After Qi Jiajia and Zhang Chen crossed the bridge, others were finally able to get on the bridge.

Lu Zhou and Ye Fangfei chose to go first, followed by Li Jiayan and Xu Junze, and finally Chu Yao and Wen Yiming.

Ye Fangfei is also afraid of heights, although not as exaggerated as Zhang Chen.

She knew that she couldn’t look down as much as possible, and she would only get softer and weaker the more she looked, so her gaze only moved down when she was about to take a step forward, and the rest of the time she stared at Lu Zhou who was walking in front of her.

“Don’t go too fast, I’m afraid I’ll be dragged down by you.”

After taking two steps forward from the entrance, Ye Fangfei quipped nervously.

Lu Zhou knew in advance that she was afraid of heights, and naturally it was impossible to ignore her, and almost every step he took, he would stop and wait for her.

“If you’re worried, we’ll walk in sync, and the width of this drawbridge can accommodate two people walking side by side.”

He turned back to her.

Ye Fangfei looked at him and thought for a while, and after confirming which aspect the fear in her heart came from more, she nodded.

“Let’s go side by side, so I might feel a little more at ease.”

She said.

Zhang Chen, who had already crossed the bridge, did not immediately continue to move forward to complete the task, but stood on the opposite side and watched for a while, and when he found that Ye Fangfei and Lu Zhou had paused their advance, he began to realize that Ye Fangfei was as afraid of heights as himself.

Suddenly I felt that I could do it again.

Only people who are afraid of heights can truly understand this fear, and those who are not afraid of heights cannot experience it!

“Fang Fei, don’t stop, take a deep breath, and keep walking! You can do it! ”

Zhang Chen, who had just been scared and his legs were soft, was now the one who cheered others up.

Ye Fangfei didn’t have the heart to take care of Zhang Chen now, she adjusted her breathing and prepared to step onto the bridge where Lu Zhou was standing.

“Do you need me to pull you?”

Lu Zhou stretched out his hand towards her and asked.

Ye Fangfei shook her head, “No need, I’ll come by myself.”

With that, she opened her legs and walked over.

The same bridge plate carried the weight of two people, and the drawbridge swayed a little.

“Huh? It’s kind of scary.”

Ye Fangfei’s eyebrows furrowed, and her hand tightened the guardrail.

Lu Zhou reached out and helped her arm.

“Is that okay?”

He looked down at her and asked in a low voice.

The voice was close to his ears, and Ye Fangfei met his gaze and nodded silently.

This scene made Zhang Chen on the other side of the bridge look like he was about to explode.

“Standing together is even more terrible, it will be shaky!”

He reminded loudly.

However, Lu Zhou and Ye Fangfei ignored him, because standing together was a choice that Ye Fangfei had weighed.

“Do you feel more afraid? Or a little more reassuring? ”

Lu Zhou asked her.


YE Fangfei back.

“Then do you want to go over in one go, or do you want to come slowly step by step?”

“Let’s get angry, Zhang Chen just passed like that, should it be better?”

Ye Fangfei was not sure, but at least Zhang Chen had verified it, and if he had overcome the fear, she could too.


Just tell me when you’re ready, we’ll cross 123 together.”

Lu Zhou let go of her arm and said.

Ye Fangfei looked straight ahead and took two or three deep breaths in a row.

“That’s it.”


The two walked to the next bridge in synchronization, and then continued to the next one, and then the next… It’s pretty fast.

Seeing that the end is coming and victory is in sight.

However, on the penultimate bridge plate, Ye Fangfei was a little anxious, and she got off her feet without looking at it, her center of gravity did not step on the bridge board, her body suddenly tilted to the hollow place, and the abyss was below.

“Ah! Lu Zhou! ”

Ye Fangfei’s heart thumped violently and screamed in fright.

Lu Zhou next to him sensed that something was wrong, and grabbed the guardrail, and at the same time quickly turned sideways to retrieve the person.

The arm was bulging, because he was eager to save people, the strength was not controlled for a while, and the force was too strong, Ye Fangfei fell directly into his chest, and his chin hit even a little painfully.

I don’t know if it was because she was too scared at that moment, or because her chin hit his chest and hurt, tears burst out of her eyes.

Because of this accident, the suspension bridge shook badly, and the two stuck together, maintaining this posture for a long time before stabilizing their bodies.

The guests at both ends of the suspension bridge have been frightened by the scene just now.

The picture of Ye Fangfei almost stepping on the air and falling down is too shocking.

Although everyone knows that there are protective measures, you can’t fall down, but the small fall is enough to make people creepy.

For a while, no one could care about considering whether their current posture was inappropriate, and the ex could not care about being jealous.

Ye Fangfei’s mood could not be calmed for a long time, and she was still in shock, lying in front of Lu Zhou’s chest, breathing disordered.

The suspension bridge gradually stopped shaking badly, and Lu Zhou could feel that the petite child in his arms still had palpitations.

He raised his hand and stroked the top of her head, comforting her softly: “Don’t be afraid, it’s okay, it’s safe.”

Ye Fangfei didn’t know why, suddenly her nose was sour and wanted to cry, and tears welled up without saying hello.

It took a while for her to jump out of her aftershock.

“I cried in scares.”

After Ye Fangfei slowed down, she muttered in a low voice that only the two of them could hear.

When Lu Zhou heard this, a seemingly wistful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he lowered his voice and said, “Little girl, it’s normal to cry scared.”

Ye Fangfei: “…”

“It’s a shame.”

There was a moment of silence before she said.

Lu Zhou: “No shame.”

“Can I rub tears on your clothes? I don’t want the camera to catch me crying.”

She muttered, “I’ll pay you one piece back.

The corners of Lu Zhou’s mouth curved up, and he said, “Yes, rub it.”

Then Ye Fangfei rubbed her tears on his blouse unceremoniously, and then withdrew from Lu Zhou’s arms like no one.

“There are still the last two steps, do you dare to continue walking now?”

Lu Zhou asked her.

Ye Fangfei nodded, “Go, hurry up and leave this ghost place.”

“Okay, let’s go.”

He held out his hand towards her and asked, “Need help?” ”

This time, Ye Fangfei took the initiative to hold his hand, and the two walked the last two steps on the suspension bridge together.

The barrage in the live broadcast room frantically brushed the screen –

[Non-treasure scared to death]

[This bridge is a nightmare for people who are afraid of heights]

[Although it is very unkind to knock CP at such a time, but! ] I really can’t help but think! Sweet to death]

【Full of atmosphere! 】 If this pair is not interesting to each other in the end, I will live broadcast and eat]


Ye Fangfei successfully crossed the suspension bridge, and Zhang Chen eased his heart to eat the vinegar of the scene just now, however, the sour taste that was now churning in his heart was not as strong as he was worried about Ye Fangfei.

He is afraid of heights, and Ye Fangfei’s experience just now is the reason why he did not dare to easily step on his legs before, so he substituted himself and could deeply feel her fear.

“Are you all right?”

Zhang Chen approached and genuinely cared.

Ye Fangfei looked at him, trying to squeeze out a relaxed smile, pretending that he was fine, “It’s okay, it’s just quite scary.

“It’s okay, I’m scared by you.”

Zhang Chen saw that she looked okay and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

He thought about it and was still not angry, and said, “I want to complain about the program group.”

Staff: “…

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