"By the way, Aneng, in which direction is Longmen's Guard Bureau located?"

When passing a restaurant, Bai Mo suddenly turned his head and asked.

"Guard Bureau? Turn left at the intersection ahead, then go straight for two streets and then turn right. Why, Amo, you still want to go to the Guard Bureau?"

Out of pure curiosity, the capable angel asked after giving the approximate location. After all, in the eyes of the Guards Bureau and Penguin Logistics, it was really the existence of a natural enemy.

"I really want to take a look. After all, I've heard of Officer Chen for a long time, and I want to get to know him. Of course, there are also Officers Hoshiung and Shihuaiya."

Enter the dragon and the tiger and fight the ghost. It’s a shame to come to the dragon gate and not see the famous scene, and then ask for advice... Bah, bah, bah!It's really a waste of time to observe Longmen's foul language.

At least I can't learn Yingyu, but I can use a few swear words.

Bai Mo said with a smile, but she didn't know that the eyes of several people looking at her changed slightly.

Nothing else, it was just the first time they saw a gangster going to the Guards Bureau to throw themselves into a trap. Of course, considering Bai Mo's elusive ability, everyone was not worried, they just wanted to complain.

However, just as Bai Mo finished speaking, he suddenly saw a dragon girl in police uniform walking out of the door of the restaurant. She was also the police officer Chen Huijie that Bai Mo mentioned just now.

Seeing this, several people's mouths twitched, and Texas shook his head and covered his face. He could only say that it was a wonderful fate.

On the other hand, Chen originally wanted to buy some rice sausages from the door of the store, but when she was paying, she heard someone nearby asking for the address of the Guards Bureau, and then called out her star bear and The name of that barbecued pork cat.

Originally, this shouldn't be anything. After all, their names are not confidential, and most of the Longmen citizens can call them up. But Bai Mo asked for the address of the Guards Bureau as soon as he opened his mouth, which was a bit... It's so abnormal.

At first glance, it seemed that he was not a native of Longmen, and coupled with the familiar voice of Neng Angel when Bai Mo was talking to Neng Angel just now, Chen's alertness immediately went up.

You must know that these people at Penguin Logistics are regular visitors to the Guards Bureau. If they can play with these people, then she shouldn't investigate them carefully?

Of course, this is not directed at anything, but as an old superintendent, Chen Chen has never seen Bai Mo's face, so she just asked her responsibly. After all, she is not the kind of person who is particularly unkind, especially now. It's not working time yet.

"It's you guys. I heard some familiar voices here just now..."

Chen didn't ask about business as soon as he came up. He just waved and said hello, and then walked over slowly.

"What should I do? Do you want to run?"

When Bai Mo came to his senses, the capable angel pulled Bai Mo's sleeves, and saw that the other three were also ready to run away.

Good guys, how skilled are you at this...

"Why are you running? It's not a big deal in the first place, but running away will cause trouble."

Bai Mo's voice was very soft, but it reached everyone's ears accurately.

If she, the Herrscher of the End, could be chased by a senior superintendent, it would be a joke to everyone. At least, it would be a level higher than the Three Titans hammering Wendy.

"Then what should we do? Officer Chen is famous for being selfless."

Croissant, who has the most say on this point, said that after all, when she saw Chen, her mind couldn't help but recall the scene when she was chased to close the stall a few days ago.

And as soon as Croissant said this, even Texas and Sora agreed and nodded immediately.

"Don't worry, there are always more solutions than difficulties. If it doesn't work, just make up an identity on the spot. Officer Chen can't notice anything strange anyway."

Pressing his hands to signal the others to relax, Bai Mo said in a very relaxed tone, after all, the power of knowledge is no joke.

Besides, the Herrscher of Knowledge has modified your consciousness, and now you think Bai Mo is a native of Longmen~

This situation is not impossible~

Of course, it's only possible. After all, Bai Mo doesn't plan to do this now. Instead, she wants to choose another way to talk to Chen.

Upon seeing this, several people calmed down a little when they saw Bai Mo's relaxed look, and watched silently as Chen walked up to them.

