Saturday at 7 p.m., the romance “Exchange? The second season of “The Predecessor” released the latest feature film: Announcing the Ex.

The Internet was still broadcast as usual, quickly setting off heated discussions, and then not long after, the topics on the Weibo hot search list were occupied by this program several times in succession.

#Li Jiayan’s confusing behavior# #

Zhang Chen is really licking# #

Wen Yiming’s fish farming rules# #

Xu Junze decided to give up# #

On the attraction of the rich second generation to Internet celebrities# #

Qi Jiajia survived in the cracks# #What did Ye Fangfei

do on the show# I

don’t know if I bought black powder at home or what, tonight especially many people sprayed Ye Fangfei, and then her fans began to frantically maintain, passers-by ate melons, and then accidentally injured other guests, and several parties fought chaotically for a while, There was a quarrel on the Internet.

[Ye Fangfei can’t watch anyone, and doesn’t want to give her ex another chance, it’s really sick, what are you doing on this show?] Look annoyed]

[Climb for Ye! ] Don’t look at it if you are annoyed, who forced you to watch it? Scold while watching, looking for abusive physique? [Grapevine, Ye Fangfei

herself did not want to participate in this broken romance, but was forced by her family]

[It is rumored on the Internet that Zhang Chen’s background seems to be quite awesome, blindly guessing that Ye Fangfei’s family wants to climb the rich family, so she forced her to get back together with Zhang Chen on this show, but Ye Fangfei didn’t want to, as for why she didn’t want to, only she knew. And Zhang Chen… I feel that he licked Ye Fangfei is just simply unwilling, commonly known as what he can’t get, forever in turmoil! I hereby assert that on the day he conquers Ye Fangfei, he will find it boring] [Upstairs analysis is very reasonable, I agree, and I guess Zhang Chen

will play very flowers in private, Ye Fangfei is in the entertainment industry after all, I am sure that his behavior has long been heard, so I don’t want to deal with him]

[Really opened his mouth and came to say that Zhang Chen is very flower, do you have evidence? Lawyer’s letter warning] [

It’s strange that there are female stars who don’t want to climb the giants]

[Look at how positive Chu Yao is to Zhang Chen! ] People live very clearly, know what is beneficial to themselves, Ye Fangfei may be young, have not tossed to understand, think that they can be awe-inspiring for a lifetime? I don’t know that capital is the real bull] [So Xu Junze

hurry up and run, don’t think about getting back together with Chu Yao, gold-worshipping women can’t be raised, unless you can always guarantee yourself a lot of gold] [Hehe,

Xu Junze actually relied on Chu Yao to get mixed up at the beginning, so I dislike Chu Yao and worship gold? Point face?

[Let me be fair, ask Ye Fangfei to participate in “Exchange?”] The second season of “The Predecessor” is the biggest failure of the show! The director’s brain is in the water, let the star go down and record the romance with the amateur, what ex needs to be announced, has long guessed it? No difficulty at all! Got an artist, many highlights of the first season can’t be highlighted, and you put a star in the show, so that other female guests have any competitiveness? The men are all staring at her, and the others are still playing a fart?

[Laughing to death, the biggest failure?] You look at the ratings of the first season and then look at the ratings of the second season, you taught math by a Chinese teacher? Also said that the director’s brain got into the water? You just got your brain into the water, the director made crazy this season, do you see how many gold lords were pulled in the second season? How many did you have in the first season? Ignorance is the most terrible]

[There is money to earn together, don’t eat alone, the show will start spraying without watching it?] Everyone who has watched this show knows that the male guests are not all staring at Ye Fangfei, right? In addition to the previous Zhang Chen who stalked her, Wen Yiming raised fish and everyone prodded, a total of four male guests, only Zhang Chen stared at Ye Fangfei, do you call this all staring? Go back and repeat elementary school]

[This season’s positioning is not the same at all, you just say that Li Jiayan and Qi Jiajia are amateurs, and Chu Yao is an amateur??? You look at the number of fans on her various platforms and then define amateurs, okay?

[Each has its own good looks, right?] The first season is all amateurs, and the sense of civilian substitution is a little stronger, after all, it is indeed quite vegetarian, and the social identity of the guests is not dropped. The second season is not a grade at all… Top celebrities enter, head Internet celebrities, rich second generation, bosses of various circles, even if the only worker Qi Jiajia, people are also working in domestic Top1 foreign companies, it is also a proper elite, check the annual income of people, you will find that we just look at it lively, there is no need to worry about the emotional problems of these people, after all, there is no simple goods in reality… Will these people be short of objects?

[Upstairs is not right, it can’t be said that there is no simple goods, there is really a simple goods hahaha! ] That’s Lu Zhou! He was really miserable before he went on the show, he pounced on the street for ten years, received a few thousand yuan of dibao in the company, and then he couldn’t get mixed up and terminated the contract, and it was difficult to mix meals, it stands to reason that he is an amateur…”

[Although Lu Zhou was born in a rural area, I heard that there are 10,000 mu of fish ponds in his family, do you have any misunderstanding about poverty?]

[Isn’t the 10,000-acre fish pond a refutation of rumors?] A hundred acres, right? It’s still rented, there is not much money]

[I always have an illusion, Wen Yiming’s family should open a fish pond, right?] Raising fish in the show every day]

[But Wen Yiming has not had a fish that has been successfully raised, the management of the fish pond has failed, so don’t learn from him! ]

[Isn’t it necessary to try to get in touch with all of them on this show?] Otherwise, how do you know who is more suitable for you? Is it possible to lock a person when you come up? Wen Yiming’s approach is correct, follow your heart, get along with each other, and finally decide, after all, it’s still early! So it’s foolish to jump to conclusions, right? ] [

Wen Yiming has someone to wash,, I kind of understand why Qi Jiajia is insecure] [

Qi Jiajia is really surviving in the show]

[It seems that I came to a conclusion: Lu Zhou is really a good man in the world]

The Internet has been noisy, and the popularity of the show has risen rapidly.

The latest episode broadcast is the last inventory of the content filmed earlier in the show.

To this end, the program group struck while the iron was hot and issued an announcement on the official account:

[Like a person, will you stop because of the existence of the TA ex?]

If you obviously have a new throbbing, but it happens that your ex is in love with you, how would you choose?

A journey with your predecessor is destined to be full of challenges and trials.

Eight guests are about to embark on an unknown journey.

Where will the relationship between them go?

Real-time live broadcast without post-rendering, the most realistic love reality show!

If you want to track their relationship progress, click on the appointment “Exchange? The ex” is broadcast live online!

After this announcement was launched, netizens were shocked.

[Groove, live broadcast!] The show is going to play big?

[Do you want to be so exciting?] Are you sure? Not afraid of collapse?

[The second season is really too different from the first season, and the broadcast methods have changed]

[Flies rub their hands, start broadcasting quickly! ] I want to see the large Asura field! ]


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