Pan Chengyi’s previous series of publicity for Lu Zhou’s new song “First Love” has finally come to power. The song has been used

4.88 million times so far, and the number of times it has been used tonight has reached the peak of single-day song data, reaching the top of the TikTok music chart.

In fact, the fundamental reason is that this fragment of the movie “That Year, Us” has aroused the emotional resonance of the current graduation season students.

A “classmate Guo” with millions of fans took the lead, using “First Love” as background music, editing a story that recalled the sweet past of himself and his first love girlfriend in college, but finally decided to part ways in the graduation season.

[Teenager, be brave and look forward] [

Look at crying, I also broke up after graduation, look back and find that my first love is really the purest]

[“What if we break up later?”] “That… Then I’ll chase you again”, but in the end they broke up, and I didn’t chase her again] [The years don’t

leave anyone, after so many years, I don’t know if she’s as beautiful as ever?]

[If she had been willing to look back, my youth would not have been full of regrets]

Under the video, hot reviews are frequent.

After a few days of brewing, this video suddenly exploded, and then brought a wave of youth regret of graduation and breakup, graduates of all ages participated in sharing their stories with their first love, and then brought up the use of the song at once.

The snowball grew bigger and bigger, and suddenly it was on the list tonight.

Lu Zhou took a screenshot of the video “Classmate Guo” and sent a message to Pan Chengyi: [

Brother Yi, this marketing number is good]

However, Pan Chengyi finally replied to him: [This number is not what we are looking for… It was he spontaneous … And

this kind of good thing, Lu Zhou smiled. Lu Zhou: [

It seems that this song has the potential to rub traffic] Pan Chengyi

: [Haha]

Lu Zhou then sent a screenshot of the more than two million statistical income he saw in the background to Pan Chengyi.

[First pot of gold]

Pan Chengyi sent a flower-scattered emoji over.

Pan Chengyi: [Is TikTok that original music reward?] ] Lu Zhou: [Yes] Pan Chengyi: [


Pan Chengyi: [Looking at it this way, Doule is still willing to spend money to support original musicians]

Lu Zhou saw the reply and joked: [Then why don’t I sign directly with Doule?]

Pan Chengyi threw over a slippery kneeling emoji with the text reading: Don’t be impulsive, big guy! After

another chatter, Lu Zhou smiled and withdrew from the chat with Pan Chengyi.

After exiting, Nan Qiao, who found that he had not been in touch for a long time, sent him a message.

Lu Zhou nodded curiously and found that she had sent him a lot of messages.

First congratulations on the results of his new song, then asked him if he was free and wanted to invite him to her birthday party tomorrow.

Tomorrow didn’t seem to matter much, so Lu Zhou agreed to go.

After processing the news, Lu Zhou couldn’t stay up and climbed into bed to fall asleep.

That night, he fell into a somewhat strange dream.

It wasn’t until the alarm went on in the early morning that he woke up from his dream.

Staring at the ceiling for a long time, the fragmented information that appeared in the dream still clearly remembered, he was inexplicably in a trance, what year is this night?

After grabbing the noisy phone and glancing at the date, I was sure that I really had a dream.

He rubbed his face and rolled over to get out of bed.

Recently, there was no need to record the program, and he got rid of the monitoring of the camera, and Lu Zhou suddenly felt relaxed.

Get up for daily exercise and fitness, and skillfully strengthen various professional skills. I

was busy until the evening that I finally remembered to clean up my external image, and then went out to the mall to temporarily buy a set of birthday gifts suitable for girls, and left for Nan Qiao’s birthday party.

He and Nan Qiao are not very familiar with reality, the social relationship between the two, but he saved her, and she gave him some resources in the circle to support, that’s all.

Usually, the two do not communicate with each other.

It stands to reason that unless the birthday party is very grand, it will be to invite some friends who have a good time with themselves, right?

Why was he called?

Lu Zhou had doubts about this.

However, on some levels, Nan Qiao did help him a lot, and since the invitation has arrived, he should still come to participate.

When Lu Zhou arrived, there were already many people at the party.

At a glance, they are basically familiar artists in the circle, and some of them are owned by Jinhua Entertainment.

