The next day, just after dawn, a figure walked out of the pink hut.

Looking at it, it was Ye Fangfei, she directly got into the nanny car that came to pick her up, and left.

After almost an hour, the other sleeping guests in the villa moved one after another.

First, Xu Junze got up to make breakfast in the kitchen, and not long after that, Li Jiayan also got up.

“Huh? Early! Li Jiayan met Xu Junze in the kitchen, and after being surprised, he smiled and said hello: “I thought I was the first to get up, but I didn’t expect you to be earlier than me.”

“Why don’t you sleep in today, Sunday? Are you going out later? Xu Junze put out the freshly fried egg and beat another extra egg into the pot.

“Well, there’s work today. What about you?

Li Jiayan took a sip of warm water from a water cup, stood on the edge of the kitchen counter, and watched Xu Junze expertly fry eggs.

“We both have the same illness, and we have to go to work on the big weekend.” Xu Junze touched the egg with a spatula and asked, “Is this an egg fried for you, do you want to eat a little more cooked?”

Li Jiayan raised her eyebrows in surprise, “Ah, Junze, you are so good!” Good work, I like to cook a little bit, thank you!

Hearing the soft and sweet voice early in the morning is quite pleasant.

“You’re welcome, should I take other people’s shares?” Are you the only female guest up? Xu Junze asked as if unintentionally, while busy.

Li Jiayan: “My roommate Chu Yao is still asleep, Jiajia and Fang Fei’s room is closed, I don’t know if they are up.”

“That shouldn’t have gotten up.” Xu Junze got all the prepared breakfast into the plate and divided it, then handed Li Jiayan a copy and said, “Come on, let’s have breakfast.”

“I originally planned to go to the company to eat, but I didn’t expect you to solve my breakfast directly.” Li Jiayan said with a smile.

The two moved to the table together to eat.

At this time, Wen Yiming also got up, and just walked over to see this scene, “You two actually ate so early?”

After the three said hello, Xu Junze said with a smile: “You come one step later, come a little earlier, I just made your share together.”

Wen Yiming moved his muscles in place, then went to the kitchen to pour a glass of water, gurgled and drank, and said, “I’ll eat later at the company.”

“Yiming, do you want to have a job today?” Li Jiayan asked.

“Yes.” Wen Yiming nodded, he looked back and forth at Li Jiayan and Xu Junze, and said, “Tonight is announcing the profession, I’m curious about the nature of your work.”

“I’m curious about everyone, too.” Li Jiayan looked down at the time, found that the time was a little too late, quickly got up, and said: “No, I’m going to be late, I have to leave quickly, Junze, thank you for breakfast!”

Xu Junze: “So rushed?”

Wen Yiming: “I’m leaving too, Jiayan, which district are you going to?” If it’s along the way, I’ll send you.”

Li Jiayan waved his hand and refused, “Thank you Yiming, it won’t take up your time, I’ll drive over by myself a little faster.”

Wen Yiming: “…”

Xu Junze almost didn’t hold back a laugh next to him, but finally held back, “Jiayan, don’t forget that we will come back to cook tonight.”

Li Jiayan patted her head and said with a smile: “Yes! Then I’ll try to come back as early as possible.

With that, she left quickly.

Not long after, Wen Yiming and Xu Junze also left.

When Lu Zhou got up, it was already past nine o’clock, and Zhang Chen was still sleeping in the room.

Chu Yao was doing yoga on the balcony on the second floor, and when he saw Lu Zhou, he smiled from afar, which was counted as saying hello.

Lu Zhou went downstairs to find something to eat, and Qi Jiajia was nibbling on milk soaked cereal in the dining room.

“Wouldn’t you? You’re going to eat this?

“A must for lazy people.” Qi Jiajia said with a smile.

Lu Zhou rummaged through the refrigerator to see what was delicious, searched for a circle, and finally gave up, took out a bowl, and also began to learn Qi Jiajia to make milk bubble cereal.

Qi Jiajia couldn’t help but laugh: “Hahaha! We must be one attribute.

“What a nutritious and healthy breakfast.” Lu Zhou swallowed the cereal expressionlessly.

“That’s not what you just said.” Qi Jiajia was about to laugh crazy.

Lu Zhou was quite thick-skinned, and did not blush because of what he had just said.

After Qi Jiajia was happy for a while, he secretly looked at Lu Zhou.

Don’t say, she looks really handsome, if you look for a man, just look at the condition of appearance, then Lu Zhou will definitely be her first choice.

After getting along last night, Lu Zhou’s overall impression of Qi Jiajia was not bad, and she had a good impression of him.

However, men who are handsome and cannot be eaten as food… Among the four male guests, Lu Zhou’s

dress is the most simple, if just looking at his appearance can really judge a man’s financial strength, then Lu Zhou has lost too much compared with the other three…

Not necessarily, some men prefer to keep a low profile.

