At three o’clock in the afternoon, in front of the Jinghua Conservatory of Music.

Li Jiayan wore a polka-dot spun long white dress, her long black hair spread over her shoulders, and the hair on both sides of her forehead was braided to make a unique hairstyle.

At 15 o’clock on time, she waited for today’s date, Zhang Chen.

Coincidentally, he also wore a white casual top today, and the two of them were quite a couple in terms of tone.

He did not come in the program group’s car this time, but drove his own car.

The luxury car stopped at the school gate, a little eye-catching, and some college students who knew cars couldn’t help but glance at this side a few more times.

“Bentley Mulsanne.” Li Jiayan muttered in her heart.

Zhang Chen walked up to her and greeted her politely, “I’ve been waiting for a long time.”

“It’s fine.” Li Jiayan smiled, turned around and glanced at her alma mater, and said, “I asked you to visit my alma mater today, I hope you won’t feel too bored.”

Zhang Chen looked at the door of the Jinghua Conservatory of Music and said, “No, I haven’t been to your school yet, so I’m a little curious.”

The two chatted and walked around the campus.

Li Jiayan took him to visit various famous attractions in the school, and also took him to see the places where he used to take classes.

The artistic atmosphere in the school is very heavy, and Zhang Chen is a little sleepy after walking around for a long time.

He likes girls with artistic temperament, but he doesn’t like to stay too long in places where the atmosphere of pure art is particularly strong.

Because he can’t taste it, he will naturally feel bored.

However, the picture of Li Jiayan improvising for him in the piano room, he is still moved, but he is thinking, how long can this interest last?

He thought of Ye Fangfei.

The woman he couldn’t tame for the time being.

She also plays the piano and was lucky enough to meet once, and then he was seconded.

Can play, dance, and sing, gee, Ye Fangfei has to be more attractive.

I don’t know who she chose to date today, should it be that Lu Zhou?

Li Jiayan noticed Zhang Chen’s wandering.

He seems to have little interest in experiencing this musical art atmosphere.

“We have a big lawn in school, do you want to fly kites?” She proposed.

Since you don’t like art, let’s play a little populist.

If you are not even interested in ordinary activities, you are not interested in her.

“Where are the kites?” Zhang Chen raised his eyebrows.

“There are ones sold in the school supermarket, do you want to play?”

“Well, I haven’t played for a long time.”

So the two took the kite to the big lawn.

“How do you put it?” Li Jiayan held the kite and looked confused.

Zhang Chen smiled, “You said fly kites, I thought you would fly.”

“I won’t…” Li Jiayan snickered.

“It’s okay, put it together, I’ll teach you.”

Zhang Chen took the kite and handed the coil to her. “Come, you pull the line,

pull a distance of more than ten meters, when the wind comes, I will let go, you have to tighten the line, and then run, understand?”

Li Jiayan actively did so.

As a result, a kite tried several times but failed to put it up, and Li Jiayan was amused by her stupidity.

“I can’t put it up, what should I do?” Her tone was a bit coquettish.

“You come and get the kite.” Zhang Chen said.



“Ah, there’s the wind! What do I put on?

“Let it go!” The kite let go, Zhang Chen pulled the kite and ran,

the kite finally flew, and Li Jiayan ran with excitement.

“Sure enough, you have to come!”

When the kite rose steadily into the air, Zhang Chen gave the coil to Li Jiayan to hold.

“Put the line out, and it will go higher and higher.”

“Ah, Zhang Chen, it seems to be falling!”

“Tighten the thread.”

Zhang Chen took her hand and began to teach her to adjust the thread.

This is not the first physical contact between the two, but the last time they played the piano did not have this hazy sense of closeness, and Li Jiayan’s face was inexplicably hot.

Zhang Chen glanced at her, and his reddish face was beautiful and cute.

In front of the beautiful people, which man can really do it without waves?

But in front of the camera, Zhang Chen knows very well what he is going to do, but he can’t let Ye Fangfei find that he has touched other women!