"Ah haha, good morning, Sir Chen."

"Good morning, Officer Chen."


Out of politeness, everyone at Penguin Logistics greeted Chen respectively, and Chen responded politely and nodded.

Since they are both frequent visitors to the Security Bureau, the relationship between the two parties is quite familiar. Of course, if this method of familiarity was not premised on a fine, Chen would be happier.

"By the way, this lady is... can you become your friend?"

"Of course, don't get me wrong. I just heard that this lady seemed to be asking about the location of the Guards Bureau, so I came over to take a look."

Instead of putting on airs like being in the Guards Bureau, Chen's tone was more like a question between friends, and he naturally brought the topic to Bai Mo.

"I don't know this..."

"Hello, Officer Chen, just call me Aslaqi."

Seeing that Chen was about to speak but hesitated, Bai Mo spoke up and gave his name.

As for why she didn't use the name Bai Mo, it was mainly because it was not conducive to her fabricated identity. After all, she spoke the orthodox Yanguo language and had a two-character name, but she had the appearance of an Agor, so it was quite easy to say it. Strange.

"Hello, Miss Aslaqi, besides...your Yanguo dialect is very standard."

Rather, he was shocked by Bai Mo's fluent Yan Guoyu without finding any faults. Chen's expression was somewhat surprised.

But she soon regained her composure, and she also guessed that Bai Mo might be a tourist from Dayan who came to Longmen.

"Thank you. After all, you have traveled a lot, and your knowledge has become richer. In addition, Officer Chen, you are the same. I think I have heard your name mentioned by people on the roadside all the time."

"The so-called household name is an understatement."

Bai Mo smiled, and then said without blushing or heart beating.

The & Di 450 Jiuzhang Baimo has plans too


"By the way, Miss Aslaki asked about the location of the Guards Bureau. Do you need help with anything?"

Having said the polite words, Chen went straight to the point and planned to ask Bai Mo what he wanted to do. If she needed help, she could handle it on the spot. Of course, according to the rules, it still had to be reported.

"Trouble? There is nothing to trouble the Guards Bureau. After all, my goal has been achieved now."

Seeing this, Bai Mo also waved his hand and said happily.

Originally, the purpose of her going to the Guards Bureau was to get in touch with Chen, but what Bai Mo didn't expect was that the person she "had been thinking about" would appear directly in front of her in this form. Therefore, this purpose was not achieved. What is it.

However, if this happens, today's leisurely time may be coming to an end, but fortunately everyone had a lot of fun just now, so Bai Mo doesn't have any psychological burden.


Chen was confused for a while.

Even the capable angels and others on the side looked at Bai Mo in confusion, not knowing what she was going to do.

"Yes, I have said it before. The fundamental reason why I asked about the location of the Guards Bureau is that I plan to meet Officer Chen. No, it just happens that as soon as I finished saying this, Officer Chen, you Appeared in front of me.”

Are you looking for me...

After hearing what Bai Mo said, Chen couldn't help but fell into deep thought, wondering what Bai Mo wanted from her.

It was my first time to come to Longmen, and I heard her name mentioned often by people on the roadside, so I felt admiration and came here to meet her?

Even if she said it politely, Chen would not believe that her influence in the eyes of the people was already so high.

Putting away her previous relaxed state, Chen looked Bai Mo up and down carefully. Years of experience told her that the other person definitely didn't just want to meet her.

However, it seems that this time she took the initiative to post it...

"Speaking of Amo, do you have anything to do with Sir Chen?"

At this time, Angel Neng couldn't help but ask. According to her understanding of Bai Mo, since Bai Mo said he wanted to see Chen, he definitely had something to ask.

"I just have something to ask Officer Chen for help, or maybe I want to borrow something from Officer Chen."

"Of course, as a reward, I will tell Officer Chen a very interesting news, and also do her a favor."

Bai Mo replied very sincerely, during which he glanced at Chen who had doubts written all over his face. After all, considering that her next actions would come into contact with Tarua, it would be best to have something as a token. Yes.

