The money bag floating on the sea, after the fierce battle between Xu Junze and Chu Yao, Wen Yiming and Li Jiayan, they were all finally cleared, Li Jiayan sat on the floating board panting, and sighed: “I really can’t rob them, the combat effectiveness is too strong.”

Wen Yiming shook his head left and right, took away the water in his ears, and said with a smile when he heard this: “Yaoyao and Junze really have explosive combat effectiveness this time, mainly because their paddling rhythms are too well coordinated, as if they have a soul.”

“In the end, it is the ex, you know the roots.”

Li Jiayan brushed the water droplets on her hair and then pulled her hair to her back, because she had frequently tossed in the water before, the shoulder strap of her swimsuit was a little off, and she hooked her fingers and straightened the shoulder strap.

The chest heaved due to the lack of smooth panting.

At this point, the visual impact is even greater.

Wen Yiming’s gaze was always irrepressible and glanced there.

Damn, good to see want to foul.

“So tired.”

Li Jiayan smoothed the swimsuit and sighed a little listlessly.

Wen Yiming came back to his senses, hurriedly looked away, and replied casually: “Indeed.”

“Always you’re paddling, you’re definitely more tired and hard!”

Li Jiayan smiled at him.

Her smile at this time, combined with her dress, was like a brilliant flower waiting to be picked, and Wen Yiming felt that he was about to fall.

“Hey, we’re partners, don’t be so out of touch with me.

I’m a man, and I should take care of you.”

Wen Yiming smiled brightly.

Barrage in the live broadcast room——

[So spoiled! ] Did Wen Yiming like Li Jiayan?

[I don’t know if I like it or not, but I think he wants to eat Li Jiayan]

[Although, don’t you think his words are a little oily]


Li Jiayan smiled when she heard this, “Thank you.”

She picked up the money bag placed on the floating board and counted it, saying, “We have gained a lot this time, and we have taken nine money bags.

Wen Yiming turned his head to look at Xu Junze and Chu Yao not far away, they were also counting how many bags they had collected at this time.

“Junze, the record is so good, how many have you collected in total?”

He asked aloud.

Xu Junze raised his lips and smiled, “You guess!” ”

This is unclear.

Wen Yiming didn’t bother to guess.

“We all have nine, and they definitely have a dozen.”

Li Jiayan said.

“I think so too.”

Wen Yiming said and raised his eyes to look at another sea area, nailing a lot of wooden stakes to the area under the sea.

He saw that Lu Zhou and Qi Jiajia, Zhang Chen and Ye Fangfei had all turned over there to dive to collect money bags.

“Let’s go there too!”

Wen Yiming pointed in that direction and said.

Li Jiayan: “Good.”


On Xu Junze’s side, he was counting the money bags with Chu Yao and found that they had collected a total of 15 money bags, and there was no doubt that they were definitely the ones who collected the most in all groups.

Live broadcast room barrage – [so many…]

【Combat effectiveness is really fierce】

[It is worthy of being the best pair of former CPs]

[Too familiar with each other, the error index of the cooperation process is much lower than that of other groups]


“It feels like the money bags that the other groups have just collected here, all added up, and the total may not be a few more than ours.”

Xu Junze said.

Xu Junze and Chu Yao were the first group to come to this sea area at the beginning, and when they first arrived, Xu Junze roughly counted the number of money bags on the sea, and he had a general idea in his heart.

“Then do we still need to go over there and open the money bag?”

Chu Li asked.

She and Xu Junze cooperated very smoothly this time, and the two had a good record, but now there is a problem, she has too much physical exertion in front, and the exhaustion of her body has swept over.

Xu Junze wiped his face, looked at the sea area of the stake area, and fell into a brief entanglement.

He was also tired, and the money bag over there was necessary to hold his breath and dive into the sea to remove the money bag tied to the stake.

This challenge is a challenge on another level.

Xu Junze predicts that it will be much more difficult than the challenge of floating money bag resource competition.

