The Royal VIP box on the second floor of Blue Harbor Bar.

   Gathered the darlings of the gods who dominate the upper-class society of City A, the young sons of several big families in City A, and the new generation of men's gods screaming for all women.


  In the confusing and confusing lighting effects---

  The men picked up the goblets on the glazed coffee table, filled with attractive red liquid, and toasted in the same direction in the box.

  Along with the deafening music from the stereo, the men shouted in unison carnivally,

  "Welcome to return to China in Season Three!!"

  I saw---

  On the luxurious and soft dark brown sofa, in the middle of the pure black shadow that the lamp shadow did not hit, slowly---

   A figure leaned forward slightly, gradually looming out of the black.


Original silver handmade haute couture Armani casual shirt, the button happens to be the third one, vaguely revealing the man’s alluring chest, wild and unruly, like a **** cheetah in the dark night .

   Pure white casual trousers that do not tolerate any profanity, wrapped the two long, lazy, curled up legs, and the slightly rolled up trouser legs, revealing a faintly healthy ankle.

  Wear a pair of tender pink hand-made brooch casual shoes~~

  Sure enough, the best poo...

  The man’s big hand picked up the glass of amber-colored luxury red wine on the glazed glass.

  The exquisite Baccarat crystal wine glass reflects the slightly rough palm of a man, and even each handprint is like a carved hand of God, without the slightest mess.

  Long fingers, **** but without the slightest feminine hooks, slightly picked, shaking the amber goblet.

  The contours of the man’s cheeks, along with the water lines that wash away in the wine glass, become more and more clear---

   Those thick eyebrows that are as strong as swords, the tail of the eyebrows is slightly raised, and there is a natural evil spirit in the frenzy. The tall nose bridge makes all the women who have crazy plastic surgery and pad noses can only sigh collectively.

   is obviously a man, but he was born with a thin lips that is even redder than a woman, but it does not make people feel sick at all. On the contrary, it adds a bonus to the man's cheeks that are so evil and angry.

And that short natural flax hair, looming earlobe, and on the left ear, an earring with the most silver diamond from the outer space galaxy black diamond series, its value, I am afraid it is difficult to use one on the earth The specific figures are measured.


  The man's slightly constricted eyelids, mottled flashes in the charm of light and shadow, slender and curled eyelashes, "pop", open it lazily, and instantly---

  I just felt that the entire originally dim and dim box had shot out a stunning light, and condensed the colorful ball of light on the crystal ceiling!

  A pair of pure black eyes like obsidian, as if they were soaked by a layer of silver flowing fire from the universe. They were so cold and detached from the darkness, but in a trance they bumped into that rolling arrogant flame!

   is such a man, who collectively threw out more than one street of all the male gods in the entire box who were on the top of the "Yan Control Billboard" in City A.


  The third master of Ji, the current president of the Ji Group, which controls the lifeline of City A and even the global economy, and the third master of the Ji family---Ji Tianqi.

There are four children in the Ji family, namely Tianmo, Tianming, Tianqi, and Tianmiao. Ji Tianqi is the third child. In order not to rename them as their father, Ji Er, the outside world unanimously calls Ji Tianqi. Ji San is missing.

Anyone who has seen the Ji family knows that of the four children of the Ji family, the eldest son Ji Tianming and their daddy Ji Er are almost carved out of the same mold, and the younger son is Ji Tianqi, but it is their parents' appearance. The fit, that face is absolutely enchanting.

  External rumors, the three young masters of the Ji family are perverse, violent, unpredictable, and cold-blooded. No one can guess what this man is thinking or what he is going to do next.

  There are even more rumors that Ji’s 30-year-old was a young man, and he was so romantic, but suddenly one day, he never touched any woman again. Even playing fiercely with the international film and television superstar Jue Shao...


  Evil evil's red lips slightly aroused, and the corners of the thin lips pick up an evil arc, like a demon who smiles carelessly, a supreme man who is born with nobleness and evil spirits!


  With the continuous curvature of the red lips, the man's voice came out from his throat. He hadn't even drank a sip, but the enchanting voice made people drunk.

  In the Baccarat crystal wine glass, the amber liquid kissed the man’s wicked red lips. It was obvious that such lazy and casual movements showed a kingly evil nature.

  Louis XIII’s luxurious taste is diffused in the sensitive taste buds of men,

  The man has red lips sexy,


  Extreme red wine with supreme man.



  In the box of boiling cheers, a cell phone bell sounded a little abruptly.

  Ji Tianqi’s personal phone.

  Ji Tianqi lazily put the phone close to her ear, while listening, she slightly pursed her lips, and the aroma of wine between her teeth became more intense.

Suddenly, Ji Tianqi's thick eyebrows raised a little deeper, and a cold light shot out from his black eyes that made people tremble, but in a flash, he smiled with a playful evil spirit, exuding scary but irresistible. The enchanting charm of the attraction.

   Looking up, Louis XIII in the Baccarat crystal wine glass drank all of it.

  The enchanting red lips slightly raised,

   "Brothers, I'll go to collect the demon first, you drink first."

  Speaking, Ji Tianqi’s smiling mouth was even more frivolous.


  A pillow made of black silver silk hardcover, traversed a beautiful arc in the lively and unusual box, and then flew towards a certain man.

  By the way, there was another jubilant howl flying out of the corner,

   "Ji San, can't you laugh so coquettishly/soriously?

  I'm a superb evildoer, and still go to collect demons?

  Since you entered the door, your respectful face has been narcissistically upward at a forty-five degree angle, and I saw that I got goose bumps all over my body--"

  A man's words are not finished yet, but there is another "swish"---

  I saw---

  Ji Tianqi’s long legs in white trousers faintly cocked, and decisively wrapped in tender pink leather shoes, he kicked the pillow that flew back towards him and sent it back...

  By the way, the pink leather shoes of the saucy bag shuddered arrogantly, like loosening the muscles and bones, loosening the muscles and bones...

  Then, the jubilant howl in a corner turned into a howl of wailing,

   "Wow~~Lao Tzu's nose---!"

  The young master of the Xiao family, Xiao Jintang, is definitely his father's own birth.

  In the box, a group of male gods cast contemptuous eyes at a certain man.


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