“Tensee!” ☆ There is an illustration。



Author notes : This will try and be a romantic comedy.

TN: this one is kind of may be kind of a weird one but I don’t know just seemed interesting, haven’t read it though.(I read it while I am translating it.)Also sorry Mr.meh I’m making you work this chapter. 


“Hey. I wish we reincarnated into a different world.”

“I know we talked all night about it.”

We were out picking up supplies walking down cross a crosswalk.I was a shut in. And  The person by me is my best friend Koitu.He was my childhood friend since elementary school, a fellow otaku.

I wish you were a girl. Was a mutual wish from the two of us. We have a really good relationship.

“Surely I would make an amazing harem. All members would like me,but they would all have different personality,they would all be good girls though. They would be okay with me fooling around with multiple girls but would be kind of jealous.”

“Do you really think it would be that easy going? Are you stupid?”

“Well, I would be super handsome and super strong. Everybody would admire me.”

“Well wouldn’t that be convenient!”


There were many people around us walking by us. While talking about something so stupid they might glance. Then a high school girl looked at us. . . It hurts inside.

“Pow” a noise came out. We turned towards the noise. Then a bunch of middle aged men in blue uniform running in a panic. Is something going on?


“And because I would be the strongest in the world, I would explore the world making local lovers everyplace I go. Everyone would welcome me no matter where I go.”

“Is that so. Well that would be awesome if it was true. But sadly it’s not possible.”

“It could be possible. Therefore my best bud- – -”


————————Don’t cry.


I fell down to my knees. There is blood. . . Why is my friend crying while holding me in his arms.

Such a fun conversation ended with this. My consciousness is gradually fading away.

I lost the feeling of my toes, I lost the feeling of my foot. I lost the sense of my  fingertips, then my hand.

It got colder and colder my body was falling down on the dirty ground. The ground around me is dark red.


I can see some of my guts scattered on the floor. A section of my stomach is gone. It seems that some idiot was trying to kill some old yakuza leader who was behind me. It went through me and hit him. That was a good shot.

Yeaaa- , I won’t survive this . I’m sorry mom and dad. But, My parent may not care that much about my death. It may have been good news for them that Hikinito died quickly in an accident. If it was something else I definitely would have been screwed.(2chなら間違いなく煽られる。)(TN:no idea what 2ch means.)


“Hey, Don’t say goodbye! Idiot, Don’t you leave me ! !”

“. . . .I’m still here.Listen to me.”


I already lost sense of my whole body. I am unbearable tired. However, my consciousness came back thanks to the voice of my best friend.What a good guy. Though before I die, I have to say my last words.


“What is it?”

“I’m sorry. But I’m off to see the new world. Also can you say one word to my parents. Tell them thank you. Nothing else. Just thank you.”

“Hey. Wait ! There is an ambulance here! Do you see it. You’ll be alright . They’ll make you better.”

“Hahaha. . . . . I’m already in a shit state as it is. Though I did want to see us graduate together though. We’ll I will see you again in a few decades no?”

“Don’t be stupid! Hey emergency pe. . . hurry up!. . . I’ll . . . bring you to the hospital, . . .so!”

“What the heck are you saying? I can’t really hear you that well. Speak up”

“Here. . . . ! . . . . Iff . .!!”

“Yea I get it now. I can’t hear anymore.”

“. . . . . . . . .”





Though my death in my previous life would probably not be thought of as a cool “Hikinito, died at dawn.” It is probably.” Hikinito is minced meat.” Sadly.

 Though honestly it’s kind of funny that when we were talking about reincarnation I died. Although It’s hard to imagine anything like that in a different world could occur. But it presently happened. Though Harems and Me are completely apart of a made up stories.(正直に言おう。オレはネタだと思っていた。異世界転生なんてものが実際に起こるなんて、信じていた訳でも狙っていた訳でもない。俺TUEEEEEEとかハーレムとか、完全に創作ネタだと思い込んでいた。)(TN:what the heck is tueee?Also I’m just putting a chunk in here, sorry Mr.meh i’m not sure with this one.”)

I seems to have been accepted into the magical wonderful world for 2-3 years when a mark suddenly appeared. I was really worried as I was taken away. I was bathed and examined by a priest. Then was taken to the royal capital.

It seems that I was chosen to be a part of the hero party by the god. I had no choice in the manner and taken together with seven other who had similar marks(which were called stigmata). We were trained and prepared to make a party and take down the devil king and his demons that are a part of this world.


. . . . . . .This sounds familiar. . . Final fantasy?(ドラ〇エ?)(I know my translation doesn’t equal that but idk what that means.)


“Alto-sama! Where are we going to eat today?”

“Hey Alto! We can’t just go out to eat, we must train and forage! The devil king’s army can attack any second!”

“You just want to get Alto all to yourself. You useless swordsman. Don’t bother Alto and train by yourself.”

