Chen Ke didn't know how to explain it. Suddenly Su Cheng screamed again, holding his knees palely with a look of pain on his face.

"What's wrong?" Chen Ke asked quickly.

Su Cheng looked at him fearfully.

Chen Ke vaguely understood why. Because of the enslaved gem, Su Cheng would be punished harshly if he was disrespectful to him.

Is this equivalent to completely becoming his loyal subordinate?

Chen Ke's face was unpredictable. Although he found Su Cheng annoying and even thought about teaching her a lesson, he never thought about turning her into a slave. Just because of his own thoughts, he let her fall to this level. Chen Ke It's a bit hard to accept.

He quickly thought of solutions, and at the same time, Su Cheng also realized that his mentality was very strange. When facing Chen Ke, she subconsciously felt afraid and close to him. It seemed that the other person had become the most important person in her mind and was disrespectful to him. At this time, my whole body felt extremely uncomfortable as if I was being tortured.

The idea of ​​obeying him was like a demonic thought, which kept popping up in her heart, almost causing her to collapse, holding her head in pain.

Chen Ke's heart tightened. The influence of the Reason and Slavery Stones on Su Cheng might cause serious mental problems to her. He thought about it and said in a gentle tone:

"Don't be afraid, I won't do anything to you."

Su Cheng was stunned and asked, "Really?"

"Really," he said firmly.

The fear on Su Cheng's face slowly faded, but she was still frowning, as if she was thinking about an unsolvable problem.

Seeing that his comfort had worked, Chen Ke felt uncomfortable in his heart. He was using his identity as the master to influence Su Cheng and make her calm down.

Su Cheng glanced at Chen Ke secretly, feeling that he was very close, but her reason told her that this feeling was wrong, and the conflicting mood once again made her frown in pain.

Chen Ke continued to comfort: "Relax, don't think about anything else, your name is Su Cheng? It's a nice name."

Su Cheng frowned, lowered his head and remained silent for a while, then said, "You...can you sit next to me?"

Her face was flushed and her eyes flickered, not daring to look at him.


Chen Ke nodded, walked to her and sat down.

Su Cheng hesitated for a moment, leaned her body against him, took a long breath, and felt less uncomfortable. She murmured to herself: "Chen Ke...Brother, why do I feel like this? It's so wrong. I Are you sick?"

Chen Ke could only say: "Don't think too much, this is good."

He just wanted her to calm down.

Su Cheng closed her eyes and said, "Yes...actually...this is good."

Chen Ke frowned. Will the slave gem affect people's hearts?It was natural that Su Cheng felt very close to him.

After a while, Su Cheng opened his eyes and said embarrassedly: "I feel so uncomfortable, and I'm thirsty. Can you give me a glass of water?"

She used a condescending tone.

Chen Ke nodded: "Okay."

He stood up and poured her a glass of water, and when he came over and was about to hand it to her, Su Cheng knelt down on the sofa and looked up at him, her pretty face covered with blush.She opened her mouth to him, exposing her mouth.


Chen Ke hesitated for a moment, thinking of something and feeling complicated.

He picked up the water glass high, tilted it, poured out the water, and let the water fall from the height into Su Cheng's mouth.

Su Cheng drank the water, and her chest was wet with water at the same time, but she didn't care about it. Her cheeks were red and her eyes were shining with excitement.

What did Chen Ke realize at this time? Su Cheng was disrespectful to him before, and enslaving the gem made her feel uncomfortable. This discomfort seemed to be relieved after feeding her water?

If this method of feeding water does not happen between lovers, it can be called humiliation. So humiliating her will make her not feel uncomfortable?

Chen Ke asked her: "Are you still feeling uncomfortable?"

Su Cheng frowned and nodded: "Uncomfortable."

"Open your mouth wider then."


Chapter 82 You need his permission to go to the toilet

After feeding a glass of water, only half of it went into Su Cheng's stomach, and the remaining half spilled on her chest, making most of her clothes wet.


