After a bit of time we were surrounded by the lights and bustle of the district. Although this places isn’t as bright as night life was in Japan. The street had neon lights colored which were powered by light magic. There was a bright sign that said “Bright Street Night”

We walked down the street with dubious lights. The new girl with red curly hair was in the middle of us and had her arms around each of our arms.After the 3 of us had a simple meal at one of the stalls. Birdie skillfully negotiated and got a lounge for a decent price in the center of the city.

The lounge had a tough bed in it, and only a communal bath. Birdie said that the installations were splendid though.

There was crumbling stone that had some repair on it, and there was a tattered door. We opened the door and entered to find a surprise. . . . in a bad way.

“Woooah. . . .”

Between Mine and Biride’s arms, Palme-chan had a cheerful smile. Has her pretty eyes where looking left to right in confusion. We’ll that makes sense if you were to walk into a room and see a triangular wooden bench right in front of you. I guess that’s the splendid installation he was talking about.

“Birdie, did you always have this sort of hobby?”

“No, No. I wonder if this room is just a joke? I said for them to decide the mood.”(この部屋なら話のネタには事欠かんだろう? アレを実際に使うかは、その場のノリで決める。)(TN:not sure honestly.)

“Aah, is that so.”

So we rented a joke room?Well, more or less it seems so. However It might turn off Palme-chan.

“Palme-chan, have you ever done anything like this?”

“Uh, this is my first time.”

“First time, By no means do you mean first time with sex?”

“Ah, no.Sorry my actual first experience. Was when I pushed down my best friends younger brother. He was so cute. . .”

“She is more dangerous then she seems.”

This girl, I thought seemed so simple, but there are some hidden qualities. I wonder if that is needed to be working in the red light district. . . I’m also curious if it got awkward with the best friend.

“W-e-ll! I want to use my secret weapon here. . .Palme-chan have you ever heard of the “Upper medicine”?”

“Eh. . .? Isn’t that a doping medicine used by warrior agents? It’s a temporary strength boost.”

“Yes,it’s a medicine that people like ourselves use when we get caught in a battle.However there are some restrictions on usage. You can only drink up to 1 bottle a day.Do you know what I am talking about?”

“No, I don’t really know.”

“It has a side-effect of heightened arousal. Just with one bottle you wouldn’t be able to sleep at night. With 2 bottles, you would charge the first woman you see.”

“Oi, Birde. What are you thinking?”

“Hey, Palme-chan?  Do you want to try some?”

I never thought that’s what his plan was!

“You idiot! Aphrodisiacs are banned here!”

“Certainly aphrodisiacs are banned. H-o-w-e-v-e-r this is a battle aid potion. And if it’s just one bottle there are no health risk.”

“But it’s used like an Aphrodisiac! If using this leaks out it could put all the women at risk. Some creepy onii-sans would start to coming and going. Also if such a story spreads, the everyone in the party would be killed.”

Even if this guy pays off the girls it isn’t good. In the first place, if the hero’s party is found out that one of its member is bribing people. Our income from the capital would be reduced even more.

“No it’s okay? There is no problem if it’s not an aphrodisiac!”


However, If the person in question Palme-chan acts if nothing happens.

“Is the medicine safe if she takes it? When this guy(Birdie) took it last time went through 3 or 4 people in the sexindrusty and ate non-stop.”

“Ufufu, However I know that medicine is banned here, but I like it intense. So therefore, Let’s drink up! “

“Whoa! This girl is a jackpot Fio! Her honest self is my favorite.”

“Uh. . . .  For real? It’s alright? You might lose your reasoning?”

“Here I come!!!”(バッチ来い! です!)(TN:not sure.)


That night might have been one of my best nights ever.


“Nnn,That was a sleep. . . .”

I woke up on the triangular horse that had a slightly damped area.(少し湿った三角木馬に、朝日が差し込む時間。)(TN:Maybe “Woke up to a damped triangular horse.” Something like that.)

“Ah, Thank you very much for the appointment yesterday.Although It’s regrettable, I have to go now and change my clothes so I can do some business today. If you see me again, please put say hi again!”

The morning sun leaked into the room from the window, Illuminating Palme-chan’s features. She smiled and took the fees and nomination we left on the desk.(ニコリと微笑んだ彼女は、オレ達が用意して机に置いておいた指名料を、遠慮がちに鞄にしまったのだった。)(TN:just making sure and seeing if this affects questions I have later on in this chapter.)

