“I seem to know the playback order, it should be according to the order in which we came to the villa this morning.”

Lu Zhou felt that he had summed up the rules.

“The first is me, the second is Jiajia, and if the third I remember correctly, it should be Chu Yao?”

Chu Yao nodded, “I was indeed the third to arrive at the villa in the morning.”

“Then let’s verify and see if I’m right.”

Lu Zhou clicked on the next recording to play it.

“I am Chu Yao’s predecessor.”

The sound of the voice changer sounded, and the first words revealed the information.

There was an excited cheer in the dining room: “Lu Zhou, you really guessed right!”

Lu Zhou raised his hand and stroked his bangs, deliberately making a very annoying expression, “Please call me Detective Lu Zhou!”

Everyone “scoffed” and laughed.

The recording continued to play –

“Yaoyao she is not a girl who will fall in love easily, and she needs others to slowly open her heart and enter her heart in order to touch the softness in her heart.

She can have today’s results, I have witnessed all the way, this road is quite difficult.

Don’t look at her appearance like a literary and weak woman, but in fact, she is very strong and ambitious.

Yaoyao’s learning ability is very strong, she can solve many things in life by herself, it can be said that a proper female man is very worry-free, and at the same time very distressing. I

don’t know if she’ll meet someone new here…”

The recording played here, paused for a short while, and then there was a slight chok, and after a while, he continued:

“If she has a more suitable fate, I hope that person will learn to be considerate of her and take care of her more, she really deserves more love.”

The voice after the voice change sounded less emotionally real, but despite this, it was not difficult to hear that Chu Yao’s predecessor moved the truth when recording.

This recording is moving.

Chu Yao’s eyes were red, tears unconsciously overflowed the corners of her eyes, she quickly raised her hand to cover her forehead, wiped her tears with her fingertips, and didn’t want others to see her embarrassed appearance of crying.

Ye Fangfei, who was sitting next to her, silently handed her a box of drawers.

“Thank you.” Chu Yao’s voice was a little hoarse.

Li Jiayan inexplicably followed with emotion, and her eyes were teary.

Wen Yiming, who was sitting opposite her, saw it, casually drew a tissue in front of Chu Yao and handed it to Li Jiayan, and said with a smile: “Why are you crying too?”

Li Jiayan wiped the corners of her eyes and laughed, “I think it’s so touching.”

Chu Yao was amused by her and sighed, “You are too cute.” After

a moment of relief from the sadness, the recording of the ex’s introduction continued.

“Please be the next ready, friendly reminder, it is better to prepare paper towels first.” Lu Zhou said amusedly, trying to make the atmosphere better.

When Wen Yiming heard this, he immediately sat up straight and said, “The next one seems to have arrived for me, right?”

Lu Zhou: “The answer will be revealed immediately.” The

recording starts playing –

“I am Wen Yiming’s predecessor.”

Sure enough, it was Wen Yiming, and the playback order was really in the order of staying in the villa in the morning.

“Yiming is very sunny and arguably the most cheerful person I have ever gotten along with so far.

He has a good temper, when he goes out to party with a group of friends, with him, he will definitely not be cold, he is simply a warm-up master.

Don’t look at him giggling, in fact, sometimes he is more sensitive in his heart.

He rarely gets angry, but seriously getting angry is not an ordinary difficult to coax.

If he likes it, he likes sports very much, which can be known by his figure.

Believe me, with him, your figure will get better before you know it.

Wen Yiming’s predecessor didn’t give him a long evaluation, but it was basically good words, even like a good word that actively pushed him to others.

After Wen Yiming listened, his heart finally fell back and he breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

Qi Feifei: “I found that so far, the girls have been very friendly to their ex!”

Li Jiayan nodded in approval, “Yes, girls may be more likely to be soft-hearted and reluctant to say that the other party is not good.”

Xu Junze looked at Li Jiayan and reminded: “This should have nothing to do with gender.”

Li Jiayan suddenly realized that she had said something she shouldn’t say, and this kind of remarks about gender confrontation in front of the camera is taboo and easy to be scolded.

“Ready to play the next one.” Lu Zhou interrupted and led away this sensitive topic.

The recordings introduced by the predecessor begin to play for the next set.

“I am Li Jiayan’s ex.”

At the same time as the voice sounded, Li Jiayan shrunk his neck embarrassedly and muttered, “Is it so fast to me?”

Wen Yiming, who was sitting opposite, glanced at her affectionately and couldn’t help but smile.

Everyone was quiet and listening carefully to the recording.

“We were very young when we fell in love, and my impression of Yan Yan was actually stuck in her teens. At that time, she was a girl who looked obedient and well-behaved on the surface, but in fact she was quite rebellious inside. Yan

Yan usually likes to play music, she is a girl who plays the piano and can shine. I remember that she especially liked sweets when she was angry, and she was crazy about eating desserts

when she was angry, and after eating, she was worried that she would gain weight, and then she ruthlessly fasted desserts for a month, fasting period, and every time she passed by the dessert shop, she looked pitifully at it, which was very cute.

By the way, she is actually a little bit of face control and figure control, if any boy in the show intends to pursue her, the experience that comes over to give you is, take good care of your image, be diligent in fitness, and… Be good to her.

Regarding Li Jiayan’s introduction, listening to some funny picture sense in everyone’s mind, they couldn’t help but laugh.

“It’s too cute to binge eat dessert and fast for another month, right?” Ye Fangfei smiled into crescent eyes, and she was cute as a girl.

Li Jiayan smiled coyly at everyone with a hot face, “In the sweet tooth, I am too undisciplined.”

Wen Yiming raised his eyebrows and said, “Say that you are not self-disciplined, but you have to fast for a month, is this self-discipline or undiscipline?”

“It should be considered self-discipline in undiscipline.” Xu Junze said with a smile.

Chu Yao: “What about you playing tongue twisters?”

Li Jiayan was embarrassed by the chat, secretly glanced at Lu Zhou, and said: “Thank you to my predecessor’s subordinates for showing mercy and describing such an interesting me to everyone.”

Lu Zhou next to him smiled and said in his heart: each other.

At this time, Wen Yiming, who was sitting opposite, captured a very important information from the recording just now: Li Jiayan is a face control and body control!

After learning this information, he felt his back straighten a lot.

I don’t know if Li Jiayan’s standards are high? If it is high, then the four male guests here, if they can say that they can meet the two standards of face control and body control at the same time, there are only two people, right?

One is him, and the other is Lu Zhou!

Does that mean that Lu Zhou is Li Jiayan’s ex-boyfriend?

Wen Yiming’s eyes lit up when he thought of this, did he successfully capture a pair?

And in that recording, another very interesting point is that Li Jiayan’s predecessor’s final introduction content began to support other men on how to pursue Li Jiayan.

This is a broad mind that a man can only have if he completely puts down, right?

If you push it this way, isn’t he the only ideal type of Li Jiayan in this show now?

Thinking of this, Wen Yiming smiled unconsciously.

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