After swallowing the water in her mouth, Su Cheng, whose face was flushed, also woke up from the punishment. She looked at Chen Ke blankly, and then at herself, her face quickly turned pale.

Her lips trembled, she rolled off the sofa and fled back to the room in embarrassment.


The door closed tightly.

Chen Ke wanted to say something, but in the end he just sighed.

It was obvious that Su Cheng was in a normal state at this moment. He was affected by the enslavement gem just now because he was disrespectful to him.

The influence of the enslavement gem on Su Cheng was far beyond Chen Ke's imagination. A unruly and willful girl who had never looked down upon him since they met, under the influence of the gem, actually put down all her dignity to please him, just to get his forgive.

It's a pity that this effect is temporary. Su Cheng will remember all this when he wakes up, unable to understand this kind of thing, and feels unacceptable to himself for doing this kind of behavior, so that he becomes like that just now.

Chen Ke did not comfort Su Cheng. He could not explain the matter. Su Cheng also needed time to calm down at this time.

Now he just hopes that the effect of the enslavement gem will not last, but he is not very optimistic about it, because in the mage world, once this kind of gem is used, it is permanent and irreversible.

But this is Earth after all, so I hope it will be a little different.

Chen Ke felt a shadow in his heart.

Silent all night.

The next day, Chen Ke got up early and saw that the door to Su Cheng's room was tightly closed. He did not call her, but prepared breakfast and left home.

As soon as he left home, the closed door opened, and a listless Su Cheng appeared at the door. Looking at the empty home, she breathed a sigh of relief.

After what happened last night, she didn't sleep all night. She suspected that she was crazy, and she didn't know how to face Chen Ke. At this time, Chen Ke was not at home. She decided to leave here forever and never wanted to come back.

Last night was a nightmare for her. Her pride and dignity were trampled down to nothing, and those actions were all done voluntarily by her, and she had no reason to even resent Chen Ke.

Suddenly, Su Cheng frowned, rubbed her belly with her hands, and walked towards the bathroom. From last night to now, she had never left the room, let alone the bathroom. She felt a little uncomfortable at this time.

Entering the bathroom and standing in front of the toilet, Su Cheng was about to take action when his face suddenly changed and he held his head in pain:

"I...can't...go to the toilet without his...permission."

She quickly took a few steps back and looked at the toilet with a horrified face.

Why do I have this thought?

Why do I need his permission for such a thing?

Unable to accept it, Su Cheng gritted her teeth and took a step forward again, but a splitting headache immediately came over her. She screamed in collapse, turned around and fled from the bathroom.

When he came outside, the headache disappeared. Su Cheng stood there in a daze, as if he was stupid.

At this time, she smelled the aroma of food, and the feeling of hunger reminded her that she needed to eat.

Su Cheng turned her attention to the dining table, where there was the breakfast prepared for her by Chen Ke before going out.


Her throat rolled unconsciously.

After hesitating for a moment, Su Cheng walked over and planned to eat.

But when I came to the dining table and looked at the delicious breakfast, an incredible idea came to me.

"Eating... requires permission."

"It would be a great honor to be fed by the owner's own hands..."

Su Cheng's face turned pale and she couldn't accept it. She didn't dare to stay here anymore, so she went back to the room, took her mobile phone, and ran out in a hurry.


in school.

Chen Ke was absent-minded in class, thinking about Su Cheng all the time. He didn't know if Su Cheng was feeling better after one night.

At the same time, he was preparing for the worst.

If the enslavement gem is permanent, and Su Cheng will be punished by the gem if he is a little disrespectful to him, then the only solution he can think of is to stay away from her. As long as he does not contact her, or even makes her forget him, he will Can live as a normal person.

"Chen Ke, are you worried?"

Feng Yuzi noticed his worried look and sent him a concerned greeting after class. Ren Taotao, who was sitting in the other group, also looked at him worriedly.

Chen Ke realized that his condition worried them, so he calmed down and replied that it was okay.

They couldn't help with this matter, and Chen Ke didn't intend to let them know.

"Would you like to have lunch together? Classmate Ren Taotao said there is a store he wants to check out."