Therefore, Qi Feifei felt that it was more reliable to wait for the announcement of the profession tonight before making the next move.

Moreover, Lu Zhou’s bedtime text message last night did not send her, indicating that in his heart, she was not his first favorite female guest, so let’s all wait and see.

Lu Zhou, who was eating breakfast seriously, did not notice at all that Qi Jiajia, who was sitting opposite him, was exuding such rich mental activity towards himself at the moment.

He settled breakfast as quickly as he could, and then went out.

Yesterday, Lu Zhou and Pan Chengyi made an appointment to meet at the designated recording studio at eleven o’clock this morning, after all, it is possible to ask someone to help, and it is not good to be late.

Before going out, producer PD Zhao Xing asked him on his mobile phone what he was going to do when he went out today, it was not convenient for the program team to follow the film, whether he used the program group car and many other details.

Lu Zhou refused to follow the photographer, only saying that he was going to work, and then took a taxi to the agreed recording studio.

Before eleven o’clock, Lu Zhou arrived at his destination.

The recording studio is a large studio, which is more luxurious.

When Lu Zhou entered, Pan Chengyi was busy supervising the singer to make a record, and there was no extra time to take care of him, so he simply said hello to him and asked him to wait on the sofa next to him.

Pan Chengyi is a man who looks to be in his thirties, with his long shoulder-length hair, and he looks like an artist, but he looks a little serious.

Lu Zhou sat down on the sofa and found that there were three other boys sitting on the other end of the couch, all of them young and handsome, and their ages looked almost 16-18 years old.

It should be a group of newcomers who have just debuted or have not yet debuted.

After Lu Zhou sat down, the three boys also looked at him curiously a few times, and when they saw faces they didn’t know, they continued to immerse themselves in their own world.

“Again, the last bite is unclear.”

“Breath a little steadier, come again.”

“Give a little more affection, come again.”


While waiting, the sound engineer’s voice has been lingering in his ears, constantly “again”, “again”, “again”. Later, the

boy who recorded the song in the recording studio finished recording it, and he looked like he was singing prostrate.

“I haven’t been able to find my state today, and I feel like my throat is almost dumb.”

“Me too, no state, not playing well.”

“Me too…”

The three boys on the sofa chatted with the new boy, and Lu Zhou listened silently on the side, without speaking.

“That, I’m sorry, I’ve waited a long time.”

Pan Chengyi was busy with the work at hand, and finally had time to come over to take care of Lu Zhou.

“Wherever, I bothered you.” Lu Zhou smiled and got up and shook his hand.

“Nan Joe said that you want to make a song yourself, and you are looking for resources in the recording studio, tell me about it, what are your own requirements? Do you want the all-inclusive service? Or just recording?

Pan Chengyi also did not detour and went straight to the point.

“Nan Qiao should have mentioned it to you, right? I am an independent music producer, if you really have the need to make songs, you can find me to cooperate, and I can do whatever type of song you want.

“After cooperating with me, what arrangement, what to find a recording studio to worry about whether the equipment is good, the post-production technology can not pass, these chores do not need to worry about you, you will be responsible for singing well at that time, and the rest will be handed over to me, and you can coordinate it for you.”

“The price… Acquaintances introduce it, so let’s give you a seven-nine discount.

Before Lu Zhou could reply, Pan Chengyi immediately put himself on Amway first.

This really made Lu Zhou stunned for a moment.

“Thank you Brother Yi, next time I have the opportunity to find you to cooperate, this time I already have an arranger, so I want to find a studio with good hardware equipment to simply record a sound.”

Lu Zhou declined Pan Chengyi’s enthusiastic invitation to cooperate.

If it weren’t for the tight hands recently, he wouldn’t have looked for a recording studio to screen several and have not yet decided.

It’s not that he really can’t find a hardware device that meets his requirements, but the recording studios he found on the Internet that meet his conditions are overbidding, the price he thinks is reasonable, and the equipment is not good…

With his economic level, where can he afford to invite the music producers that Nan Qiao introduced to him to coordinate for him…

Lu Zhou originally thought that Pan Chengyi would instantly lose his enthusiasm after listening to his refusal, and even the recording studio resources were too lazy to continue to introduce him… Unexpectedly, he didn’t, and even his face didn’t change, but he nodded his head in understanding.

“This way.” Pan Chengyi opened his arm and gestured to Lu Zhou the recording studio they were in, saying, “Then let’s see if the configuration of this recording studio meets your requirements.”

Lu Zhou had already read the equipment introduction of the recording studio when they were just recording songs, and he couldn’t help but smile when he heard Pan Chengyi ask this.

