Lu Zhou and Qi Jiajia were the last to return to the Pink Cottage on a date.

“Anyone want a late-night snack?” We brought back with a barbecue. Qi Jiajia raised the packing box in his hand and asked the other guests sitting in the living room who had already returned.

“So good! I want to eat! Ye Fangfei was quite interested in this, and was the first to step forward to take the food.

After Zhang Chen saw it, he raised his eyebrows and asked, “Did you not eat enough tonight?”

When Xu Junze heard this, he touched the bridge of his nose embarrassedly, always feeling that these words seemed to contain something to him.

At this time, Ye Fangfei had quickly opened the lunch box and said, “I just want to eat.”

Li Jiayan also came over and joined in the excitement, “I also want to eat something.”

Gradually, everyone joined the ranks of eating late-night snacks. Wen Yiming leaned back on the sofa, observing Lu Zhou and Qi Jiajia, looking back and forth, and laughing

and ridiculing: “Lu Zhou, Jiajia, it seems that you two have a lot of fun tonight?” This point is willing to come back.

Qi Jiajia may have eaten too much barbecue and was thirsty, and was gurgling and drinking cold and white, wiped the corners of his mouth when he heard this, glanced at Lu Zhou, and felt that he needed to explain:

“It’s that I suddenly have to work overtime tonight, delayed for more than two hours, and I almost missed the music festival, but Lu Zhou people are very good and have waited for me patiently for a long time.”

The others looked surprised when they heard this.

Qi Jiajia said, took out his mobile phone and handed it to everyone to see.

“Lu Zhou danced on stage tonight, do you know? At that time, the handsome girl, the girls below were screaming…”

“Yes?” Li Jiayan was the first to lean over to watch the video, and the appearance of the man glowing on the stage made her feel both familiar and strange.

Wen Yiming: “Yo yo, Lu Zhou has finally enlarged his professional skills!”

Lu Zhou smiled awkwardly, and he didn’t know if it was his illusion, he always felt that Wen Yiming was in a yin and yang strange atmosphere.

Ye Fangfei carefully watched the dance in the video, nibbling on roasted corn while looking at Lu Zhou and asking, “Freestyle?” Professional

is different, and you can see the clues at a glance.

Lu Zhou smiled and said, “Yes.”

Ye Fangfei nodded and praised: “Handsome, the dance is good.”

Zhang Chen next to him frowned lightly and glanced at Lu Zhou lightly.

Annoying, how did Ye Fangfei communicate with this street goods to a level?

Dancing a little, huh? No, another day he will also go to a teacher to learn it!

Li Jiayan on the side looked at this video, and couldn’t tell what it was like.

“Wow! Lu Zhou, are you dancing specifically for Jiajia? It’s so romantic! She sighed with a smile.

Lu Zhou: “…” No,

he was really bored at that time, and casually went up to dance a freestyle, how did it suddenly become a dance specifically for Jiajia?

“Nope! How could it be that it was specially danced for me…” Qi Jiajia quickly waved his hand to deny it.

But the shy smile on her face conveyed a different meaning, and Wen Yiming gritted her teeth secretly.

“Your dates are very warm, it seems that only me and Jiayan are scared to date tonight?”

Wen Yiming deliberately pulled the wind direction of the topic to himself.

“It’s you who are scared to tremble, I don’t have it.” Li Jiayan covered her mouth and smiled, still the usual familiar delicate appearance.

“There is a story, tell me in detail.” When Zhang Chen heard this, he immediately became interested.

The topic successfully shifted to their pair, and Wen Yiming’s spirit couldn’t help but get excited.

“You don’t know, Jiayan is very bold! I originally thought that I could protect her inside, but she turned out to be very calm, bumping into the ghost head-on, and she didn’t scream a little, and I was dumbfounded.

Hearing the word “protection”, Zhang Chen suddenly had a picture in his mind, the first date place to choose a haunted house… They are all men, and they all know what little Jiujiu is thinking about in each other’s hearts.

He couldn’t help but laugh and ridicule: “Do you think that Jia Yan will be scared to hug you, but the result is that you yourself are scared and soft legs and hug her, right?”

Wen Yiming smiled embarrassedly, “It’s really like this…”

Lu Zhou: “…”

Everyone imagined that picture, and felt that a big man was hanging on the girl’s body, and they couldn’t help but laugh.

Qi Jiajia’s smile was not very natural, and his gaze glanced at Wen Yiming darkly, and he scolded in his heart: Huh

! Feign! Why didn’t you go to the haunted house back then, and you were afraid? I just want to take advantage of others! Urine!

“What about the court date? Talk about it? Zhang Chen was more interested in what Ye Fangfei did with other men tonight.

When Lu Zhou heard this, he didn’t remember for a moment who went to the court.

“Who went to the court and whom?” He asked curiously.

“Me and Junze.” Ye Fangfei swallowed the meat in her mouth, wiped her hands with a tissue, and said: “We went to the court to observe a divorce litigation case, and we gained a lot of professional knowledge, which is quite meaningful.

Wen Yiming was drinking water, and when he heard Ye Fangfei’s words, he almost sprayed.