It was precisely because he had considered this layer that he had discussed with Chu Yao earlier, they wanted to grab as many floating money bags as possible, and the stake area was not their top priority.

“We can go over and take a look first, if it is not easy to get, we will exchange the coins we have already had first, maybe it is enough.”

After thinking about it, Xu Junze said.

Chu Yao nodded and agreed with his proposal.

“Let’s pour all the coins in our purse into one bag, there are too many bags, so as not to get too many people chaotic, in case we accidentally lose a few bags, the front will be wasted.”

Xu Junze said and began to open various money bags.

Live broadcast room – [Smart! Plan ahead】

[Qi Jiajia: Why didn’t you tell me this method earlier, I already lost it]

【Boss Xu’s praise】


If you ask Chu Yao, which point of Xu Junze attracted her the most at the beginning? That’s when he deals with a lot of things, he’s always thoughtful.

Today, it seems that she still appreciates this in him.

Chu Yao has always liked smart men.

They put all the coins in a money bag and headed towards the sea area of the stake area.

Lu Zhou and Qi Jiajia were the first to turn around and challenge the sea area of the stake area.

When they first arrived, no one robbed them, and they looked at so many stakes, whatever they wanted.

“I’ll explore the way first, you look at the money bag.”

Lu Zhou said.

Qi Jiajia blushed, and couldn’t help but be annoyed that he had lost a money bag before, quickly grabbed all the money bags in his hands, and nodded: “Don’t worry, you won’t lose it again.”

Lu Zhou smiled helplessly, he actually didn’t mean anything else, just simply let her look at the money bag, but she seemed to be wrong, I think she still cared about accidentally losing the money bag before.

Without saying anything, Lu Zhou put on the diving goggles provided by the program group, held his breath, and plunged into the sea, and he dived along the nearest stake.

At the bottom of the pile, a money bag is tied to it with a rope, and the knot of the rope needs to be untied before it can be taken away.

He tried to untie the rope as quickly as possible, but by the last step, there was not enough oxygen in his chest, so he quickly gave up and pedaled his legs back to the surface.

“How? Was it successful? ”

Qi Jiajia saw him emerge and asked with a look of anticipation.

Lu Zhou breathed a sigh of relief, shook his head, and said, “No, it’s almost.”

After saying that, he held his breath and dived down, completely ripped the knot that had not been untied at the end, and dragged the money bag back to the sea.

“Success one.”

He handed the money bag in his hand to Qi Jiajia.


Qi Jiajia said with a smile.

“Count how many coins are in there.”

Lu Zhou said.

Qi Jiajia did so, “10.”

Lu Zhou beckoned the water droplets from the corners of his eyes and said, “Then it seems that the money bag over here is a little heavier than the one over there before.”

Qi Jiajia: “Yes, we already knew that we would come here first.”

Lu Zhou smiled and continued to dive over to dismantle the money bags of other stakes.

Qi Jiajia rowed the floating board and followed over.

There is a lot of distance between the stakes and the stakes, and not all the stakes have money bags, you need to look for them, find them and then dismantle them, which is back and forth, quite physically demanding.

After Lu Zhou successfully opened four money bags in succession, he felt that his physical strength could not keep up.

He wasn’t going to force himself.

Diving with excessive exhaustion is not advisable and the danger will skyrocket.

Although the show rescue team has been following and standing by at any time, he is the one who hung up once, and he was finally reborn once, and he did not intend to joke with his life.

“No, I’m too tired.”

Lu Zhou took off his diving goggles and climbed back onto the floating board to rest.

After diving so many times in succession, needless to say that he was very tired, Qi Jiajia inexplicably felt a little sorry for him, she handed over the money bag to him to take care of, and said: “Change me down.”

“Can you dive? No, don’t force it, the rope that binds the money bag is not easy to remove, if the time of holding your breath is not long enough, you need to go up and down to ventilate a little bit, which is very physically laborious.”

Lu Zhou looked at her and reminded with a serious face.