“Of course, this shed must have met the requirements, but the price…”

He trailed his tail and probed tentatively. “The price depends on which model you want to take, there are by the hour,

and there are also calculated according to how many songs you want to record, calculated by the hour, this studio is usually about 1,000 yuan an hour.”

Pan Chengyi was also unambiguous and directly told him the price.

“This shed my friend’s, if you really want to use it, I’ll go back and discuss with him to see if I can give you a discount.”

Lu Zhou: “Thank you Brother Yi.”

Pan Chengyi suddenly thought about it, looked back at Lu Zhou, and said, “You just said that you already have an arrangement?”


“So did you have a score? Anyway, today I chartered, originally thought to record a whole day, today to see their progress, it is estimated that it will take another two or three hours to finish, if you have time, when we finish recording, the rest of the time can be recorded for you for free, anyway, empty is also empty.

Lu Zhou didn’t expect to encounter such a good thing when he came to this trip today.

“How embarrassing is that…”

Out of politeness, Lu Zhou pretended to push back.

“Well, if you feel embarrassed, you can record it another day after spending money to buy time.”


After living for so long, Lu Zhou is really rare to see someone like Pan Chengyi who does not communicate according to routines. Shouldn’t a normal person reply to him – “they are all friends, what’s so embarrassing”?

“Then I will thank Brother Yi a lot! Next time if there’s something I can help with, just tell me.

Lu Zhou quickly changed his words and stopped twisting.

The sky really drops pies, don’t pick up white, don’t pick up!

Halfway through they went out for lunch, and Pan Chengyi continued to record songs with his four young men.

In fact, it is a relatively simple song, and there is no need for special singing skills, they have basically recorded it in the morning, and then pick the details in the afternoon and record some things that feel bad.

Pan Chengyi had not misestimated the time before, and in the end, it took almost 2.5 hours to complete their task today.

“The rest of the time is yours, have fun!”

Pan Chengyi slumped on the sofa and said to Lu Zhou.

Lu Zhou glanced at him gratefully, and walked over to communicate with the recording engineer.

The time has come to 16:45.

Lu Zhou was waiting for them to record and received a message from Zhao Xing, hoping that he would try to return to the Pink Cabin before 19 o’clock tonight.

So he doesn’t have much time to record, about an hour.

But he thought, enough is enough.

Pan Chengyi has worked for most of the day, and now he is so tired that he just wants to play with his mobile phone on the sofa to let his brain rest, and he is not very interested in what song Lu Zhou will record next.

Even the expensive recording studio can’t afford to rent, you don’t need to think about it, you can guess, what level of producer Lu Zhou will find to write songs for him…

Pan Chengyi was addicted to passing the time in short videos on his mobile phone, until he vaguely heard Lu Zhou and the sound engineer communicate with the recorder and mentioned the accompaniment of the violin to be recorded, and finally raised his head in surprise.

Well? He didn’t hear it, did he?

Isn’t this guy coming to record the vocal part?

Does he know the violin?

Didn’t Nan Qiao say that he used to be an idol trainee?

It is rare for idol trainees to understand the violin, and they usually know more piano and guitar.

Even if they know the instrument, they go into the studio to record songs, usually do not choose to record the accompaniment part of the instrument themselves, and the instrument is generally handed over to a more professional person, unless he himself is very professional and confident in himself.

This Lu Zhou’s operation is stunning.

Is it too poor? Don’t have the money to hire a professional person to do the actual recording of the instrument, so you can only do it yourself?

But…… If you really have no money, directly use the MIDI keyboard to tune the tone, there is no problem, but there is only a little less spirituality, not in the way.

If you play it yourself and use the live version, the effect may be counterproductive, isn’t it difficult for the mixer?

While Pan Chengyi was muttering in his heart, the sound engineer had already helped Lu Zhou get the equipment he needed, and then withdrew from the recording studio and played with his mobile phone at his workstation.

Pan Chengyi frowned when he saw it, thinking that he did not take Lu Zhou’s recording producer seriously, and suddenly said with a serious face:

“Why do you still play differentiated? Although Lu Zhou was temporarily requested by me to add the recording, but anyway, it is the person I arranged, can you be serious.

The sound engineer turned back with a confused look, the corners of his mouth twitched twice, raised his finger to Lu Zhou in the recording studio, and said: “It’s not… He said he didn’t need me to produce…”

Pan Chengyi: “Huh?

This Lu Zhou, the tumultuous operation is a bit much.

The sense of curiosity in his heart became stronger and stronger, Pan Chengyi picked up his mobile phone and got up from the sofa, walked over and said, “Let me look at his score.”

However, before he reached the monitor, he heard a prelude to a violin tune in the recording room.

Just tuning, it’s already silky!

Pan Chengyi froze and raised his eyebrows to look at Lu Zhou in the recording studio.

This professional piano playing posture? This serious and charming expression?

Hey? What’s the situation?

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