“Divorce proceedings?” He smiled and patted Xu Junze, “You are really special, on a first date, take other girls to listen to divorce cases?” Do you still want to get along with someone?

The corner of Xu Junze’s mouth twitched, and he said with a smile: “Marriage popularization of the law is everyone’s responsibility.”

This success made everyone laugh.

“Couples don’t know if they can do it, you first give the divorce law to others, riot operation, Junze!” Wen Yiming was already laughing, and said in his heart: I’m afraid this is not a stupid boy.

Xu Junze shrugged, not impressed, and too lazy to explain, in fact, it just happened that at this point in time, only this one case was going to trial.

Zhang Chen was very satisfied with Xu Junze’s dating operation, and the whole person’s posture became a lot more relaxed, and even his good impression of Xu Junze was improved a lot.

As long as the woman who has no intention of robbing him, she is his good brother.

“What about you? Dinner on the mountain must be romantic, right?

Qi Jiajia looked at Chu Yao and became curious in his heart. Through the elimination method, she now knew who Zhang Chen was dating tonight.

“Thanks to Zhang Chen, I experienced a great date tonight.”

Chu Yao raised her hand and flicked her air bangs, her cheeks blushing slightly in response.

“The view of that mountaintop restaurant at night is very beautiful, where you can see the whole city full of lights, Zhang Chen he also spent money tonight, specially chartered the whole restaurant, so that we can enjoy the whole scenery on the top of the mountain without disturbing.”

“Blowing the evening breeze, eating Western food, listening to music… Hmm…”

Chu Yao told the romance of their date tonight, and she laughed a little embarrassed at the end.

Qi Jiajia and Li Jiayan “wow” in unison, and envy poured out from the bottom of their eyes.

When the other male guests heard “wrapped up the entire restaurant”, they were silent for an instant.

Isn’t it a bit foul to throw money to please women like this? Wen Yiming muttered inwardly.

With such a high rating, it seems that she is very excited about dating tonight? Xu Junze secretly took a few deep breaths to try to calm his mood, so that he would not hang his emotions too obviously on his face.

Lu Zhou, on the other hand, subconsciously glanced at Ye Fangfei, but found that she was still indifferently enjoying the barbecue he brought back at this time.

Zhang Chen didn’t expect Chu Yao to describe their date tonight like this, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, he cleared his voice and involuntarily looked at Ye Fangfei’s face.

But Ye Fangfei didn’t give him one…

Oops, is this angry?

At this moment, everyone’s mobile phones received a text message from the program group –

[Who is the person who moved your heart today?] Send him what you want to say to him at the moment!

If there is no candidate for your heart today, please reply: no.

The laughter in the living room paused, and the guests stared at their mobile phone screens with different expressions.

Lu Zhou and Ye Fangfei successively sent their own answers to the program group: [No].

Li Jiayan held the mobile phone in a daze for a minute, and then finally replied: [No].

After more than ten minutes passed, the guests pretended to be casual and continued to enter a state of small talk.

Not long after, in the conversation and laughter, Ye Fangfei’s mobile phone vibrated twice, she picked it up and saw that it was the message conveyed by the program group – [I was

still thinking about you when I was dating tonight]

[Your ex chose you]

Ye Fangfei glanced at the content of the text message, and then expressionlessly put the mobile phone back into his pocket.

After that, Zhang Chen’s mobile phone rang, he glanced at Ye Fangfei, and then read the information expectantly-

[Tonight’s date is very happy, next time I come to choose a place, okay?]

[Your ex didn’t choose you]

Without waiting for someone to look forward to, the smile at the corner of Zhang Chen’s mouth froze slightly.

At the same time, Wen Yiming also received a text message.

[You’re attracted to her, aren’t you?]

[Your ex chose you]

Wen Yiming frowned and read the two text messages twice.

What the hell?

Why did his ex send him this? How many meanings?

Wen Yiming was confused.

The atmosphere in the living room became subtle as text messages gradually came in. Immediately afterwards, Li Jiayan,

among the female guests, also received the message conveyed by the program group – [I

feel your different reversal charm tonight]

[Your ex did not choose you]

After reading the information, Li Jiayan’s good-looking thin eyebrows gently raised and lowered, and she glanced at Wen Yiming with afterlight.

Is he clearly interesting to her?

Subsequently, Chu Yao, who was sitting next to Li Jiayan, also rang twice on her mobile phone.

She waited for a short while, then slowly picked up her phone to read the text message, and read it with a little nervousness – [

You ignore every day of me, it’s torment for me]

[Your ex chose you]

I thought I would receive a message from my date tonight, but I didn’t think about it… It was this kind of content sent by the ex. The

word “torment” stung Chu Yao’s heart, her face sank slightly, turned off the mobile phone screen, and after sitting on the sofa for a while, she finally left the living room under the excuse of going to the bathroom.

Xu Junze silently glanced at her back, and his expression became uncomfortable.

Lu Zhou secretly observed all this, and said in his heart: Tonight, someone is destined to sleep!

He suddenly rejoiced that he and his predecessor had no entanglement, and now he only wanted to engage in a career, so that he could stop his heart in this kind of link, otherwise he would definitely be stunned by this show!

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