“There’s no need to make yourself too tired, if it’s really not good, it’s a big deal for us to take a small boat, I saw you before you didn’t get seasick, it shouldn’t be a big problem to take a small boat?”

He said.

Qi Jiajia’s heart warmed inexplicably, and he was very moved by what Lu Zhou said.

He was feeling sorry that she would be too tired! Don’t want to put the burden of the task on her.

But she still privately wants to take a luxury cruise with Lu Zhou, it will be more romantic, and she can’t rely on him to work hard alone without paying for it.

They’re partners, and partners are there to help each other.

“You underestimated me.”

Qi Jiajia smiled at him and said, “My swimming ability is not bad, I want to go down and try it.”

Lu Zhou saw that she had the meaning to insist in her eyes, so he said: “Since you want to try, go and remember to do what you can.”


Qi Jiajia put on her diving goggles and neatly went into the water.

At this time, Ye Fangfei and Zhang Chen also happened to come to this sea area.

“The road is narrow, and I met it again.”

Zhang Chen looked at Lu Zhou and said.

Lu Zhou was originally staring at Qi Jiajia’s movements in the sea, heard the sound, raised his eyebrows and asked, “When did we become wronged?” Zhang Chen shook the two money bags in his hand, quite provocative, “What do you say?” ”

The meaning is probably: We took away your two purses, aren’t you wronged?

A smile appeared at the corner of Lu Zhou’s mouth, ignored him, and silently poured all the coins in the 10 money bags in his hand into one bag.

Seeing that they had already saved so many coins, Zhang Chen suddenly became angry.

He and Ye Fangfei were really too far behind… Live Broadcast Room –

[Hahaha, there are only two money bags, what are you showing off?] 】

[Zhang Chen: The unjust seed is actually myself]

[It’s a bit fun for these two groups to meet together]

Ye Fangfei didn’t see Qi Jiajia’s figure, and immediately looked into the sea and asked Lu Zhou: “Jiajia went to open the money bag?”


Lu Zhou said.

“Is it easy to get?”

Ye Fangfei glanced at him a few times, and could feel the exhaustion on his face, he should have just spent a lot of physical strength to come up, otherwise where did their extra money bag come from?

“It’s not easy to get, not every stake has a money bag, and the rope is not easy to untie.”

Lu Zhou said truthfully, looked at Ye Fangfei and them, pointed to a small piece of wooden stake in front of him, and said, “We have searched this piece, you guys change places.”

He doesn’t play tricks.

If you change your mind, you can choose not to tell them, let them waste their physical strength here in vain, and even if they find a stake with money bags in the back, their physical strength will not be able to keep up, then they will lag a lot behind in collecting money bags.

However, Lu Zhou feels that the link designed by the program group to exchange luxury cruise tickets is unlikely to set a limit on the number of tickets, so that they can eliminate PK between groups.

After all, it is not a survival variety show, and the possibility of such a design is very small, so he thinks that as long as each group persevers to collect enough money bags, it will definitely be able to exchange it for luxury cruise ships.

So there’s nothing you can’t tell them.

“Thank you!”

Ye Fangfei said gratefully.

She and Zhang Chen turned around to find other stakes.

“Could he be lying to us? Is it possible that where they are staying, the money bags are the most? ”

Zhang Chen questioned Lu Zhou’s motives for letting them change the area.

Ye Fangfei showed him a speechless expression, “Don’t think so badly of people, okay?” ”

“It’s not that I mean to think badly of people, after all, we pit them before, and it’s normal that he will pit us in turn.”

Zhang Chen explained.

“No, Lu Zhou is not such a careful person.”

Ye Fangfei paddled to a wooden stake and stopped.

“Besides, how can we ever pit them? These two money bags were obtained by my own ability, if I don’t remind them, they may not know that they have dropped the money bag, do you have any misunderstanding of the rules of the game? ”

Zhang Chen choked, feeling uncomfortable in his heart because of Ye Fangfei’s statement that “Lu Zhou is not such a careful person”.