“Hey Alto. . . Me and you later?”(ウチとあそぼ?)(TN: hope i got it.)


And now, What I dreamed for in my previous life. Multiple beautiful girls are right before my eyes. My harem development may become a reality. Everyone trying to get together with you. Spend time with just myself, so I can be lazy. Exactly my perfect harem .However this though. . . .




.  . .  isn’t my harem. It was the person’s sitting next me.



“Hey, Fio.You are going to eat with Alto?”

“. . . No, It’s impossible to force myself into their group. Look! You can’t even see under the table there are so many of them. It’s a battle zone.(よく見たら、アルトが見えない机の下で、互いに足踏み合ってんじゃん。物凄い修羅場じゃん。)(TN: feels like there is a joke here I aint translating.)

“Hahah. . . .”

“Damn it. Why is Alto the only popular one. . . I also want to flirt with girls. . .”


There are 8 people total in the hero’s party. 5 of them are female and most of them are entranced by “Alto” who is hero. Alto is a shy, quiet lady killer. He travels the land and rescued many people in crisis.He has also saved me a number of times, he is quite the reliable guy. He is honestly a good guy. . . .

Such a cool guy is always blocked by a pack of beautiful women.In fact I am a bit jealous. No, that’s a rude thought.


“Me too! cute girl! Flirt with me!”

“Your being noisy Birdie. Making it too difficult,it’s already forbidden to go to the red light district.”

“You came aswell Root!”

“I didn’t know! You said we were going to a nice place.!”


Right next to “The table with the fight for Alto-sama’s attention.” is us. Saying our lonely story is Me, Root, Birdie making 3 of us.

First of all to my right is Root. Although is appearance may question their gender, the content inside of him is definitely a fine proper boy. The boy part is is of an elegant nature.Even compared to my former world, may exceed that by ten times. Moreover he is a master of wind reading and star reading. He is in charge of navigating the party. And can prepare for some crisis ahead of time.(ぱっと見性別不詳だが、中身は立派に男の子だ。具体的には、男の子の部分が大層立派だった)(TN: this is just to make sure the description is right, also I am making you work Mr.Meh.)

And to my left is the man named Birdie. A stern beard. With a cut on his face, he doesn’t look much like a hero but may be a thief, but is still a very persuasive person.He loves women and likes to visit the red light district. He is responsible for a 3rd of the party. In battle he is the best with a spear in the entire country. Although Alto is pretty close.He is modest and calm while fighting, even though fighting is quite the chaotic event.


“Besides, we already have a cute girl named Fio here.”

“. . . .To not fall victim to Alto’s vicious power is quite the feat.Thou I admit small breast girls are women.”

“. . . . Hey sorry for having small breast. I will never heal Birdie again.”


And my name is Fio in this world. Well my real name is “Fio,Miku” And I am in charge of recovery magic in the party. With long blond hair, child like face, light white skin and white mage clothes. . . . I am a cute girl it seems.

Though as oppose to me and my closest friend request. It seems that I have to come to terms with it. That I do not have a harem, on the contrary I am a harem member.(Think it just means like a part of the girls around a guy, not like the sex stuff.)also(前世の親友よ、頼むからオレを助けて。このままだと下手したら、ハーレムを作るどころか逆にハーレムメンバーにされかねん.)(TN: might just be something else.)

And here she is. Fio

TN here : This one was a long one, at least compared to the normal Aiming for harem queen chapters. Also had a lot of head scratching parts. But besides that I enjoyed this chapter, I am interested and will definitely do the second chapter at-least for the teaser stuff. Also had the whole reverse thing going on, Aiming for harem member main character was the main person, now it is reverse.

I am dropping the Ice sculpture thing, too hard and not interested that much. And also dropping the possible translation of another novel, which was written by the author of “aiming for harem queen” Just because its not completed and ends on a cliff hanger battle. 

I’ll try translating chapter 9 of Pseudo ninja soon, they seems long but I’ll try. And am also closed to finishing the next chapter of Aiming for harem queen cause , well we didn’t even see the introduction for the new members. They were talked about a lot in the previous chapters and then to not even show it kinda feels bad.

So kind of have a lot on my plate it seems but meh it will be alright. I will see if I enjoy translating Psuedo ninja.

OH YAH. I forgot. Somebody posted Ice sculpture on NU , I don’t mind, but im not translating it thats why I didn’t post it , but I guess its good for exposure for somebody else to may be pick it up.

But here are the tags for this novel: R15, Boy Love, Girl love, Different World Reincarnation, Love Comedy , Mental Boy Love, Female clothing, TSF protagonist , Comedy. Author is  Thank you cass or  サンキューカッス but whoever did the last one put the author and everything else. As you can guess may be from the tag, I think this is a yuri story. And here is the Raw: https://ncode.syosetu.com/n9047dz/

The Tip Jar thing :https://ko-fi.com/G2G6EFF3#

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