Although we don’t really respond. The two of us don’t move, Birdie was face down on the bed looking dead. Not even a twitch.

“. . . So tired. . .”

“To have more endurance than me a trained soldier, this lady. . . . How can only Palme-chan move?. . .”

Yesterday, Palme-chan drank the upper potion, then requested for our body. At first it was all just smiles, but slowly I started to realize the truth.

Palme-chan never tired. In fact quite the opposite her, demands started to escalate, it began to become more violent play.I am not particularly in good physical shape. I wasn’t able to sleep for more than two hours,there was no mercy.

Everytime I did get to sleep, I was awakened instantly and once again my small petite body with bloodshot eyes was used by Palme-chan to her heart’s content.Apparently she came to me because Birdie was already completely exhausted. And once again my valuable stamina and sleep was eaten up by her. It continued until I fainted again.

Birdie’s soul already left, he is completely empty! She was straddling him mercilessly and running him dry. It might have been good not to be a man in this situation. Palme-chan was mainly focusing on Birdie most of the time. As I thought, she prefers men.

Throughout the night I came to understand. This girl is not just a hit. She is a demon.

She gently wiped off her body and got dressed. I couldn’t see her off so I just raised my hand for a wave in her direction.However she thought I wanted her to grab my hand and carried me on her shoulder.Stop, I don’t plan on doing something like that yet!

. . . . . . .I didn’t expect what she was going to say next.

“Ah, Fio-senpai. Did you want me to escort you? Senpai is amazingly beautiful, Easy to talk to , you definitely belong to an agency place!I will carry you to them-”

“. . . . Huh?”

I have a relationship to the agency?. . . . and Fio-senpai?

“First we’ll head to the nearby boarding house. Then let’s wash your body at once. Birdie-san thank you for your nomination.”

“Wai-. . . I am a lady!?. . .”(I think you know what kind of lady)

What, I thought this girl was not a customer and was actually in that same business!?Certainly there are men and women that visit this district.(まさかオレは、この娘に客じゃ無くて御同業お水と思われてたのか!? まぁ確かにこの街で男女のペアの客なんてそうそうおらんわな。)(TN:not sure I got it right.)

“Yesterday was really enjoyable~. I haven’t hustled that much in a long time!Senpai, I will definitely work with you again.”

“Wait. . . . Wait. . . .”

After I was overwhelmed by Palme-chan and was carried on her back. The perfume was strong as I was carried towards the Ladies of the night dormitory while passing by the ladies. I couldn’t raise my exhausted voice. And because of the sleepless night and being carried by the energetic Palme-chan, I could only groan into her body. I am powerless. Completely helpless.

“It hurts. . .My lower region hurts and my back, what kind of technique did Palme-chan use. . .”

While I was rubbing my back,I walked down the quiet street even though it was noon already. I finally was heading home.

After being kidnapped by Palme-chan I was brought to a boarding house. I had to seriously explain I was just a guest. Because guest/customers cannot view the dormitory and its location as it would ruin their image there was quite the panic and I was quickly wrapped up in a blanket and guided(isolated) to the guest/customer rooms. Where they apologized profusely.There was also a freighting onii-sans who came in and didn’t say a word.

The nomination and fee we delivered to Plame-chan was about to be returned in full as an apology however I declined.Instead I got a complimentary ticket to one of the agency ladies. I didn’t want to take Palme-chan’s nomination and fee away, cause as a new face there, it would put a lot of stress on her to have it taken away.

Palme-chan’s higher ups were quite angry with her and were very harsh. . . although I couldn’t see it.Though the person doing the scolding was enjoying it. I wonder how her session go?(そのパルメちゃんはと言えば上の人に散々に怒られて酷く気落ち・・・しているようには見えなかった。なんか頬を染めて、怒られてるのに明らかに悦んでいた。どうしよう、彼女底が知れない。)(TN:i know it’s not right.)

Various things happened until I was finally released and escorted away by scary onii-sans . And with that,I headed to the hotel where my party and friends are staying.


“We-lco-me-ba-ck,? Fio?”

At the entrance of the inn, there was a something of a lump of meat at the edge of the street, and next to it was Root with a smile and his arms crossed.

. . . . . I see.

“Hey,Fio. Where did you go off to yesterday? Why are you returning home at such an hour?”

“. . . Y-yesterday, I-I actually went to search for the devil king myself and found a devil king like person. So you can praise me now,Root.”

Unfortunately my excuse wasn’t accepted by Root. The number of lumps of meat at the edge of the street increased to two.

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