Zhang Chen and Qi Jiajia got the money, and when they rushed to the museum, they met Chu Yao and Wen Yiming who had just transferred from the other side of Rose Street at the telescope on the top floor.

Chu Yao: “You guys got the money?” ”

Zhang Chen excitedly showed off the two dollars he had just received, “It’s not easy.”

Qi Jiajia glanced at Wen Yiming and found that he was carrying a backpack on his back and another one in his hand, obviously Chu Yao’s.

In this regard, Wen Yiming’s thoughtfulness has no words.

It’s just that once he was a man who helped him carry his bags, but now he is carrying other women’s bags.

On the other hand, Zhang Chen, don’t say to carry a bag for her, he didn’t let her help him carry it, she was already quite relieved.

“What about you? Finished looking at the telescope? Did you get it right? ”

Qi Jiajia asked them.

“How is it possible, we just chose Rose Street, it felt difficult to get over there, so I turned here, and finally climbed up, only to know that it costs money to see this thing.”

Wen Yiming replied.

“Is it hard over there too? What’s the difficulty? ”

ZHANG Chen is curious.

“That street is very big, I couldn’t find a place to hold the wedding for a long time, and there was no hint at all.”

Chu Yao showed a crying and smiling expression, “I’m tired of running, so I came here.”

“You shouldn’t have come, it’s hard here!”

When Zhang Chen said this, he was excited, “Do you know how difficult it is for me to get these two dollars?” ”

When Wen Yiming heard this, he felt that they should hurry up to make money, so he stopped talking nonsense and pulled Chu Yao to leave.

“Do you have good eyesight?”

Zhang Chen asked Qi Jiajia, “You come to see, or I come to see?” ”

“I’m a little short-sighted…”

Qi Jiajia said bluntly.

“Then I’ll do it.”

Zhang Chen invested money, used the telescope to find the old church in the distance, looked for a while before locking the direction, and then turned the telescope and began to count the tourists taking pictures at the door.

“To be sure, we can only get one chance now.”

Qi Jiajia reminded.

“It seems to be 14 people.”

“14 people are taking pictures? So much? ”

“Oh, no, if you just look at the pictures, 8? Eh, is that taking pictures? I’ll go, why is he still running around.”

Zhang Chen rubbed his eyes and started counting again, and he had already begun to scold the program group in his heart.

What garbage tasks are set to torture people.

In the end, he still identified 8 people, but the program team announced that he had answered incorrectly.

The hard-earned two dollars were consumed.

If you want to see it again, you have to get two more dollars.

The two left the museum again in frustration.

At this time, Xu Junze and Li Jiayan, who switched to Rose Street, went much smoother, they took separate actions, asked where the wedding was taking place when they saw people, and finally successfully caught an insider and showed them the way.

“Now there’s one over there in the manor.”

Xu Junze and Li Jiayan followed his directions and found the rose manor not long after, and sure enough, they saw the wedding decoration at the door of the manor.

Originally, they were still worried about how to enter without inviting Shu, but later found that they could enter as long as they reported the name of the program.

However, the embarrassing thing is that the other people’s ceremony has already been completed and the guests are already eating.

Xu Junze and Li Jiayan came in rashly, without even bringing a gift, the scene should not be too embarrassing.

“You are?”

The bride and groom saw the new faces and came up warmly to say hello.

“Ah, we… We are…”

Li Jiayan smiled and secretly touched Xu Junze.

Xu Junze immediately answered lamely: “We are here to show you a show.”

“Oh! Is it? Thank you, we’re looking forward to it.”

As he spoke, the groom began to knock on the wine glass, making three thumping sounds, attracting the attention of all the guests in the audience and telling everyone to quietly come down and watch them perform.

Xu Junze and Li Jiayan, who were unprepared for the show they were going to perform, began stage fright.

“What show are we going to perform?”

Li Jiayan said in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

“How about you go up and play the piano?”

Xu Junze also had a little headache.

“Where is the piano?” Besides, what piano music makes them laugh? ”

Li Jiayan doubts life.

“Why don’t we just dance?”

Xu Junze’s mind began to flash countless jitter dances.

“I can’t dance… Or do you want to jump? ”

“Neither will I… But you can try.”

“What are you going to jump?”

“Chick dance?”

“…….good luck.”

In the end, Xu Junze cheekily opened his face, and his hands and feet were uncoordinated in front of many guests, dancing a nondescript chicken dance.

Li Jiayan didn’t look at it, and held back a smile until her shoulders trembled.

Barrage in the live broadcast room——

[Boss Xu, you are also too spicy eyes]

[Come man, fork him out]

[I have to say, you have a little humor cell on your body]…

However, the guests all laughed, only the bride and groom did not smile, and they even showed an invincible embarrassed expression.

After Xu Junze finished jumping, he found that he had not completed the task, and he was so embarrassed that he just wanted to find a hole to drill into.

Li Jiayan was equally overwhelmed.

“They seem to have a high laugh.”

She whispered.

“I don’t feel like the laughter is high, maybe I feel that I insulted their high-end romantic wedding.”

Xu Junze was crying and laughing.

“So what to do?”

“Why don’t we run?”

“Back to Center Street again?”


At this point, the bride frowned lightly and asked in disbelief: “Is this what you mean by performance?” ”

Li Jiayan pulled the corners of her lips, feeling that they seemed to have messed up someone’s wedding, and she was sorry in her heart, and suddenly had the idea of making amends.

“Let me sing you a song, I wish you a happy newlywed, and happiness forever!” I’m sorry, I don’t speak English very well, I sing a song of our country.”

The bride showed interest when she heard this, and enthusiastically handed over the host’s microphone.

Li Jiayan cleared her voice nervously, there was no accompaniment on the scene, and she could only sing a cappella by herself.

“My world, became more wonderful and indescribable, I thought that it was a dream that fell from the sky, until I was sure, the temperature of my hand came from your heart, and at this moment, I finally bravely said that I love you…”

From memory, she plucked up the courage to sing.

The bride “wooed” in surprise, and she said with a smile: “My idol’s song.”

Unexpectedly, Li Jiayan blindly chose a song and actually won the bride’s heart, and this bride is still a foreigner who can speak Chinese, and she doesn’t look like an Asian at all.

In the end, the bride and groom even danced with laughter under Li Jiayan’s singing, much better than Xu Junze’s chicken dance just now.

Li Jiayan and Xu Junze were dumbfounded, just like that, passed?

Live Broadcast Room –

[Sing well! ] The face is amazing! 】

[You call this nice?] 】

[She is not an artist, amateurs sing like this is okay]

[Well, KTV Maiba level]

[Forget it, I’ll go to the live broadcast room next door to wash my ears]

[It’s time to sell art!] Go next door to see the Filipino Combo! 】

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