Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 248: Is my dad still saved?

The five were in a state of turmoil, without stopping, and soon they left the enchantment.

Ding Xiaozhu's mind hadn't even turned the corner, when he saw that the big house could easily pass through the barrier, he was directly dumbfounded.

"This, this is..."

She stared at Pei An in a daze, and said in shock: "Have you cultivated some supernatural powers so that you can ignore the barrier?"

Pei An's vanity was immediately greatly satisfied, and he said: "Hahaha, great."

The elder hurriedly interrupted and urged: "Don't brag! Run now!"

"Take this." Pei An handed the spirit root directly to Ding Xiaozhu, and the group of five quickly passed through the sister's enchantment, soaring through the clouds, and running away all the way to the distance.

While running, Ding Xiaozhu finally couldn't help asking: "What the **** is going on?"

She looked at the fragment in her hand and couldn't help but exclaimed, "This is Linggen?!"

"Yes! It's Linggen!" Pei An nodded, "This is something I cheered for when I visited an expert."

"The expert is willing to give you this kind of spiritual root that can pass through the barrier?" Ding Xiaozhu looked at Pei An in surprise, "This is too generous."

Pei An couldn't help but smiled bitterly: "What a generous, this spirit root is a **** in the eyes of an expert."


Ding Xiaozhu tightened his hands, no matter what, this is my baby!

"Actually, I should have noticed when I ascended from the mortal world." Pei An's eyes were thoughtful. "There was hardly any hindrance at the time, even the turbulence of space didn't feel much, as if I came to the fairy world inexplicably. Originally, I thought that the road to Xianfan was newly opened, and what changes had taken place, I thought it was because of this spiritual root."

"The Sect Master meant that this spiritual root can penetrate the enchantment without entering, and it can also..." The great elder couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of water, and trembled: "Directly penetrate the path of immortality?"

Everyone's hearts jumped wildly.

This is the path of immortality. Although the path of immortality is opened, it still has great obstacles. It is not free to come and go. It takes a lot of money to go down. However, this spiritual root can actually ignore it. This rule.

This this……

If this is to let people in the fairy world know, I don't know how many people are going crazy.

"Have you ever thought about the origin of this spiritual root?" Ding Xiaozhu's face was slightly condensed, and he said cautiously.

Everyone was suddenly taken aback, "Where is it?"

"You guys are too simple to think."

Ding Xiaozhu took a deep breath, and there was a sense of horror in his eyes, "This is just a fragment, and it can travel through the world. If the origin of this spiritual root grows up, what will it look like?"

With that said, everyone's pupils were widened, their whole bodies trembling.

This spiritual root is so extraordinary, and its origin is naturally even more extraordinary. It can be expected that if this tree grows completely, it may be able to... completely open up the world!

Not maybe, it should be for sure!

In the future, the mortal world and the immortal world will be connected to form a new world, just like in ancient times!

Pei An took a sigh of relief and said: "The expert seems to be a figure that existed in the ancient times, and he has a deep nostalgia for the ancient times."

Ding Xiaozhu nodded, "That's it, the high people planted these spiritual roots, I am afraid they are already laying out for the future!"

"Horrible, terrible!"

The expressions of the three elders were extremely complex, with all kinds of fear, expectation, excitement, and shock.

Reproduce the ancient times with one's own strength.

This handwriting is a little too big to imagine. Is this the world of the boss?

Can other bosses sit still?

At this moment, everyone's hearts jumped wildly, the hairs all over their bodies were erected high, and a deep chill came up in their hearts.

They looked up, but saw the front, colorful clouds fluttering, the sky was full of glow, three horses with snow-white wings stood on the colorful clouds, and a golden carriage was pulled behind them. In addition to its own special effects, it was powerful The power comes from within, which is shocking.


Cold sweat slowly emerged from Pei An's forehead, and the others were also stiff, and their heartbeat missed a beat.

This is the fairy monarch, the existence of the late Jinxian, and a magic weapon is not a joke, a proper top leader in the fairy world, the driver is Tianma, and the carriage is a fake fairy!

He and others couldn't even resist.

"Secretly saving people and leaving, it seems that you have made a choice."

A faint voice came from the carriage, unable to hear the anger, but incomparably majestic, "It is indeed a bit capable to break the barrier and save people silently, and I am qualified to make me look at it differently!"

Pei An gritted his teeth and said: "We don't know where we have offended Lord Xianjun. Please forgive me."

"Relax, you are not guilty!" Xianjun laughed, and then said: "I don't make it difficult for you, I just want you to do something for me."

After that, a picture scroll flew out of the carriage and suspended in front of Pei An.

"Bring this picture to the person behind you, just say, I want to ask him for advice!"

Xianjun had a slight smile, and his tone was beyond doubt.

Pei An looked at this painting. Although he didn't know the content, he could feel the provocative intentions of Xianjun. He took a deep breath and said in a condensed voice: "Master Xianjun, if you do this, you may have to take care of that one. The expert is ready to be angry."

"Does this so-called expert give you the courage to question me? Do you think I am inferior to that expert?"

Xianjun's tone was joking, and he didn't say anything any more, but he laughed and drove away very awesomely...

Looking at Xianjun's far away back, Pei An couldn't help but whispered: "It's not that I think, it's that you are really inferior to the superior, it's a thousand miles away."

There was no fluctuation in his heart, and he even wanted to laugh.

The great elder couldn't help but said, "Sect Master, how can this fairy king have confidence?"

Pei An put away the painting and said, "Perhaps this is the fearlessness of the ignorant."