Speaking of tokens, if Bai Mo remembered correctly, Chen had a photo of him and Tallulah when they were children. It would be perfect to use something like this as a token.


Obviously, Chen was also attracted by Bai Mo's remarks. She was just borrowing something... Did she have anything valuable in her hand?

Or is it Chi Xiao? !

Thinking of this, Chen subconsciously touched her waist. If the other party wanted to borrow Chi Xiao, she would never agree.

However, as soon as this question arose, Chen began to doubt Bai Mo's identity. Logically speaking, it was impossible for ordinary people to know the existence of Chi Xiao's sword, even if some officials from Dayan came. You must have heard of Chi Xiao’s name.

Of course, this is not a secret, but few people know it. Chen admits that he has never heard of the character 'Asraqi', so naturally, he is wary.

And just based on the words 'Amo' that Neng Angel said just now, Chen also concluded that the girl in front of him was definitely not the only one with the name Aslaqi.

Finally, regarding the last sentence Bai Mo just said, saying that he would provide her with information that was of interest to her and do her a favor, Chen just treated it as a joke and didn't take it to heart at all.

"Don't worry, I have no interest in the Chixiao sword on your waist, Officer Chen. It's not what I want."

"Some things are not suitable to be said here. How about asking Miss Aslaki to go back to the Guards Bureau with me?"

Chen frowned slightly, and deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of the four words Yaslaqi.

"Sorry everyone, it seems I need to excuse myself for a moment."

Seeing Chen's businesslike look, Bai Mo knew that he might have to go to the Guards Bureau today, and indeed, some of her next words were indeed inappropriate to say in public.

Moreover, if she didn't stand up and express her position at this time, then maybe the capable angel would come forward and say something. She didn't want to cause such a trivial matter to cause trouble.

"As compensation, all your consumption today will be charged to me."

Bai Mo said apologetically, and then took out the mobile phone he just bought before and transferred a sum of Longmen coins to Neng Angel.

The next second...

'Longmen Bank reminds you that 500 million yuan has been credited to your account. Please check it carefully. If you have any questions, please call...'


The silent person was Chen. One thing she said was that she really didn't expect that the girl in front of her would take action so boldly...

500 million Longmen coins for one day’s consumption?By the way, is this almost as good as the barbecued pork cat?

However, the Texas people seemed to be much calmer about this. After all, the so-called Longmen coins have no direct impact on Chijin. They are not the kind of ignorant people.

"Amo, you...I haven't spent all the money I have left from last time."

Inexplicably, you feel like you're being taken care of?Sensing the jealous glances coming from all around him, the capable angel just wanted to dig a hole and jump into it.

"But having said that, Amo, if you need to talk to Sir Chen about anything, go ahead. If anything happens, we can chat in the group."

Knowing that Bai Mo would not conflict with Chen Qi, Angel Neng said with great relief.

"Well, let's go shopping together if we have time!"

Croissant also said hurriedly, and then Texas and Sora also nodded.

"Okay, see you later!"

Immediately, Bai Mo waved goodbye to everyone.


"Let's go, Officer Chen. To be honest, I'm quite curious about what the legendary Chief of Guards looks like!"


Chen didn't speak along the way, just silently leading the way, thinking about what to say when he entered the interrogation room.

3Wow, 460, let’s talk about Tallulah.

"So...this is an interrogation room specially used to interrogate prisoners?"

"That's true, but I don't treat you as a prisoner, Ms. Asuraci, do I?"

When answering this question, the expression on Chen's face was somewhat unnatural.

Compared with her office, it would be much safer to talk about some things here. Of course, the most important aspect was that she really didn't want to see a certain barbecued pork cat outside, otherwise she would inevitably have another quarrel. Fighting is simply a waste of time and ruins the atmosphere of the Guards Bureau.

"Okay, okay, it doesn't matter anyway."

Bai Mo lowered his head and glanced. Indeed, she was still considered free at this time. The video equipment next to her was not turned on, and there were no handcuffs or anything like that.

There was even a bowl of hot pork chop rice in front of her noodles.

Emmm, the welfare benefits are actually so good?

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