He couldn’t help but wonder: You’ve only been with someone for a day, and you know who they are so clear?

“Do you have a good impression of Lu Zhou?”

Zhang Chen suddenly asked.


Ye Fangfei was originally tinkering with the diving goggles, ready to go into the water, heard his words, took off the diving goggles on his face again, threw them into his hands, and said, “Are you too idle?” Then you go down and unpack the money bag first.”

Zhang Chen: “…”

He was even more upset with her evasive attitude, but now he really had to do the task, otherwise there were too few money bags, and they couldn’t exchange the ticket.

Zhang Chen put on his diving goggles in anger and plopped down into the water.

The live broadcast room at this time——

【Vinegar jar Zhang Chen】

[It’s really jealous at any time]

[He didn’t contribute a single money bag, just grew a mouth, the most annoying thing is that this kind of infatuated man knows to be jealous if he doesn’t do business, it’s better than Wen Yiming]

Zhang Chen dived down to find a wooden stake, dived to the end, and did not see a money bag, came up and shouted at Ye Fangfei: “No!” ”

“Look again.”

Ye Fangfei said.

Zhang Chen dived down again, looked for another stake, still no, looked for another one, still no.

“I just said that Lu Zhou must have lied to us, and this piece may be the place where they have already harvested once.”

Zhang Chen wiped his face, floated on the sea, and said angrily.

“Can you continue to dive?”

Ye Fangfei saw that he was full of resentment and asked.

Zhang Chen: “Yes.”

Ye Fangfei: “Look again, if there is no more, we will move the place.”

Zhang Chen nodded, plunged into the sea again, went to find a new stake, this time looking for a money bag, but he only untied a little, the gas was not enough, quickly swam up to ventilate, and continued to dive, so repeated three times, and finally succeeded in getting a money bag.

He showed off to Ye Fangfei with a sense of accomplishment, “Fangfei, look! I got it! ”

Ye Fangfei gave him a thumbs up, “Give it to me.”

Zhang Chen finally had a harvest this time, the desire to fight was aroused, and he didn’t need Ye Fangfei to say, he took the initiative to find a new money bag.

But his physical strength is not directly proportional to his desire to fight.

After he got the second money bag, he was tired and lying on the floating board, not wanting to move at all.

“No, I’m not playing, so be it.”

Zhang Chen waved his hand and said breathlessly.

Ye Fangfei counted all the coins, then put them in a bag and handed them to Zhang Chen to look at.

“It’s only $33, which is certainly not enough.

I’ll tear it down, you look at the money.”

She said.

“Very tired, can you do it?”

Zhang Chen took the money bag and said.

Ye Fangfei didn’t reply to him, and had already jumped into the sea and drilled under the water like a fish.

Zhang Chen sat on the floating board and waited, his eyes looked in the direction of Lu Zhou and their side, and then he saw Qi Jiajia emerge from the water, holding a money bag in his hand, and handed it to Lu Zhou on the floating board with a smile on his face.

Laugh so brightly, like a peacock opening the screen.

Zhang Chen retracted his gaze and looked away again, and the other groups arrived at some point.

They occupied different areas and began to look for the money bags of the stakes, these two groups were the two best performers in the floating area of the money bags, after grabbing the money over there, now they came to grab this side again.

It’s like never seen money in your life.

Zhang Chen muttered in his heart and looked away…….

As soon as Wen Yiming came to this side of the sea, he found that Lu Zhou was sitting on the floating board to rest, but let Qi Jiajia go down to open the money bag, and he couldn’t help but ridicule.

“Lu Zhou, can’t you do this? I actually let the girl go down to do this kind of hard physical work.”

Lu Zhou smiled when he heard this, “She had to try it herself.”

Wen Yiming: “…”

Choked, since it was Qi Jiajia voluntarily, then there is nothing to say.

Wen Yiming was confident in his physical strength at first, but after he dived a few times, he found that it was not so simple.