The next day, early in the morning.

Fallen City.

Li Nianfan had a little red bird standing on his shoulders, while Daji and Longer were following him, shopping together.

This is the first time Ryu Er has visited the world of mortals, so she is very interested, and she will go to see everything. Her appearance is the same as her apparent age, she is a little girl of six or seven years old, very active.

For nearly a month, Li Nianfan didn't dare to take Long'er out until today, all because of the effect of the recent training, Long'er can finally converge her fish tail and scales on her body.

Although monsters in the world of cultivating immortals are very common, a mortal who takes a monster out of the house will definitely receive a strange look.

The three came to the stall for buying breakfast.

The stall owner immediately smiled enthusiastically, "Young Master Li, early!"

"Boss, three bowls of bean curd, two cages of steamed buns." Li Nianfan smiled and glanced at Longer, he changed his words: "Three cages of steamed buns."

"Okay, sit down, wait for a while." The stall owner smiled, and then whispered to Li Nianfan's ear and said, "Master Li, is Mrs. Zun happy?"

Li Nianfan suddenly sweated, and shook his head quickly: "No, you think too much."

The stall owner immediately smiled and said: "I'm sorry, I misunderstood."

He was a little surprised, obviously there was just a little girl, why he ordered so much food.

Long Er sat in the seat, looking around curiously, and curiously said: "Brother, what does it mean to be happy? Is it a good thing? You have to take me."

Daji slapped her on the head with a "pop", "You can't be happy! Nothing is wrong with you!"

Long Er suddenly looked wronged and stopped talking.

Soon, the three-cage steamed buns were on the table, but the boss did not leave. Instead, he asked, "Master Li, do you know what happened to Jingyue Lake recently?"

"Does the boss mean that the increase in the number of fish in the lake creates a fish tide?"

The stall owner waved his hand, "That is outdated long ago, because the water level of Jingyue Lake has risen!"

"The water level has risen?" Li Nianfan was taken aback.

"Yeah! You don't know yet."

The stall owner nodded, and immediately said: "Just three days ago, the water level of Jingyue Lake suddenly skyrocketed. Not only that, the originally peaceful Jingyue Lake is no longer calm anymore. The wind and waves continue, and many fishing boats are overturned. Now! Everyone was happily picking fish in the lake. Who would have thought that something like this would happen suddenly? I was caught off guard!"

Li Nianfan frowned slightly, "What the **** is going on?"

The skyrocketing water level is not a good thing, and there is also a storm. The problem is already serious. This is a sign of a flood. Really, the possibility of falling Xiancheng is really not small.

"Who knows." The stall owner shook his head and said with emotion: "I have lived so many generations. I have never heard that Jingyue Lake will be angry. The water level has flooded many places around it. In three days, Jingyue Lake has expanded for more than ten miles!"

Li Nianfan raised his brows slightly, "Have you taken any measures?"

The stall owner smiled and said: "I heard that many immortals have already passed by, so I think it shouldn't be a big problem."

Li Nianfan arched his hands, "I see, thanks the stall owner for telling me."

The stall owner quickly said: "Who doesn't know about this, thank you."

Li Nianfan rubbed his head and couldn't help but feel tired.

It seems that the location of my choice of living is not very good. I originally thought that Luoxiancheng would be a treasured place of geomantic omen. Why do weird things pile up and keep people from living?

"Huh, it's really going to be a flood, a headache."

If this is the case, I am afraid I have to take a look at it on the spot. Although the cultivator has intervened, it is always good to know more about my life.

It's just flood discharge, it's not difficult for me. If it doesn't work, please ask Luo Huang to help. The cultivator cooperates with professional knowledge, and it is still a great combination.

At this time, the little red bird had flown from Li Nianfan’s shoulder to Long'er’s shoulder, and said in a low voice, “This is your father’s ghost. Look, the masters have a headache. This is so dissatisfactory. Your father is going to be cold."

Long'er's little face was a little pale, and her little face was wrinkled, worried.

No, I can't let my father go on like this, I have to save him!

She whispered: "Sister Huofeng, do you think my father can be saved?"

Huofeng said, "It's not too late to stop in time while it hasn't affected the son."

Ryuuji's eyes lit up immediately, "Then I will take a day off."

"First finish the work, and then leave."

Long Er nodded repeatedly, "Yeah."

Eat and drink, everyone has their own concerns, and they have no thought of shopping.

Back in the courtyard, Long Er immediately drove away. After sweeping the drag, the little tail behind him was trembling. It only took half a day to finish the day's work.

She looked at Li Nianfan and whispered: "Brother, I want to go home."

"Come back home?"

Li Nianfan immediately recalled, "By the way, I almost forgot, you came from Jingyue Lake."

This kind of change occurred in Jingyue Lake, and the little carp couldn't afford to leave it. It was normal to want to go back and have a look.

What is her home, could it be a carp cave? Then draw the river to be king?

It feels a little funny to think about it.

Li Nianfan asked, "Are there any relatives at home?"

"Yes, my father, and my brother."

"Then I do have to go back to avoid each other's worries, but you can't go back empty-handed." Li Nianfan smiled, and immediately prepared some fruits and pastries for Longer. "Bring these back, just follow They said you learned your skills outside."

If a fish spirit learns from a phoenix, his family will be scared to death, enough to become the pride of the fish.

Ryuuji's eyes suddenly brightened, and he took the fruit, "Thank you, brother, then I'm leaving!"

Li Nianfan couldn't help but reminded: "Well, be careful on the road and pay attention to safety!"

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