Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Celia poured all the meat that George had prepared into the magic pot. The seemingly small pot had a space extension spell inscribed on it and thus had a surprisingly large capacity.

The meat cut off from seven gray wolves didn’t even cause a splash when they went into the pot.

Seeing the meat disappear into the pot in the blink of an eye, George couldn’t help but sigh in disappointment. “That’s too little. I’m afraid this amount is barely enough to pad my stomach.”

The meat of seven wolves, if distributed properly, was enough to feed a family of seven.

But due to his special constitution, this amount of meat was not at all enough for George’s ridiculous appetite.

Nearby, Celia did not hear George’s sigh. Instead, she was stirring the soup pot with an intense expression.

Not long after, the strong fragrance of cooked meat wafted out of the iron pot.

Celia covered the pot with the lid the moment the smell reached her nose. In the same breath, the flames under the pot erupted, engulfing said pot.

Transparent runes began to appear on the surface of the pot. The flames transformed into a barrier and enshrouded the pot, locking in the smell of the meat.

Seeing this, Celia commented with great satisfaction,

“As expected of a pot from Claire’s Alchemy Workshop. Such a joy to use.”

Seeing that Selia had stopped, George said, “Celia, I want to have a feast when we get back!”

“What?” Celia looked at George in confusion, as if she hadn’t heard him clearly.

“A feast, a feast! I want to eat the Volcano Giant’s Charcoal Roasted Demon Ox Leg.”

George repeated himself and looked at Celia expectantly.

This time Celia understood, but she didn’t go along with George’s expectations. Instead, she refuted,

“No. We didn’t get the reward from Sister Anna this time. We barely have enough savings to last us three days, much less feast at Volcano Giant.”

Celia moved to sit beside George and comforted him gently, “Just bear with it a little longer, okay?”


At this point, George could only accept the situation.

Actually, in the beginning, his appetite wasn’t this scary.

But one fateful day nine years ago, when George had just turned five, everything changed.

That day, he was sleeping soundly as usual. But when he opened his eyes again, he found himself in a mysterious space.

George could no longer remember what was in that space. There seemed to be some kind of power that prevented him from recalling.

All he could remember were the three golden eggs that were placed before him.

The moment George entered the space, information appeared in his head. Giving him some understanding of what was happening to him.

Pick one of the three eggs, smash it open and he would obtain what was inside.

What could be found in the golden eggs were not limited to tangible things. It could be a weapon, but it could also be an ability. Anything was possible.

Opportunities like this would occur every five years. Until now, George had already smashed the golden eggs twice.

Among them was the spear he used to kill the gray wolves. He got it from the egg he smashed when he was ten years old.

As for the first egg he smashed, George had obtained from it a constitution that allowed him to evolve infinitely through eating. As long as he ate, his strength would grow.

Part of the food consumed would be used to strengthen him, while the rest would be stored in his body as energy for evolution.

And once the energy stored reaches a litmus point, George would evolve.

As his body evolved and grew, so did his appetite.

In just a year, his appetite grew so much that he ate more than everyone in the orphanage combined.

Even so, the director of the orphanage did not kick him out.

But George didn’t want to burden the director or the orphanage.

He knew that his appetite would become even more terrifying. Thus he had to find a solution on his own.

And so, he made the necessary preparations. Then one night, when everyone was sound asleep, he left, alone. Leaving only a letter behind.

Or that was how it should have been.

Celia, who was close to him, noticed his strange behavior as he was making preparations.

“I’m coming with you. If you don’t let me, I’ll tell the director.”

Celia didn’t trust George to venture out into the world alone and thus asked to accompany him.

Just like that, the two of them left the orphanage together and embarked on their adventure.

Back then, it took them nearly a year of preparations just to enter the Forest of Slumber.

During that time, they picked up all sorts of odd jobs and learned a lot.

Before they knew it, years have gone by. George couldn’t help but begin to miss his childhood playmates, and the warm and gentle director of the orphanage, Miss Anna.

“Once this mission’s over, shall we go back and visit the orphanage?”

“Sure. We haven’t gone back in years. I miss everyone too,”

Celia agreed with George’s suggestion readily. She looked up, memories of her time at the orphanage appearing in her mind’s eye.

“I wonder how everyone is doing?”

“Ding!” A crisp sound rang from the magic pot.

Coming back to the present, Cellia got up and removed the lid from the pot. She scooped some of the soup onto a small plate and brought it to her mouth.

The aroma from the crystal clear broth instantly filled the air.

“Tastes pretty good.”

Nodding in satisfaction, Celia scooped the rest of the soup into a magic bowl.

Just like the pot, this bowl also had space extension spells inscribed on it.

Cellia had gotten all of these custom-made for George at a very high price.

After emptying all the soup into the bowl, Celia turned to George and said, “It’s ready now.”

Goeege took the magic bowl from Celia and looked at the clear broth within completely unsurprised.

Since they were in the wild, Celia had chosen to use the magic pot to dissolve the wolf meat into a clear broth to save on eating time.

Therefore, even though this broth looked like plain water, it actually contained the essence of the meat of seven gray wolves.

George picked up the bowl of wolf soup and downed it in one gulp. He even smacked his lips after he was done, looking like he hadn’t had enough.

Celia was used to this as well. She took the empty bowl back from George, cleaned it with magic and returned everything back into their spatial storage.

“Alright, break time’s over. Let’s get going.”

Having finished packing, Celia took out the map once more.

“If everything goes well, we should be able to head back to the city by nightfall.”

George knew Celia disliked camping out.

If possible, he too prefers to set off immediately. But unfortunately, in life, things often do not go as smoothly as planned.

Especially when adventuring. Accidents were even more common.

“Hold up.” George placed one hand on Celia’s shoulder and took out the spear from his back with the other.

Sensing George’s movement, Celia immediately reacted. She channeled magic into her fingertips and moved her hands rapidly through the air.

Very quickly, a string of magic runes appeared in midair. Once Celia completed the spell, an invisible barrier enveloped the two of them.

As this was happening, George had also confirmed the target’s location. He stepped forward to shield Celia behind him.

A middle-aged man appeared in the direction George was looking at, arms raised to indicate that he had no hostile intentions.

“Don’t be nervous. I mean no harm..”

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