Because there are still nearly a hundred ordinary people imprisoned on the first floor, if Honkai can be corroded into dead soldiers, then her rescue plan will soon fall short.

And at this time, there was no need to worry about stopping the final plan. The tower organization was in chaos, and she had no other choice.

Thinking of this, Raven turned directly into the storage room and picked up a pile of chemical protective suits. After ensuring that their quality passed the test, Raven ran towards the holding room without looking back.

"Stop! What are you doing! Stop quickly, or I will..."

"It's chemical protective clothing! Everyone, hurry up..."

Along the way, Raven's weird behavior attracted the attention of the guards to her, especially after seeing the chemical protective suit in Raven's arms. snatch.

After all, some of them have been eroded by Honkai, and purple lines have appeared on their bodies. At this time, saving their lives is the top priority.

However, they underestimated the strength of the raven. Almost in a face-to-face encounter, the guards who rushed forward were eliminated by the raven.

"A bunch of damn lunatics, are they planning to bury everyone here with them!"

After taking care of some unsightly things, Raven ran to the holding room while cursing.

Chapter 184 Chaos

"Hurry up and open the door! I don't want to die in a place like this!"

"Damn it! Stay away from me..."

"This... someone is infected here! Open the door quickly, or we will all die here!!"

Inside the gate, panicked people were in chaos. After seeing the tragic situation on the floor, they could no longer calm down.

Especially after they heard that there were infected people around them, their hearts almost jumped out of their chests.

For a moment, everyone in the room turned their attention to the woman hiding in the corner and twitching in pain. The purple Honkai energy lines had spread down her arms to her whole body. It is estimated that this miserable woman will be out in a few minutes. It will be corroded and become a dead soldier. At that time, everyone in this room will become a victim.

Now people were completely panicked. They banged on the door desperately, trying to break the door lock.

More than ten seconds passed. At this moment, apart from the woman, more people in the room had been eroded by Honkai energy. The purple hair on their bodies all showed that they were about to die. People around them were scrambling to get there. Avoiding it, for fear that if you are not careful, you will be infected.

And in such a chaotic environment, there was a mother and daughter who seemed very calm from beginning to end.


"Mom, I'm afraid..."

In a corner of the room, a little girl in a yellow dress clung to her mother's thigh.

Tears slowly dripped from the corners of her eyes, and her trembling words all revealed the fear in her heart.

"Don't be afraid, Xiao Ai. Mom will protect you and we will be able to go out soon."

"When you get out, mom will buy you your favorite marshmallows. You can buy as many as you like."


Seeing the girl nodding her head in fear, the woman couldn't help but feel guilty.

Then a pair of warm big hands slowly fell on the top of her head, and the woman gently stroked her daughter's hair, her movements full of tenderness. That was the last way she could comfort her daughter.

Because just a dozen meters away from them, there are already dozens of people infected by Honkai. If these people become dead soldiers, then the mother and daughter will definitely be the first to be torn apart.

Her empty eyes were full of despair. The woman looked at the people in front of her who seemed to be going crazy, and she couldn't help but sneer.

There is nothing left to lose, except for her daughter. As long as her daughter can survive successfully, she can do anything, even if it means sacrificing her life.

As long as, as long as that door is open!The woman prayed silently in her heart.

But the reality is often cruel, just like the mother and daughter would be caught here. Time passed slowly, 2 minutes passed, but the door lock did not move at all.

The leading group had even given up hope of escaping. At the same time, this was not the only bad news, because the woman in the room who was initially infected was about to turn into a dead soldier.

She screamed in pain, the skin on her body quickly turned white, and there was no longer any blood. As her consciousness was deprived bit by bit, the woman eventually became a dead soldier.

Sharp nails slowly grew from the fingertips, and the woman who became a dead soldier waved around uncontrollably.


The man closest to her had an arm torn off without noticing. Severe pain hit him, but before the man could scream, a bloody mouth bit the man's neck from behind.

Blood spurted out, and a disgusting chewing sound followed.

Immediately afterwards, one, two, and three dead soldiers completed the transformation. Looking at the lamb-like humans around them, they waved the sickles in their hands and began to slaughter.


"Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

The screams echoed in the room, and a strong smell of blood spread.

"Don't be afraid, Xiao Ai, hold mom tight, mom will take you out."

In the chaotic crowd, the woman picked up the girl in one hand and ran quickly towards the door. Those who were slower behind them were all targeted by the dead soldiers.

If this continues, I am afraid that all the people here will die in less than a minute. In order to allow themselves to survive for a while, some people directly push the people around them into the group of dead soldiers, hoping to delay the death. time.

The roars came and went, the screams were endless, and Xiao Ai closed her eyes tightly because of fear.



But just when everyone was about to despair, there were sudden knocking sounds from outside the door.

Did someone come to rescue them? !

For a moment, the faces of everyone inside the door were filled with confusion, excitement, and anticipation.