Lu Zhou is a little transparent who is not famous in the circle, and he walks through the crowd with gifts all the way, which inevitably attracts the attention of others.

After searching for a circle, he finally found today’s protagonist, and Lu Zhou stepped forward to say hello with a smile.

“Sister Nan, happy birthday.” Lu Zhou handed over gifts and sent blessings.

“Lu Zhou, I haven’t seen you for a long time, I’m very happy that you can come, how can I still bring gifts.” Nan Qiao took the gift and said with a smile.

Lu Zhou: “It should be.” Nan Qiao

chatted with him for a while in front of her other friends, and some artists curiously asked Nan Qiao to introduce them to this friend of hers.

“This is Lu Zhou, before our Jinhua Entertainment artist, the dark horse “First Love” on the recent Doule music list is his song, haven’t you brushed Doule recently?”

After Nan Qiao said this, other artists cast strange eyes on Lu Zhou.

“Nannan, happy birthday!”

A slightly familiar female voice suddenly came from behind him.

Lu Zhou glanced back and found that Liu Yali, the brokerage director of Jinhua Entertainment, also came to participate in this party.

Appearing behind her was his former agent Xu Mengdan, and the chasing light youth group that had worked hard together during the trainee stage…

Lu Zhou: “…”

The five members of the Chasing Light Youth Group, who are now in full swing, have long been different from the style of trainees in the past, and each of them has a confident charm on their faces and is dressed up brightly.

Nan Qiao was surrounded by a group of people again, and then exchanged polite greetings.

Lu Zhou didn’t want to rub this kind of excitement that had nothing to do with him, and turned around and was about to go somewhere else to find something to eat.

“Such a coincidence, Lu Zhou, are you there too?” Ling Jie, one of the members of the Chasing Light Youth Group, called out to him.

Ling Jie used to be Lu Zhou’s best friend in the trainee stage.

But only once.

He still remembered the night before the final selection assessment, the two returned to the dormitory after training, Ling Jie took the initiative to pour him the glass of orange juice, he smiled and said thank you for raising his head and gurgling to finish a whole glass, when Ling Jie’s expression of wanting to talk made him wonder, and then the next day, he was used to getting up early, he almost slept until he was unconscious and missed the assessment.

Although it caught up in the end, it also behaved in a mess.

Ling Jie, who is a perennial sixth, passed the final five-person group assessment.

Lu Zhou passed by his debut again.

When he thought about it later, he understood what the situation was, but there was no evidence, so he could only admit it.

Lu Zhou glanced back at Ling Jie and did not answer.

“I heard that you recently released a new song, and your grades are okay?” Ling Jie paced to him, his tone was not sincere, and there was a faint taste of doubt.

“General.” Lu Zhou replied quietly.

“Humble, huh?” Ling Jie raised his eyebrows, his tone was still not very sincere, “It is said that you wrote your new song yourself?”

At this time, Fang Yanbin, the lead singer of the Chasing Light Youth Group, also came over to join the chat.

“The song you wrote can have such good results, Lu Zhou, it seems that you are going to be popular?” He laughed.

Lu Zhou pulled the corners of his lips and said with a smile: “Then I will accept your good words.”

“I terminated my contract with Jinhua, which company are you in now?” Fang Yanbin was curiously tempted, “Seeing Ye Fangfei diverting your new song, such a big movement, is it entering Huaxuan Music?”

Ling Jie looked surprised on the side, “Really? Then Lu Zhou, you are finally mixed up this time, and if you can enter Huaxuan Music, you are half the success.

“…” What a song and a harmony, Lu Zhou couldn’t help but complain in his heart, but on the surface he was silent, and said: “Oh, is it?” But I rejected Hua Xuan before, and I don’t plan to sign a company for the time being, so I will play by myself first.

Ling Jie: “?!”

Fang Yanbin: “?!”

Did they hear you right? He just said that he rejected Huaxuan Music? This music company that

makes people unable to understand its signing rules, a music company that has made countless good music, brought out countless music celebrities, and resources 6 to explosion, how many newcomers in the circle squeeze their heads and can’t get the stepping stones…

Lu Zhou refused?!

I’m afraid his brain is in the water, right?

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