out of breath, and he always likes to undermine himself.

"Why was the Coral Island attacked?"

After adjusting for a long time, Theresa asked again.

And if she remembers correctly, the Coral Island is still a long way from the Tianming Headquarters, and it is of little value. The Valkyries sent there can be said to have entered retirement life, and their lives are very nourishing every day. That kind of thing.

This sudden attack... To be honest, Theresa said she didn't understand it.

In this regard, Otto gave an explanation. He said in a serious tone: "Speaking of this matter, little Theresa, you may not know that the Coral Island has been very unstable recently. Small collapses occur frequently. The concentration of bad energy is increasing day by day, and after a survey by the headquarters' scientific researchers, it is finally determined that the coral island will collapse for the fifth time in the near future."

"And just after we confirmed the news, Coral Island was attacked on the back foot, and the attacker this time was one of the group of people who attacked the headquarters last time, and he was also a Herrscher."


Theresa couldn't help but exclaimed when she heard this. To be honest, she really didn't know that Herrscher was among the people who attacked the headquarters last time.

Even if she asked around and finally asked Rita, these people were just vague and only explained that the attackers were not a group of ordinary people.

Theresa was speechless at the time. Of course she knew that the attacker was no ordinary person. After all, how could an ordinary person break through the defense lines of two S-class Valkyries to carry out an attack?

It's not like she hasn't thought about reverse entropy, but the other party obviously doesn't have that kind of strength. Now that she got the correct answer, Theresa was still very surprised.

Chapter 293

"This is the fact. This attack caused a total of 67 Valkyries to be injured and 3 people died. Among them, the captain of the Snow Lotus Team was taken away by the Herrscher. His life and death are unknown. By the way, the three dead Valkyries were also A member of the Snow Lotus Team.”

Otto said while looking at the casualty reports and photos of the northern area of ​​the coral island through projection.

When it comes to this report, there are many doubts in it.

Why were most of the Valkyrie who went to support injured, but only a few died? Moreover, the few who died were all related to each other, and were in the same team as the captured Valkyrie.

The nature of the Herrscher should not be like this, but after previous contact, Otto also concluded that Bai Mo is a Herrscher with humanity, just like Walter, otherwise the World Snake would not be so indulgent and even give him a cadre.

Take the last attack on the headquarters as an example. Except for the damage to the building, no Valkyrie was killed or even injured. But why did such a Herrscher suddenly attack on the coral island a few days ago? What about killing without reason?

Will World Serpent allow it?

He could understand that Anna Shaniat was captured by the World Snake because she was in the so-called Herrscher body, but for the team members other than her, Otto did not understand the reason why they took action.

Is it revenge?Otto didn't think so. After all, he had also investigated that the three Valkyrie members of the Snow Lotus Team, including Anna Shaniat, had no record of any outings during their tenure at the Coral Island. Even a few of them met for the first time. , until the team was established, there was no one who had ever come into contact with the World Snake. He investigated all of these clearly.

There were so many Valkyries who participated in supporting the encirclement and suppression, so why did they have to kill these few?Is this somewhat intentional, or can it be considered random?

All the Valkyries present at the time, including Hollander and Rita, said that they saw the destruction of the Snow Lotus Team with their own eyes, but was this really the case?Otto declined to comment and kept the answer to himself.

Of course, these are not important to him.

Thinking of this, Otto smiled, and then glanced at Theresa who was checking the report.

"how come..."

Theresa frowned. After reading the specific information in the report, she couldn't help but tighten her hands hidden under the table.

Such large-scale casualties were a heavy blow to Tianming, the entire world, or the Valkyries themselves, their relatives and friends.

Although fighting with the Herrscher would result in death and injury, if such a thing really happened, no one would face it calmly.

The life of the Valkyrie is also a life, not a cold number. If this kind of thing happened in Saint Freya, Teresa would not dare to imagine it at all.

There is also the news that Otto just said that the fifth collapse is about to break out. Theresa is also very worried about this.

Has the Herrscher appeared so frequently now?

Theresa couldn't help but think in her heart, and at the same time, the figure of a Herrscher girl she met in Haiyuan City appeared in her mind unconsciously.

Inevitably, she dreams about those scenes almost every night.

Could it be her?Definitely..it will be.

She asked herself this question more than once. Maybe, in Theresa's own heart, she had already regarded that figure as Bai Mo.

And since returning from Haiyuan City, Kiana has changed a lot, especially in the past few days, she often falls asleep in class. Although this problem has existed before, she always feels that something is wrong.

"What? Little Theresa, are you feeling sad for these Valkyries? Don't worry, fate never treats heroes badly, you know this."

Clearly aware that something was wrong with his granddaughter's mood, Otto lovingly touched Theresa's head.

"It's okay, Grandpa, I just..."

A feeling of sadness surrounded her heart. Theresa raised her head and glanced at Otto with a complicated expression, but before she could finish her words, Otto interrupted her.

"Well, you know even if you don't tell Grandpa, our little Theresa despises these the most, right? But you have to know that these sacrifices are inevitable. Humanity has no choice in fighting the Honkai."

"Forget it, let's not talk about this. Let's talk about something else. For example, Grandpa, why did I suddenly find you, little Theresa, today, and in this special form? I think you must be sure about this issue, Theresa. I’m very interested.”

Otto changed the subject, with a hint of ease in his words, and he said slowly with a smile.

In response, Theresa just nodded and did not speak.

"In three ten minutes, as the Bishop of Destiny, I will issue a wanted order for the Herrscher to the Valkyries around the world at the headquarters. At that time, I hope that you, Teresa, can bring your Saint Freya Academy, let’s watch together, the release of the wanted order.”

Not only is it just a formality, the scene where the dignified Bishop Tianming personally issues the wanted order must also be grand.

And Otto also had another purpose in doing this, which was to test the World Snake's bottom line?It can also be said that I did not choose to put the World Serpent on the bright side, but chose to make a fuss about the Herrscher. It is reasonable and reasonable. As the Archbishop of Destiny, it is understandable and reasonable to do so against the Honkai warriors. .

"Wanted order? Grandpa, are you kidding me?"

Theresa's tone was very surprised. Although she looked calm on the surface, deep down in her heart, she was already wondering whether her grandfather had been brain-damaged when he went out.

Sister Amber, come to the rescue!

Put a warrant on a Herrscher?Let’s not talk about the strength of those Valkyries scattered around the world, because even if you find them, can you beat them?What is the difference between this and committing suicide?

Originally, the Herrscher would attract attention from all parties as soon as he appeared, but Theresa thought it was meaningless under this wanted order.

"I know what you are worried about, Theresa. Don't worry, these grandpas have their own plans."

"Okay, time is running out now. Grandpa, I won't bother you anymore. I have to prepare some things next. Little Theresa, just remember to watch on time."

Before leaving, he didn't forget to take out a bottle of freshly frozen bitter melon juice from the refrigerator nearby, and then placed it in front of Theresa's desk. Otto smiled and waved, and then closed the communication.

Theresa was the only one left in the office, holding her forehead with one hand and sighing deeply.

There was no other way, since her grandfather said so, she could only cooperate.

Anyway, she has the final say in St. Freya College whether to execute the wanted order or not.

Thinking of this, Theresa came to the college's broadcast office and prepared to inform every classroom about this.

"Ahem...audio audition."

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