The way he cooperated with Li Jiayan has always been that he took the initiative to be responsible for the power aspect of paddling, and he didn’t feel anything before, but now when it comes to diving to remove the money bag, he obviously feels strenuous.

Because not every stake has a harvest underneath, the search process is enough to toss people.

Wen Yiming went into the water for a long time, but he couldn’t find a money bag, tired, so he returned to the floating board to rest for a while.

“None of them below?”

Li Jiayan asked.

“It’s not a single one, it’s strange.”

Wen Yiming said.

“Could it be that someone else has already taken it?”

Li Jiayan thought of this layer.

“Very likely, too tired, I will go down and look for it again.”

“Let’s go with Lu Zhou, right? They are the first group to come here, and they must know which stake has not been found, and I will go down later, you can rest.”

Li Jiayan suggested.


Wen Yiming felt that it made sense and agreed.

Li Jiayan smiled and rowed the water and approached Lu Zhou’s side.

Lu Zhou saw Wen Yiming and Li Jiayan who came to them again, and then looked at Wen Yiming’s tired collapsed on the floating board, and couldn’t help but smile, “You can’t do this?” ”

The corners of Wen Yiming’s mouth trembled slightly: “…”

Barrage in the live broadcast room——

[Hahaha, Lu Zhou you are so poisonous]

[Gentleman takes revenge, in the blink of an eye]

[Who does the sky bypass]…

Li Jiayan took the initiative to go into the water to find a money bag, and luck was good, and he didn’t look for too long, and he harvested 2 money bags.

But…… She felt tired and went back to the floating board.

Wen Yiming had rested enough and planned to do it for her.

“How much have you collected?”

Li Jiayan sat on the floating board to rest and talked to Lu Zhou next to him.

Lu Zhou looked at his money bag, and then at Li Jiayan’s, and said with a smile: “I haven’t counted it for the time being, it shouldn’t be as much as you.”

Li Jiayan rummaged through the pile of money bags in front of her again, trying to confirm the quantity, a wave turned over, she shook a few times, and accidentally got a money bag into the sea.


She reached for it, but fortunately she was carrying a floating money bag and did not sink.

Without reaching her hand, the money bag floated away, so she jumped into the sea and swam over.

The money bag floated next to Lu Zhou’s floating board, and after Li Jiayan took the money bag in his hand, he didn’t rush back to his floating board for a while, soaking in the sea water and looking up at him.

Lu Zhou was sitting on the floating board, and he could see her underwater appearance, even a conspicuous position, and he silently looked away.

Li Jiayan naturally noticed his evasive eyes.

Is he shy?

Li Jiayan pursed her lips and smiled, and suddenly an idea swung in her mind.

“Ouch, my leg is a little cramped, Lu Zhou, you pull me.”

She said.

As soon as Lu Zhou heard “cramps”, this matter can be big or small, and he quickly didn’t care so much, and reached out to fish the person on his floating board.

“Thank you.”

Li Jiayan sat on the floating board, straightened her right leg, frowned, and made a cramping appearance.

“Do you want to help pull it?”

Seeing this, Lu Zhou asked with concern.

“Help me.”

When Li Jiayan heard this, she agreed without thinking.

Then Lu Zhou didn’t say a word, grabbed Li Jiayan’s ankle and pulled his side.


Li Jiayan exhaled in pain, it didn’t hurt originally, but now it was pulled by him…

At this time, the rescue team had quickly arrived at the side, and the professional rescuers asked Li Jiayan’s physical condition, Li Jiayan blushed in embarrassment, and said that he was fine.

Qi Jiajia just opened a money bag and rushed out of the water at this time, and was about to congratulate Lu Zhou, but the result was that Li Jiayan and Lu Zhou were sitting on a floating board, and next to them was the rescue team’s lifeboat?

She was stunned, swam over, and asked, “What’s the situation?” ”

Lu Zhou looked at Qi Jiajia, “Jiayan just had leg cramps, I pulled her up.