Zhang Chen appropriately opened the distance between the two, so he was calm: “You try again.” ”


Because Zhang Chen had two dates to catch today, he and Li Jiayan only spent two or three hours on campus before it ended.

Immediately rushed to the next date, but Zhang Chen did not tell Li Jiayan that he was in a hurry, only said that the company had something to go back to deal with.

Li Jiayan is not stupid, she also knows what the situation is, both of them pretend not to know and go to different places.

On the next date, Zhang Chen went to a farmhouse.

The items of this date are all designated by the woman.

The person waiting at the farmhouse was Chu Yao.

She is completely different today, wearing a white cheongsam and her hair is pulled into a bun.

The gentle and elegant temperament made Zhang Chen can’t help but be dazzled.

He wasn’t looking forward to this date, after all, he had already made an appointment with her last time, and there was no surprise.

But this time Chu Yao’s appearance surprised him.

It’s quite a highlight of the date that is carefully prepared.

Wearing a cheongsam, she has a different temperament, and people will subconsciously look at her more.

“Should I go back and change into a Zhongshan suit and come back?” Zhang Chen joked.

Chu Yao covered her mouth and chuckled, and led people into the farmhouse.

This farmhouse still has a hint of ancient style, and after walking in, Zhang Chen somewhat understood Chu Yao’s dress today.

“What does Zhang Gongzi want to eat tonight, let’s order.”

Entering the courtyard, Chu Yao handed Zhang Chen a menu.

After ordering the dishes, Chu Yao told Zhang Chen that the ingredients for the main dish needed to be prepared by themselves.

For example, if you want to eat fragrant chicken, you have to catch the chicken in the kitchen for the master to deal with; If you want to eat steamed fish, go to the pond and catch the fish; If you want to eat wild vegetables, go to the low mountains to pick them.

When Zhang Chen heard this, he looked at the menu and was happy, “Then can I eat all the dishes at 11 o’clock tonight?”

Chu Yao smiled, “Believe in your own strength.”

In this way, the two started the experience at the farmhouse.

Their plan is to do the easy ones first, and save the high ones for last, such as catching chickens…

In the last link, they chased chickens all over the ground in the chicken garden, and they didn’t grab a single one for a long time.

These chickens don’t know whether they are often caught, run wild or how, and hide from others.

“Zhang Chen, go over there, I’m here, let’s drive the chicken to that corner together.” Chu Yao made a plan.


The two sprang into action and finally succeeded in catching a hen.

“See where you’re running? Finally caught you!

Zhang Chen proudly carried the chicken into the air and laughed openly.

As a result, the chicken fluttered violently a few times, almost poking Chu Yao’s face, she hurriedly leaned back, accidentally stepped on a stone, and fell backwards with a “oops”.

“Be careful!”

Zhang Chen’s eyes quickly grabbed the person.

The strength of the right hand loosened, “Cluck! Three chicken laughs, and the hen in his hand flew at the right time. Chu Yao: “…”

Zhang Chen: “…”

Chu Yao stood up awkwardly, blushing and drooping: “Blame me, the chicken ran away.”

Zhang Chen inexplicably felt that this picture was quite funny, and couldn’t help laughing.

“What are you laughing at?”

“Laughing at you, wearing a cheongsam, but catching chickens in the garden, this picture is too beautiful to look at haha!”

“Oh, blame me? It’s not because you’re going to eat chicken, my hairstyle is all messed up. Chu Yao was not annoyed, snorted with a smile, and said.

“I decided not to eat smelly chicken tonight!”

Zhang Chen gave up eating chicken, and the two no longer planned to stay in the garden.

However, when she was about to leave, Chu Yao found that the heel of the high heel was broken… It must have been accidentally broken when I just broke my foot.

Chu Yao bit her lower lip and looked at Zhang Chen with an embarrassed expression.

“The quality of your shoes…” Zhang Chen couldn’t help but complain, “The brand owner can blacken it.”

Saying that, he bent directly over, picked the person up horizontally, and strode out of the courtyard.

Chu Yao hooked his neck with both hands, and his little heart was beating wildly.

Emma, she didn’t expect this to happen so quickly.


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