As a result, it is possible to achieve success.

Author: Praise Ibrahimovic


 What happens when the cultivation progress can be bound and synchronized?

[Your bound object has reached the Qi Refining Stage, and your realm is automatically upgraded to the Qi Refining Stage]

[Your bound object's swordsmanship is at the peak, and your swordsmanship level is raised to the peak stage]

[You have completed three cycles of cultivation, and your bound partner has completed two cycles of cultivation, so your cultivation progress has increased by five cycles at the same time]

[Your bound object has become an immortal, and you have also become an immortal]

The above pictures are all imagination!

When two salted fish are tied together, the saltiness doubles!

"You should practice hard for the sake of immortality!"

"Bah, why don't you practice properly!"

[You have been fishing for a day, and your bound partner has been fishing for a day, two are so...

[How can one become an immortal if one is so lazy! ]

Chapter 1 What is the purpose of life?

It is a great place to know, the city of five colors, the city of five colors.

2 years ago, 2 years ago, 2 years ago, 2 years ago, 2 years ago... … He is a 和 一名 small woman.

A man and a child meet together, the five officials meet, and the government meets the government.

Women's lungs control the skin, skin whites, and breast cancer.

The world is open to the world, the world is on top of the body, and the Buddha is in the middle of the day.

It's a dream, it's not easy to see, it's not easy to see, it's not for men and women, it's for women in the middle of nowhere. ,天生一对,才子佳人,郎才女貌… …

Friends, friends, friends, friends, friends, friends, friends, friends, friends, friends, friends, friends, friends, friends中不约而同地蹦出四字:两条咸鱼!

“咸… …呃… … No benefit, no benefit… … “A civil servant!”

店小二陪着笑,连忙补救刚才的口误:“这是二位客官的大碟花生米和酒水,趁热…” …

My thoughts... … “I don’t do anything!”

"Good guy."

Small year's music is flat: “Five special rules for the world to live in, and there are two people in the world.”

"One thing to say."

A small woman resists and does not do anything: “It’s okay!”

"Ah this..."

It is difficult to control the body, it is good for people who are not aware of it, and it is good for people to see it. It's time to start working!

幸好,掌柜的及时过来,替店小二解了围:“抱歉,抱歉,黑二少爷,红二小姐,这小子是新来的,不清楚二位的喜好… … ”



黑阳轻轻咳嗽两声:“这种事情就不不大张旗鼓地宣扬了吧…” … ”




掌柜连忙道歉,压低声声声音吩咐小二:“Be sure to trust your friends and keep your eyes open. 别以为你是胡布那家伙介绍过来的,就能在我里偷懒。交情归交情,Life意是Life意!”



"How do you say what?"

“Let’s go and meet people, let’s go, let’s go together!”

“My wife, my wife, my family, my family, my family, my family, my family, my family.”

“One person, one person, one person, one person, one person.”

Among the people, it is not easy to understand, it is not possible to understand, it is not possible to understand, it is possible to understand the information about the older people.两个。”

“Self-confidence, non-use, perception.”

红璃暼了黑阳一眼:“她们就是想这么干,据说我老爸上次跟你爸一起出去喝酒,喝着喝着连“I’m happy, I’m with my children, I’m with my children, my name is good, my thoughts are good.”

"How could this be?"

黑阳大惊:“A child’s name is not like a foreigner’s name, and a mother’s name is like a child’s mother’s name, and a child’s name is like a child’s name.”

"Is that the point?"


When you see the sound of the black metal, the sound of the black metal is similar to the sound of the light.

黑阳揉了揉眉心:“If one person thinks of the world, it is a personal statement, and it is like a dream.”

红璃有些头疼:“If you go to the Star Road, you can go to the king of the world.”

“As I move to China, I move to China, I come to the world, I come to the world, I come to Japan. “It’s a multi-purpose business, it’s a real thing, it’s a combination of emotions and intentions!”*2



“It’s the best time to meet the needs of the world, it’s important to live in the middle of nowhere. … ”

红璃叹了口气:“I am in the middle of nowhere.也太怪了。”

“Do you want to come back?”


“Is it possible to control the body and body?”

It is possible to find the right place to eat and drink. …吧?”

"let me see……"

红璃眉头微皱,突然将小手伸出,胳膊顶在桌上:“既然是肮脏的约会:,我听说就是要干一些“It’s about the stomach, it’s about the stomach, it’s about the stomach, and it’s about the body!”


黑阳倒吸一口凉气:“Let’s take a look at the internal organs of the body!”


有一说一,有点软,有点滑,有点细腻,有点劲儿… …



It's all over the place!


"Can you do it?"

红璃嘲讽道:“Is it possible to move to a remote area? Is it better to travel to a remote area?”

“It's important to understand the main business, I'm going to use it, and I'm not going anywhere.”


"Oh, trash!"


“I am five years old.”

“Is it possible to have a healthy body or a healthy body?”


"to be honest."


“Is it the right way to go?”

黑阳摊了摊手:“话说回来,今年我们五色城还是走了大运,我们黑家和你们红家竟然都被五It's like a big name for a big brother or sister.

“啧啧,Blue family、White family,还有黄家,可是嫉妒得发疯了吧。”

“It’s better to go to the middle of the house, to go to the middle of the house.”

红璃语气平淡:“Are you thinking about your own life?”



“巧了,I am a member of my family and my name is one of my friends.”


“Is it okay?”

红璃突然压低声音:“My family is in the middle of nowhere. “Enter the way, let’s do it, it’s the real law!”

“If you don’t know what you’re doing, then you can’t do anything.”


The people in the city are connected to the city, the five colors are in the lower part of the city, the senior citizens are in the upper part of the city.

“It’s like a mountain in the middle of nowhere.”

"So you're not going?"

"You didn't go too, didn't you?"

“Let’s go!”

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 2 It's true, it's good and good!

“Are you talking about the first day of the year?”


莫非… …你被内卷大队收买,叛变了组织?!”

"Almost got it."

看着黑阳一副被背叛的心痛模样,红璃翻了个白眼:“I am in the middle of nowhere, the southern region is not thinking about death…” … ”


黑阳一惊,连忙询问:“It is a good life for people to live in the future, and it is a good place to live.”

“It’s all right, it’s my fault!”


"Ah this!"

黑阳瞳孔地震:“Is it possible to get to the top of the city?”

“这种病… …你治不祽的!”

"No way……"

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