Qi Jiajia showed a stunned look and said worriedly: “Is it okay?” ”

“It’s okay, sorry for the trouble for you.”

Li Jiayan pulled the corners of his mouth, quickly got off the floating board, and went back to his own floating board.

Well, she won’t dare to make such jokes next time.

She originally just wanted to find an excuse to get close to Lu Zhou, but she didn’t expect to make such a big move.

Wen Yiming also came back at this time, he only found a money bag, and he was tired again.

came back and heard about Li Jiayan’s leg cramps just now, and suddenly the two of them combined, simply did not look for money bags, anyway, they have 12 money bags in their hands, there is no need to be greedy, first go to the homestay to exchange the most realistic.

So the two left the sea area and went ashore.

Also quickly leaving the stake area to redeem the ferry tickets were Chu Yao and Xu Junze’s group.

This group of physical strength was seriously consumed in front, came here, did not toss for a while and was tired, only Xu Junze went down to remove a money bag, Chu Yao went down and found nothing.

The two didn’t want to challenge anymore, they received a total of 16 money bags, the largest number of all groups so far, and felt that it must be enough, so they simply went ashore to exchange it.

Not long after, in this sea area, there were only two groups of people left in this sea area, Qi Jiajia, Zhang Chen and Ye Fangfei.

When Qi Jiajia harvested the third money bag, she was exhausted.

“I tried my best.”

She didn’t even have the strength to climb onto the floating board.

Lu Zhou pulled her up and said with a smile: “Let you not work so hard, you are quite stubborn.”

Qi Jiajia showed a weak smile, “But I got three money bags, don’t you praise me?” ”


Lu Zhou replied with two words.

Qi Jiajia snorted and laughed, “Perfunctory.”

After she slowed down, she asked, “How much money?” ”

Lu Zhou had already counted the coins and said, “$102.”

“Do you think that’s enough?”

She asked.

“Enough, that’s all.”

Lu Zhou put away the coin and said with a smile: “Do you still have the strength to go down and find money?” ”

Qi Jiajia hurriedly shook his head, “I can’t do it, I can only rely on you.”

Lu Zhou was happy, “Unfortunately, I don’t do it very well.”

Qi Jiajia raised his eyebrows and joked: “How can a man say that he can’t do it?” ”

Barrage in the live broadcast room——

[I suspect you’re driving, I have proof!] 】

[Gee, it’s all this kind of joke! ] These two have a show! 】

[It’s over, I change a pair of CPs a day to knock, is it my problem?] 】

[Lu Zhou, how do you have a sense of CP with anyone? ] It’s hard for you not to make me suspect that you’re a love master]…

Lu Zhou smiled and did not speak.

Qi Jiajia smiled, “Then let’s go exchange the ticket!” ”


Lu Zhou glanced back at Ye Fangfei, who was still diving not far away to find a money bag.

According to his observations, Ye Fangfei had already opened more than 5 money bags in front, and her diving speed and combat effectiveness were quite amazing.

But this is actually a very physically demanding activity.

She is still insisting, and seems to have some kind of obsession.

“That’s pretty much it, we already have a lot of money bags.”

Zhang Chen said to Ye Fangfei in the water.

“Tell me how much.”

Ye Fangfei floated on the surface of the sea and said.

Zhang Chen: “It’s $93!” ”

“I’ll find another one.”

After Ye Fangfei listened, she continued to dive into the sea.

Zhang Chen: “…”

This physical ability, he admired the five bodies, at this moment she suddenly made him ashamed of himself as a man.

Lu Zhou looked at this scene, and finally said out loud before leaving: “Zhang Chen, you look at her, don’t be too stubborn, safety is important.

Zhang Chen frowned, “I still use you to say!” ”

Lu Zhou: “…”

Qi Jiajia didn’t hold back his laughter and asked Lu Zhou in a low voice: “Why does he seem to be hostile to you?” ”

Lu Zhou shrugged his shoulders and headed towards the shore, ready to redeem the ticket.

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