Tsumi Kake Tensei Ryoushu no Kaikaku

Episode Five: Suspect in Fire

A Kingsguard came to report under the Solas, who were in the process of wrapping up the party.

"What's the status of the demon cave?

Sola, who had looked out the window many times, had noticed that the fire had been safely quenched, so she asked about the scale of the damage.

"The wizard's house has burned down all two, and all four have been destroyed. The Wang Metropolitan Guard has hit the extinguishing fire and the Guard is still restricting access to the demon cave. Restrictions on access will continue until the site is cleared."

Prince Wang exhales in relief at the report of the Kingsguard.

The entry into the demon cave will be after tomorrow morning, as the damage is less than imagined, but the field verification cannot take place during the night.

Sora puts her arms together and raises further questions for the Kingsguard.

"Suspicious fire?


The Kingsguard nods with a serious look.

"It's a fire in a cave that doesn't use much fire, so the Wangdu Guard is also hitting the investigation with a line of fire. As soon as we got to the scene, we split it it between those who hit the fire extinguishers and those looking for witnesses and suspects, and it seemed we had some success."

"The suspect has already been narrowed down? That's amazing."

Prince Wang praises the defense team with joy.

Contrary to Prince Wang, Sola has a bad feeling and frowns.

"So, what's the achievement?

"... the stranger stands out as the demon cave is an area not very close to any other than the inhabitants. So I checked out the strangers who went into and out of the demon today and found two that went into and out of the house where the fire originated.... Your Highness, may I say this on this occasion?

A Kingsguard asks Prince Wang if he cares about Sola and Chaff and Baron Brian.

They are hesitant to let Sola and the others hear about the suspicious fire in Wang Du.

Prince Wang gives "no problem," he says.

The Kingsguard opens his mouth as he cares about Sola.

"The house from which the fire originated had a family member on a journey for a long time, and there were those who had entered this house with a key. My neighbor's testimony is that he was just cleaning, and he's not the kind of kid who would light a fire."

"- What's your name?

A Kingsguard pinches for a moment and reports to Sola, who made an enquiry with a sharp voice.

"He's a bear beast named Sania."

"What ⁉"

It was Chaff who stood up surprised.

"Sania wouldn't have done that ⁉"

"Viscount Trinen, in front of His Highness."

Baron Brian, who was next door, pulls the hem of Chaff's clothes back to the chair.

Chaff frowned and looked at the Kingsguard as he returned to his chair.

"I heard there were two suspects, but the other was a flamethrower on Sania's escort?


"That's impossible. You think a flamethrower would set fire to that?

A Kingsguard looks bitter in the voice of Chaff, who has not been able to hide his frustration.

I guess the Kingsguard thinks it's weird too.

Sora exhales a long sigh and rises.

"Your Highness, I will go home first. We need to find out a few things."

"You have no choice. I can't hit my hand right now because I don't have any more information, and you can go home first. The Eastern aristocrats are going to say something, so I just want to put in place some measures."

Prince Wang waves his hand flashly and gives permission for Sola to return home.

"As soon as the Continuing News comes in, I'll send a messenger to Sir Sola's house, so just be prepared"

"It helps. Now if you'll excuse me."

Thora, who was going to leave without permission, was already away from the table.

When I left the venue early on, Gorge was already turning the carriage.

Sounds like you're listening.

"I just heard from Lord Razette. Lord Sania has already returned to the Mansion."

"Okay. Hurry up."

Sora hurries Gorge, who boarded the carriage and closed the door herself.

As she hurries down the road to the mansion, Sola recalls Count Melovyn's attitude at the party.

"If it's an Eastern aristocracy trick, you've got it all figured out"

If you set fire to it in Wangdu, you will be immediately charged with treason.

I would not have accepted Sora as a subject to be eliminated after considering the risk of being convicted of treason.

Even if the fire broke out, if the damage was small, the royal family would not be guilty of fear of the departure of the Eastern aristocracy.

Prince Wang's thought southern western aristocratic faction has also just moved out and lacks cohesion, and cannot fight the eastern aristocracy from the front.

It's the only measure I can take right now, so I guess I ignored some risks and hung on to eliminating Sola.

Sora, who arrived at the mansion, immediately got off the carriage and went to the dining room where Sania waited with Razette, who was waiting at the front door.

I hear Col distracted and brewed. Sania, who was drinking hot milk, looks at Sola and stands up.

"- You can stay seated. Cole, I need some herbal tea."

Sola spoke to Col in the kitchen and sat face to face with Sania.

Sania sat back in her chair and leaned down.

"I'm sorry I bothered you"

"It's not like you're apologizing. Let me talk to you."

Receiving the herbal tea that Col brought, Sora takes a sip and encourages her to talk.

Sania spoke up as a bummer.

"I've been going to the demon cave and cleaning my master's house since about the evening when Sola went to the party. I also read the materials and stuff. Leaving the house was already dark, but the demons were bright, so I didn't light the lamp until I left the demons"

"You haven't dealt with all the fire since you went into the demon cave, have you?

As Sora pressed in precaution, Sania snorted. A flamethrower who was an escort next door guarantees Sania's words.

"I said hello to the neighbor, so I'm sure you'll be able to corroborate the time before the fire starts."

"How long did it take before the fire broke out?

"I found out there was a fire when I came back to the mansion and realized the demon cave sky was bright"

Based on Sania's testimony, Sola will have to estimate the time from the demon cave to the mansion.

"Sania and the others walked home, didn't they? Have you stopped somewhere?

"It's on foot. I went to a drinker called Kern's Box to buy the cooking liquor that Mr. Cole had asked for."

If Sania's testimony is correct, there will have been a fire about a minute after she left the demon cave.

Suspected of using a carriage can prove absenteeism enough. If testimony can be obtained from the wizard in the neighborhood of the house from which the fire originated or from the owner of Kern's box, the Sanians will be removed from the suspect.

"Did you tell that story to the King's Capital Guard who came to investigate?

"I told you. It's just that the Wangdu Guard is here, not the Wangdu Guard."

The lower organization of the Wangdu Guard, the Wangdu Guard, is an organization that protects the security of the Wangdu. Gorges, it's the ancient nest of the Flame Squad.

The investigation of the fire is probably also the job of the guards who grasp policing.

Strange, Sora frowns.

The Kingsguard who came to report to the party venue has named Sania as a suspect.

But it was natural to remove them from the suspect when the Sania and the others' testimony was corroborated.

It's also possible that the Kingsguard came to report before the guards could pass on Sania and the others' testimony.

But there must have been circumstantial evidence to give you the name of Sora's neighbor, the Count, as a suspect.

Because he's an animal man, the idea comes to mind for a moment, and Sola stands up.

"Sania wait here. Cooperate as much as possible in the investigation, but don't leave the mansion for whatever reason."

When Sora orders, Razette, who was listening, snaps her neck and pinches her doubts.

"There's a chance that the guards or something will come and temporarily demand a pattern, right?

"Say no, even if His Majesty the King comes directly aboard, drive him back"

"You're saying amazing things"

Razette shrugged, grinning and cheering.

"- Yes, I did. I'll sprinkle the salt too."

"Do that. Gorge, go out to the demon cave with Lulu. I'll get Lulu. I need you to turn the carriage around."

As Sola drank herbal tea and tried to go get Lulu, Lulu stood dressed in outdoor clothes at the entrance to the dining room.

"You're going to the demon cave, aren't you? Take me."

They were going to go to the demon cave and participate in the field verification before they called me.

Sola grinned and nodded at Lulu's motivation as he was fully prepared.

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