Feng Yuzi then asked him.

Chen Ke thought for a moment, there was nothing to do at noon anyway, so there was nothing wrong with going to see him. He was almost tired of eating in the school cafeteria.

Time soon came to noon, and the three of them followed the team out of the classroom tacitly, but did not follow them to the cafeteria, and then met outside the school. The location was exactly the store Ren Taotao wanted to go to. In this way, even if they were seen by their classmates, they would not be able to see them. It can explain their coincidence in coming to this store together.

The shop Ren Taotao chose was a mom-and-pop shop with affordable prices. Office workers and college students nearby would come here for meals. The taste and presentation were also good.

The three of them ordered their dishes. After the landlady served the dishes, Chen Ke and Feng Yuzi watched Ren Taotao take pictures of the food before starting to eat. During this period, they listened to her talking to the camera.

Ren Taotao's account has tens of thousands of fans, and the activity is pretty good. Her other subjects are average, but she is pretty good at food, with over [-] views per issue.

After the meal, the three of them walked to the school. As soon as they reached the door, Chen Ke was suddenly startled when he saw a familiar figure lingering at the school gate with a hesitant look on his face.

He frowned and said to the two women beside him: "You go back first, while I look elsewhere."

Feng Yuzi and Ren Taotao both knew that he had the habit of wandering around, so they hesitated and did not disturb him. It was too sunny today and they did not prepare sunscreen. Plus, they were too full to walk and wanted to go back to rest.

When they entered the school gate, they glanced at the girl at the door. The girl had yellow hair and earrings in her ears. She looked a bit untouchable, so the two girls did not talk to her.

Su Cheng stood blankly at the school gate, why should I come here? This is... his school, Aunt Chen Jinyu mentioned it.


Su Cheng suddenly took a breath and subconsciously covered his stomach with his hands. A blush appeared on his pretty face, and a look of struggle flashed in his eyes.

She looked inside the school, her eyes struggling even more.

Just when she was about to step inside, a familiar voice came to her ears.

"Are you looking for me?"

Su Cheng was excited and subconsciously replied: "Yes."

After saying this, regret flashed through her heart. She regretted that she shouldn't have come. When she turned around and saw Chen Ke standing behind her, her face turned pale again. She quickly lowered her head and wanted to run away, but her legs could not move.

Chen Ke looked at her and said, "Follow me."

Chen Ke turned around and walked in one direction. Behind him, Su Cheng struggled, but his feet were uncontrollable and followed him.

Soon we came to a park. There were not many people here at noon, only a few old people were walking.

Chen Ke took Su Cheng under the shady tree, turned around and looked at her who was following him step by step, but Su Cheng stood in front of him, not daring to raise her head at all.

Her face was very ugly, with slight dark circles under her eyes, her lips were interfering, and a look of pain flashed between her brows from time to time.

Moreover, Chen Ke noticed that her legs were shaking slightly and her walking posture was a bit strange, as if she was weak.

Chen Ke's mood became subtle, and it seemed that the role of the slave gem was more serious than imagined.

"You have something to do with me?"

he asked in as gentle a tone as possible.

Su Cheng gritted her teeth hard and shook her head, but her face turned red from white to red. She lowered her head and her delicate body trembled even more.

Chen Ke was confused. She seemed to be enduring something. Was it discomfort?But she was not disrespectful to herself today. The slave gem would not cause an attack. Could it be that the gem had other effects?

Chen Ke suddenly remembered something. The appraisal results of the slave gem last night showed that after this gem came to the earth, some unknown changes occurred. Did this change appear in Su Cheng?

Chen Ke looked at Su Cheng calmly. The girl looked very painful, but she was unwilling to open her mouth. Her expression was unpredictable, as if she had something unspeakable.

Suddenly, Su Cheng exclaimed "Ah" and squatted down with both legs, trembling and looking like he was about to cry.

Chen Ke took a breath and vaguely saw what she wanted to do. He hesitated and asked, "Do you want to... go to the toilet?"

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