At this moment, the person outside was the belatedly arrived Raven. After seeing the dead man inside the door, Raven took out the handed shotgun without saying a word and prepared to shoot the door lock.

"Get out of the way and stand back!"

Load and aim, Raven roared and pulled the trigger.

A burst of gunfire rang out, and the big lock outside the door was finally successfully broken.

Seeing the hope, everyone couldn't care less and just opened the door and rushed outside. Some people who didn't react were even pushed to the ground and allowed to be stepped on by others.

.......the other side

"March! That move you just made was so cool! I didn't expect you to be so strong!"

Walking at the front of the team, Kiana excitedly talked about Bai Mo's battle just now.

"It's okay. It all depends on the opposite person. That's not the case."

"If I have the chance, I can teach you fighting skills."

Subconsciously touching the ends of his hair, Bai Mo said to the three of them with a smile.

Is it the fighting skills of pre-civilizations? I have learned a lot about Alicia just by watching her fight. I can also find an opportunity to teach Kiana and the others.

Moreover, this can also improve their strength, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Alicia also expressed her agreement with Bai Mo's idea.

After all, it’s really (not) difficult for Alicia to refuse such cute girls!

"Is it really possible!!"

Hearing this, not only Kiana, but also Mei and Bronya looked over. Apparently they were also somewhat interested in this aspect.

But while they were interested, they were also more confused. After all, such superb martial arts skills were said to be taught to them?

It was obvious that the other party had only known them for less than a few days, but they already seemed to be very familiar with themselves, Kiana and the others. This feeling gave Mei Yi a slightly unreal feeling.

"Well, if there is a chance."

However, Bai Mo didn't notice anything strange on Mei Yi's side, and just smiled at Kiana with a hint of endearment.

Chapter 185 Collection

"Since the beginning, the concentration of Honkai energy here seems to have increased a lot."

"There won't be any Honkaimon waiting for us..."

"According to Bronya's analysis, this possibility is very high."

With that said, Bronya adjusted the surrounding Honkai energy values.

"It's okay, it's okay. I'm almost recovered now, so I don't have to worry about Honkaimon or anything like that at all!"

Raising the two guns in Yang's hands, Kiana said with a smile.

"By the way, Mei, your blade can no longer be used. How about you try my baseball bat!"

"Well, although there will be a slight difference in weight, it doesn't matter."

Taking the baseball bat, Mei tried swinging it up and down with one hand.

That posture has an inexplicable feeling of shaking...

Sure enough, the rice cooker is still the rice cooker wherever she goes. Don’t forget the traditional arts!

But that's fine, this leaves me alone to get weapons for Mei.

Yes, Bai Mo originally wanted to use the power of the Lawyer to get a few swords, but now!The ancestral baseball bat is the eternal god! ! !


During the conversation, the four of them came to the gate leading to the tower. Unlike before, there was not even a single person from the tower organization in the white corridor at this time. It seemed that all the armed forces had gone inside to provide support.

Three seconds of silence for them!

"Behind this door should be the opponent's headquarters."

"The Honkai Energy Index inside the door is much higher than outside. Something must have happened inside."

"It couldn't be that the Honkai Beast stole the house..."

Her head felt so itchy, as if she was about to grow a brain... Kiana looked calm and relaxed.

"Based on Honkaimon alone, the Honkai Energy Index would not be so high. The worst possibility is that the opponent has already launched the so-called final plan."

Bai Mo added.

Although she didn't know the details of the final plan, she still vaguely felt that it was something dangerous.

Didn't the Tower of Babel seek death to bring out Siren? If this tower organization was seeking death to bring out one... then the situation would be a bit serious.

It's more than 1000 meters underground. After a fight with the Herrscher, will this place collapse?Buried alive to find out.

So if the situation wasn't too urgent, Bai Mo would still want to hide his identity as the Herrscher of the Sky as much as possible.

In front of the heavy door, Bronya was nervously trying to crack the code, and the other three were also ready to fight.

"Don't worry, Aqi, Natasha will be fine. You must believe in cute girls!"

As if seeing Bai Mo's worry, Alicia comforted her consciously.

"Well, the strength of the Explosive Crow is still enough as long as he doesn't encounter the Herrscher."

Bai Mo nodded, but the worried look on his face did not retreat at all.

Alicia also knew the general strength of the raven through Bai Mo, so the other party could still handle this situation.

After all, the Honkai energy reactions inside should be ordinary Honkai beasts and dead soldiers, and there are no fluctuations belonging to Herrscher.

But one thing that needs to be noted is that the Honkai energy here seems to be gathering in one place... as if... it's like it's gestating something.

Bai Mo, who is also the Herrscher of the End, also noticed this.



After a moment, Bronya's voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, the heavily armored bunny also automatically appeared next to Bronya.

"Well, open the door."

Seeing this, Mei Yi spoke slowly after seeking everyone's opinions.


With a command, the heavily armored rabbit slowly pushed open the door with its huge mechanical arm.

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